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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. i figure as a woman, if i were afraid of blood, i'd be pretty screwed O_o; so no, i am not afraid of it. i've tasted it, i think it has a bit of a copperish aftertaste, but i love the saltiness, like when you bite your tongue, that's when i really enjoy the taste. once i fell over some shattered glass and had a cut nearly half way down the bottom part of my leg, an open cut. i don't remember pain or crying, but i do remember just staring at it, like in amazement. i needed stitches, but i never went to get them. i tied a sock around it and that was it.
  2. thanks, i'll try that when i'm not as lazy. i'm actually due to getting my graphic design liscense next year so i know how to basically do this, i just had never tried a banner before. usually a lot of advertisements:rolleyes: i made this other banner a day after i made the PM banner, it's Faye. i guess you could say it's a bit more crisp than the other, plus the colors are more solid. well take a gander and tell me what you think.
  3. this is my first banner, Princess Mononoke. what do you guys think??? comments and suggestions are appreciated. i think the text looks a bit iffish myself, like difficult to read. hmm. . .
  4. i talk to myself and i like to rub my knuckles against each other. i also tend to touch my lips a lot, and when i stand i swing from side to side. i also say mmm a lot, on-line and off. there's more, i can't remember though.
  5. our school colors are teal and black in ode to the baseball team the marlins :rolleyes: in the beginning our mascot was a wizard, but no one liked it so we had to vote to change it. i tried to get the beaver nominated, but my teacher didn't let me >_> in the end, they opted for a jaguar. it lacks creativity, i think, but meh
  6. i'm gonna go ahead and say i have two. my first would have to be my older sister lucy, she's influenced my taste in music, clothes, man, movies and even started out my love of anime, sure she's not into as much as me, but she snuck in the first tapes past my mom when i was 7 and showed them to me. after that i never looked back ^_^ the other person i haven't known as long, app. 6 months. his name is markus, he's 34 and he lives half a world away from me. i met him on-line and he's become the only person i've ever trusted blindly. he has this sort of inner peace thing going on inside him that makes me really look up to him and think that i would one day like to be like him, because he's reached a point in life where he's satisfied and it's not that he doesn't WANT anything, it's that he can live with out it. so those are my two, and by the by, i could've sworn i had replied to this already O_o;
  7. i am currently semi-obsessed with this guy i met online. i knew him for a while before i fell in love with him and i would have never admitted to my feelings for him had he not said it FIRST! we were togeteher for a beautiful 18 days, when quite suddenly and i mean SUDDENLY he told me he couldn't do it, he was so used to being alone that in the end he would just hurt me. well i cried for about 3 days after that. i tried to stop talking to him, in hopes of getting over him, but i found myelf worrying about him, even his damn health and he's like superbly well. he won't open up to me, he says he's bad but he won't tell me why and i'm just very confused. i keep asking myself is it worth being with someone that's already hurt me??? *sigh* i have no idea, but i don't want to leave him, i made promises that i don't want to break. . .or something like that. *sigh* whatever
  8. hm, i love chocolate and cookies and cream ice cream. i'm real fond of potatoes, cooked in any fashion. i love tulapia (the fish) and hooray for home made burgers ^_^ do comdiments count??? I LOVE MUSTARD, i'm fascinated by it and i can't fathom how ppl find it bad tasting. . .i put it on almost everything. jesus i'm hungry O_O
  9. i baby sit A LOT, but i wouldn't go as far as to call it a job because i don't exactly get paid for it. >_> in one year i will have my graphic design lisence, then i'm off to college. i want to go into animation/film making and i'm also really into writing. i think it all sorta goes hand in hand though. my dad says i can't do it, he actually went as far as to tell me not to go to college. bleh, he's a fool. i once wanted to a chef, but he squashed that dream. o well, i still like cooking so who knows. i mean, if i give myself the time then i can do all the crap i want to do, i think.
  10. hahaha, really great, couldn't stop laughing for a long while. it's funny how summer's hair keeps changing color too :P you do a really good job of this, i love them :)
  11. i have experienced rage, but for the most part i'm a pretty easy going lady. there are just things i find intolerable, but most of the time i really don't care. i know ppl whose main goal when around me is to make me snap and that never happens. my mind wanders a lot i think is why, it's like an escape from the crapola that is people.
