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About Hayate
- Birthday 09/15/1985
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[i]As kayla pulled the trigger A small sigh escaped shuno[COLOR=Sienna]Ahhh so this is what it feels like to give up everything to help others I wish I could feel this good everyday but alas time is short[/COLOR][/i] Kayla:there you going to die any last words Shuno:Yes(very sofly) you see your trails aren't over soon legato has other underlings will come and they won't be happy for they know who you are and they want blood Julie:What! who are they when will they come Shuno that I can't tell you but All you need to know is they all hate and despise you Oh kayla thank you Kayla:For what? Shuno:For.... releasing..me.
OOC I've been following the story just not postin just to see how the characters develop just fighting me was getting kind of boring BIC [i]Shuno stops and lets kayla put her gun to his chest[/i] So how do you like me now ladies and gentlemen I 'm back once again for the final round this is the curtain call and this time i won't run Kayla:What are you made of steel you should be dead we've been fireing nonstop and you're still standing Shuno:You seem to have forgotten my demon's eye fair maiden but enough of this don't you want to know where i've been I'm just dying to tell you or are you going to kill me in fact I'll let you... just you finish me off Kayla:.......... Nothing to say no witty retort I tell what I'm going to tell you a secret about legato I knew him very well in fact it was I who convinced him to kill Mai's parents I was his boy hho chum freind to the end and also the demise of evryone and everthing he loved [i]Shuno begins to lagh uncontrollably all the while watching kaylas finger tighten on the trigger soon after shebegan to shake uncontrollably[/i] Kayla:You ..you Shuno:B@stard yes and don't think it was only me knives here still played his part but back to the moment at hand I've confessed my sins and am ready to die but you must kill me Kayale:Why me, why should I play your sick game whatever it may be Shuno:simple because you're hands aren't dirty yuo have something to go on to and i want to take that from you so will you kill me or must I force your hand
Shuno:Vash i know you're hereI smell the stench of fear all aroud you come out you yellow bellied S.O.B or I swear I'll kill every living soul in this town. [COLOR=sienna]He isn't taking you seriously he thinks you're soft a scared little puppy me thinks you should show him your powers show him the demons eye kill everyone show them wh o their king is[/COLOR] Shuno:Is that it vash you think I'm afraid of you you think I can't kill you and the rest of these people watch me! [i]Shuno drops his sax and to the horror of the group begins killing every citezen man woman or child in sight and with the demons eye none can face him[/i]
OOC:Yea thats about it's I just needed to create someone for shuno to take orders from BIC Shuno:Come on out vash i know you're here so get your peace lovin ass out her so I can blow it clean off [COLOR=sienna]Shuno why don't you start killing people that'll bring that selrigteouss bastard into the open then we'll kill him[/COLOR] [i]Shuno pauses and begins to smile [/i] If you don't I'LLL BLOW THIS HELLHOLE OF A TOWN TO PIECES!!!!! And it will be all your fault too vash the blame will all be on you these peoples suols will haunt you beacause YOU WON'T DIE IN THEIR PLACE! [i]shuno turns to see a group of kids and tow adults trying to get them to ru n shuno lets out a shrill blast that sends the whole group flying into the air only to come crashing down to drown in their own saliva and blood since their spines have been broken[/i] Shuno: thats five dead already vash the longer you take the people have to die how many more have to die before you come out here and face me Hmmm vash do I have to utterly destroy this place You choose vash the stampede.
