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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. [size=1]Lately, I've been listening to a lot of The Dears. Probably because I just got their CD, No Cities Left, in the mail only a couple of days ago. It's the first I've really heard of them, outside of a video on Subterranean and I'm really into it. Their sound is very similar to The Smiths/Morrissey's, but not so similar you'd call them wannabe's. At least I think so. I know they've said The Smiths have been a big influence for them and I can really tell, they even have that tinge of witty heart break in their lyrics heh. I've been listening to "Lost in the Plot" and "22: The Death of all Romance" pretty much back to back and on repeat. I plan on getting the earlier albums eventually, when my cash-flow starts going in a reverse route then the one it's recently adopted. So yes, oppinions, interesting facts etc etc would be appreciated ^_^;;[/size]
  2. [size=1]I'm really not enough of an anime fan anymore to be an extremely active member of an anime message board. That's why I like OB, there's a strong anime community but there's also a good amount of variety that goes outside that. The Anthology Forum and Music, Movies and TV are a good example in my oppinion. Moreover, it's not just the message board. There's myotaku and theotaku, there's just enough for everybody to find their niche and stick with it, I think. Despite that, when I first joined I had a hard time coming back lol. Really what kept me here are the people. There's a good variety of them too and it's nice. Outside of OB I don't talk to strangers on the internet, but outside of OB you rarely find as many cool [and attractive] people. I could mention a couple, but I'm not feeding anyone's egos today.[/size]
  3. [quote name='Kane][SIZE=1]I have to admit that Guy Pearce takes the prize for me, like maladjusted with Norton I had never heard of him and didn't really expect much. But then when I saw his performance in [b]The Count of Monte Cristo[/b] I knew right away that he was the real deal. After that I saw him [B]L.A Confidential[/B] and again he really did surprise me with his performance [and the fact that he pulled off that flawless accent when he is in fact Australian']. I just think he's simply an amazing actor and is well deserving of any praise he gets for his work, he blows many other "Top Level" actors well out of the water. [/SIZE][/quote] [size=1]You should really watch [u]Memento[/u], that is by far his most amazing performance in my oppinion. A surprising performance in my oppinion is Björk in [u]Dancer in the Dark[/u]. I already think she's an amazing singer, but I thought maybe she'd be too quirky for film so I didn't have high expectations. The director himself said he'd never work with her again. It was well worth it, but she threw too many tantrims and although the movie was excellent he doubted he could deal with that again. In an interview she claimed that she didn't take acting seriously and half-assed it, but she could never do that with her music. I find that interesting because she really owned the screen with her performance in [u]Dancer in the Dark[/u].[/size]
  4. [size=1]Don't open the door? I mean, it seems a lot simpler and I really don't think there's a need to kick anyone's ***. If you don't want to hang out with someone tell them so, bluntly. "I don't like you as a person and I'd like it if you never came over again. I won't open the door next time you do." I've never had a friend I didn't want because I let people know as openly as I can whether or not I like them. Doing otherwise results in messes like these. Why complicate things? So yes, tell him to go away forever and don't let him in.[/size]
  5. [size=1]I've been dying my hair on and off since I was 13. Usually I do some variation of red or black, but a couple of weeks ago I decided to go ahead and do pink. I've wanted to for the longest time and really this is the only time in life you can get away with doing crazy crap to your hair. My natural hair color is very dark brown and since I had so many colors on there already, I had to strip it, bleach it and then dye it. The pink has worn out considerably, but it doesn't look bad. At the moment I'm vying between dying it a more natural color for a wedding I have to go to this weekend or just doing another coat of pink because I like it that much heh.[/size]
  6. [size=1]Have you ever noticed how attractive OB's members are? I mean, they're really pretty. Just check out the [URL=http://www.sweethypocrisies.com/obpics/]OB Picture Site[/URL] and it should be evidence enough. I think this is really odd considering that this is an [I]anime[/I] message board. Not only that, but all the hot members are falling in love with each other despite the distance. You'd be surprised at how many secret OB love affairs there are. OB is just chock full o' sex.[/size]
  7. [size=1]Wow, I'm crying lol. It just hits too close to home. I can imagine this entire story in my house with my mom and my sister and my scary scary father. Even if it was unintentional, I relate to this so much Megan. It's an amazing and solid story and I could find nothing wrong with it. You've got great talent, it's wonderful.[/size]
