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future girl

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Everything posted by future girl

  1. It was incredibly stupid, you don't look at this type of movie searching for any sort of insight or deep stuff of the like. It's a cheap laugh. I wouldn't waste money on it, I get free HBO. It was nice for a sleepless night after a Sex in the City marathon, but I wouldn't go as far as buying it or anything.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Artemis [/i] [B]Actually, what annoys me is when the bilingual people use their command of another language to talk about you behind your back. I spent 6th and 7th grade in a vertible hell (clique problems) and much of it was because the Hispanic girls in my class had something against me (my brains). They would frequently speak Spanish in front of people who couldn't (even though their English was just fine.) I think that may be why I'm taking Spanish now. I hated the feeling of being the little white nerd-girl in the dark. What's fun is knowing a bit in a language that almost no one our age knows: Latin. I took it in 8th grade. I'd still be taking it now, but it isn't offered at my [i]Catholic[/i] school. What's up w/ that? (I've been told that parents fear we'll go back to all Latin if it's offered at the high school level...yeah...it's stupid.) [/B][/QUOTE] I've actually done this, not to speak ill of someone, but sometimes there are things you want to say to your close friend that you don't want anyone else to know about. It's horribly rude, but a lot of times you can't help it. And with some ppl it's just natural to speak only Spanish with them despite the fact that our English is perfect. A lot of times you'd be surprised by this supposed Spanish-speaking kids. They're grammar is horrible, it's spanglish, there's nothing more horrible on this earth than spanglish. *shudders*
  3. I get creative burst of energy, they're usually extremely inappropriate, like when I should be sleeping I get the most wonderful idea for a story. I never put anything off because I like to get the idea exactly how I envisioned it down and then I end up going to bed at something like four in the morning. Drawing also works the same way, I just get in a mood really. It's the sudden need to create something, I guess.
  4. I speak Spanish, but in Miami that's really no big deal. I have been in situations where I'm asked to say stuff, though. I don't mind at all, I've actually always volunteered to be the translator in situations with non-english speaking parents and non-spanish speaking teachers. It's annoying when half the class is asking me how to say F**k though, and contrary to popular belief, yes there is a word for it.
  5. I really don't think Chicklette's black girl was from the 90's, she seemed 50-ish to me, but that's besides the point. This movie was definately weird, but I enjoyed it a whole lot. Also, [spoiler]the murderer wasn't Chicklette's mom, it was the foriegn exchange student[/spoiler] When they said it was her in the first place I was extremely shocked, I knew it couldn't be her. I really enjoyed [spoiler]the part at the beach when Chicklette asks the guy she likes what he does with the other blonde girl when they're alone.[/spoiler] I thought that was hilarious.
  6. I have to say I'm with Sara in being ready to move on. I have a lot of friends that I'm almost positive my relationships with will die and although that does sadden me to a certain extent, I'm not fighting it. If everything goes as I have it planned I'll be going very far away for college and I won't have family or friends with me. I'm interested in experiencing something new. Either way, college is full of ppl so it shouldn't be so hard to find a few ppl you can get along with well enough to not feel lonely.
  7. future girl


    I was introduced to the Misfits about a year or so back by a friend of mine. I've gotten more into them over that past couple of months though so my knowledge on them is very minimal. Nonetheless, I really like their sound, I think the music and vocals have a very nice way of melding together, and the lyrics are especially awesome. Cool, cool.
  8. future girl


    [URL=http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/peanuts/meet_the_gang/meet_peppermint_patty.html]Peppermint Patty[/URL] is a girl. I always thought she had a thing for Charlie and stuff. EIther way, a few years back I was fascinated with Peanuts. I have a whole mess of antique-ish comic books and the like. I always really liked when Snoopy would have his novel writing sequences or the Red Baron thingy, I found it amusing.
  9. My school has a really big problem with PDA, but that's if they manage to catch you. Me and my friends are a very affectionate group, so we'll sit on each other's lap or walk arm and arm down the hall. We've been repremanded before, once a security guard basically accused me of being a slut for sitting on a friend's lap. On the other hand, I have a friend who basically eats her boyfriend's face while I eat my lunch. It's hilarious and yet gross to see the strings of slobber as they seperate. *shudders* And yet, they've never been told to stop or anything of the like. I wouldn't say I'm against PDA, I just think there's a fine line that gets crossed way too much. It's about respect, don't spit all over your boyfriend while I'm eating, it ruins my apetite! So yes, hold hands, but don't grope eachother; give kisses here and there, but please try not to involve saliva, it's just common courtesy.
