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Everything posted by future girl
In Aladdin: Return of Jafar, in the big battle toward the end you hear Aladdin yell, "Take off your pants, kids!" The one in the Lion King is true, I saw that. It's in the scene, where's he sitting with Timon and Pumba and they've just finished eating and they're burping and the like. Then he gets really depressed and he walks off alone and lets himself fall in the grass and all this white feathery stuff and dirt and stuff comes into the air. That's what spells SEX. And in the little mermaid too. They also say the priest had a stiffy when he was marrying Ariel and Eric in the end. The things I learned in Sunday School.
My sleeping patterns I cannot explain. As of now, 11:00 AM, I have not slept at all. I'm not sleepy either. I cannot blame caffeine because I haven't touched the stuff in a long time. Basically, I'm just lying awake a lot for no reason. I always mean to sleep, it just never happens. I do sleep, just sporadically. In history, in the car ride to school, an hour to two hours before I have to get up to go to class. Then there are days when I crash and burn. I'll sit down to watch a movie or something and not get up for the next twelve hours. I really can't explain what's wrong, I'm some weird breed of insomniac, I guess.
I got no ring, too expensive and the truth is I'd probably never wear it. Plus I hate my school, so no point in advertising it.
[b]A[/b]drien: for that spork you gave me. [B]B[/B]irth Control: Although I ain't using ya now, I know I will one day and I'm thankful. [b]C[/b]atcher in the Rye: for making teenage angst cool again in my eyes. [b]D[/b]r. Seuss: taught me how to read. [b]E[/b]nergizer Bunny: he just keeps going and going and going. [b]F[/b]oreign Languages: it's fun to learn how to say penis in ten different dialects ^_^ [b]G[/b]host Sex: supernatural sex, what could be better??? [b]H[/b]omoerotic Literature: i couldn't find anything that started with H... [b]I[/b]ntellectual Equals: what sexiness. [b]J[/b]oshua: he's just such a nice kid. [b]K[/b]issing: by popular demand [b]L[/b]ucy: my sister ^_^ [b]M[/b]arkus: the wisest man to ever exist [b]N[/b]ightmare Before Christmas: awesome-ness [b]O[/b]ranges: they make everything go down easier. [b]P[/b]edro Almoldovar: for making the most orgasmic movies to ever exist [b]Q[/b]ueer Eye for the Straight Guy: need i explain??? [b]R[/b]ed: it goes so well with my skin tone. [b]S[/b]aton: it's almighty ^_^ [b]T[/b]upac: I don't know, just because... [b]U[/b]terus: thank you for not giving me a mustache [b]V[/b]illainy: it brings me and Tony closer together [b]W[/b]inter: the most fashionable season [b]X[/b]ena the Warrior Princess: I really liked that show, well, before the lesbian action, the plot turned to poo after that. [b]Y[/b]o' Mama: other ppl's mothers are usually extremely nice to me. [b]Z[/b]eitgeist of the 1920s: woohoo for dictionaries!!!
I have a lot of the black jelly bracelets, and I never knew this until my mom saw a news reports on it. She looked at me questionally and I merely answered, "No, I am not having sex with whoever manages to snap my bracelet." This is extremely stupid, the type of things that come-up as some sort of flirtatious joke and then are forgotten about.
I'm a really huge fan of Spanish Rock. Surprisingly down here in South Florida it has been very hard for it to pick up and become popular. I've introduced a few friend to certain bands like Molotov or Los Fabulos Cadillacs, but I have to admit I've always done it with a bit of hesitation. What I like about Spanish Rock, or at least the bands that I listen to, is that they incorporate a lot of their folkloric sounds into the music, as well as the message. A lot of these bands are from places like Mexico or Columbia where things like extreme poverty and warfare are common. So many of the bands are trying very hard to put the word out there and although I'm sure there are other bands that do this, they've experienced this first hand and their message has a stronger impact in my opinion. Although I know that by introducing the music to ppl I'm helping to spread the message, my fear is that too much popularity will make them lose sight of the real message in their music. I've seen it happen before and not just in music, fame changes ppl and their art. So to a certain extent I do fear the possibility of Spanish Rock becoming mainstream, but not to the point where I'll fight someone to keep it a secret. When the message at hand is taken into account I suppose it's worth it.
