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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. I've always had a strong dislike for my last name because just about every other Hispanic person you meet will also have it. It's plain and it's enough to go through all of elementary with people calling you Sarah Plain and Tall [despite your being rather short]. If I married and my husband had a cool last name I'd adopt it. Otherwise we could both change it and start a new clan!! I'm serious too.
  2. I haven't had a chance to post in this thread, but I have been keepiing up with it and it's superb Godel. Just like something I would expect from you, very witty and clever. I'm especially fond of the title. Good job ^_^
  3. I like Oreos, I eat Oreos, despite this I consider them rather unsexy. They make your saliva black and black saliva is something I associate with people that chew tobacco or some other unhygenic habit. I wouldn't want to kiss someone with an unhygenic habit or someone that reminds me of someone with an unhygenic habit and therefore Oreos aren't sexy. ::nods::
  4. This was really good. I became totally immersed in it. I think it flows perfectly between present day and past, I don't see how you could make that any better. It's really descriptive, but in a simple sort of way so you're not overwhelmed with anything. It's just enough. Awesome work.
  5. I have a few halloween memories that I only remember because of how embaressing they were. As I mentioned before I was never allowed to celebrate because my mom's a Pentecostal Christian, but that never stopped other kids from celebrating and knocking on our door for candy. Usually we'd turn off all the porch and house lights and no kids would come around. One year though my mom decided to hand out mini-bibles and church pamphlets. All my brothers and sisters managed to duck out and find something to do that night, but I being so young and friendless got stuck handing those things out and it was just such a horrible feeling. I was handing out disappointment!! I was amazed nobody egged our house.
  6. I wouldn't say the album changed my life or anything that drastic, but they are pretty awesome and timeless in my oppinion. 1. The Queen is Dead by The Smiths Anyone who proffesses to know me knows that I am a die hard fan of The Smiths and Morrissey. This album was the one that started it all though, in particular song number two, Frankly Mr.Shankly which was what turned me on to the CD in the first place, it's just such a fun song. This album seriously was what kept my doors open to music that wasn't considered popular by my peers. I'm proud to say that at the tender age of seven I was jamming my heart out to this CD, singing "And if a ten ton truck kills the both of us, to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die," and thouroughly enjoying the funny looks. 2. Vasos Vacios by Los Fabulos Cadillacs Los Fabulosos Cadillacs are an Argentinian rock/ska-ish band and this CD is the first CD I ever purchased. My sister owned a copy that was severely damaged in one way or another. That Christmas I got a $25 gift certificate and bought this CD and played it over and over and over, I wore that thing out. It just possessed so much political savvy, made me give a **** about things that weren't even happening in the United States, much less ever heard of here, and pushed me to research things and find out. The music would have been great without the research, but once I knew what Vicentico was singing about, it just added that much more depth. Plus, it has a good dance beat. And that's all I can think of right now. Awesome stuff.
  7. I've never trick or treated or dressed up for halloween, ever in my life. My mother has been a strict Pentecostal Christian for most of my childhood and adoloscence so I've never been allowed to. This year I'm going to Halloween Horror Nights with my friends though and for the very first time it's been expanded so that it's in both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure so hooray for me!! This should more than make up for my lack of free candy through out the years. I might even wear a crazy hat or something.
  8. I remember being really young and running back home from Church in this red shoes a la Wizard of Ozz. I slipped and the whole right side of my face slid across the gravel. All of my cheek and forhead was red and raw with little bits of skin hanging here and there. What hurt most though was getting home and my mom putting iodine and rubbing alcohol on it. Poor me :(
  9. I can't say I agree or disagree with parole because I believe it's a case by case type of thing. However, I do not believe that prisoners should be left to rot or sentenced to death. I consider prison, idealy, to be a chance for the criminally insane to reabilitate and if anything serve as an example. I don't see the logic in the death penalty because, for one, in my oppinion it is letting criminals off easy and it also justifies killing which I believe it is wrong in any shape of form. I would prefer to see a criminal in prison, doing his time than have them killed off. I'm sure someone will come up to me and tell me what do I know if I never been in a victim's shoes, but I know what I've been through and I know what I've seen and this is just what I believe.
