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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. what i love about my life is my uncanny ability to zone-out at any moment. the fact that no matter how loud you are, how abnoxious you can be, and how much you try to pester me, my mind ALWAYS hold an escape ^_^
  2. i think you should go. i'm only a junior and i already know i wanna go away for college. my mom feels the same ways yours does, but i'm still gonna go away. you should move toward what you feel helps accomplich your goals. now, your heart is set on UGA, then go. if that's one of your dreams, then you should fulfill it. one step closer, as they say.
  3. there's a man in the middle of a field stark naked, holding two packs of cigarettes when he sees 3 nuns passing by. he freezes and when the nuns see him one says, "o i've heard of these, you give them a coin and you get a prize" so she put a coin in his mouth pulls on his penis and gets pack of cigarettes. the next nun then does the same, and also gets a pack of cigarettes. after the final nun gives him a coin, and pulls on his penis and gets nothin' she bocomes frantic and begins to pull and pull on his penis. then witt a little sigh she says, "o, i didn't get any cigarettes, but at least i got all this lovely lotion for my hands." stOopid nuns, bahahahaha!!!!
  4. GOD, that was good. so much vibrancy, detail, good good. i loved it!!!
  5. well, it was really hard, but i posed the question more like this: my 6month old nephew who i can't stand to see cry one of the ramdon ppl from school who's crying all the time because of their sucky life or my 72y/o grandma who thinks i'm a satanist *sigh* it's gotta be the baby. how could i ever abandon something so helpless, and small. not because of what it has ahead, but because a baby is a baby and they just make me feel so damn guilty. as for the money, that's also a really hard question, but after carefully debating my economic situation, what the heck, sure i'd do it...but for more than a million dollars.
  6. they probably didn't wake you up 'cuz if you wake-up a sleepwalker, they can die. well, that's what i heard, not sure if it's true. i've never slept walk, but i do have long piontless conversations, and i've been known to sit up and cross my legs, i also have these wierd dreams where i can see everything that goes on around me, but i'm motionless, and then things try to pull me off my bed, but when i wake up i'm in the exact same spot. also, when i was little, i use to see little gremlins and cats running around the house, and i use to have visions of people's deaths out of nowhere.
  7. i JUST subscribed to Newtype USA, but i put bill me later and i have to go hunting for money if i actually want to get an issue. all these subscriptions are so expensive, $90!!!!!!! i can't believe i'm actually gonnay TRY to get it. other than that i get ntional geographic,...FOR A MERE $20!!!
  8. go to the school, if they really care for you they'll understand that this is an opportunity in a lifetime, and something that could improve your situation tremendously and they'll be happy for you.
  9. what do you mean when i talk like that??? if you're referring to the caca and stuff i don't talk like that in school , i don't talk to them. i have before and there is nothing revelant in what they have to say. anyway, it's not like they do any better. typical highschool conversation: char.1-what up dawg? char.2-naw, nothin' dawg, just chillin' char.1-straight char.2-oooh, you saw that girl, she be issin' me dawg char.1-o hell naw, you bets set her *** straight ...and on on it goes and never a fight!!!
  10. my school's full of 2-faced caca posers. even the damn teachers are into that crap. my art teacher would make fun of this guy who was in ESE right in his face, mocking him along with this stupid whorebag with big tits. this stoopid girl would talk crap about me behind my back and then ask me to let her copy my homework. GRRRRRR, hell no!!! i can't stand that!!! i mean if you don't like me, tell me to my face so i can kick your a*s and that's it.and this damn "goth" chick would act like she was one of my friends GREATEST friends, but then she'd get all pissed off at her, because she was a smaller jean size than her. STUPID JEALOUS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flaming:
  11. [COLOR=indigo]i live with four boys that are all under six. they're beautiful too, all have really light eyes and fine hair. they look like little gods. well, i love them, but it's hard. they can be so affectionate sometime, giving me kisses, and then the older ones can be HUGE brats. but for the most part, they all just want to play games and eat junk food, which is fine by me as long as they don't break anything. their mom doesn't agree with this much, though, but what can she do. i'm the only babysitter she'll get for free.[/COLOR] :smirk:
  12. The last cd i bought was Filter which i actually didn't like that much, but for 2 songs. The last song that i had stuck on my head was El MIercoles de Ceniza. My absolute favorite type of music would have to be Spanish Rock. The one i dislike the most,...well actually it's between tow: pop, or pseudo Spanish rockers such as Shakira or Mana. *throw-up* My favorite band is CAIFANES, who later became Jaguares. No surprise if you haven't heard of them, they're Sapnish Rock. Basically i'm the only person i know that was born in the states and is still heavily into Spanish Rock, anybody else out there who shares the passion???