Well, I can't say my parents influenced my music taste at all. My father really doesn't listen to music. My mother is a devout Christian and anything that doesn't praise God is devil worshipping music. I have to say the biggest influences in my music taste had to have been my siblings. My sister was always really into 80s punk, new wave, gothic music and it's her experimental soul that let me dig deep into the world of Spanish Rock. My brothers on the other hand were quite the little gangstas, Tupac, Run DMC, Bone Thugs were the sounds always coming from their stereos. So as I grew up I was bombarded by both sounds and grew to like them both on an equal level for different reasons. In school I was surrounded by the "rocker" kids who said rap sucked and the "thug" children who said rock sucked. I'm proud to say I found something I like in both sounds and what I listen to depends more on my mood than anything else. Like Semjaza said, "good music is good music."
My first kiss was in tenth grade. I had never kissed anyone so my dear (and gay) friend Steven took it upon himself to teach me. He said we should start out slow, so he popped kissed me first, then it was a longer pop kiss. Then he opened my mouth with his and I felt his tongue on my bottom lip, screamed and pushed him away. I have to say, I'm very glad he was the first one because I can always look back at the moment and laugh. As for real kisses go, I prefer to not deepthroat someone's tongue on the first try and sloppiness is just such a turn-off. I think I'm a nice kisser ^_^
I'm listening to "It's My Life" by Talk Talk. It's My Life - Talk Talk Funny how I find myself In love with you If I could buy my reasoning I would pay to lose One Half won't do I've asked myself how much do you Commit yourself It's my life Don't you forget It's my life It never ends Funny how I blind myself I never knew If I was sometimes played upon Afraid to lose I would tell myself what good you do Convince myself It's my life Don't you forget It's my life It never ends I would ask myself how much do you Commit yourself It's my life Don't you forget Caught in the crowd It never ends I love this song. It makes me want to pick up my **** and just leave. It's very new wave, and I love the singer's voice. Recently No Doubt made a cover of it, although it isn't bad it cannot top the original. I find myself relating to this song so much sometimes. *sigh* Just great.
What is your name? [i]Sarah[/i] Spell your name backwards. [i]Haras *giggles* I always liked that ^_^ [/i] Date of birth: [i]01-16-86[/i] Male or female? [i]Femenina[/i] Astrological sign: [i]Capricorn[/i] Nicknames: [i]None anymore, thank God[/i] Occupation? [i]Student all the way![/i] Height: [i]The size of Tony's ten year old brother[/i] Weight: [i]I haven't weighed myself since the fourth grade. Same time I stopped going to the doctor. I'm healthy.[/i] Hair color: [i]Artificial Red[/i] Eye color: [i]Brown[/i] Where were you born? [i] Miami[/i] Where do you reside now? [i]Miami[/i] Age: [i]17[/i] Screen names: [i]luzesybelitas[/i] E-mail addy: [i]I'd rather not.[/i] What does your screen name stand for? [i]It's spanish for lights and little candles. What is your gangsta name? [i]I was never a gansta, only a gansta's sista...like in West Side Story!!![/i] What does your diary name stand for? [i]My diary has no name.[/i] Pets: [i]I once had a dog, but he died, so none...unless you count the stray cat I occasionally feed.[/i] Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [i]One, it sang ^_^[/i] Piercings? [i]Zero, not even the ears.[/i] Tattoos? [i]Zero, as well.[/i] Shoe size: [i]7.5[/i] Righty or lefty? [i]Righty[/i] Wearing right now: [i]A really big shirt[/i] Hearing: [i]It's my Life by Talk Talk Feeling: [i]Kinda sick.[/i] Eating/drinking: [i]Nothing, I'm actually having trouble keeping anything down.[/i] ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ Have you ever been in love? [i]Once[/i] How many people have you told "I love you"? [i]Many. I feel about a hundred variations of "love".[/i] How many people have you been in love with? [i]I think you asked me this already.[/i] How many people have you kissed? [i]One[/i] Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [i]On the cheek...and forehead...and the hand. Never the mouth though![/i] How many people have you dated? [i]Two[/i] What do you look for in a guy/girl? [i]I really have no specifics, just impecable taste in music and I'm happy.[/i] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex? [i]Hair[/i] What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? [i]One much taller than me.