  10. This was really well done Mimmi. The detailed sensations were just very beautiful, good work ::applauds::.
  11. Evanescence isn't goth rock, The Sisters of Mercy is goth rock. I don't want to be considered an elitist or anything similar but it's really very hard to find any decent new goth bands, it pretty much went the way of punk. I don't mean to say that anything now sucks, it just isn't gothic music. And Slipknot, come on now people...
  12. naraskusgirl367, you're the reason why I laugh in the face of "goth." It's just ridiculous, you dress in black and tell people to die and that automatically makes you some mystrious entity in tune with the workings of the netherworld. The truth is that you tried to blend in with one crowd, it didn't work out, so you switched sides. You like blood, ooo, I'm scared. In the eternal words of South Park's Butters, "I'd rather be a crying little p***y than a faggy goth kid. Seriously, get a hobby, gothic, punk, prep and thug children alike.
  13. I would not. Not because I love my best friend or whatever crap, mostly because if he wasn't good enough for her I'd doubt I'd want to give it a go. My friends usually basically tell me everything and anything that's going on with their men and if I were to get into a relationship already knowing that you snore and have morning breath that smells like it's coming straight from the toilet and you don't notice when I cut my hair, well frankly why would I want to??? I like the mystery of meeting someone, falling for them, then finding out about all the annoying habits and being ok with it because he's yours. I'm selfish or something like it ::shrugs::
  14. I'm actually under the impression that most people who are into bondage and S&M lead very normal lives. It's the hidden freak in them. As far as Goths go though, I think it's dead, just like Punk. I listen to both types of music, but trying to embody the stereotype in my oppinion is ridiculous. The only person who was ever a true goth was that first guy, who ever came after him was just a copy cat.
  15. I read Bram Stoker's Dracula a few years ago, I believe I was in tenth grade. I had owned the book for about three years prior to that though heh. What I always really liked about the book is that unlike they do in the movies there's no romanticism between Lucy and Dracula. He puts a spell on her, but she's by no means in [i]love[/i] with him. [spoiler]I think there is a part, in her journal entry where she keeps writing "Unclean, unclean." She's disgusted by what's happening in other words.[/spoiler] I also like the subdued sexuality of the book. It's probably because of the times and who wrote it, but it's become really common for vampire novels to be smutty erotica and Bram Stoker doesn't stoop to that level. There are obviously sexual undertones in the book, but they're subdued and classy which is a very nice plus in my oppinion. I wish I could remember more of the book, but it's been a really long time. I always told myself I'd read it over, but I haven't quite gotten to it yet.
  16. [QUOTE]Quentin's body of work has not previously extended in the genre of romance novels, but since his latest box office success with Kill Bill Vol. I & II, Quentin has decided to spend more time at home, working on a romance novel idea he first pitched to romance publishing house Mills & Boon in 1988. [/QUOTE] I'm actually not sure at all if this is true, it seems kind of off beat, but because it's Quentin Tarantino you never know. I did some searching around and this was all I could find so I was hoping some one on here could confirm or deny or something. The name of the book, apparently, is "I Love You Motherf***er." There are excerpts of the novel [URL=http://rumandmonkey.com/]here[/URL]. It may be considered a bit risky for some so yes, I'll remove the link if need be. From the exceprts themselves it seems like it could be by him though. It by no means fits the usual stereotype of a romance novel plus the twist at the end of it seems Tarantino-ish to me. In short, has anybody else heard anything about this?