  13. i personally am partial to: Duffman: Duffman never dies,...only the actors who play him. * * * * from the episode where homer runs away from a duel and invents tomaco (tomato/tabacco) Ralph: eww, these taste bad. can i have some more * * * * from the episode where they meet john (a gay man) and homer freaks and tries to prevent bart from becoming gay. the scene where all are eating at a diner (except homer) and smither's walks up to them and says to john, "so this is your sick mother" john: not here waland. i know a lot more, just can't remember.
  14. my name is sarah, i can't understand how people spell it wrong, but they do. they ask, is it with an h and i say yes so they write sahara, i'm not a desert. anyways, my full name is sarah isabel martinez. my first name comes from my great grandmother who died in a big earthquake in nicaragua. no remains of her body were found except for a red shoe and the long braid she always wore. i always thought that was pretty cool. as for my middle name it comes from my grandmother on my father's side. she was a bit whorish, and nobody knew where she was born or who her family was. Not even her age, at her death we had to take a wild guess. i know sarah means princess, which is pretty sappy, but oh well, as for isabel i'm not so sure, i forgot. my mom calls me chabela which i hate and i dubbed myself isarabel, so they call me that in school,...sometimes. the greatest thing about my name i suppose are my first and last name initials, s & m. hahaha, that's great, sado masachism, get it??? :D
  15. it has to be ryoko, she's not only interested in him because of the gems, she's died for him and did you miss that speach where she was all teary eyed and talking about how she would watch him when she was in the cave and always wanted to play with him or something like that. in my oppinion she's the only one that actually ever loved him for who he is and has been, ...since childhood. i liked keyone for a while too, but i don't think she's best for him. DEFINITELY ryoko, she, ...she loves him, and you can tell he has some sort of feelings for her too, because...(whoops lost train of thought :whoops: ) oh yeah, and don't kyone and mihoshi look a bit too old for tenchi. i imagine they're somewhere in their 20's (22-25) and tenchi always seemed to be somewhere in his late teens. i don't know. and oh yeah, what do you mean what do they see in tenchi. i know he's not that attractive, but g-sus the guy always saving their lives and he opened up his home to them without knowing much about them. you wanna know why they all love tenchi, 'cuz he actually cares about them, and he isn't like most men just trying to get laid, or use you. ( i can imagine that's why ryoko really really loves him, hell's i'd love him if he wasn't an anime character)
  16. hmmm, i believe in God, but somehow it's very different from the God that my mom wants me to believe in. I don't really consider the Bible as the way in which i should live my life, because as i said before i belive in God, and the bible was written by man. sure, they say men inspired by God, but a whole mess of serial killers were inspired by God too, and they're still locked up in prison. i don't know, i feel that there's a beauty in believing that there's something great and devine out there, i just find it difficult to believe that that great and devine entity can be so cruel, as the Bible poses him to be. the type of religion i was raised in scared the crap out of me, i saw excorsisms and all that type of stuff before i was even a teenager. i don't think God's like that, or at least he shouldn't be like that. i don't think God and his ways should give you nightmares, i had them for years becuase of revelations. i think it's supposed to embrace you, and you know, make you feel that despite how crappy this earth is it can find a path and that it doesn't have to be destroyed to find this way. i do believe in satan also, i think he's this evil that unleashes the darkness within a person, not necessarily half goat half man or a deformed creature. For some odd reason in my head i always pictured Lucifer as a very beautiful being, that his ugliness was inside. or why else would he be so appealing to humanity. *sigh*, i don't know, that's what i think right now. it makes sense in my head somehow.
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