  10. I've died my hair a number of times, mostly really bright reds or blue black. I have naturally dark brown hair, but I've never really had a problem. I tried doing hi-lights once though, burgundy-ish ones, but my sister messed up, said "**** it," and did my whole head. It wasn't what I wanted, but it looked nice. I'm actually about to dye my hair black now, and then I'll be putting in pink hi-lights. We'll see how that turns up since I'll have to bleach my hair and that in general is really bad for hair.
  11. It's a FujiFilm FinePix A210. It's really not [i]all[/i] that, but compared to what we had before (which was nothing) and the price it's very nice. It's also the first camera I own all to myself so it's nice to be able to take it where ever I go instead of having to share it with the eleven ppl I live with. I'm currently saving up to buy a new, more professional one. Though, I'm not sure what yet. The reason I finally decided photography was for me was because not only did I enjoy the act of taking pictures, but I also really like the idea of traveling. I've always found the idea of working for something like the National Geographic truly invigorating. I know that to get there would take a lot of work. But it's worth, I think. The degree itself will be hard to get since my parents aren't behind me in this decison at all. This will be a lot of blood and sweat on my part, but I'm completely willing.
  12. This year is my last in highschool and I only just finally decided what to do with myself a few months back. I'm becoming a photographer. I grew up though believing I would become a writer, and although I don't plan to quit on that I wanted to do more. I looked into animation for awhile as well. I've also wanted to become a film maker, lol. I'm all over the place, but after some thought and a brand new camera I went for photography. Now what I'm exactly going to do with photography I am not sure. I've applied to four schools: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Columbia College Chicago The School of the Museam of Fine Arts in Boston Florida International University What I really want is to go to The Institute in Chicago, and if all goes as planned that's what I'll do. FIU is what I [i]have[/i] to do if everything else falls through.
  13. I'm the youngest of five, but even though I grew up relatively lonely. My sibling closest in age to me was four years older and a boy. In general my brothers, one four years older and the other seven, beat me up a lot. I was like their punching bag so we didn't get a long too much when I was younger. As I grew up though, they took on the role of protectors and instead of beating me up, beat up any guy who approached me. They get away with a lot because they are boys, my parents give them more than they deserve, but not much I can do about that. Now that they're living in Nicaragua our relationship is sporadic. I'm about half a month from turning 18 and they still insist on treating me like a child. I know it's natural, but I don't like to baby talked to. There really isn't one I get along better with, usually it's more like I get along with one and I don't get along with the other. As for my sisters, one is ten years older than me and the other is 13. That's a really huge age difference. When I was 10, they were 20 and 23 so it was hard to get close to them. As a very young child though, I got along extremely well with my oldest sister. I was more like her doll than her sister though and once I grew out of the stage of wanted to play dress up and the like, I got much closer to my other sister, Lucy. She's much more artistic and intellectual than the other. When my other sister had her children and the like she kinda forgot about me, so Lucy took it from there and taught me a lot of what I know. She's very good with children in that she doesn't treat you like a child, but an intellectual equal. I always liked that. All in all, I'm sure any problems I have now with my siblings I will grow out of. Things always get better with time between us.
  14. A list of the stuff I got: -Miracle Perfume, Lotion and glitter stick thingamajig. Smells wonderful. -The Darkness's "Permition to Land" I basically told me mum to buy it for me, but all is well. -A coat. It's very furry and corduroyish, God knows I'll never use it in Florida, but o well. -The Davinci Code. I mentioned it to my mother and sister over the telephone when they were at Barnes and Nobles. To check the price for me because the book looked really interesting. They got it for me ^_^ -A sweater with little leather belt straps near the left booby. Turtle neck, it's really nice. -Shorts. I'm not sure why, I rarely ever wear shorts, but they're nice nonetheless. -Shoelaces, army style and some green ones with red stars. -Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas Pajamas. I need not explain how wonderful these are, they just are. -Two t-shirts. One says, "Aren't I just a ray of F$#@&*% sunshine!" and the other says, "Playtime" and has little yellow duckies on it. -Tinkerbell shirt. It's really nice and glittery ^_^ And that's it I think. Great presents, I'm happy and I appreciate it a whole lot ^_^ I'm a sucker for material possesions.