  17. [B]1. What were your favorite toys (if you had any)?[/B] I was and forever will be in love with My Little Ponies. I had about three, I think, and it was pretty fun making up stories about them and stuff. I also had a healthy collection of Tiny Toon figurines and some Teenage Mustant Ninja Turtles stuff too. I had this one Jem doll, she kind of resembled a barbie, except her hair was pink and her earings glowed. She had no clothes, I somehow lost them. In most scenarios, when I played with my cousins, she was the villain barbie because of this so that was fun heh. I had no ken dolls so little green Army men had to do. I used to have a lot of Play Dough, I'd always end up mixing all the colors though and my mom would throw it away :( [B]2. What did you think of the toys then?[/B] I liked my toys mostly because it involved making up really bizarre stories. How I got that Jem doll and my Buster figuring to interact is beyond me. It was a nice little escape for me, I grew up relatively lonely so toys were like my outlet heh. It was just fun you know, sometimes it's really hard to explain what the allure of a blue pony was, but when you're a kid you don't need the explanation, it's just cool. [B]3. What do you think of the toys now?[/B] I'm still really fond of my little pony dolls and Play Dough still kicks a** too. It's nostalgic. I waste money on old fashioned toys all the time heh, especially the Green Army men, you can never have enough Green Army men. [B]4. What do you think of the stereotypes that some toys seem to encourage?[/B] The stereotypes were never really imposed on me as much as they were on my other siblings. I guess since I was the youngest my parents didn't try as hard and in a lot of cases I just got my brothers and sisters left over toys. Because my brothers are closer to me age I had more of their toys actually. I think it's really rare to see a mom forcing her daughter to play with a Barbie and in this day in age Barbie does everything so that's not so much of a bad thing. It's more common to see a parent push a little boy for an action figure than it is to see a parent push a little girl to get an oven kit.
  18. I think if you go around doing things in life only out of fear of going to hell and not because you truly believe you should that's a pretty bad sign in God's eyes. I like to believe that there is no guaranteed guideline to how to live your life that'll get you into heaven. I think God gives you a second chance to redeem yourself up there and I'm pretty sure He can tell if you're being honest or not. I also think there is no one type of heaven. Truthfully the description of heaven in the bible never really appealed to me, I think everyone has their own type of heaven, it seems pretty logical to me. There is no key into getting into heaven, I think you pretty much just live your life and let the death, heaven and hell part come at it's own time. I doubt you'll ever be at the gates of heaven and upon review it's revelead you missed a Sunday of church and that's it, the levers pulled and you burn in hell. I think God's a lot more compassionate than the church and the bible try to make you believe.
  19. I'm sure someone here has come across the video on MTV... probably. I've only managed to see it on the same re-run of Subterranean, but the song, Somebody Told Me, is actually really catchy in a good way. It got stuck in my head for a while, but it never got annoying so I bought the CD, (or rather my sister bought the CD and I ripped it onto my computer, heh). Anyhow, it's really very good. Hot Fuss is their debut CD. They're originally from Las Vegas and the line up is as follows: Brandon Flowers ? Vocals, Keyboards David Keuning ? Guitars Mark Stoermer ? Bass Ronnie Vannucci ? Drums They have a really good sound to them, maybe it's the way the keyboards are incorporated to the music, but I really like them, which is rare considering I first heard of them from MTV. Their lyrics are also pretty good, I especially like "Smile Like You Mean It." So yes, oppinions anyone? [SIZE=1]I put this in the wrong place, could someone please move it?[/SIZE]
  20. I think most kids that become anti-social because of the internet were probably anti-social in the first place. It's very rare to see a person abandon all his/her IRL friends for on-line ones. However, when you have a kid that only has on-line friends I imagine it is really hard for them to break out of that shell. Communicating directly in front of a person and communicating through the internet are very different things. You can think about a response, there's no body language which is a big chunk of communicating with people in the real world and then you have anonymity, no one can ever call you on anything, you basically go along un-judged. Nothing that happens here can affect your true person. I think in the case of those kids it can cause them to be a--holes in the real world. They become delusional in a way. I dated this guy who was basically what I'm describing. It lasted 19 days for a reason. He was homeshcooled and only had on-line friends. He was like moderator of some forum and thought he was God because of it and required people to kiss his ---. He had a very bad reality check towards the ends and I think at some point that's what happens to all the people that assume that the internet and the outside world are the same thing. I know that a person you meet on a forum deserves just as much respect as a person you meet at work and that it's possible to become emotionally attached to both, but I also know that you need to be able to touch and smell and savor with all the senses. Reading someone's responses will never be enough.