  8. [size=1]When I worked at Homestead [a hotel] we called the corporate offices just "Corporate." I think they do that in most places, it's just implied and I as a reader had no difficulty understanding. Anyway, this kind of pins the tail on the donkey on what it was like working at the hotel. I usually worked from 3 in the afternoon to 11 at night and it was so boring it depressed me. You basically have nothing to do from 5 to 11, but when someone does want you to do something for them it's annoying. I imagine it's much worse when you have to serve food, you go home smelling like meatloaf. Ick. So yes, it was a very good piece, not too extravagant which is good because it makes what the characters feeling hit home.[/size]
  9. [size=1]I was never a tomboy growing up, but I was never overtly feminine either. I used to kiss everyone on the mouth until I was about ten and the reason I stopped was because my cousins teased me for it. They said people would think I was a lesbian, even though I was only ten and the person who I kissed on the mouth the most was my mom. I've always been extremely affectionate with my friends, whether they be female or male and so through most of school people assumed I was a lesbian and that was my claim to fame. Luckily though, I'm extremely comfortable with my sexuality so I never let people's teasing phase me. I love being a girl. I like being the smaller more romantic one, but that's by choice. I'd never let anyone take advantage of me... if I didn't want them to ^_~ I wasn't raised like this though. My mother's adopted this role in life that is strictly wife and not much more. She thinks she was put on this earth to serve my father and brothers and has raised or at least tried to raise me and my sisters with that same attitude. We're expected to do all the cleaning, all the cooking and baby caring while the boys do what boys do. As soon as my dad enters the room the first thing that comes out of her mouth is, "Go get your dad food." You're expected to do this and not expect any gratitude in return. My father will go as far as telling you to throw his left overs away despite the face that he's going to the kitchen himself. I'm not expected to leave home until I get married [yea right]. Wanting to gain any form of independance is completely out of the picture because I'm a girl, and I'm not assuming this. It's been told to me, straight from their mouths. I like to rely on myself and I never want to be in a position where I depend on a man to live. I'm extremely romantic and I'm in love, but what I like in a relationship is mutualness and equality. So many sex activists seem to be vying for the superiority of their gender rather than the equality and harmony of them both.[/size]
  10. [size=1]I hate when I wake up half an hour earlier than I need to get up so I get back into bed only to not hear my alarm clock and wake up an hour and a half later. I hate it when people call themselves Philosophers because you can't really say "everything that comes out of my mouth is philisophical." That's something that's upto the society after you to decide. I hate it when really good artists [like musicians and/or actors] die before their prime and so go largely un noticed even though what they started out with is as good as the work of someone who's been in the industry forever. I hate it when people assume that I'm some sort of hipster/scenester because I go to clubs and I'll do up my hair in a faux hawk every once in a while. I hate it when people call me by anything that isn't my name, especially in real life situations. I hate it when people hawk up phlegm and/or snot in public. I hate it when people refuse to open a window. I hate it when people start asking themselves if I'm a good friend or not because I don't call them every single freaking day. I hate it when weird old men with one weird eye hit on me on the Metro. Ugly people in general just shouldn't be allowed to make sexual advances. What's wrong with you people!! I hate people on their cell phones who talk like they need to let the entire world know about their botched pap smear. It's a telephone, not a loud speaker, god damn it. I hate when gums looses it's flavor and becomes hard and painful to chew. And, I'm sure there are more thing I hate but I've chosen to end this now.[/size]
  11. [size=1]My ideal super power would be the ability to manipulate air and wind. I wrote a story about this once and it just seems like the best logical super power for me. Since air is everywhere you're never powerless. In manipulating air you can also manipulate other elements [i]and[/i] you never get hot. How awesome is that? Pretty ******* awesome in my oppinion. I mean I could fly on wind currents and flying is cool. So yea, that's my super power of choice.[/size]
  12. [size=1]I live in Miami. We have lots of hobos and naked people on the beach. Sometimes, if you're lucky, naked hobos on the beach. What I like about Miami the most is the night life. There's always something going on somewhere so it's easy to find a place to party. If I were the type of person that was constantly partying than that would be great, but at least when I am in the mood to do something I know can. Also, for the most part, the people are pretty laid back. There's no rush of business people down town over crowding you and trampling you in an effort to get to work so that's nice. When I go to NY I'm always amazed at how much faster my cousins walk than I do heh. So yea, it's a relax in the day party all night long type of town and the best beach is not South Beach, contrary to popular oppinion. Hallindale is where it's at, baby.[/size]
