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Everything posted by future girl
O, I used to like 'em...I still do, but not as much, I guess I got into other stuff. My cousin though is a fanatic, she cried when someone told her Brandon Boyd was gay...He is really pretty, but sheezus O_o Anyway, one of my nicest t-shirts is an Incubus one ^_^ They're cool.
I got this yesterday as a demo from NewType and I really didn't like it. It was very vague, no plot development and the characters seemed very 2-dimensional, I mean no depth whatsoever. Also, their use of CG really bothered me, it didn't blend well with the rest of the animation, and looked particularly crappy. In short, it sucked...
I used to love this movies, but then my nephews killed that love by engraving every line of dialogue into my brain and replaying it day after day, watching it at the very least 3 times back to back. Their fervor for it has died though, recently. I thought about buying it for them, but I'm not sure yet if I want to waste money on those little ones...I think the best disney villain ever is Malefecent, btw. Scar was good, but she started it all really, imo...
Well, I know this guy, James. He was home-schooled 'til about the ninth grade. He's very quiet, and introverted. Nobody really messes with him though, and if you get to know him well enough he's a great guy, real witty and stuff. Anyway, I think home-school was good for him. Like I know this other guy who was homeschooled just about his whole life. He's been secluded and so his social skills are horrible and he can't deal with opposing thought. Of course this isn't the case with all ppl that are home-schooled, but I think the experience of learning with a whole bunch of impressionable young teenagers is something all should experience.
I got into the Pillows after watching FLCL too. I really like them, one of my favorite Japanese bands. I'm particularly fond of the song She is Perfect. That song, in the beginning for some odd reason, reminds me of the Police, but then it turns into something completely different, y'know. They make me feel good, but not in a corny way^_^;
I take these things tomorrow. My mom made me buy two new outfits, a haircut and she told the lady wax my eyebrows, Jesus, that hurts >_< I'm actually not looking foward to this. Ppl say I'm photogenic, but I really don't believe this. I also think I gained some weight and the camera does add ten pounds. Meh. Hopefully all my little worries are proven wrong.
I too haven't heard any other version but the one by Blue Oyster Cult. I love the song, the lyrics are posted in my otaku. The song is comforting to me in a weird way, that kinda worries me too, because the song does promote suicide, but I still love the song. *listens to it now*
I'm four months away from being 18 and I've been trying lately to get as far away from my parents as humanly possible. I've never been really emotionally attached to them, which doesn't mean I don't love them, it's just that I was never the type of child to seek their approval or anything like that. I was always really comfortable without them, as opposed to those little kids who cry the second their parents are gone. What I want to do now is cut off all financial strings. I'm looking for my own job, I'm definately paying for college without their help (and they made that decision, not me
Princess Mononoke is one of my more favoriite Ghibli movie. I love the forest footage in this movie, everything is so impecably drawn. I don't see the problem with the demons, and I am a Christian seeing as I believe in Christ. The movie's about the fight between industrialization and nature, about how humanity can taint something so pure. I really love the part when [spoiler]Ashitaka and San are giving back the Deer God his head and he wraps his arm around her weist[/spoiler] I just find that gesture so beautiful. I love the movie, there's no bad guy and the open ending just leaves it to you to make your own conclusion. This movie's awesome, Studio Ghibli Rocks!!! ^_^
I guess you could say one of the bigger reasons why I'm even vaguely interested in Yaoi is that it's so tragically romantic, on a much larger scale then it usually is in a regular male/female relationship. See, it's these men, these angelically beautiful men that love each other, but that love is so hopeless, so socially unacceptable and impossible, but the love is still there and the want and need for the other. *sigh* I like that, the drama in it. Heh. As for that whole bit about drastically changing someone's personality just for the sake of them being gay, well I never really see it that way. I guess it all depends on the fan fic and how well it's written too, though, so yea. . .
I think Jon Mayer's pretty decent. His voice is really soft, it's really melodic stuff, you can really slip into a mood listening to him. The thing is, I can't look at him because he scares the **** out of me. There's something about his face and the way his mouth moves that just really gives me this uneasy feeling. . .*shudders*
You could write to a prison :p j/k You're best bet is the English teacher, I guess. I met mine on-line, chance encounters. . . I have 3. I'm a lot closer to ppl I've never seen face to face for some odd reason. These ppl just know about everything that has to do with me, for some odd reason they're easier to trust. . .