  21. It's really difficult narrowing it down to five. I don't really feel there's a [i]definite[/i] top five because it changes a lot depending on what I'm in the mood for. I guess, more than a favorites list this is more of a bands that I allways come back to no matter what, that have never disappointed me with a bad realease, you know stuff like that. -The Cure I don't really feel I have to go into too much detail as to why The Cure rocks. It should be common knowledge by now. Robert Smith has this incredible pleading quality to his voice, which makes his sad songs sound really sad and his love songs sound really desperate and to me that's just perfect, it draws me in and makes me feel whatever feeling he's singing. Every time I go back and I listen to Love Song or Jupiter Crash and I fall in love with him all over again. Lyrically, they're amazing. No body can write and/or execute a love song the way The Cure does. -The Smiths/Morrisey I grew up listening to The Smiths, I was seven years old and jamming to Frankly Mr. Shankly. What I always really liked about him were how his lyrics, at that age, felt really naugty. Like "Sweetnes, I was only joking when I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head." I loved to sing that line out loud and have my fellow class mates look at me really weird. It was awesome. I also thought liked that Morrisey sings with his accent. He has this incredibly smooth and melodic voice, but you can tell he's English and with most singers they lose the accent when they sing. It adds this little sharpness to whatever he's singing. To this day I am amazed that his voice has not changed at all. It hasn't aged one bit which is a lot to say because he's been around for a while. -Cafe Tacvba They're Spanish Rock, probably one of the biggest bands to come out of Mexico. They didn't use drums, they mixed in their music with folkloric Mexican sounds. They also studied music which is really rare for a Mexican band, at the time. I think because of that they have this really awesome blend of music and they go from random chaos to violins with Aztec chants in the background. That in combination with the lead singer's token slightly rough and high voice is art. They were like the first rock genre band to be recognized in Mexico by the elite, which is to me is a pretty cool acheivement. They know their stuff and they're really an amazing band. -Björk Icelandic songstress. Björk has an amazing voice, that cannot be denied. It's very versatile she can sing against big band trumpets or the little tinklings of a music box. I actually, initially didn't like her. I guess it takes time to swallow in all she has to offer, because it can really be annoying, in a way. Like there's too much going inside her. But once I pushed her to the side and just listened to her music, especially music like what can be found in Homogenic I was instantly transfixed. A lot of people say her lyrics suck, I think differently though. Sometimes they can be a bit simple, but sometimes I think that's all you need. -Lucybell Lucybell is an Argentinian rock band. They're very good, kind of jazzy. Some of their songs just make you want to get naked and have slow methodical sex because of that jazzy sound in combination with Claudio, the lead singer's, super sultry smooth masculine voice. It's the type of music you can completely zone out to and melt into, like you feel it coursing through your body. It's weird, but nice. So yes, that's it, I'm done.
  22. Spy Kid and Agent Cody Banks and things like that aren't aimed for teens. Those are thing my seven and four year old nephews wants to see. However, I haven't seen a recent teen movie I can remember. I always really liked Pretty in Pink although the ending really pisses me off. [spoiler]She totally should have ended up with Ducky.[/spoiler] Molly Ringwald's teen movies kicked some major ***, I think.
  23. I have a friend who says he's gay but tries to touch my vagina. I seriously thought he just said he was gay so he could paw girls whenever he wants. Then came the day in drama when I was randomly standing and he was laying on the floor and I found his foot near my crotch trying to... do something. It was freaky, kind of scary. I started yelling at him and I really blew up in front of the entire drama class. He never tried anything again with me, but he still does with other girls, so yes, that's odd. I'm not fond of being molested.
