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Everything posted by future girl
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
future girl replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
I slip in and out of death Twisted fantasy Of love gone bad Intensified Nostalgia Bliss was never as sweet As sorrow Whispering sweet nothings Promising me pain Muffled screams Devour the soul Monster known as man Bleeds black Blood in the face Love gone bad Burns your lips Scabs the tongue Teaches what Wonâ??t be learnt Dying miserable Deaths Your heart Wrenched from its Hiding place You await Its reoccurrence -
*sigh* Depeche Mode :love: They were my first ever concert, I was 14 and I still have the concert ticket safely stored away. I've been listening to them since I was in Elementary, quite seriously. I was in love with the man's voice, so deep, just plain awesome. The Smiths, Morrisey is the most depressing man on earth, but I still love this band. My favorite album has to be The Queen is Dead, it just rules. Lately, I've been getting into Led Zeppelin. I always liked them, but it's starting to border on obsession now. I really love the song "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You." It's so beautiful. Siouxie and the Banshees. I love her voice, it's so deep and sultry, you feel sexy just listening to the music. It has this dangerous romantic and haunting allure. The Sisters of Mercy. Andrew Eldritch has such a beatifully deep voice, it's soothing. Also, because of them I was for the first time ever called a satanist, even though I am not one. It helped me see how narrow minded ppl were. The Cure of course. I LOVE THE CURE!!!!!!!!! For a long time I even considered having his love child. :p Robert Smith rules, and he's such a good front man, the way he flirts with the audience on the stage with shy little smiles and it's just an awesome experience. I love the song, "Jupiter Show." Such a lovely song. There's a lot more, but at my old age (17 :p) my memory fails me.
Hm. . .I don't know what type of accent I have. I learned to speak Spanish and English at exactly the same time, they're both my mother tongues and I speak them and write them incredibly well. I had a spanish teacher (who was from Tenessee O_o??) and he was always amazed by the way I spoke. He said I had no accent what so ever in English, he found that amazing. Then I had a friend who told me that he could detect a bit of Spanish Flair when I spoke to him. In Spanish I have a very deep accent, (Nicaraguan). I live in Miami and other than the Cuban accent I rarely ever notice any oddities in the way ppl speak. Also, I've been to NY several times and I have never been asked about my accent which leads me to believe I have none or that it is so minimal it goes by unoticed.
What I do with my alarm clock is I place it in strategic places very far away from my bed so that I'll have to get up and go get it. Once though, I had placed it on the very top of my book shelf and when I woke up about three hours later than I was supposed to I found the clock on the floor and the plug all ruined. Clocks don't last for long in my room. Muahahahahahaha, alarm clocks beware. :devil:
It all depends I guess on how much sleep I got the night before. Now more than ever, I'm a bit more irratable than I usual. My sleeping habits have taken a turn for the worse, and I can't get to sleep even when I'm sleepy. What makes me so grouchy though is that when I finally reach that holy realm of sleep, my alarm clock goes off. I even find myself yelling at teachers when they wake me up in their class :p
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]How can you deny Good Charlotte? Is it because there, 'main stream'? I also forgot to metion Sum 41 and Bling 182. Say what you want, but those guys are awsome. [/B][/QUOTE] I have no problem with mainstream, it's the voices that kill me. They're very whiny. . . I don't see anything in them, they're music seems like it's there with no purpose, not even to be good. . .It's difficult to explain, so let's just say they're not me:rolleyes:
yea, but so were the Beatles and I doubt anyone can question their talent.