  13. [size=1]I've had two jobs. Number one was at Cold Stone Creamery. For those unfamiliar with the franchise, it's an ice cream place and you're required to sing. I quit in less than a week, the day before the opening of the store. They were slave drivers and the whole singing thing really threw me out of whack. Had I been assigned to work in the back making cakes or washing dishes that would have been fine, but kissing people's *** isn't my strong suit and that's basically what they told us we had to do. Not to mention the manager kept calling me Susan or something and my name is Sarah AND WE HAD NAME TAGS. It was too much. I quit through e-mail and got my miserable pay check in the mail. A couple of months after that I got a job at Homestead Studio Suites Hotel. I was a front desk clerk and at first the job was pretty good, until the office drama started. The general manager disliked me and was barely putting me on the schedule. The reason why he didn't like me was because the "big" manager hired me despite his wanting to hire another person. He was constantly ordering me to flirt more with customers and to use my feminine attributes to sell more rooms. Add that to the way people treat you in a hotel, they think you're specifically put on this earth to kiss their ***. One day some guy yelled at me because someone charged his credit card and they weren't supposed to. Let's not take into consideration that I didn't check him in. It was insane and I just cannot stand being talked down to. I just didn't come back after that, outside of picking up my last paycheck. So now I'm looking for a job that doesn't deal with people :rolleyes: [/size]
  14. [size=1]Once when I was in third grade my entire elementary school was put on lock down because the police were chasing around these two guys. Everyone was pretty freaked out and they thought they were like deranged escaped convicts or something. So I looked out the window and lo and behold, the first thing to come out of my mouth is, "Hey, that's my brother!" It turns out the other boy being chased was our front door neighbor and the brother of yet another classmate. They were being chased because they were cutting class and it was the Miami-Dade School Police and not the actual police. Seriously, everything is made ten times worse than it actually is by the media and gossipy school administration. When their powers combine everything gets ridiculously out of hand :rolleyes: .[/size]
  15. [quote name='DeathBug']Well, uh, I haven't cried, ever. (I mean, you know, really cried. Not, like baby stuff.) Does that mean I'm dead inside or some such thing?[/quote] [size=1]Probably. I cry a hideous amount. I'm very sentimental and I become emotional in the blink of an eye. Even still, I don't cry in public because it's a personal kind of thing. Sometimes it's a release, sometimes it's a nuisance. Moreover, other people crying is something I can completely deal with. I prefer to see that human side of someone instead of this horrible stoic presence. That makes me feel like the weak one because I cry a lot and people tend to believe I need to be taken care of. [/size]
  16. [size=1]When you say sexual abuse, what is he actually being accused of??? My last year in high school my old math teacher was accused of sexual harrassment. I was really surprised that someone actually did that. I admit, this guy was and is a pervert but everyone took advantage of it. You were failing his class, all you had to do was flirt a little and BAM, I got a B for a final grade. He flirted back, but he never went as far as to touch anyone or try anything. So in my senior year I find out he's being accused of sexual harrasment because he told a student she had a weird mole, which just happened to be near her chest area. That's just ridiculous to me. I mean I know it implies he's looking at your boobs, but God damn it you're young and wearing a low cut shirt and a man is a man no matter what his title. That's just my view on it anyway. He wasn't actually fired because everyone agreed the situation was too retarded. My school was open to everyone and there was an adult section to it as well since it was vocational. But in my oppinion it's not something you wouldn't deal with in a mall or in your own neighborhood, really. These highly violent happenings aren't new, they're just put on tv a lot more. Highschool is supposed to be this unstable, it's getting you ready for the real world afterall.[/size]
