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Everything posted by future girl
Hm, I've never lost my wallet because I keep a falcon-like eye on it and I never take it anywhere. It's a pretty big wallet, a lady wallet, if you will and I have everything in there, social security, birth certificate, immunization records. I rarely have money though, and no checks, credit or bank cards to my name. When I go out I usually stuff money into my front pocket and constantly make sure it's there out of habit. In any case, like someone else said, if I found a wallet it'd depend under what circustances I found it. If the person dropped it right in front of my face well, I'd hand it back to them. If it was just sitting there idly, well I'd take the money and return the rest to lost and found. It's the way I was raised, seriously. As for a check, checks are complicated, I wouldn't bother.
As far as offline goes, I'd say I'm something of an inbetweener. A lot of people know who I am, actually. People come to me, for advice, sometimes just to tell me things I really don't wanna hear, but they come to me anyway. I can't really say I hang out with a specific group of people because I phase in and out of the company of others. I'm approachable and I'm really funny so people like me. It's also a relatively small school so there really isn't a popular group, they just differentiate by music taste and I listen to everything so yea... As for on-line, I have no idea where I stand. I really, I don't know.
One term that actually gets a bit on my nerves is [b]sexual frustration[/b] and only because half the people using it don't even know what it means. It's an actual condition kids, you can get convulsions, fainting spells, it's not as simple as some of you make it seem. You're not sexually frustrated people, you're just horny. ::nods:: Also, lately people are throwing around [b]therefore[/b] a lot more freely than I'd like them to. They use the word in the most inappropriate places. It's a really vain attempt to look smarter than you are and it's not working, no no no.
Ganging up on one person bites.
future girl replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
I have to agree with Wrist Cutter, if you can take an insult in stride and brush it off as the senseless ******** it is, well then eventually it dies down. Not only that but it makes the person that insulted you look like a complete ***, so yea. I haven't been called a name in ages, ppl usually don't mess with me and thus I don't mess with them, everything's a lot simpler that way. -
I remember watching that show and being like, "When's her dad gonna get drunk and tell her she can fly and the accidentally drop her on her head??" It made no sense, no sense at all! Yea, I watched Full House. But I didn't have cable so that's my excuse. I had a thing for Uncle Jessy ::smiles shily::. He had cool hair and was all rebel-like and stuff ^_^;; And other than him, I really had no reason to watch the show. So I was seven and lusting after John Stamos, who cares.
[quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1]But of course you know that someone is going to find out eventually and it's going to be funny when they do.[/color'][/size][/quote] Which seems to be the case for the next episode, but y'know, despite the ickiness of it all I sort of feel sorry for Julie. She's looking for romance and the only place she can find it is in the arms of an 18 year old kid (woo, that sounded corny), but it's true nonetheless. I found Caleb's booty call attempt to be more dispicable than her's anyway. [quote name='Queen Asuka][color=hotpink][size=1] really do not like Teresa. -_- I wanted Ryan and Marissa to get back together and I thought for a minute there that they would. Stupid Teresa and her lip-locking madness...[/color'][/size][/quote] Hm, I'm torn on this. There's the excruciatingly romantic side of me that still wants Ryan and Marissa to be together, but Teresa is more deserving. In any case, even though he kissed her, I really don't think Marissa is completely out of the picture yet.
Hm, you seem to be right about Seth going back and forth between Summer and Anna, at least according to the preview for the next episode. But to do so in such short periods of time is amazing. That Actually makes dislike him a bit, Players aren't cool. -_- In any case, Anna can't go, as I've said before, I like her the most. What has me really thinking though is that whole Teressa thing, interesting interesting. I thought for sure when Marissa went to see her she would run into her mom and Luke, lucky I guess lol. Next episode seems like a pandora's box of sorts, what with the whole Caleb thing, and it just seems very dramatic. Can't wait ^_^;;
We don't have snow days in Miami. We have hurricane days though, you board up the house and sleep all day since the power tends to go out. If you're lucky you may have a batter operated radio, but everything goes down eventually so yea, you sleep and when it's over you have a BBQ because electricity doesn't work.
I've never gone out with a guy I just met. It's always a guy I've been friends with for a while, gotten to know, you know, all that good stuff. I suppose because of this I'm basically pretty comfortable on a first date. I don't really have to do anything in general, although I rarely do that whole hang out with a ton of friends thing, I find it annoying heh. I like something personal, I'm not too much a fan of the theater either. I like going for walks and talking, some sort of food involved and yea. I'm a dork, and I'm pure, so hah! ^_^;;
Well, I'm a bit emotion based when it comes to music. Usually I listen to something that eccentuates the mood I'm currently in, like if I'm sad I'll put something by The Cure or Sigur Ros and if I'm happy I'll put on Los Fabulosos Cadillacs or something similar. In any case, I listen to music a lot, when i write or draw music helps put ideas into my head. Like when trying to create a scenario, music will help with that because I attach it to memories, moments, feelings, ppl. I sleep to music as well, mostly slower instrumental stuff that I put on repeat so I can wake up to it as well. Everything feels a lot calmer that way.
[QUOTE=Queen Asuka]So what do you think will happen with Anna? [/QUOTE] Well, the preview for the next episode posed an interesting situation, with what seemed like Summer flirting with some boys clad in sport's team jackets and Anna questioning the nature of that. She definately cannot disappear since she is the drama in that situation (and my favorite character in the whole show!) I agree with you though, that despite me really wanting Seth to end up with Anna instead of Summer, they did make it all seem romantic in a very nice way.