These are three poems I wrote a long time ago my friends like them but I want an unbaiased opinion tell me what you think Permanent Vacation It?s time to take a vacation, One away from me To pack my bags and go away So no one can bother me. Because the problems are unending, There are even problems pending, It?s time to take a vacation, Never to return No changes address I?m leaving No new phone numbers I?m gone Nobody knows when I?ll leave Not a soul will know I?m gone I?ve finally taken a vacation A permanent vacation a final end to this song Blue Blue the color of the sky Looking at the stars so high And I feel them moving closer Yet they?re still so far away And yet all I can reach Is the one thing I can?t see Yeah., you can?t see love But you can feel it But now I?m in a dream And I feel so free Where?s there?s no black or white Just blue So please don?t wake me now everything is so clear now Oh so very clear And yet I know it?s only a dream And as funny as it seems I don?t care Dark Dreams I know what darkness brings Up from the depths of my soul A heart not wiling to give in To a past not long forgotten Because the shadows are long And unheeding And my sins as black as they are They keep my mind from dreaming And when I wake up Will I know from where Untitled Memories locked deep inside Darkening the love I feel inside. Frightened, Afraid to leave the nest Who can put my pain to rest? Who would even take the time to hear My song, My reason, My rhyme. To be the kind soul to plant the seed The seed of kindness peace and joy To be the one to give me love A Love that can only be send from heaven above Or could I be wrong? Could love only be a guise of evil? Causing pain hurt and apathy Longing fear and loss Things not new to me So now I have a choice to make Their ends I cannot see To give myself over to love or To keep myself for me? ---Hayate-----:box: :box:
I liked it it has a meaning unlike some stuff i've read by people who were close to depression not that i saying you are but i liked it just watch the spelling and youre good oh and use commas they may not look like much but they go a long way towards giving your poem flow
[i]Sitting in a ratty hotel room sobbing his guts out shuno morns his masters passing [/i] Shuno:Damn those whores damn them to hell I can't belive he let them do that why whats going on here what am I going to do? [COLOR=sienna][i]Simply what you've always done[/i][/COLOR] What who's there?[i]draws his sword[/i]what do you want? [COLOR=sienna][i]I've always been here shuno now with hi gone you can take the spot light[/i][/COLOR] Shuno:Me [COLOR=sienna][i]Yes, you the power was always there but legato held you back now what do you want most shuno[/i][/COLOR] Revenge revenge on the world for how it betrayed me revenge on all those whove wronged me but most to kill that traitor stoccatta she will pay most dearly for her greivious sin [i][COLOR=sienna]yes all in due time but remember your masters last words[/COLOR][/i] [i][COLOR=green]Shuno remember you may do as you wish after you find and destroy vash the stampede[/COLOR][/i] Shuno:Fine, Vash it's time for you to die and this time only one of us is going to walk away then anay one else I choose [i]Shuno takes leave of his hotel room and walks to the middle of a broad street calmy removes his sax from it's case with his new mouthpiece and begins blsting at the surrounding buildings
[i][COLOR=blue]Legato:You didn't think I would come alone did you look behind you.[/COLOR][/i] [i]As the group turns they shuno standing tall and arrogant as ever then as if he was never there in the first place As they turn back to face legato there shuno is real as ever and laughing at their bewilderment.[/i] Sarah:Well I guess ghosts really do exist eh Shuno? If you thought that was all it took to kill me you must be joking did you really think if you didn't finish me off that i would'nt come back sronger than ever Ha thats laughable. [i]Shuno begins to laugh uncontrolably until he is mentally checked by legato thuogh he seems to be in great pain since he doubles over clutching his head an in his pain racked mind he wonders if this and his earlier sugery is the price of power. [COLOR=indigo]flashback[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]Shuno: Are you sure this is what it takes to beat them i mean is this the price of power? Legato:you don't want to be humiliated like you were in the desert do you? Don't you want revenge for all the wrongs against you? Don't you want to see their blood flow over the hot sands? Cause if you do say this with me EVERYBODY DIES![/COLOR] [i]Present[/i] Shuno:EVERYBODY DIES!! [i]Shuno rushes at them and seems to diappear amonst them though he is always seen it is just before the strike of his blade very soon the entire group has slight cuts all over their bodies[/i] Shuno: So how do you like my new demons eye It gves me the ability to move almost undetected and as you can see it's quite effective judging from how sme of you are bleeding but to be a sport I will give you all one chance to hit me and then [i]Smiling cruelly[/i] Everybody dies
[i]While still lying in the tile floor shuno removes the bullet lodged in his shoulder[/i] Shuno:Damn I almost had them Shuno:That thought it was over did'nt they. huh... one bullet can't end this fight But make no mistake ladies next time [i]dorps the bullet[/i] I won't miss [COLOR=blue]Legato: I thought you could end this with all that training you still couldn't defeat them nor my pathetic excuse for a sister[/COLOR] Shuno:....... [i][COLOR=blue]Don't be angry I'm not two on one isn't fair however there is something at the post office that should even the score let them go for now soon though you will be ready to crush them[/COLOR][/i] Shuno:Yea it's not good to fight injured..Well back to the hotel [i]Shuno leave the hospital whistling a haunting tune hoping all his enemies can hear and be sure it's not over.
