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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. [size=1]I was nominated by one person and was still deemed Nifty. I'm honored ^_^ This really came out great, a lot better than the previous method of counting votes because people/things that aren't as popular [like me!!!] were picked. Great job :)[/size]
  2. [size=1]I am a picky omnivore. I eat meat, but it's not like I inject ground beef through my veins. I like to think I have a nice and healthy balance of all the food groups in my diet. However, just because I do eat animals doesn't mean I condone animal abuse. I'm very adamantly against that and for the most part I am aware of the conditions my food goes through before eating it.[/size]
  3. [size=1][b]New Life Breathed Into Me[/b] It feels like death. I?m ice where I lay. Am I on display, is this a cathedral? I see her walk down that isle in that snow white gown her hair tumbling down to her hips. Her face is stoic as she bends at the weist and kisses me lightly. New life breaths into me.[/size]
  4. [size=1][b]I Love You[/b] I steal boyfriends. It's my curse, to never really have the boy I want. When you have to steal something, it's never really yours. You always run the risk that he?ll be stolen back. I watch him sleep and I know he's gonna break me any day now. I lay close anyway, inhaling his scent. [/size]
  5. [size=1][b]Jealousy[/b] I keep wondering if she's kissing him now, if her hands are in his hair, her legs wrapped around his weist, his hands smoothing over her thighs... Those thighs are mine. I try to breath, I try to think of better things but I know. Her sigh drifts through hollow walls. I turn and sob. [/size]
  6. [size=1]But that same episode ends with Daria having another fantasy of her and Trent in a nice house and he's wearing a smoking jacket and smoking a pipe and she's all dressed up and they kiss! I think there were too many episodes that made it seem like maybe Trent and Daria were right for each other, to then just randomly throw in Tom. I guess it's a better twist than the expected, but still. I don't think Tom was a bad character, I just think he was an awkward mix. I always stem my feelings for Trent from the episode where they're taking a road trip to a music festival. He's secretly afraid of failure, but at least for now he can says he's doing exactly what he wants with his life. So yea, I'm a Trent fan girl all the way no matter what![/size]
  7. [size=1]I've never had a boyfriend during Valentines Day so I wouldn't know what that's like. I enjoy the day anyway. I live with my five nephews and they make me cards and my friends always show their love in some cheesy way as well. I've never really associated Valentines Day to the type of love you feel when your with your with your lover. I take it very light heartedly, I just think it's cute. The one day anyone I'm with should remember is my birthday and I don't really need a gift then either, I just need to know that you know and appreciate the day I came into existance ::nods:: Yume Tenshi, what relationship isn't ****** up at your age? I know the ones I had were and I got left with some severe wounds. I don't want to say wait until your older because honestly, my relationships are still insane. It's just that you and the person your with can handle it with a lot more maturity, hopefully, and so you're not as sore afterwards. People say down with love, but it's not something you can be down with. It's human nature to want someone, so yea. Whatever the case, I like Valentines Day because red is my favorite color ^_^[/size]
  8. [size=1]Daria is one of my favorites, I've seen pretty much all the episodes and have been a die-hard fan since day one. She's just so very witty and sarcastic, it's the best interpretation of dry humor I've yet to see on tv. My one dissapointment in the show was that she never hooked up with Trent. [spoiler]I didn't like the Tom/Jane/Daria love triangle angle they gave the show toward the end, frankly it depressed me. Daria always struck me as the type of chick that doesn't steal her best friend's boyfriends, but alas.[/spoiler] I think her and Trent belong together ::nods:: Still it's really good, all the characters are interesting and funny by themselves, but Daria's dry sarcastic commentary ties the whole thing together and makes it ******* priceless :)[/size]
  9. [size=1]I'm all for blunt honesty, in all seriousness that's my motto. I admit, I do on the occasion lie, but only to my mother and that's only to avoid needless drama. Otherwise, it's not okay. There's no excuse for lieing in my book. If I ask you, "Do I look fat?" tell me the truth because if you don't I'll always look fat and that's just sad. I'm as honest as is humanly possible and if I end up hurting people on the way, that's fine by me. At least I'm not a hypocrite, which I just find to be disgusting.[/size]