  17. [size=1]Since I've started college in January I've yet to be assigned a group project which is relieving. In highschool I usually ended up doing most of the work and in the end, like it's already been mentioned, half the people show up and none of them have done any work. One of the things that bothered me the most is when you get to pick your own partners because you know you have to pick your friends and while I love my friends, as far as school work is involved they're not very dependable. Dependability in and of itself is another factor that annoys me. Your grading is for the most part based on other's people involvement so it really doesn't matter if you work your *** off. If someone in the group decides not to, then that's it and your grade is ruined. That and there's also this looming responcibility on your shoulders that if you slack off everyone will be pissed at you. I just don't like being responcible for other people's sucess, nor do I like them being responcible for mine. I've had some group efforts turn out really well [one of them involving a beatnik puppet that looks just like Tony], but it's rare and it's too high stress for my liking.[/size]
  18. [size=1]Because all real [2] relationships I've ever been in have been somewhat serious I very rarely go into one without thinking what type of father this person would be. I don't want children as of now, but accidents happen and if they do I want to assure that my child will have the best life possible. I really don't have any criteria. Mostly I base it on how they interact with younger siblings or my nephews [who are the light of my eyes] for that matter. If it looks like they'll pay child support that's good enough :p I really figure that if I'm with a person I'd go this far with then I have nothing to worry about. I don't just sleep around anyway so yea, heh. I do know if I ever get pregnant it'll be an accident though. I just think it takes away from the entire experience to plan it out perfectly and I like to take things as they come, even if having a child would alter my life completely. I don't think I'll ever come to a point in my life where having a baby is the one thing that's left for me to feel fulfilled. Hopefully if I get pregnant I can call it a pleasant surprise, if I can't well o well ::shrugs:: If I ever really really really wanted a baby, I'd adopt if I can't birth it myself. I figure if I can't create one like god intended than maybe that's for a reason and who doesn't want a little asian baby?!?![/size]
  19. [size=1]I'm hispanic. I look hispanic too. Two of the three relationships I was in were interracial and it was never a problem on either side. People tend to think I'm exotic which is nice ^_^ I'm attracted to blue eyed blondes more than anything so it's kind of hard to not date out of my race, whatever the case heh. My mom is adamantly against interacial marriages though. And it's not enough that they're hispanic, she really prefers that they were born in the same country or at least raised from a family that was born in the same country as mine was. She has this pre-concieved notion that a man outside your race won't respect you or your family. I've never come across a situation like this though and really, the worst boyfriend I ever had was the one hispanic guy I dated so yea. In short, I don't care. I've never really based an entire relationship on looks or race nor do I plan to. I figure if he floats my boat it's all good or something. ::shrugs::[/size]
  20. [size=1]I'm reading Josie and Jack by Kelly Braffet. It's about the disfucntional relationship between a pair of siblings. I've kept up a pretty fast pace, mostly because it's not a very complicated read. I'm enjoying it for the way its building up the drama and the oddness of the story in general, but really it's nothing out of this world. I was reading Oryx and Crake, but I needed a break from it. It's not complicated, I just can't bring myself to find it interesting even though I think it is. It's hard to explain, I'm just not in the mood for it I guess. I'm still thinking about whether or not I want to go back to it when I'm done with Josie and Jack.[/size]
  21. [size=1][b]Semjaza Azazel[/b] He's so logical, he could logic our way off the island! He could probably build a boat a lot better than I could too. Plus he's scary and thus any mean island animals would cower in fear. Not to mention we can stand talking to eachother for long periods of time, or last I checked we could. [b]CRandomHero[/b] Because it's Alan, and really that's reason enough. We'd probably never get off that island though, too much stocking talk. [b]Heavens Cloud[/b] We'd probably never make it off that island ::winks:: [I chose all boys because they don't menstruate. Two bitchy women on a deserted island, right :rolleyes: ][/size]
  22. [quote name='Blackjack][color=DarkGreen][size=1]I was left the tiniest bit confused by the end; I don't understand why getting into Columbia would put her so on edge, I'd have thought she'd be jubilant. Is that just me? Maybe it's just because this isn't how I would imagine myself reacting in the situation, so I can't imagine anyone else reacting this way either.[/color'][/size][/quote] [size=1]When I, Sarah, told my mother I was going to Columbia it was the betrayal of betrayals. Moving away from home before I'm married is just something that's always been out of the question. When I went ahead and did it anyway my entire family took the negative stance on it. I ended up not going for lack of support and a plethora of other reasons that I regret now... So yea, that's why a mother wouldn't be thrilled about this. ::clears throat:: Anyway, it was great Megan. Even if you didn't mean to copy down my life story everything is extremely relatable, from the stolen sandwich to lack of privacy to the control freak of a mother. All it needed was a crappy love life and bam, it's me! Hopefully Maria can not be deferred and she gets to go ::nods:: [/size]