[/i] Do you have a bf/gf? [i]Nope[/i] If so where did you meet them? [i]N/A[/i] What do you like most about your bf/gf? ... Do you have a crush right now? [i]Very possibly[/i] If so who is it? [i]How about no ^_^[/i] Do you believe in love at first sight? [i]I belive in infactuation at first sight.[/i] Do you remember your first love? [i]Well, I'm only 17.[/i] Who is the first person you kissed? [i]My Steven!!![/i] Do you believe in fate? [i]Not really.[/i] Do you believe in soul mates? [i]Yup[/i] If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [i]Who knows.[/i] ~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have? [i]Four[/i] What are your parents names? [i]Juan and Ligia[/i] What are your siblings names? [i]Mariela, Lucia, Juan, and Robert[/i] How many siblings does your mother have? [i]10[/i] How many siblings does your father have? [i]13, it's the old country, what do you expect?[/i] Where are your parents from? [i]Nicaragua[/i] Is your family close? [i]Not particularly[/i] Does your family get together for holidays? [i]Most of the immediate Family, yes[/i] Do you have a drunk uncle? [i]They're all drunk uncles, even the aunts.[/i] Any medical problems run through your family? [i]Yea, but on the male side.[/i] Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [i]No, they had hairplug installed.[/i] Do you have any nieces or nephews? [i]Five nephews whom I live with, btw.[/i] Are your parents divorced? [i]No[/i] Do you have step parents? [i]No[/i] Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? [i]No[/i] If so for what? ... Did some of your family come to America from another country? [i]Yes, my mother jumped the border wet back style and my father came on a plane. Stupid bum.[/i] ~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life? [i]Blasphemous Rumors by Depeche Mode, lol [/i] What's the most embarrasing cd you own? [i]N/A[/i] What's the best CD you own? [i]Lo Mejor de La Lupita[/i] What song do you absolutely hate? [i]There's so many[/i] Do you sing in the shower? [i]Yup[/i] What song reminds you of that special someone? [i]I don't know.[/i]
SECTION A In the following section, please answer each statement with one of five answers: A) Strongly Agree B) Agree C) Somewhat Agree D) Disagree E) Strongly Disagree 1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow. [i]A[/i] 2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately. [i]A[/i] 3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate. [i]A[/i] 4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere. [i]B[/i] SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. 5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards? [i]Everynow and then, about twice to three times a week.[/i] 6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are? [i]They're fine, nothing that seems very difficul to follow, a lot of it being common sense.[/i] 7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards? [i]Yes.[/i] 8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)? [i]centralized forum system[/i] 9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards? [i]I wouldn't mind it.[/i] 10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com? [i]Yes[/i] 11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future? [i]N/A[/i] 12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards? [i]When I happen to notice them, yes.[/i] 13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting? [i]A tie between the lounge and music.[/i] 14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it? [i]No and no.[/i] 15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it? [i]I don't know...[/i] 16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum? [i]Yes.[/i] 17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be? [i]I don't think there's anything specific enough to not be fit into the other categories.[/i] 18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be? [i]Nothing in particular.[/i] 19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be? [i]I wouldn't know...[/i] 20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered? [i]7[/i]
Something that makes me very happy is when those ppl that are portrayed as ***hole do really nice, small, but nice things for me. Once I forgot to get my spork in the lunchline. I was so devastated, how was I gonna eat the mash potatoes?? So this kid who I've never talked to, but has apparently spit in some ppl's faces, tapped me on the shoulder and gave me his without even saying a word. I thought that was wonderfully sweet ^_^ Also, falling asleep on ppl. When someone volunteers their body to me as a pillow and I get to fall asleep on their lap, it's the best sleep. That and when a friend holds my hand, not a boyfriend, but a random friend just comes up, grabs my hand and walks me to class. It feels nice that they're not bothered by the dozen ppl asking if we're dating. Nice-ness.
