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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. "Someones been watching too much trainspotting."
  2. There's this song by Alicia Keys, I believe it's called 'You Don't Know My Name.' There's a part where she just speaks, that annoys me to no end. That Milkshake song is horrible, just all of it. It's either too nasal or too deep, blech! 'Stacy's Mom,' well, man, that's just bad. It's the same chorus line over and over and over again and the singers voice is so horrible nasal. 'Baby I Got Your Money' Biggy Smalls' voice has always disgusted me, need I say more? There's more, O God, is there more! I don't listen to radio in desperate attempts to never run across this music.
  3. My problem with school is that I feel like I've finished learning. It's not that I don't want to learn, that's not it at all, it's that where I'm at, it just isn't happening. I'm looking foward to higher education because I'm hoping I'll have teachers with a passion for what they're teaching. Right now every teacher just doesn't care, it truly feels like they're there because they have to be. Book work just doesn't do it for me, I'm a fan of discussion, lectures. I don't want to hear what the book says, I want to hear what the professor thinks. I want to know oppinions, comments, questions, thoughts. That's the only reason why I hate school right now, because sitting there feels like a waste of time. I'm eager to learn, but no one's teaching.
  4. I have a scar on my right leg. My sister tried hitting me with a broom, as she swung it in the air she knocked over a glass and it broke. She broomed it up into a neat pile at the entrance of the kitchen and left to bed. The next morning as I walked into the kithen I tripped and fell over the glass, my shin slamming into most of the pieces. So I had a very gigantic scar, two actually and they were open cuts. I went to my sister's room as she was the only one home and she said, in her state of unconciousness (sleep), "Go put some alcohol on it." So I grabbed the alcohol and ran a q-tip down the inside of the scar a few times. It didn't hurt, I'm under the assumption that I was in shock. I was pretty sure I needed stitches, but my parents decideded they didn't want to take me and thus I tied a sock around it and that was that.
  5. Well, I'm hoping I can think up five movies I really liked last year by the time I'm done writing about the first... 1) Habla Con Ella (or Talk to Her) was released in 2002 in Spain, about exactly a year later it was finally released in the states. The movie was directed by my favorite, the one and only Pedro Almoldolvar and although it doesn't hold the same amount of sly wit as his others, it is still undeniably Almoldovar. The movie is, in short, about two men, one a nurse and the other a writer and the women, a dancer and a bullfighter, they love who both happen to be in comas. It's extremely captivating, really very wonderful. 2) Kill Bill, Vol 1. I really enjoyed this, although I think if it weren't for the promise of a second part I'd feel a bit disapointed. I think it does what its supposed to do, and very well at that. ...so yea, I wait 'til everything comes out in video, and what?
  6. You know, I like Johnny Depp, but I can't really say I ever had any true passion for him. His more popular movies are what throw me off, I suppose. I abhored Blow, that was terrible... Either way, I'm a really big fan of Ben Kingsley. From Ghandi to Sexy Beast, that man truly played a role that everyone thought he could never pull off. He truly assumes the role he plays , very convinving indeed. Other than him my favorite actors drift into the never heard of category, unfortunately...
  7. Anatema is something I'd been hearing for a while in church. Our pastor was really adamant about yelling it out every other ten seconds, and without ever knowing what it meant it sort of stuck with me. I figured it was either something really good or something really bad. Eventually I looked it up in my mother's big book of biblical terminologies and it is a formal ecclesiastical ban, curse, or excommunication. It basically labels those as cursed or damned. In church I usually felt as if the whole congregation felt I was irrevocably lost and it stuck with me. Years later I came to sign up here and was indecisive. After some thinking and looking through lists of words and names I liked I befell upon Anatema once again and that was that. Someone once told me that I had mispelled the word, but no, I haven't. I've only attended church and read the bible and other religious books in one language, Spanish and I formed my attachement to the spanish version of the word. I know it is spelled Anathema in English, I'm not an idiot -_-
  8. Everytime my mother goes to Nicaragua she always stacks up on cold medicines and the like for my grandmother because this stuff isn't readily available over there. Well the last time she went, which was a while ago so this has been going on for a while, they told her that she was restricted to how much medicine she could take. So she, in her infinite genius, gave me a part to buy and my sister a part to buy and that was that. In short, if my mother could find away around it, anyone can.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]What I meant is.. Well, I am no professional photographer, but I know what I like and whilst I have no idea of the technical difficulties involved, if I see something while we're driving or whatever.. I often wish I had a camera. And it doesn't seem that hard to find the right scene. [/B][/QUOTE] While it may be simple to find the right scene, it is extremely difficult to make that perfect scene look just as perfect as it does in film as it does in real-time. I'm going to study photography, it's an extremely difficult career choice. It takes true talent and effort to be taken seriously and the technical side of it is...well, difficult. Indeed, sometimes photography is a lot about chance, you're lucky to be somewhere and catch a certain moment, but not everyone can catch that moment as well as others, it's a skill that takes a lot of honing. As for the original question, it's not really easy to define art. To some people 'Chair' is art, to others 'Chair' is a chair. As stated before, some 'artist' know how easy it is to tell a critique or a musuem curator that a chair symbolizes the inner struggle of good and evil inside us all, and then charge $2000+ for it. Art is a loose category, not all of it has to have meaning, sometimes it can just happen. To me art is an outlet. My pent-up frustrations find their way to canvasas, sketchbooks, notebooks, napkins. I'd never sell a napkin for $2000+, but that's just me.