Bah, I'm still really depressed because I won't be seeing the Cure, that's like, like a stab in the heart. What if they never play again, what if that's IT for them, what then??? ::cries:: In either case, I haven't heard a lot from the Pixies, just that one cd which was cool, but yea...it's the Cure and it hurts so much, I can't be exited about any other band.
Yea, this is pretty short notice but I just realized that I'm not gonna have any time to do this. I'm playing the catch up game in my school work as it since I've been absent so much, so sorry, maybe another time when I'm free and stuff.
I'm a huge fan of Zatoichi the Man Slayer, heh. Samurai Saturdays on the IFC ^_^. I don't even know if those are still going on, but I've seen quite a few of the Blind Swordsman Movies because of them. I'm quite a fan ::points to pictures on wall::. I'm not really that big of a samurai freak anymore, it was one of those stages in my life. To me these movies are a bit like the predecessor to what anime is now, in fact I find the Blind Samurai to be really similar to Rurouni Kenshin in that their both searching for redemption. In any case, I hadn't heard there was gonna be a remake. I'm definately looking foward to this.
I was pretty shocked when Julie and Luke got together. What's kinda gross about it all is not her age, but the fact that he's been with her daughter. I mean, well, how you can see your daughter's boyfriend (even if he is the ex) as anything more than your daughter's boyfriend just boggles the mind. ::gags as well:: In any case, eventually Ryan and Marrissa will get back together, maybe not immediately and with a few flings in between, but it just seems inevitable to me. She really doesn't deserve him though, that's for sure.
I understand that whole having siblings that are several years older than you thing, it's very hard to find a lot to relate to with them. Never the less, I turned 18 this year and I really can't say anything special happened. We bought a small cake and I didn't even eat any lol. We really stopped celebrating my birthday when I was like eight or something similar. It's a drag, but I've gotten used to it. Birthdays aren't a big deal here in my family and I imagine my 19th will be pretty similar to my 18th except that I may be living alone at that time. Maybe I'll do something like Arcadia, just to commerate being on my own, but who knows.
Although I fear as far as winning goes it's not going to happen, I do like the idea of it all and thus I am in. The realistic drawing is what's gonna kill me, but it's a nice challenge I think ::nods::
I love this show, both versions. I'm most familiar with the American version because they took away my BBC though :( but it's still funny. My favorites are Colin and Ryan, those two are hilarious. There aren't many tv shows that can make me cry from laughing so hard, but this one does that, and it does it a lot lol. I'm not too fond of the song making unless they're all involved, like on a ho-down. It got a bit repetitive for me. I love it when they do the one where they take out a a suggestion from the audience in the hat, and the prop one is really good too.
What's your opinion on Valentine's day?
future girl replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Well, I've never really been with someone for Valentine's romantically, so I really don't know how that goes. I usually spend the day with close friends, we buy each other presents and distribute chocolate to each other. This aspect of it isn't so bad. As far as Valentine's Day goes, it's nice to be celebrated, but it's no big deal. I'd rather a boy demonstrate he likes me by being nice to me everyday, than just one day out of the year. Sure the day lacks originality, but that in itself isn't really true. I mean, it always depends on how the person dedicates the day to you, I know I go all out on my friends and they do the same for me, it's not some random card, it does mean something to some ppl. I could survive with getting nothing that day, but it still is pretty nice to get something. -
The first one really is very well done. The proportions, outfit, wings, everything meshes very well together. The second one is equally good, although I think if you penned in the outline it would catch the eye more. The third one isn't disproportionate, I think. There's an oddness about her right hip though, but it's still very nicely done and the naughty outfit is nice indeed.
In my drama class we're learning the technical aspect of theater, I guess you call it. We're learning how to bulid frames at the moment. It's fun because of the ppl who are involved and the group ambiance of it all. It's also nice to know that I'm part of the production without having to show my little ol' shy face ^_^;;
When it comes to rap, I'm definately into the older, but not so old stuff. Tupac, the Wutang Clan, Bone Thugs n Harmony, Snoop Dawg, they just remind me of my childhood. I can't say I've looked into anything new since then, I do own some of Outkast's stuff, and I listen to odd songs here and there on the radio, but nothing I can name off the bat. As far as R&B goes, I'm a huge fan of the Roots. They're a really solid band, play their own instruments (which seems to be a rarity in the genre now) and lyrically speaking they have some great stuff. They're not as popular as they should be with younger crowds because they're stuff isn't syndicated much, but they're awesome. I also really like Erika Badhu, she's got a great mellow voice. One of my favorite songs actually is her and the Roots' duet, 'Baby.' Wonderful song.
Fairly Odd Parents is definately one of the better shows airing on Nickelodeon. Behind the stupid kid show underlies an undeniable amount of wit. I love Timmy's parents. Today I saw the episode where he wishes they didn't care anymore, [spoiler] the bit where the mom makes a rope out of her arm pit hair[/spoiler] lol, hilarious. It has a nice amount of senseless banter, very quicked paced. One of my favorite lines is "The Internet." It just makes so little sense lol.
As far as Seth, Summer and Anna go, I'm under the impression that he's sleeping with Summer next episode. I'm hoping, perhaps in vain, that if he does and then tries to gain Anna's apology (because we all know she has to find out), that she doesn't forgive him. If after her devotion he still cheats on her, then he definately doesn't deserve her. I hope this doesn't turn into a Mexican Soap opera, where it's ok to cheat on your girlfriend as long as the person you slept with was evil
One of my favorite shirts has an Asian looking Superman and Wonderwoman in wheel chairs. They're wheeling toward eachother very fast with arms extended. Behind them is a big red heart and down the center between them some white characters that say something in some Asian, I'm guessing, language. It cost me a dollar and is extremely comfortable, I don't really care to know what it says...