I don't like my last name as it is so I think if I ever get married, which would be rare anyway, I wouldn't mind changing it. Either way, I don't understand how someone becomes attached to a title, changing your last name doesn't obliterate family ties so I guess, to me, it really is no big deal.
The pilgrims were starving, the Idians helped them not starve. They ate dinner together one night and gave thanks because, y'know, they weren't dead. Then the next day the Pilgrims either killed or sent all the Idians off to reservation camps. The End.
This was very hard...a lot of it is foreign because that's all I watch. My top ten and in no particular order because that would take me a month... -Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: I've seen it about a million times and no matter how wared down the cinematogrophy looks it never gets old. It's by Pedro Almodovar, a genius director from Spain, my favorite. I love the classic feminine melodramatic touch this movie has, wonderful. -Le Femme Nikita: This movie appeals to the me that always wanted to be a kick *** trained assasin. It's very French, everything you'd expect from a [i]French[/i] spy movie and the actors are fantastic. As well of the director, Luc Besson, another genius. -The Nightmare Before Christmas: I love the music in this movie. It's wonderfully dark, yet heartwarming. -Central Station: It's an excruciatingly sweet movie, it takes place in Brazil's Central Station. It's a tear jerker ^_^ -Smilla's Sense of Snow: It's one of my all time favorite books, and what I love about the movie is that it doesn't disappoint me like most movies based on books do. It's very well done, even the actress is what I imagine Smilla to look like. -Zatoichi The Blind Samurai: There are a few Blind Samurai movies, but I could not pick just one, that's damn near impossible, they're all awesome!!! -The Princess and the Warrior: It's German and it's romantic. It's hard to find good romance movies, but this one does it perfectly. Who wouldn't want to fall in love with a schizophrenic??? Beautiful. -City of Lost Children: It's odd and yet so cute. I love the whole idea of the big tough guy and the cute little girl working as a team. I'm a sucker for that stuff. -Cat on a Hot Tin Roof: I think this is the only Elizabeth Taylor movie I've ever liked and/or watched to the very end. I love the whole story, with the bickering relatives and I'm always rooting for Maggie and Brick to solve their problems. I love the confrontations, the fights where something accidentaly slips out and it's so shocking you gasp. Awesome. -Charlie Brown Christmas Special: Nothing says Christmas like some bald depressed kid and his ungrateful B**** Great Movie.
The reason we started celebrating thanksgiving in our house was because my dad would get a gift certificate for a free turkey at his job, so in my case it really is all about the turkey...and the four days of no school.
O mah gawd Tony, O mah gawd, it's The Cure!!! O how I love them, really love is not even strong enough of a word. They're one of those bands I've been listening to since I was seven. Hell, my sister even nicknamed me Roberta Smith for a while. It's a passion I have for them, the fear of dying without seeing them in concert is something that scares me. Right now I am listening to Wild Mood Swings. Jupiter Crash is one of the songs I like the most. It's extremely depressing, a reaccount of a lost virginity. Smith has this wonderfully melancholic voice, very unique. He does this thing I can't even explain, when he goes for the higher notes it's like he pushes something more out there, something orgasmic ^_^ I haven't been there:(, but I have seen him in concert and the way he flirts with the audience is glorious, as well as the amount of time he comes back for encores. The Cure's songs are very "moment" songs. The type of songs you want to lose your virginity to, lol. They're really great, this post seems to make no sense, I just get so excited at the slightest mention of their name. They are truly Gods among musicians. **I'm reminded of this episode of South Park, good vs. evil, Robert Smith vs. Barbara Streisand, o too true my friends. **
There are a lot of superstitions that I don't believe in when I'm in the United States, but then you go to Nicaragua and you have to go pee at three in the morning in the outhouse that's like 20ft into the pitch back forest they all seem a bit more believeable. There's "la mona", which is, so they say, a witch who tranforms into an ape-like creature and then haunts you...my uncle supposedly killed one with a machete. Then there's the white dog/black dog myth, and basically that's like, let'sa say for example you're walking home alone one night and you're being followed by a dog, the white one will protect you and the black one will kill you and if you try to shoo the white one away it kills you as well. Also, there's La Carreta Managua, which is this story about a headless man in a carriage who would pass by your house and haunt you. It drove my grandfather insane. There's a whole mess more, the superstitions that are really scare are the ones that take place in the old country, in my oppinion.