Chains on your pants are definately a big NO in my school. It's actually pretty funny when they come to do the book bag checks and you see all the ppl with chains and the spiked dog collars and stuff running around, hiding them in the file cabinets:laugh:
Most of the new stuff that comes out proclaiming itself punk, or being proclaimed by others as punk, I could never even mention in the same room as bands like The Ramones, The Clash or The Sex Pistols. It may be a bit prejudgemental, I suppose you could say of me, but I consider Punk to be quite dead. The music will never be as good or mean the same thing as it did back in the day. As for Good Charlotte, I'll just quote a man I never found funny until the moment he said this: "Good Charlotte? More like a mediocre Green Day" -Chris Rock
All students are to wear their picture ID's at ALL times or you have to buy a temporary one. If you eventually reach five days of no ID you get a detention and a call home. We're not allowed to wear big pants or wigs. You cannot wear open toe or backless shoes, unless it has some sort of heal. No capris or shorts (mind you I live in Florida). You can only go to the bathroom twice a semester. Young female teachers are not allowed to wear jeans. (I mean this, only the young female teachers aren't) No "innaproprate" kissing, embracing or hand holding during school or school sponsored events. There's much more, and there are even some that aren't wtitten down in the student code of conduct, like for example the wig one. The truth is the administrator in the school just likes to pick on random ppl. I'm sure there are a lot of stupid rules out there, but when you just take them out of your *** to screw over other ppl is just ridiculous.
I think the most amazing commercials ever are the one's by Whirlpool and Skittles. They're just so alive with color and I think they are overall just very beautiful. Other than that, I change the channel when the commercial comes or walk around. -_-
hm. . .i guess this is like for newer punk bands, yea. . .well i do like AFI. . .one of my favorite punk bands is The Clash, though, they've been long seperated. Actually they were concidering getting back together when the lead singer passed away. *cries uncontrolably* :( *sigh* they rule :love:
I wonder. . .and that's about it. It's become like a hobby, I suppose, to just sit and wonder. I wonder what it's like to kill a man, I wonder what's like to see through someone elses eyes, whether they see the same things, I wonder what it would be like to be a hamophrodite. . .(that's a weird one). Basically, questions come with random though, they just happen and there are a million at a time circulating my head.
I've stolen little things, like eyeliner, lipstick. Then I've stolen plastic jewelery and socks, sticky notes very little things that are worth less. My mom's a theif, she steals jewelery, the real kind, or she'll switch the prices on items. . .she's really cheap, she'd risk improsonment as to not waste money. She's never been caught either, she's a master I tell you. . .
last year me and my friend started throwing things on the floor and then asking ppl to get them for us. and then when they bent over we would make the fart sound. it's the most immature thing ever, and we did it to so many ppl, including teachers. it's not even funny once you retell it. either way, i'm not really a class clown, i'm usually sleepy in school. but ppl are amazed by my sarcasm, it's really very humorous ^_^
*cries* this movie traumatized me and i don't even remember what it was about. all i know is that i'm afraid of clowns and ppl with big red hair, and i mean that seriously. i saw it when i was very very young and i never saw it again. it made me cry and that usually takes a bit of effort. i have the book, but i haven't yet dared to read it :nervous:
Anahita walked into the bar and silently took a seat near the window. She eyed the crowd and then placed her tarot cards face down on the table. As she did so, the scantily dressed co-owner of this establishment walked over to her, Kell she believed was her name. They exchanged greetings and then Anahita ordered a light meal and a pint of ale. Kell left her to place the order with the chef and Anahita played with her cards. She pulled one out at random, The Lovers Card, she chuckled at the irony. She spoke to herself, "Before the morning star, while the moon rides high, A sacred coupling, as dawn lifts the veil of night." A girl looked at her, that look in her eyes, that "weirdo" look in her eyes. Kell brought her her meal and drink and just as she began to dig in that same girl that had stared sat before her.
Anahita had awoken three hours ago when the dawn had yet to break and since then had been staring at the wooden beams that supported her cieling. She felt tired, but sleep did not come. Lately she couldn't get a full night in anymore, odd dreams that plagued her and longing for something, or at least that's what it felt like, longing. A sigh pushed its way through her lips and she sat up, told herself, "Time to start a new day." She stepped on to her cold wooden floor and quickly, routinely dressed herself. A long green dress, fitted snugly around her breast and which then fell loosely to the ground, covering her feet. She combed through her hair, pulling it back away from her face and then slipped on the golden bracelet her mother gave her before her departure from home, an heirloom as she had called it. As she swung her door open she took in a deep breath of fresh air and decided she would head to the tavern first for something to eat and drink and maybe even to find some customers.