  12. wow *is amazed* that's some funny stuff, keep them coming. jesus the last one was just priceless, i was laughing so hard i cried. freaking amazing O_O
  13. well, i'm not married. . .and before i read this thread i didn't have a favorite couple. i guess that's changed, mei and syk3, wow, just his post, it really just sorta let me see how romantic and nice it is between them. :)
  14. i had to paint my own room, white walls. and then i just put furniture i found around the room and and pasted pictures of random singers and anime and movies i like and dragons. my room used to be my brothers and they broke the closet door. when my mom saw it she said it sucked and i went away for a while and she tore down all my dragon pictures and a TINY picture i had of Salvado Dali because he was the devil. all in all, i think she tried pretty hard to please you even if the decore does suck.
  15. once a month i get cramps, and this pain all down my spine and i can barely walk, i throw up, i faint, i get migraines, mood swings and i cry, i cry like crazy. . . i also get a flu like every four months. i think i should see a doctor, i haven't been in like 14 years.
  16. i once found the fortune cookie paper on the floor in the middle of the street. it said, "you are a lover of words, one day you will write a book." i kept it, i don't know why, i just liked the way it sounded. i love the fortune cookie thing, never take it seriously though.
  17. my driver's ed class was the most hilarious thing on this planet. the school had no car or no driving ring, so as compromize the teacher let us SEE the inside of his car. also, we had to practice parking with little toy cars on a peace of card board designed to look like the street. worst thing is, i have my drivers liscense and i didn't even need to take a test and the one time i touched a car i forgot to take it out of reverse and my dad said never again. HAHA
  18. when i was little i used to talk to the giraffe from toys r' us. i mean, they were long and meaningful conversations, they lasted a while, like when i passed by toys r' us and i saw him up there on the store sign i just used to start rambling on, telling him about home life and all this private stuff. very weird O_o i was lonely
  19. the only reason i'm looking foward to school is because it's my senior year and the sooner i'm through with it the faster i leave the house :) i'll be getting up early again, though and that just sucks a lot.
  20. i have nothing against premarital sex, be it for love or otherwise. who you choose to romp in bed with and why is nobody's business. that's why i don't see the point behind prostitution being illegal. it's your money, you spend it how you want it. nobody can stop you from buying a really ugly pair of shoes. it's your body, you use it how you want it.
  21. my mom thinks it's diabolical. the little warning in the beginning of adult swim didn't help either. she would yell, "see, see, see." i'd just nod. my mom is just a jesus freak and anything that isn't done for God is against God. she's psyhco.
  22. that's how it's spelled in english, in spanish you spell it anatema, since i have always attended hispanic churches and only read the bible in spanish i spell it this way. *shrug* it means more to me in spanish than it does in english.
  23. my name is sarah isabel. sarah means princess and isabel means consecrated to God, so i am a princess who is concecrated to god. my last name is way too common, every other hispanic family is called this. as for anatema, that means, excomunication, curse, condemned by God. i never noticed how unalike the two were O_O
  24. indeed there are worst things that can happen, but heart break does hurt. i quit on love for now *nods* i decided before i can be happy with someone else, i have to be happy by myself. so far, i still feel like crap, but my love wound is still pretty fresh. the first days are the worse, but at least i can say i'm regaining my strengths bit by bit. i'll live, that's what matters.
  25. my uncle and my cousin (not father and son) these are the only ppl i can say inspire HATE in me. my uncle is a disgusting drug abusing son of a ***** bastard. he sits RIGHT NEXT to you and starts scratching his feet, and it's horrible, like little flakes of dead skin, PILES OF IT. and then he goes into the food and touches it with his BARE HANDS. or he like holds one nostril closed and then blows snot out of the other, RIGHT INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate him, i want him to die. theeeeeeeen, there is my cousin, he's the biggest ******* sexist on this planet. ****, damn it, he won't even take out the garbage, it's a woman's job. and then he DARES to preach to me about the bible, HOW ******* DARE HE tell me how horrible it is that i listen to non-shiristian music, and that i don't let an ******* like him tell me what to do when he's around the back ******* some girl he JUST met and he has a girlfriend, which he impregnated outside of marriage in his native country. he's a hypocrite, there's nothing i hate more than a hyprocrite. and you know what, my mom's annoying too, because they do ALL this in HER house and she just lets it go by, but let me sleep in past noon and i'm the most horrible person on earth.:flaming: *sigh* i need to get the hell out of here.
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