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Everything posted by future girl
Name: Isabel Age: 23 Sex: Female Appearance: Brown eyes, brown short cropped hair, tanned skin. She?s 5 ft tall, with wide hips and sloped shoulders. She?s small enough to fit in tiny spaces and is very flexible from years of yoga and dance classes. She?s wearing a black loose fitting t-shirt with a pocket over her left breast, dark denim boot cut jeans and ankle length combat boots. She has a big leather watch on her left wrist. Background: Isabel was classically trained as a dancer from the age of three. Otherwise home schooled all her life by her father, she grew up rather lonely. At the age of sixteen she fell in love for the first time with a dance instructor while performing in New York. It was somewhat of scandal because he was much older than her. They remained together for about six months before he was killed in a car accident and she remained with child. Not knowing what to do being so young and her father having turned her back on her after the incident she had an abortion. After this she returned to dancing and managed to make a career for herself. At the moment she?s taking a break from dance because of the excruciating amount of stress she?s been in. She tried visiting with a psychiatrist but it was no help and after the sudden breakdown she had in the middle of a performance a few weeks back it was decided that it would be best if she withdrew from the limelight for a while and took some time for herself. Equipment: She is carrying with her a purple pen and a silver lighter.
Celebraties aren't very important to me. I didn't know who Britney Spears or any of those similar artist or boybands were until I was like 15 (they'd been around for a while then) and we had gotten cable again and their images were plastered in every channel. I remember telling a few of the people I knew and them being shocked and almost horrified about it, somehow it made me pathetic. If anything though I find it rather pathetic that a person can revolve their entire life and attitude on one person they've never met. Most of the "celebraties" I admire are past their hay day or not very big by American standards and I think if I were to meet any of them I'd belittle the genius I thought their work was by wetting myself from excitment at seeing them. I don't really delve into the private lives of most of the artists I like and I judge them souly on their work because, in short, that's what they do, that's why I noticed them in the first place. I don't care how many boob jobs they've had and who their sleeping with, that's just ridiculous.
The Cure was one of the bands I grew up listening to and so for a long time I could never name an exact cd, but I knew every song by heart. The first cd I remember getting into with a passion though was Wild Mood Swings. It lives true to it's name, there are extremely depressing songs on there and exact opposites. It's a great listen because of that, I especially enjoy Jupiter Crash from off there. A lot of the music has a sort of oriental-ish sound to it, it's really very good. Also, Staring at the Sea is really good, it's a compilation of the Singles so you cover a broad range of time. (For a while I referred to this cd as the one with the old man on the cover) It's really good for someone who just got into the band because it gives you a really good idea of what they're all about.
Who likes Nirvana? And Tell Me What Happened to Kurt Cobain...?
future girl replied to a topic in Noosphere
I saw some documentary on Kurt Cobain's death a long time ago. I, personally, believe he was murdered. As aforementioned he had way too many drugs in his system at the time to actually be able to lift any sort of weapon and shoot himself. There was also the letter, the first half talks about quitting show biz or something similar and then the hand writing changes and he abruptly goes into killing himself. There are a lot of tid bits like that which. to me, just point to conspiracy, but yea. As for Nirvana, I think they're grossly over rated. They're good, but they've been posed to be one of, if not the best band and I just don't agree with that. Had he lived longer Nirvana would not hold the status they do, but such is the way of show business. -
I, sadly, missed the appearance of The Cure on Jay Leno and nearly sobbed because of that. I got the song from Tony though and I have to say I really like it. They're as good as ever. A lot of bands change drastically over the years and although you can't say they're exactly the same they never lost what made them The Cure. The song is perfect, nobody does a love song the way The Cure does a love song. For a long time I had this fear that I would never be able to see them perform. And now that they are and I will have a chance, I'm complete in so many ways. This is going to be insanely expensive, but it doesn't matter. It's The Cure, it may be a once in a lifetime sort of thing. I love them, just because they're so timeless. Just perfect.