[i]Shuno creeps into the kitchen unnoticed and prepares to strike[/i] Shuno:insolent wrenches prepare to die by my blade you've crossed my paths for the last time! [i]Shuno bings his blade down with inhuman force cracking the linolium and the concrete below the girls escape the first strike and draw their weapons and fire which shuno easily blocks with his sword and continues to slash getting closer and closer to striking that fatal blow soon the girls have to reload and shuno stops to let them[/i] Mai:Where's your horn Shuno Sarah:Hey you were shooting at us in the desert were'nt you [i]Shuno's eyes begin to narrow[/i] Shuno:You should know miss Mai your brother has told me much about you Mai:Are you a humanoid? Shuno:[i]With much contemt in his voice[/i]You should know better you would have known from our first encounter weither I was. However after years of training marial arts and countless hours of meditation i gained the ability to hear as you might say thoughts and that is how I communicate with your dear brother. Mai:..... Shuno:[i]Playing with his sword[/i]You know I didn't plan to fight you now I was going to let my sax take care of that but now is as good a time as any So are you ready.......
[B]I'm not a humanoid I can only recive thoughts from legato I can't send things back remember still human[/B] [i]After running away out of sight shuno follows the group to their next stop Juna shuno immediatly runs into a hotel room and vents[/i] Shuno: I can't believe this don't any of these heathen folk like good music and that girl I swear If I ever find out sho she is she is dead she destroyed an excellent weapon blown to bits and to top it all off My baby is incapacitated for a friggin week so I can't even earn some cash [COLOR=blue][i]Someones angry[/i][/COLOR] Shuno:....... [COLOR=blue][i]Have you new mouthpiece made to these specificatons[/i][/COLOR] Shuno:? [COLOR=blue][i]Trust me when you and my dear sister meet up again things will be much different[/i][/COLOR] Shuno:Yea that bi*ch is mine now But first to find this julie [i]Shuno leaves the hotel room with onlt one weapon and ancient sword given to him by legato though shuno is only human the sword gives him unnatural powers[/i] Shuno:Those police were nothing now to find this rabble and end this
(OOC) I dont have a gun but now i'll take one just a small pistol (BIC) [i]Meanwhile in the desert[i] Shuno:now lets see if the have any fight in them *He stands up ad is immediatly pinned down by a hail of gunfire he pulls the sax from its case and plays a shrill riff sending shockwaves though the air blasting the side of the shrine their sreams can be heard even fro ma distance* Shuno:NICHOLAS D WOLFWOOD Youe better come out and fight me right here right not or i'll blow that plce to peices with you and all your freinds in it *Silence* Shuno:Which is more imprtant you or julie because i can kill you all at the same time or have more fun by hunting you down like dogs your choice.
legato:The bitch failed me go cause them more pain knight of the king Shuno: As you wish but what of the girl legato:Bring her to me I'm beginning to get annoyed with her *Not being too far behind the group shuno srappes his sax to his back and takes off* Shuno:finally I was gettin sick of waiting
Back in the desert legato and another strange man stood. legato was silent but his accomplice was belting out a haunting melody on the sax Legato: So are you ready to make thyself known my friend ?:Well being a musician I'm always ready Legato :goood then lets go give our adversaries a nice welcome *in a rush of sand legato ad company begin their grand entrance*
Sign Up Outlaw Star: Future Prospects [12+ for swearing and violence]
Hayate replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Theater
Name:Hitsukara Hitoma (Will be changed I just can't think of anything) Age: 20 Race: Human Gender:Male Occupation: Outlaw Appearance: think samuri jacks attire with a tight leather under armor he likes to keep his hair short so it doesn't get pulled in a fight. He wears gloves to protect his hands they match the under armor. He is black but has a medium build he has a cresent shaped scar on his right eye during his early days as a outlaw all in all he keep a clean shaven apperance. Weapons:One ordinary wooden Katana and a smaller kodachi Spacecraft: Twilight shonen (Think swrodfish two except without tthe artilley cannon but two smaller laser cannons and two grappler arms where the cannon was) Biography: hitomas story isn't a tragic ah I'm Angsty story he was born and outlaw with both is parents so they raised him like one sure they loved him but they knew that he would choose this life so they gave hm the skills to survive teaching him until 13 to learn the techniques of the sonicblade he completed his training at 23 only to find out his parents had been slain by the ban pirates and since he's an out law he made it an point to always take jobs hat involved hurting them it some way however he still hasn't found his parents killer not that it drives him mad but it very impotant to him More important then he'll admit he was told maybe a man named gene star wind could help him *I also wanted to add can this character play as a foil to susuka and driven as she is he's that mush more laid back If thats a problem I'll change it