  23. [size=1]I don't eat even eat veal (baby cows :( ) how on earth could I muster the balls to eat a human. What about a baby human, o my god. My answer is no. I don't eat pork and I don't eat lamb and I've gone without eating for several days when my mom refuses to cook anything else. It has nothing to do with religion. Really I just can't fathom it. I eat cows, chicken (with [i]no[/i] bones) and fish. That's it ::nods:: I figure if I'm in a situation where my only option is to eat my dead neighbor, I'm probably going to die anyway so I might as well do so with a clean concience and no prolonging of the process.[/size]
  24. [size=1][b]Over Rated[/b] [U]The Beatles[/U] Don't get me wrong, they're good, but I don't think they're as good as a lot of people give them credit for. I myself am a bigger fan of ther boyband-ish era than that of their peacenik-ish one. My biggest problem with The Beatles was that [i]so[/i] many of their songs sound alike. They bore me :/ [U]Nirvana[/U] Again, they are good, but no where as flawless as the world's made them seem. Maybe had Kurt not died they could have evolved into something a bit grander because they did have the potential. Ironically enough it's his death that made them the over rated band they are today. [U]No Doubt[/U] I've never liked No Doubt, mostly because I find her voice to be grating. It's so nasal my ears bleed. Not to mention her facial expressions... [U]Evanescense[/U] Every god damned hipster with smudged black eyeliner I come across is a die hard fan because they're sooo dark. This isn't Gothic music, kids. That it gets piled into the genre annoys me. She doesn't have a bad voice and the music in general isn't bad, but it's not amazing either. [B]Under Rated[/B] [U]The Sisters of Mercy[/U] To me, The Sisters of Mercy is the quintisential gothic band and yet you come across very few people who know who they are. Andrew Eldritch has that deep hollow monotonous voice that's so key to a good dark and eerie song. Not to mention how incredibly danceable they are ^_^ [U]Hooverphonic[/U] They were my first taste of trip-hop electronica, the only taste I cared for. The genre they're bunched into really serves them little justice. They're lyrics aren't too amazing because for the most part they repeat three or four lines over and over. It's their sound that's definately mesmorizing. It's ethereal and floaty. [U]Jeff Buckley[/U] Jeff Buckley is the deceased son of his deceased and well acclaimed singing father Tim Buckley. A lot of people thought he'd get off on his father's fame, but he had real talent. An amazing voice singing amazingly beautiful lyrics. He released one CD and proved everyone wrong. He drowned and was a great loss to popular music. I can't think of anymore so I'll stop here.[/size]
  25. [size=1]I should really know more of these, but yea. I think Cactus by the Pixies borders on the edge of creepy/stalker-ish. Especially the line, "Bloody your hands on a cactus tree/Wipe them on your dress and send it to me." Cactus by The Pixies Sitting here wishing on a cement floor Just wishing that I had just something you wore I put it on when I go lonely Will you take off your dress and send it to me? I miss your kissin' and I miss your head And a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead Run outside in the desert heat Make your dress all wet and send it to me I miss your soup and I miss your bread And a letter in your writing doesn't mean you're not dead So spill your breakfast and drip your wine Just wear that dress when you're dying Sitting here wishing on a cement floor Just wishing that I had just something you wore Bloody your hands on a cactus tree Wipe it on your dress and send it to me Sitting here wishing on a cement floor Just wishing that I had just something you wore I Miss You by Björk can alson seem a bit on the stalker-ish side depending on how it's interpreted. On the one hand one can assume she's waiting for a dream man, an imaginary person. On the other it also seems as though she's been keeping tabs on someone so yea lol. I Miss You by Björk I miss you But I haven't met you yet So special But it hasn't happened yet You are gorgeous But I haven't met you yet I remember But it hasn't happened yet And if you believe in dreams Or what is more important That a dream can come true I will meet you I was peaking But it hasn't happened yet I haven't been given My best souvenir I miss you But I haven't met yu yet I know your habits But wouldn't recognize you yet And if you believe in dreams Or what is more important That a dream can come true I will meet you I'm so impatient I can't stand the wait When will I get my cuddle? Who are you? I know by now that you'll arrive But the time I stop waiting I miss you I know there are more, better ones even...[/size]
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