Writing A Wolf at the Door (It Girl. Rag Doll.)
future girl replied to Shinmaru's topic in Creative Works
Hm, I didn't have that problem at all. I got that the narrator was a male immediately, the traits seems masculine to me. somehow. In any case, I really liked the story, especially how the flash backs jump in between the present-time story. The first flash back, though, sounds some what mechanical, and it stands out from the rest of the story in an odd way. The rest flows rather perfectly though, I think. It was a very good read ::nods:: -
What do you do to cheer yourself up?
future girl replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I think listening to music is one of the worst things I do to cheer myself up. Only because it never really helps and whenever I'm feeling better and I go back to listen to some certain cd it's already associated with the sadness I felt before when I played it non-stop and cried to it. I attach music to moments, but maybe that's just me. Anyway, what I do do to cheer myself up is go out. Some may call it running away from your problems, but when you're busy and running around with a bunch of friends that make you laugh the entire day you have no time to think about the bad things. And when you're finally done and ready to get back home you're too tired to be depressed and you take a shower and you go to bed and you wake up with this little high from knowing you have crazy friends that'll do a lot to cheer you up. It's nice ::nods:: -
How did you learn about sex?(Parental Advisory)
future girl replied to Pagan's topic in General Discussion
The first and only sex talk I ever had with my mother was "Sex is the most beutiful thing in the world, just don't do it until you're married." I was five. At some point in my childhood I thought sex was all about rolling around in bed and making out. Then I found out that the penis goes inside the vagina and was like, "woah!" O_O And then after that my sister took a human sexuality class and she decided she'd teach me everything she learned. I read her text books, she told me things, explained my questions. I think in comparison to most kids my age I know quite a bit about sex. Not just the dirty stuff, but the technical aspect of it too. I know everything I need to know so that I can make smart decisions and not get screwed over. -
I'm a senior in highschool and I'm 5ft tall. I think it's all about the way you carry yourself. You shouldn't act like you're ashamed of your height or any of yourself really. There's no one way to be noticed, it all depends on who you want to be noticed by. If anything, go with the cowboy hat, it'll be a nice story to tell your grandchildren.
How much do you pay to look good...
future girl replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
I waste nothing on my appearance. As far as hair care and beauty products, clothes and stuff like that my parents and sister are generous enough to buy me all of that. The most a hair cuts ever cost me is $30 and I dye my hair at home because my mom knows how. I don't wear enough make-up to make it some huge expense and I'm a bit too lazy to dress up too often. I have nice designer things, but they're not everyday things. When my mom's feeling generous she'll buy me a $50 shirt and I'll be in shock for months to come and doing lots and lots of chores to repay her. In any case, I waster far more money on books if anything so yes. -
I graduate in eight wonderful weeks. I think the hardest part about senior year for me is that I'm so tired of school I can barely will myself to go and get my final credits. But I am and I will. I didn't buy a class ring, mostly because my school was a piece of crap. Why would I buy a $500 ring to commemorate a place I hate with a passion. I kind of regret not going to a regular highschool because I never got that real high school experience. I went to a vocational school that also taught adults so it was extra strict, we were basically forced to act the way we would at a job or something similar. It was also very new and it didn't have a lot of classes I would have liked to take [like French or Phsychology] or good teachers for that matter, lots of perverts. Senior year in itself has been a bit hectic because of the final minute things our school forgot to mention we needed. I'm going to prom because my friends insisted and I have grad night (at Disney World) on the 30th. I'm looking forward to the last moments of irresponsibility without reprucusion that I have left. I'll be moving to Chicago shortly after graduation and if anything I think that's the real event for me. I can't wait ^_^
[b]I Feel[/b] It?s sometimes just like sleeping, this life, this world. Once upon a time I was the extreme of every motion and when I loved and when I hated and when I created and when I killed, I did it with all of me. But things seem to have changed and I can not even muster a giggle when the world tries to tickle me. I thought I needed to move, go, see, experience, but no matter where I am and in what dialect the street signs are in, everything feels dead. I am tired and I want to feel. I?d settle with sadness as long as I could feel that sadness move in me and take possession. I cannot bare to barely care anymore, I must be awakened. [center][IMG]http://mars.walagata.com/w/kajet/1.JPG[/IMG][/center] I came to him because I heard he was like God, and could show you a world others were not aware of. A world in which all you could do was live and feel. And so I took his pill and I felt pain. Floating in gel, entangled in wires, I could not see and I could not breath. I was trapped and then just as suddenly I was released. On my knees I coughed and it was as if my lungs had collapsed. I was a ?fish out of water? as they say, except I was suffocating on what was supposed to keep me alive. I do not remember what else happened after that. Several blinks later I could see a bright light and I felt like a child who for the first time ever stepped out into the sun. I raised an arm, providing shade for my self. A man stood before me, my aforementioned God and he smiled at me, asking gently, ?How are you?? I struggled for several seconds looking for a voice inside my throat and when I finally found it, managed to whisper, ?I feel.?