Ah, I love Spirited Away. (Studi Ghibli in general is just awesome.) Anyway, I [i]had[/i] to watch this movie in theaters and the only day I could was the last day it was playing in theaters. My mom got lost even though I gave her accurate directions that she decided to ignore and we almost crashed into this guy who got really pissed and tried to kill us. We got there 15 minutes late, it was hilarious and all worth it. I love this movie, the art is incredible. The dub is not to my liking though, Chihiro's voice is very emotionless, and Haku sounds much too old. I bought the DVD the day it came out and watched it in japanese :) I have a friend who says this movie changed his life. According to him, he doesn't need to watch another movie ever again because he found the one he needed to see ^_^
Well, there's bli and there's bloop. They fill in awkward silences or describe me when I'm all meh
O, I always feel like I should try really hard in English, like I should impress the teacher and when I do a half assed job and get an A (which lately has been more often than usual) I feel disappointed in myself. This year, I've been slacking off because I don't feel I have to prove myself for the teacher, but in 11th grade I used to try so hard and that A always meant so much more than the A's I get now. *sigh* Mr. Walpole was a cool little man. . .The teacher I have now is just there, y'know. . .Meh
O, I don't think I've been here long enough to be changed. There are ppl whom I respect or think are just plain cool, but change, no -_-
You know, yesterday I was playing a game with some friends. You recited the lyrics of some random song and then the person to guess the name of the song went next. Well, we played for about 2 hours and I guessed only [i]two[/i] songs, but in those two turns in which I had to go it took QUITE a while for people to guess what song I was talking about and I constantly had to re-pick my songs to things that were more mainstream. It dawned on me how unfamiliar with popular music I am. I wouldn't say I avoid it though, I just don't listen to the radio and recently my tv time has been cut drastically so no MTV. The stuff I like is varied, it was popular [i]once[/i] or somewhere else :rolleyes:
I get NewType and the only reason I could afford the subscription is because I lied to my dad and said I needed it for school :rolleyes: Supposedly, my sister's supposed to get me AnimePlay because she hasn't bought me a christmas or birthday present for over 5 years, but that's up to her. For the meantime, I just stick to what I got: NewType ^_^
*sigh* This whole applying for college thing has got me a bit :drunk: According to the CAP advisor I'm supposed to be done with the whole process of applying and the SATs and ACTs before November, but I definately don't see that happening. On October 11th I take my SATs, I'm currently working on about 8 scholarship essays because my parents have already made it very clear that they are not paying for this, and I still have no [i]real[/i] solid idea as to what school I want to go to. I've got a few cities in mind: Chicago, New York or Boston and some schools in those cities that I like, but you know it all depends on so many things and I'm like ehhhh. . .*sigh*
I just recently started going to an anime club in FIU (Florida International University). The meeting are every Thursday from 7 to 11 pm or 8 to 12 pm. It's kinda hard to get there because I have to convince my mom. The name of the club is Anything Goes Anime (AGA) and it's pretty cool. It's a nice environment, friendly, you meet new ppl, very cool, plus they only watch anime that isn't available mainstream so I get to see some cool new stuff that I would otherwise not be able to get my hands on. I knew the girl that was gonna get the anime club in our high school started, she had all the stuff ready and the papers signed and them some kid lost 'em all. :rolleyes:
Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin. . .that would be a sentimental moment, like the first time or something similar to that. I think it just sets the right mood. Even the part where it gets fast, I think it fits. There's this Spanish song called Los Calientes (the hot ones) by Babasonicos. The song is just very sexy, about letting go, leaving behind vanity and going for it. It's like that "Gah, I want it now!!!" type of sexy.
My biggest fear in life is that I'll [B][I]accidentaly [/I][/B] sell my soul to the devil. It really freaks me out, and sometimes at night I get so scared I have to sleep with my sister. This is what crazy pentecostal mothers do to you:nervous:
I sing in the shower^_^ Lately I've been singing Sweet Child O' Mine in the shower, and for musical interludes I just hum and then when he sings again, I sing. I even sometimes do his little hip swivel thing ^_^ I do it because sometimes I run out of things to say to myself.
Well, i know Spanish very fluently seeing as it was my first language. . .I also know how to say I will kill you in various different and assorted dialects, why I know, I have no idea. I'm pretty sure one day it'll come in handy though. Arabic; Ana h'aktelak Bangali; Ami toma ke mere felbo Cantonese (Chinese dialect); Wah dah nay say Chiew chow (Chinese dialect); Wah mweh luh see Filipino; Papatayin kita French; Je te tuerai German; Ich werde dich töten! Gaeilge; Maraoidh mé thú [Ma-ro-ig may too] Japanese; Omae o korosu Korean; Na nuh-leul jook il guh yah Mandarin (Chinese dialect); Wah sah say nee Spanish; Te Mataré [Tay Ma-ta-ray] Swedish; Jag kommer att avliva dig Vietnamese; Toi viet may
I as a man would be something very funny. The biggest influence in my life is my sister and she's as feminine as they get. I don't know if I had been born a boy I'd be into the same music or art style. I suspect, the biggest influence would have been my brothers and if that were that case I would have turned out rotten to the core. :rolleyes: My best friend is nothing like me and I love her dearly none the less. We're exact opposite really, except we both have insane mothers and I suppose that's what brought us together.