  10. [size=1][img]http://mars.walagata.com/w/kajet/YouAreTheQuarry.jpg[/img] [b]Album:[/b] You Are The Quarry [b]Artist:[/b] Morrissey [b]Reason:[/b] I suppose you can say I have a weakness when it comes to Morrissey, but it's Morrissey so what do you expect. I had very low expectations for this CD because it's a come back and most come backs aren't as good as one wants them to be. It took me a while to get into it, but when I did, I really got into it. Morrissey?s voice hasn?t aged at all, it?s still as smooth and sultry as ever and his lyrics are just as sharp. I?ll love him, forever and always, no matter what. [img]http://mars.walagata.com/w/kajet/InterpolAntics.jpg[/img] [b]Album:[/b] Antics [b]Artist:[/b] Interpol [b]Reason:[/b] I can?t really explain why I liked this CD so much. It?s brooding and hypnotic with some great dance beats, if that makes any sense at all. Whatever the case, Paul Banks? voice is cool. There?s something about the way he sings, he sounds mechanical and dismal yet soulfoul. They?re lyrics are also depressingly romantic, like I like it. [img]http://mars.walagata.com/w/kajet/TheKillers.jpg[/img] [b]Album:[/b] Hot Fuss [b]Artist:[/b] The Killers [b]Reason:[/b] I love their faux-British accents and again, awesome to dance to. I hate half of this CD though, especially ?Andy You?re a Star.? What I do love though, I love so much it completely overshadows the songs I hate. My favorite track has to be Smile Like You Mean It, but Mr.Brightside follows as a close second. Brandon Flowers is pretty looking... Everyone else in the band looks like a transvestite though, especially the blonde guy O_o; I could go on some more, but I?ve gotten lazy. I would have included The Cure?s CD in here too, but I?d only be doing it because I want to have Robert Smith?s love-child and not so much because the album blew my socks off...[/size]
  11. [size=1]The only way you're coming to the United State legally is if you're rich and people in Mexico and Central America who are coming to the United States illegally are doing so because they're not. My mother came here smuggled in the trunk of a car, you have no idea how hard it is to do that, especially with four children like she did. It's very easy for someone who's lived here their entire lives to say immigrants are taking advantage of the United State's system. They're trying to give themselves a chance, one they don't have in the countries they're born in. My mother tried to come here legally when the whole Sandinista movement started and they said no, why they denied her the visa? Their logic is, what benefit will a woman with four children bring to the United States? None, at least according to them. In that type of situation you have to ask yourself, am I gonna stay here in my country and watch my children basically starve to death or will I risk my life to at least give them a chance I never had. You think someone hops across the border and that's it, life becomes that much easier. You can get raped, you can get murdered, if you don't have the cash you get left behind and to your own devices in the middle of the desert. Do you ever ask yourself why on earth someone would risk that much, do you ever stop to think how bad life has to be in your home country for you to get to that point? People are always saying immigrants come here and take your jobs, you know why they take your jobs, because they're willing to work for a plate of ******* food. In truth, I'd prefer if the countries were repared, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. If I had been born in Nicaragua, I would have risked it and swam across that border because it's that bad over there. In the end, you do what you have to do to survive, and for a lot of people in Mexico and Central Amercia, and other places too, I'm sure, that's the best option for survival.[/size]
  12. [size=1]You don't see discrimination unless you're being discriminated and as a Hispanic person that looks Hispanic, I've seen discrimination. I live in Miami which I think most people think is this wonderful racial utopea because it's so culturally diverse. But it's not. I've been talked down to by a million people of a million different ethnicities. In Elementary I was constanly beat up and picked on by students 10x my size because I was the minority. Something like this never stops existing because there will always be someone not willing to accept the difference in cultures, skin tones, languages etc. etc. I think it really depends on where you live as to how often you see it, but in big cities it's where it's most evident in my oppinion. I seriously don't understand how someone could miss that just because I see it all the time.[/size]
  13. [size=1]My grandfather was a Spaniard and my grandmother was an Indigenous Nicaraguan women, they got married and had thirteen babies of which one of them was my mother. My father's parents worked the other way around, she was a Spaniard he was an Indeginous Nicaraguan man and they had sixteen babies. So my parents were born in Nicaragua and they had five babies of which I was the last. I was also the only one born in the United States. I always tell people I was born in Nicaragua though, because I feel more Nicaraguan than American and it's what I was raised as.[/size]
  14. [size=1]I've been helping my sister and brother raise their children since I was ten years old. Five boys basically born back to back, so it's safe to say that my experience in child rearing is pretty much dominated by the male sex. Because of this I prefer boys. I'm not going to lie and say I like them both equally. I think boys are a lot cuter and they love me more. They're a lot easier to raise, too. I mean, if I were to ever get pregnant, god forbid and I had a girl, I'd love her because she's my baby and how can you not love something that intimately a part of you. Still, I know it'd be a lot harder than raising a boy because girls are whores. I know, I am one. Sometimes I wouldn't mind a girl because you can dress her up and stuff. I know it'd be hard and that just freaks me out, but I imagine myself raising me and I'd shoot myself from the stress heh.[/size]