Writing Perks of Being a Wallflower (anyone?)
future girl replied to starphish's topic in Creative Works
Hm, I think, like the Catcher in the Rye, everyone comes or will come to an age when they understand the book completely. It's like that for a lot of coming of age tales, not everyone gets the same thing out of them and some ppl just don't get anything at all. I can't imagine everyone twenty years from now scoffing and saying the book is unrelatable because to some extent everyone goes through what Charlie went through, maybe not to the same degree or with the same situations, but the feeling of it all is there. I remember reading the part [spoiler]when he's in the back of the truck and that perfect song comes on and he says "I feel infinite."[/spoiler] It was like something so amazing, that feeling. I think at our age everyone gets that feeling at some moment and that Chbosky touched on it was perfect for me. -
Writing Perks of Being a Wallflower (anyone?)
future girl replied to starphish's topic in Creative Works
I found the book at my school library. I know they say to not judge books by their covers but the only real reason the book interested me at first was because it was almost entirely green *lol*. In any case, I ended up reading it in a day and it was just amazing. It's a lot like The Catcher in the Rye in that it's a coming of age story and although really very simple to read it really impacts you in the oddest way. What I really loved about it as straphish said was Charlie's wonderful amount of innocence. [spoiler]When he has that dream about Sam and he tells her about it because he felt it was wrong[/spoiler] I just found that incredibly endearing. I guess you can say he's the type of character you form an emotional attachement to, you really end up rooting for him in the end. And unlike the Catcher in the Rye you feel hopeful about Charlie, like he's gonna be ok. I also was very pleased with the mentioning of the Smiths ^_^ -
When I squint my nose twitches insanely so, just like that of a bunny. Some consider it an adorable trait, I find it rather annoying. I bite and lick my lips a lot. I'm not sure why I do this, but I notice that I do. I don't look at ppl while they talk to me. I look directly past them actually, or I notice the oddness of their mannerisms and interrupt to tell them all about it. I don't mean to, it just sort of happens. I refuse to lose the last word in an argument, but in the middle of friendly conversation, if I'm interrupted and the person notices and apologizes and wants me to go ahead, I refuse to. No real reason, I just prefer to hear everything the person has to say.
The biggest reason I'm looking forward to Kill Bill 2 is because according to all the articles I read there'll be a lot more character development which is what the first one lacked. I think a good back story on the Bride combined with the excellent fighting scenes will make it much better than the first, so I really am excited about it.
My problem with censorship is mostly that what bothers one person doesn't bother another. I don't think it's the government's place to say what can or cannot be published or put on television. I believe we are very capable of not watching what we do not want to watch and just because I'm offended by the word **** does not mean I'd try to force everyone to be offended by it. Different minds are ready for different things and thus different minds should be exposed to different things. I believe it's a parent's place to censor their child, leaving that to the governemt is just lazy. As far as hate material goes, I'd hope that no matter how much of it was put out there, a person's better judgement would not stop him from [i]knowing[/i] certain truths. I see ppl degrade other ppl everyday, I hardly believe it. I think it's just a matter of fighting that back with opposite views and materials, counter attacking if you will. ::nods::
I know it sounds like a lot of ********, but I honestly could not care less about physical appearance. Only because whenever I become interested in a boy we're friends for a while and the more I like this guy the more attractive he becomes. I won't lie and say I don't notice when a guy is good looking, but it takes a lot more to keep me interested. I suppose what I like the most is a smart guy, someone I can consider an intellectual equal. I just think it's very sexy to be able to touch every topic with a person. My only requirement for a boy physically speaking is that he be a few inches taller than me, but I'm only 5ft tall so that isn't too hard.