Name: Anahita Age: 21 Race: Elf Gender: Female Occupation: Fortune Teller House Type: Wooden House Looks: She has dark green eyes with brown subtle specks in them, long black lashes. Her hair is weist length, deep dark brown and very straight. Her skin tone is a dark tanned olive color and she is about 5'8 and slender, perfect posture. She tends to wear dresses and has a very endearing smile. Small Bio: She was born to a privelaged family, but set out to find her own calling when she was 17. She has traveled far, and just recently (about 4 months ago) settled into Black Haven. She is very amiable and in her short time here has developed quite a few suitors. She is an optimist and can see some sort of good in almost any being, but in her travels has also learned to be a bit cunning and suspicious as to keep herself safe.
i live in Miami which is just a big mix of races and yet racism exist here to the very core. it doesn't make sense, cubans talk crap about puerto ricans and african americans are insulted when called hatians. i am Nicaraguan and all my life i have been called India, Tira Flecha, and a whole mess of other racial slurs that are given to my race because i look native american. in elementary though, it was predominately black, and i used to get beat up because i was the little "white" girl. my brother's were gangsters and i believe they are rascist toward white ppl, my mom is a racsist toward anything and everything that is not her, she even calls me names. there was this black kid who had a crush on me, he used to come over to my house and we used to talk and when my mom saw him she went ballistic, she told me she didn't ever want to see me with him, she had enough with a puerto rican in the family (my sister's b/f). and now i live with this cousin of mine who i hate, he's always asking me, aren't black ppl so vulgar and all this **** and i've told him more than once to shut his ******* trap, he isn't exactly the classiest mother here anyway. rascism to me is a ton of bull ****, i am proud of my race and whatever any person says to try to demean me they can shove up their ***. i won't let myself get bound by color barriers and what not, i really don't give a ****, as long as you can come up with decent conversation, you're ok with me.
i was beat up A LOT during elementary, i was tiny and quiet. my brohter's were like idols in the school, but even they treated me like a punching bag. i never got into a fight with a girl either, just guys that were about triple my size. then one day i started fighting dirty, and i mean dirty, i'll go at you with whatever i find, and ppl just quit messing with me. later on, a lot of ppl tried to talk down to me, thank God for sarcasm and logic, i can make any ******* feel like an idiot ^_^
i know this guy who lied about having sex on a bus. he used to be my very close friend but then we had a falling out and we're barely aquaintances now. the reason i know he lied was because our mutual friend steve was sitting next to him on the bus and says they were together the whole time and that nothing happened. also, i know what it's like when he lies, and it just seems like such a well crafted lie, too flawless to be true, i guess you could say. so yup he's a liar *nods* i think you should just let him live his lie, in the end he hurts no one with it and it really is no one elses business.
in middle school i had to wear uniforms, green/white top, khaki/black bottom. i never wore it unless i was going on a field trip and you didn't have to wear the uniform itself, just the colors. in my first year of high school administration tried to make us wear uniform (teal and black, blech) but no one did, and i mean NO ONE so they just stopped trying. the dress code is pretty strict though, we can't even wear ankle length pants >_>
i stabbed my brother with a butter knife quite on purpose because he kept stealing from me and beating the crap out of me when he was in the mood. i threw a light bulb at my other brother because he was trying to beat me up. i think they deserved it, i'm considerably smaller than them and they always tried to like crack my skull on the concrete and stuff, quite literally. >_>
when i was a lot younger my brother used to steal my savings. when i found out and told him something about it he tried to beat me up so i stabbed him with a butter knife. he never did it again. once they see how psychotic you can be they tend to leave you alone. -_-