  15. [size=1]I collect underwear. I don't really know how I got started but I've always loved having really pretty panties. I mostly go for the boy shorts now a days, where part of your bum just sort of hangs in perfect balance, heh. I have a lot of Hello Kitty stuff and polka dots. I have these cool junior mint kind. I have some really sexy underwear I've never worn. I'm just waiting for that special day or something :p In total I'm pretty sure my underpants collection goes over the 100 mark. I also collect stationary. I like to write letters and such things so I buy a lot of nice paper for that. I love pens, purple ones are my favorite. I hate running out of ink, it really hurts to put a pen into remission. I usually still keep the pen afterwards too. Stickers are also a favorite. I have a box with different kinds. Yesterday I purchased these glorious glittery ones of a little girl with a big head. They're beautiful. Like Sara said, they're colorful and they stick to things. How awesome is that. Pretty freakin' awesome in my oppinion. Books I kind of accidenatlly got into. I didn't mean to start collecting them, but I really like to read. They take up a huge part of my room. I'm having such a difficult time choosing which to keep after I move away from home. I know I have to start making decisions now too. This isn't the type of thing I can do with an hour or two ahead. There's a lot more, but I don't know how I got around to collecting them really. I like to shop ::shrugs::[/size]
  16. [size=1]I don't want some amazing career or a truck load of money, well actually yes I do, but it's not a real goal in life to have a truck load of money. I honestly don't think there's anything I have to tell the world, I have no legacy to leave behind. My fear in getting older is that as time passes you kinda start moving farther and farther away from life and dreams become regrets. I'm afraid that I'll never be able to say "I did what I wanted with my life." Upto this point, I've only done what I had to do. I've chickened out at the last minute of something I wanted with the entirety of my being because it was way too risky. I wouldn't mind working as a store clerk, if it was what I wanted to do. But I want to be a writer and God, can I get any closer to starving artist. That is starving artist, heh. But how many people get to say that they did what they wanted to do with their lives? I don't want to not be able to say that.[/size]
  17. [size=1]Now that my birthday has come and I'm officially on the edge of my teenage years I've gone ahead and started worrying about getting old. I'm 19, 20 is just around the corner and once 20 hits those years just start slamming into you, just like those responsibilities... and the wrinkles :/ In truth, I would have loved to stop at 17, just barely legal. It's becoming less and less acceptable not knowing exactly what I want to do with my life and soon any childish behaviour will peg me as a bum or a bum in training. It's odd, I view myself as an independant person. I pay for my own schooling, I cook my own meals and clean after myself. I'm not so much afraid of being left to my own devices because for the most part I was left to my own devices when I turned 15. It's that right now it's okay to be a sales clerk at some boutique, but in a couple of years that'll just be pathetic. I guess it's a fear of failure. To me it seems the older you get the narrower the path to sucess becomes. It's a pretty scary thought, amounting to nothing. So I suppose the question I wanted to pose to all of you was if you think you've got it down already and that age ain't nothing but a number that can be dominated and tamed. Or if you're lost and flailing about hopelessly like some fish out of water. Or perhaps, you're just in between?[/size]
  18. [size=1]I can sum it up in four words: [spoiler]big wallet, HUGE cock[/spoiler][/size]
  19. [size=1]I really hoped that by the time fall rolled around once highschool was over I'd be long gone and out of Miami. But I'm beyond poor and while I had the grades to go out of state, I didn't have the cash. I had to opt between applying for a loan that would take me most of my life to pay or going to school in Miami and using my Florida PrePayed Scholarship [free-ness]. So I'm going to Miami Dade College right now. It's kind of like community college, except that if you were going to be a nurse or... something else like that you could do your full 4 years there. I'm majoring in literature and/or art history so I can't. In truth I'm pretty freaking unhappy there. The campus isn't as bad as the others, it's in the middle of down town it's pretty lively. Still, it's just not what I want. Maybe I'm just being a brat, but yea. In the last week or so I've decided that irrevocable debt is much better than being somewhere you definately don't want to be in. So I figure by the time next Spring rolls around I'll be transferring out of state to Chicago. I really have nothing waiting for me out there and I guess that's kind of the appeal. That whole start from scratch make it your own deal. I mean if I totally screw it up I can at the very least say that I tried doing what I wanted to do, you know took the risk etc. etc. ::shrugs::[/size]
  20. [size=1]This reminds me of that episode of the X-files with the genie in a carpet. Moulder kept trying to wish for World Peace and she kept screwing him over. So taking into account that genies are spiteful bastards it's kind of hard to know what to wish for. But since I'm too lazy to machinate satisfaction guaranteed wishes I'll just stick with things that affect me only, at least for the most part. My number one wish would be the gift of flight. Imagine the money I'd save on air fare, tokens and/or gas. I'd get everywhere on time because the skies have a scarce amount of traffic and to reiterrate, it's free!! Nothing beats free. My number two wish would be a full scholarship to the school of my choice that I would win by writing some sort of essay or what not. You know, fair and square, not just because I exist. My number three wish would be saved just in case and because I don't know what else I'd want at this point in time.[/size]