I go to a vocational school and I study graphic design. This year they opened up a new program, Technical Theater. It really isn't technical, just theater because the insturctor prefers it that way. I think I would have been happier studying this than graphic design, but alas it's too late now. My school didn't have an after school drama department until recently either, my senior year for which I was and am too busy to participate in any plays. I do have a drama class though, and that's very fun. We do in class productions, I've played old ladies, seven year olds, junkies, kareoke singers. Great fun, but nothing serious.
An admirable effort, wouldn't you say...
future girl replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
Ok, so this breaks with the trend a bit, but I've always admired a person that can be an asshole. I've met so many people that get walked all over, and it's refreshing when you meet someone that's willing to stand up for themselves no matter what the situation may be. I really enjoy straighfoward honesty. It means something to me when a person just tells me whatever they have on their mind despite any adverse reactions. And, well, I suppose you could call it some form of dedication, but when a person does something, no matter how hard it is, it's admirable. I know so many kids my age that say they can't study what they want to study or go to the school they want to go to because their parents won't pay for them. I really admire that small percentage who are willing to work their ***es off to do what they want with their lives. It's cool, yo. -
I just started watching the show recently, I'd seen him do stand up comedy before so I already knew the guy was pretty funny. It's one of the better shows on Comedy Central at this point, I especially enjoy his skit about Eddie Murphy's brother kicking Rick Jame's *** and the skit about different music styles effects on different races, that was hilarious as well.
When I was much younger I used to sing, mostly in Church and by force, but I sung. I eventually quit that once I left church. I had no real aspiration as a singer. Lately I find I enjoy it though, but I'm not sure whether I have a good or a bad voice, so I just joke around with it a lot. In 7th grade I played the clarinet, by force once again. The teacher made me because no other students wanted to and I was last pick anyway. I would have preferred the Violin or cello, but no :( In any case, I tried at it and I wasn't bad, but I just wasn't passionate about the instrument and quit pretty shortly. I play a mean tamborin as well ^_~
[quote name='Semjaza Azazel']I don't know how bad I can feel for someone who had owned that many cars by your age.[/quote] I really have to agree... In anycase, I can't drive, but my dad tried to teach me. I had a hard time keeping the stearing wheel straight, and I forgot to take it out of reverse twice and when he yelled at me I cried. ::shrugs:: I don't mind walking, it's healthy. I like bikes too ^_^
My mother is a pentecostal Christian and for a while there (basically most of elementary) I was too. Eventually though, the strictness of the religion drove me away. I wasn't allowed to cut my hair, wear pants, talk to ppl who were not christians. I sort of came to believe that no matter what I did I was gonna go to hell because I couldn't be perfect, I couldn't keep away from listening to music not about God or avoiding kids that cursed. It was impossible so I sort of gave up on trying to save my soul from eternal damnation and went with the motions. At some point I developed nightmares about the second coming, heh, I was basically breaking down. And then for some odd reason, I just sort of relaxed about it all. I'm not an atheist, I'm not even sure I'd call myself agnostic. I believe in God or a higher being or whatever you want to call it and I think whatever happens as far as me burning in hell is between me and him, and it excludes outside influences like church and the bible. It's simpler that way, it feels right this way ::nods::
Hm, yea, I've seen this happen before, a lot actually, even with abscense of any sort of drugs. Some women form dangerous attachements to the men they're with, they become addicted. In the same fashion that a junkie knows he shouldn't be injecting heroin and still does, a woman will sometimes know that this guy is hurting her, but believe that the love is worth it, that the "good" moments are worth the abuse. I don't think there's anything you can do at this point. Again, like with junkies, you can't do anything about it unless the person tries to detox themself. It's upto her, hopefully your aunt will come to her senses.