I stopped liking Mad TV a long time ago. For me it just lost it's allure, the original cast slowly disipated and was replaced by so many annoying ppl...Either way, I always liked the "He lookie like a man" lady. She was rather funny, she once did a sketch as Björk on Lowered Expectations, that was great. I haven't seen it in a long time so maybe it got over it's slump and is better again, who knows.
I love it when the cops go from class to class checking for drugs and weapons in our school. Somehow we always know and the whole class is hiding their weed and chains in the teacher's filing cabinets. Ah, the joy of growing up in crappy neighborhoods lol. But our routine book bag checks are different from raids. I guess they are a bit extreme, but that also depends on what neighborhood the raid is being done. I'm pretty sure if it was done in my school a few teachers would be caught with drugs as well as a bunch of students. I wouldn't be so much of a shock either.
I own Shamanic Princess... I think a relatively unknown anime would be Jin-Roh, just because I've never heard anyone talk about it. I found one solitary copy hidden amongst a whole mess of Nickelodeon dvds at Wal-Mart of all places. It's great, very realistic and extrememly depressing. Was made by the ppl who did Akira and Ghost in the Shell, I think. But anway, it's very good.
My first ever concert was Depeche Mode. I was so far away, he was just this tiny little spec of swivling hips, but it was a great performance, really. It was for the Exciter tour and they sung a lot of variety, not just new stuff (I hate it when bands do that >_
Bill looks like David Carradine...and that's probably because that's who plays him. Here's a [URL=http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Bungalow/2034/davidcarradinemain.html]picture[/URL] of him. He used to do a Kung-foo tv show way back in the day. By the way I too thought that Vivica A. Fox did very well in her scene, I hope she gets some more air time in the second movie.
I hate hypocrites, it's just something I really can't stand. I tend to be a bit more outspoken than people like so if there's something that bothers me about you then I'll tell you or I won't talk to you altogether. I can't stand being around ppl who talk bad about someone behind their back, but when that person's in their face they're all nice and sugary. When I'm in a situation like this I tell them they're hypocrites and that if they're gonna talk about ppl to not do it around me. It's just something that really bothers me and I like to let ppl know that. *shrug*
Let's talk about ....., baby... (Mature Themes)
future girl replied to Artemis's topic in General Discussion
I don't believe pre-marital sex is selfish at all if it is done correctly. It's selfish when a person lies to get you into bed, talks you into believing things that are not or will never be true just for the sake of taking your pants off. Sex is the businees of the two ppl involved and being such they should know everything that'll arise from it. Obviously the chances of being lied to are rather high now a days, but it's common knowledge for a person to find out what will happen afterwards and why it's happening in the first place. I do agree that it take a lot of strength to abstain, but for some ppl that's just not what matters. I'm a virgin now, but I honestly doubt that I'm gonna wait 'til marriage. I'm not abstaining, I'm just not ******* an guy that knocks at my door. And even if I did, that would be no ones business but mine. I can look far into the future (and even maybe not so far) and see that my death will have some sort of effect on ppl, but that doesn't mean that I'll alter my lifestyle to suit them.