  21. [size=1][center][b]PreTeen[/b][/center] He sits horribly, ruining the curviture of his spine while doing nothing at all. His eyes are glossed over and his lips slack and slightly parted, his breath comes in mucussy rasps. Mom pats his hand, smiles, and he snatches it away contorting his face in disgust. He was getting too old already, she thought. [center][b]Alone Again Or[/b][/center] Olivia?s hand searched the bed for the warmth of his skin. It was something of an instinctive act, something she did every night. But there was nothing there and she suddenly became aware of how cold the night was. She scrunched up in her favorite fetal position and shut her eyes until she saw stars. [center][b]Want[/b][/center] Michael listened to her favorite song. She was probably in bed already, nude like he liked. Maybe she?d gone to bed wishing he were there, just like he couldn?t go to bed wishing she were here. It?s easy to be with the person you can be with. The person you want is always so unatainable.[/size]
  22. [size=1][b]-Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall.[/b] This has actually happened to me before in a super market. While there are always tons of people around to help, everyone would just walk by and stare. She was a little girl outside the super market and she was screaming for her mother who was no where in sight. So me and my sister took her inside and as we were heading toward the security officer her mother spotted her. Anyway, my initial reaction when I see a child in any potential danger is to protect it over my own life. I think it's because I've been raising my nephews since I was ten and could never bare to lose any of them. [b]-First person at the scene of a car accident.[/b] I'd check to see if everyone was okay and then call 9-1-1 and stay there until the police and/or paramedics got there. If a person's in danger the 9-1-1 operator will give you instructions on how to help the person in the accident. My sister who is a 9-1-1 operator and fire dispatcher says a lot of people tend to call and do nothing, it makes her rather angry and wonders why people bother calling at all, if in the end you're just going to let the person die. [b]-Person drowning.[/b] I can't swim, so I'd call for help from someone in an immediate distance who could pull him out and the paramedics as well. Most people are reluctant to help in this situation as well, though. A couple of months ago my friends threw a party for me at a park, Christine and Karina were there early decorating. This man went into the lake and tried to drown himself, Karina says the park was FULL of people, a football team even, and no one jumped in so she did while Christine called 9-1-1. [b]-Obviously upset person running down the street.[/b] I wouldn't do anything, unless the person was threatening to kill themselves or someone else. In that case, I'd call 9-1-1. [b]-Injured animal.[/b] I guess I'd call that place that takes care of animals and wait around until someone got there. I wouldn't know what else to do, but I doubt I could just watch something die. [b]-Elderly person having trouble crossing a busy street.[/b] Nothing. I'm the type of horrible person that doesn't like old people lol. [b]-Person shoplifting.[/b] Nothing again, unless I owned the store. I'm no snitch. [b]-Smoke coming from the upper windows of an apartment building.[/b] Call Rescue and wait around spectating. [b]-Drunk fumbling to get his car keys into the door of his car.[/b] Nothing, drunk people strike me as unsafe. Maybe I'd say something to someone, but I personally wouldn't approach the person.[/size]
  23. [SIZE=1][center][b]Not Forgotten[/b][/center] She wondered if he?d remember what today was or if it?d slip his mind like it seemed to happen with most people. It?d be no surprise if it did, nonetheless she hoped. Not that birthdays were special to her, but that she might still be dancing around in his memory meant the world to her. [/SIZE]
  24. [SIZE=1]I've been here for two years. I think it's amazing because it feels like three months, four tops and looks that way if you compare my post count to some others. I joined at first because a friend asked me to. She was really active in the anime lounge, but I can't remember her username for the life of me. I should ask... Whatever the case I didn't have a home computer so I pretty much forgot about this place. Then one day I joined again under some user name that involved the color blue. I had a computer at home but I never posted here. I lurked now and then when I was bored but nothing special. Then I rejoined under this name and I still didn't post. I think what kept me around was myotaku.com and the people I met through there. I've come out of my not-posting shell much more as of late so that's good, I guess. ::shrugs:: [/SIZE]
  25. [size=1]I learned Spanish and English at pretty much the same time when I was a little girl so I'm proficient in both. I plan on learning French soon and maybe a couple of others. I wanted to minor in Japanese Litarature, but I think I may have to learn Japanese according to the course descriptions. I used to take some light lessons with a friend and know how to say a couple of words and such, but I'm no where near being an expert. Apparently my accent was pretty good though, but that was a while ago as well so who knows if it's still upto par. I'd probably have the most luck with the romantic languages since I know Spanish so well though. I love knowing languages and I find others that I don't know very intriguing. I wanted to get a degree in foriegn languages for a while but I'm not sure what you'd do with that as a career heh.[/size]
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