  10. I like red, bold red, bloody red. For one thing, it looks very nice with my skin tone, the two offset eachother perfectly well. Also, I think the color is very earthy and yet excruciating feminine and bold as well. I think I am as well, and thus it is my favorite color.
  11. For years now the music I'm most passionate about has been a big secret. Spanish Rock is really big in some cities of the United States, but in Miami is kinda sorta dead. It sucks, because of it's unpopularity here bands I love very rarely come down and if they do it's for one night only, and they don't come back in [i]years[/i]. There was a point in my life where I was a bit selfish and I kept my music for myself, I was afraid of what popularity might do to the sound really. But then, I got over that sillyness and I introduced a few people to a few bands like Los Fabulosos Cadillacs or Jaguares. I think it's nice to be able to share the sounds, discuss the lyrics, have intelligent conversations about hidden meaning and the notes the singer can hit. I love music, I like people to love it with me *nods*.
  12. Name: Sarah Age: 18 DOB: Jan 16 1986 Location: Miami One Word: quaint No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Inventive Occupation: Student Color: Red Food: Edible types Beverage: Rasberry Iced Tea, Water Alter Ego: Peter Dream Job: I'd really like to be paid to study art Self-Proclaimed: laundro-mat Ethnicity: Nicaraguan Extracurricular: stuff, artsy stuff Hobby: Writing, Reading, Drawing, Canoodling Dessert: Ice Cream Cake Mac or PC? PC Blog: MyO Book: There's four, Catcher in The Rye, The Satanic Verses, Smilla's Sense of Snow, A Wild Sheep Chase Collections: Notebooks, books, Mittens, Socks, Scullies, Underwear, Stationary, Stickers etc etc Won't Eat: oily stuff...and ppl TV Show: At the moment I'm torn between the OC and Sex in the City Words to live by: My sister said to me today, "Y'know I've begun to think that all these books, and boxes and crap we collect are things that tie us down. I think I want to be a drifter." I think I agree. Addicted to: bread Comic: I like the Boondocks Movie: Woman on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
  13. I really love to watch small children communicate. It's very much facial expressions, gestures, and grunts. My nephews have a language barriar to cross with my father, and that's always entertaining. They point, say the sentence in english, and translate one word in the sentence to Spanish. Resourceful indeed. They're faces though, are the biggest talkers. If they've done something "bad" and you ask who it is, and stare them down, usually the guilty one will smile coily. It's a difficult communication relationship, that of children and adults, it always depends on how exposed to the child you are and how exposed the child is to you.
  14. Romantic on-line relationships are just too painful. Too many times it takes so much sacrifice, and well, I don't think I can do it. There are perhaps a few who can, but I don't think they hold the validity of a real relationship with a person you can see and touch. I admit sometimes you meet a person and you think I can really see myself dating this guy, there's an attraction, but I don't let it get farther than that because so much more can go wrong with an on-line relationship, it's healthier to not set yourself up for heart break. As far as on-line friendships go, though, I have a few, but only a few. They just happen, really. I don't think I've ever gone looking for friends, on-line or in my out-side life. There a select few people that I consider true friends because they're fun to talk to, because despite the distance they're as there for me as can be. There's always the danger of being lied to, that a person may not be what he says he is, but often times that danger exist in outside relationships as well.
  15. I figure the longer you are with a person sexually, the more time you have to fully know that person and explore all possibilities. I admit, when I was younger I found the idea of only having one sexual partner for a life-time a bit boring, but now, I think I'd like to just find that one person that does it for me and stick with him. It's very gross, I don't want to be involved with someone that sleeps with person after person just looking for a good ****, I think I'm worth more than someone's passing fancy. As for the age thing, I came to the conclusion that I'd lose my virginity after I turned 18. Not to say that I'm not mentally ready for it now or that on my birthday I'm gonna go screw anyone with a penis. When I'm 18, and out of my house and taking care of myself and I find a guy that isn't just going to be one night of passion, then what happens happens. I don't believe in marriage, but I do believe in monogomy so yea.