  24. Name: Amaranth Gender: Woman Age: 16 Biography: Amaranth was born in France, but her mother, Sandra, is from Portugal and her father, Miguel, from the Canary Islands. They met in the traveling circus he was a founding member of. She was a run away in search of a job and with a background in gymnastics, he was a fire breather. Several years after an on and off relationship Sandra got tired of the unstable life the circus offered her and the equally unstable romance she found herself in and left both during a special performance in Paris. Several months later she found out she was pregnant. Amaranth never knew her father. Sandra didn?t spare her any detail on the type of man he was though. They had a very unsteady affair, but Miguel was an admirable man nonetheless. Because of the nature of his career though, Sandra was never able to contact him and tell him about his daughter. Amaranth grew up hoping one day the circus might pass by and she would finally be able to meet him. At the age of seven Amaranth spent seven hours waiting for her mother after school. Eventually a neighbor came to fetch her and told her her mother had suffered an accident. While crossing the street a car had hit her and she fell into a coma. She stayed that way for almost six months before her brain died. With no known relatives to take care of her she was admitted into a catholic orphanage. Amaranth managed to keep several pictures of her mother and father and at the age of 12 after several hard and raucous years of catholic schooling she ran away. She lived on the streets for several months before she found someone to take her in. Twenty-one year old drug trafficker Ezequiel offered her a job as a dealer and she took it. She saved all the money she earned and began searching for her father on the off-time. Through old friends who salvaged some of her mothers letters she recently came into contact with a sister of his. The last he was heard of the circus had disbanded and Miguel had traveled to Key City for an undetermined amount of time. That had been almost three years ago, but Amaranth decided to take the bait. Personality: Amaranth believes entirely in karma. As a drug dealer she only sold to those who deserved to die from an over dose. She has a very big problem with authority and is generally very rude and abrupt in dealing with the law. Other wise though she?s very sociable. She wants a normal life, the type of life she couldn?t have as a little girl and the type of love she missed out on, which is why she searches for her father so desperately. She always sides with the under dog, the poor, the sick, the unfortunate souls just trying to survive. She relates with them and so fights their fight. Although she acts very tough, inside she?s a ball of confused emotions. All she really wants is to be taken care of, but until she finds someone she can trust to do that, she won?t allow herself to get attached to anyone. Profession: At the moment Amaranth is searching for a legal job in Key City to aid her dwindling funds. Physical Description: Amaranth is 5'2 with wavy chin length black hair. She has a dark tan on her arms and legs and a very hard and well toned body. Her eyes are green and her mouth is always slightly open.
  25. A few days ago I got cut at Toys r' Us. I haven't had insurance since I was like seven though so I didn't go to the doctor because I knew the bill was going to be insanely high and we don't have the type of money right now. When my sister saw it though she nearly killed me for not going to the hospital, so somewhere close to midnight we went to the ER. We were there for like six hours until I got attended. I got a tetanus shot and six stitches, they were done with me in less then 15 minutes. How much am I paying for that? $2000-$3000. The hospital had a sale, I suppose you could call it, going on. If we could pay $750 up-front at that very moment we'd only have to pay $200 more for the doctor's bill. We couldn't though so they added an extra two thousand dollars to our bill and quite frankly if I can't afford to pay Health Insurance where the hell am I going to get the money to pay that. I don't think it's necessarily right to tax the rich man more, but a lot of the times I don't think it's right to tax the poor person the same amount because the type of gap it makes on a rich person's wallet is nothing in comparison to the gap in the poor person's. I mean I've gotten so many scars that should have been looked at by a doctor but never have been because it's ridiculously expensive. I wouldn't have gotten this checked out had my sister not forced me to go. I honestly wouldn't mind paying the high taxes even if I wasn't well off if I could at least [i]see[/i] that money go to something that benefits me directly, like health care. But yea, I'm doomed to die in debt unless I like win the lottery or marry some rich guy, both of which I really don't see happening at this point.
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