  15. Wow, he really doesn't look like a mammal... Anyway, I wish for a college education, or rather the money to get an extremely good college education in the career of my choice. I figure if I get that, I'm set, at least for a while.
  16. Lol, hilarious as always. I especially liked the random bantering between James and Syk, good stuff.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Hells Fire [/i] [B]Wow you're making a habit of this. Like Aaron could do any better. I've heard him say "better den";atleast I'm closer [u]then[/u] him. Thank You Very Much. [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, you did it again... Either way, I really didn't even know that boy made music still. Saying you could do any better than him is no big accomplishment either. I mean, really, anyone could. It's obvious he got his big break because of his older brother, if you had a famous older brother that could open doors for you you'd probably do the same. And I don't think Shaq can really be degraded any more than those genie pants he wore in that other movie. One bad career move after another, that one hardly makes a difference. On another note, all the females you've mentioned, well they're like Aaron Carter's female counterparts....
  18. The reason why I have the most gifts under the tree: My sister was going to get me $150 perfume and I asked her not to. I asked her to surprise me with many smaller presents that way I'd feel like I had more and I'd be all loved and the like, lol. My other sister gave me more presents in exchange for babysitting. I really don't care what the presents are, but the thought of having a lot of presents makes me feel all loved. I do not like to ask for things, I like to be surprised because I like to see how much a person knows about me. Thus, I never get a person what they ask for. I surprise them, I like to see how much I know about other ppl by buying them what I think they'll like. And if I get it right then people get happy and they love me more. Christmas to me is about giving Sarah (that's me, btw) all the love, presents make this possible.
  19. My new years resolution: I want to do more. Just in general, I want to do more. It's vague which means it'll be hard to break ^_^
  20. The only reason my family celebrates Christmas is for the gift giving aspect. We don't believe in the religious meaning behind Christmas, so basically we just do it 'cuz everyone else does. It just sorta happened. It truly wouldn't matter if I got nothing, but I have to admit I really like the feeling of getting something. I enjoy it more than any sort of church service or the meal my mother cooks. I like seeing all the nice glittery packages with perfect bows all neatly tucked underneath the tree. It's one of the only moments when we truly get to splurge and go all out. I'm extremely happy to say that this year I have the most presents under the tree and I'm not ashamed. I like getting gifts, it's the best part of Christmas to me. I'm no liar, at least. I also have to question this whole greediness thing you're talking about. I mean, if you really think about, these two women are fighting to get the best for their loved ones, to make them happy. They risk life and limb to get the person they love what they asked for. Sure it's stupid, and I'd never do it, but it always depends from what point you see it.
  21. I suck at Board Games, unfortunately. I still play Monopoly though, and usually I have a partner because yes, I am that bad. I'm just too lazy to follow through and read all the rules and stuff. I usually end up quitting half way and I write a will and leave my property to some other person that's much better than me. I like scrabble though, being a human dictionary comes in handy ^_^.
  22. Heh, I liked the crappy dubbing. When I heard that the voiceovers were gonna be rappers and the such I didn't exactly go in expecting greatness. I mean, Snoop Dawg isn't exactly the greatest actor in any medium. I don't think MTV was trying to make this movie an audio masterpiece, they hit their mark pretty well, in my opinion. And the movie itself wasn't meant to be no masterpiece. Sometimes ppl go into movies expecting too much and can't appreciate the simplistic sillyness of certain things. O well.
  23. Whasango, AKA Volcano High, is a South Korean Action Fantasy movie. [URL=Whasango, AKA Volcano High, is a South Korean Action Fantasy movie. ]Educate yourself[/URL] with this nice review I read on it.
  24. I have a passion for Björk. *points to avatar* I wouldn't say she unknown, but when you compare her popularity in the states to her popularity in Europe there's a really big difference, but that's the case with almost anything that's foriegn. With that in mind I could make a really long list of unpopular music in the United States that's very, but I won't.
  25. Seinfeld is one of the only sitcoms I ever watched with any sort of devotion. I've seen all the episodes, more than once and they still make me laugh my head off. I can't really decide who my favorite character is because they all had little quirks and jokes and the like that made them funny as individuals, but it's the way they worked together, the bantering and the way they interacted with eachother that really did it for me. I have to say, though, that my favorite episode will always be the one with George at the birthday party, and there's a fire so he knocks the old lady and the little kid out of the way to get out the building. That's ******* priceless.
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