  16. I really don't think I will ever have children, but the subject of names comes up a lot when I'm writing some sort of story. A few of my favorites are (for males) Killian, Ezequiel, and (for females) Noa, Evie, or Anahita. Not too odd, but they stand out nonetheless.
  17. I live in Florida, Miami to be exact. I don't take advantage it, as is the case with most people that happen to live in very turosty areas. The climate is odd lately, it's been in the 50s and 40s (farenheit) lately, which is nothing compared to other places, but y'know, it's the sunshine state. I can't wait to get out of here though. Florida doesn't suit me I think, it's very much the party town and I'm too "artsy," if you will, to party the way Miamians do.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema[/i] [B]I always liked the sadness in Ryoko's character, y'know the whole tough exterior soft interior dealy. She was, for lack of a better word, misunderstood and in some odd sort of way I related with her.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]I really hated Ryoko. She was so sluttish to me and it was too pushy and brute.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I like the way that worked out, lol. Either way, I do agree that Ryoko was a bit sluttish, but it was more like that whole idea of the hooker with a heart of gold. Despite all her faults her love for Tenchi was true, and to me she always seemed to love him the most, the most willing to sacrifice for his happiness. He didn't deserve her, in my oppinion.
  19. I'm a picky eater, I've always liked soft serve vanilla ice cream with McDonald's fries. That's not too weird. My cousin eats tomatoes with chocolate chip cookies. My mother eats pig blood and rice. Nicaraguan cuisine in general is a bit iffy. Cow tripe soup, that's a big dish back in the homeland. The thought of it is disgusting, but it doesn't taste so bad.
  20. Like Jim Carrie, I have to watch anything with Adam Sandler when I am in a mood. Too much can sometimes be overbearing. My favorite movie of his is The Wedding Singer, and that's probably because of all the 80s music in it and the Billy Idol cameo, rather than Sandler himself. The movies are rather repetitive, same idea behind them all, but he has his moments.
  21. I first came into contact with the Tenchi series back when the Sci-fi network still ran anime early on Saturday mornings. They showed the movie Tenchi in Love, I hated it. A few weeks later they began showing the series on Cartoon Network and although a bit skeptical as to whether I should watch it or not I did. I have to say I am very glad, Tenchi has to be one of my favorites. Like just about everyone I always leaned more toward Ryoko, but I don't despise Ayeka. I always liked the sadness in Ryoko's character, y'know the whole tough exterior soft interior dealy. She was, for lack of a better word, misunderstood and in some odd sort of way I related with her. I was also a huge fan of Ryo-o-kee, that is one adorable cabbit!
  22. Black Mini Cooper. Hot stuff, man. They're just so small, yet when you're in one it seems really roomy. I think it's very fitting to my appearance as well since I'm so small and so yes, I want that car, but will probably not own it any time soon.
  23. Recently I had to write my own eulogy for English and read it out loud to the class. The girl that went before me requested that for her funeral her casket be marble, her hair be tied up and her make-up done in natural brownish tones. I think she basically mentioned every detail and I found it rather funny that even in death she could be so materialistic. I never liked the idea of the open casket funeral, the unreal doll like quality of the body has always bothered me. I've been to about three funerals in my life time and 2 out of 3 of those times I spent the night at the funeral home sleeping in the same room as the body. I'm very stoic during the whole situation, but what has always made me cry is the lowering of the body into the earth. It's my breaking point, where I finally realize 'this person I cared for is really dead and they're not coming back.' I hardly think that a funeral is a waste of time, some people need that, sort of like what Semjaza said, the sense of community. As for me, I've always thought I'd like to disappear. I'm not sure why, but the thought of knowing about my death before-hand, and then leaving so that no one know for sure what happened to me seems appealing.
  24. I hold doors open for ppl and I'm a girl. It just seems like the polite thing to do. There's this boy in school, though, who will literally sprint to get the door for me and my friends. We've asked him why he does it and he gets really embarassed so we try holding the door open for him and he told us it would be rude of him to walk through. I guess he believes the C building doors are much to heavy for us or something, but I always feel really sorry for him because of it, if anything. Either way, most guys I know will hold the door open for me. I've never felt someone was telling me I was weak because of it. It's just common courtesy.
  25. I've probably seen Edward Scissorhands about a million times, or I could see it a million times and never get tired. It doesn't get old, it always has the same effect on me. It's one of the saddest movies I can choose to watch and yet the message that it sends across, that all of life's hardships are worth the moment you're loved back, that's beautiful. Johnny Depp is incredible in here, barely any dialogue and yet he manages to express everything extremely well, you know what he's feeling and you don't have to be told. It's a great movie.
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