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Everything posted by Hayate
Name:lupin Age:16 Gender:Male Personality:Calm cool and collected though when it come to girlys he's an idiot Bio:Born to peirs back in leumeria his powers came by suprise when one day lupin was hurt and he used ply to heal himself since that day he honed his skills and his father gave him his old boat and he set out toward the mainland Appearance:Tall with a deeep tan wears a white tunic with blue pants and a blue hooded cape Weapon:A bradsword his father used called Erias Parent:Piers Element:Water Djinn:Shade(I'm not sure but i'll check
Name:Ein Weapon:Double bladed broad sword (it enhacces my physical stregnth like He-man)Also has A runt dragon who he has trained to fight by his side alone(using the sword) Bio:His father was killed by the fire drgon and he has hunted it since as long as he can remember he vows to kill it no matter what the cost his sword he found in the fire dragons lair Description:About 6'2 large build dark skin his clothing will vary if he finds a shop that has workable fabric or clothing but he always wears a shard of his fathers shrit as a head band wears the teeth of dragons he's killed around his neck
Name:Vince Terell Age:20 Description: About 6'2 260lbs he ha dark skin and dark brown eyes while outside the matrix he wears a beater with faded denims and some ragged tennis shoes inside the matrix his attire variesformbusiness suits to leather outfits Personality:One of the nicest guys you'll ever meet quick to trust and always helpful came out of the matrix to as he would say be useful
Hey that was kool do another one kikyo
uh that was muy horrible that took up valuable space on my had drive btu they get a 7 originality oh and all the graphis and the ummm acting gets a one cause they acually shaoed this to the public
You know you get the best inpiration sitting up late watching anime this one's entitled[b]Peer into the abyss[/b] As i look into the pit called my soul I quickly find myself lost in a labrinthof lost love and gained pain and always walking on a road of sorrow and mistrust The things i've seen the places I've been imprint themselves on the soul within An as I peer into the abyss within me I see my sad lonley dangerous face sraing back at me thats all I had time for but again give me your critiqe
here's another one titled [b][i]Longer[/i][/b] The longer I live the harder it is to die, The longer I love the harder it is to let go, For life can toss you lemon's, but making lemonade isn't reqired And the longer I sit, the harder it is to get up, The longer I wallow in sorrow and self pity the harder it is to be happy again And the longer the longer I'm sad the harder it is for the night to end this ones pretty sad I know but tell me what you think
I wrote it for this girl I know and I like her anyone think she would like it
this is a creation of mine I put it up for more critque and any other advice on women thank you. I Thank God He Sent You to Me by Lendell I thank God he sent you to me, For you and I were meant to be. We have a bond too strong to break, I have a love no one can take. In you, I have found a love so true, My heart is filled with love for you. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat, To be with you would make me whole, to be with you would make me complete My love for you grows more with each passing day, The thought of your gorgeous face takes my breath away: Those beautiful eyes fill my soul with happiness, Those luscious lips I would love to kiss. I dream of that day when we may say, "I do" But until that day I will always love you.
My first name means "From the lendin tree dell" My second name comes from the roman emperor Augustus(Commonly know as Octavian) I'm not sure if my last name has any meaning Oh and my full name is lendell Octavius lattimore the emeror from the lendin tree dell
Hayate:Well my very powerful friend you are very confused about a few things one Ms Vue here never had contact with any of the children mothers only the children two she was told the other kids were sent to an orphanage not killed and the only reason you found that information without being caught is because of Neng without her you'd be dead now I've got a deal for you Nemisis: How am I supposed to trust you I don't even know you and I hate her why should I belive you Hayate:Simple if we were untrustworthy you would be dragged off to met your father [i]Nemisis jumps too fast and is put back down by pain[/i] Nemisis: Who is my father Neng?Why did he never make himself known Neng Oh he hasmade his presence felt in your life remember your training instructor the man who tourched and killed your siblings Mr.Yu he is your father And he is now trying to kill you and the two guys you killed are your half brothers [i]Neng also explained how his brothers were made after him were lobomized so they would have no willpower whatsoever and went though the same process as him exept with no will at all that is how relentlessly they will pursue their goal Me you and Hayate[/i] Nemisis: Yes. they did seem real strange but Hayate what was this deal you spoke of Hayate: As you know those things are roaming the streets and they won't stop until all of us are dead but the deal is you help us destroy the place where they destroy the lives of humans by prefoming these inhuman procedures we help you disappear you'll never be found again do we have a deal?
Hay you sound alot like me....exept I'm guy I both love and hate school I have some friends but I kind of distant because they like to know more than I'm cofortable with telling my dream one day is to become a phychiatrist so I can mess with people's heads or help them if that's the case but yea that's about it and I really like anime since where I live it's not all that cool
*The man on the table tensed As Hayate and Neng walked into the room* Hayate: Easy calm down we just want to talk Nemisis [i]spat back decisively[/i]I don't need to talk to either of you Hayate: Well I seems you have no choice but to talk or you can listen to what I know we can"trade"Imformation if you would so put it and If you decide to work with us you go free no jail no nothin how does that sound Nemisis:......... Hayate:I'll take your silence for a yes how's about you go first start from the begining
Name: Shino Taro Riddle Age: (All of them are 13.) Powers: Able to charge anything with kinetic enrgy from his body (his favorites are playing cards) ] Description: Tall A little darker than his siblings likes to drees casually most of the Time Bio: Being one of the last ones created he is moer the quiet one has arbitrated many arguments betwen his siblings since he was almost never apart of them but is extremlyloval and trustworthy
[i]Meanwhile in hayte's apartment[/i] HayateI hsould have know you've caused more pain in my life than is imgineable in any person's lifetime and thats just in the short time you've been here and now your going to tell me anything and every thing you know [i]Neng close to tears[/i] Ok I got involved with this when it started after I left the Neo KGB I was a top scientist so i was commisioned to do the project and everything was going fine we found a way to increase a person's strenght expnentionaly but Mr Yu who you met wanted more he wanted an obeient army with unlimited power so we developed a process to change the dna with a modified version of my formula however the process would only work on a unborn child so we paid off two women on death row to be inseminated but never old them what we were going to do....... they were killed to avoid an imfomation leak Hayate: leading to our current situation.... how did those guys end up on that train and here in noir? Neng: they were on their way to their first mission after basic and advanced training in steath espionage and hand to hand combat as well as weapons training Hayate:Why did they escape? Apparently they found the truth they are experienced hackers and know their way around a computer we kept everything on file it was inevitable that they would find it they were angry that their mothers had been killed and didn't want to be used as weapons and it was the perfect time Hayate Then I know how we can stop them Neng: How? We expose these dirty government officials for what they are that's all they want that's why they are attacking government buildings and not the city in general now if we cold onl jus find one of them to talk to [i]Hayate's pager buzzes with a mesage from koji[/i] [i]Hayate get to the north noir hospital we got one he's unconcious but alive we also got two dead but they are weird come and see for yourself[/i] Hayate:Neng come with me they might still be looking for you and you are not going to die on me
[i]Meanwhile in a deserted part of the city Hayate stops as his quarry exits their viehicle[/i] [i]Hayate: Well here goes nothing[/i] [i] the party continues on to small wharehouse the entrance was not guarded moved in quickly and found a spot to hide he pulled out a small listening device with a tape recorder to hear the ensuing conversation[/i] Neng: They've been basiclly detroying our buildings and killing people they haven't said any thin about the experiment we did on them Mr Yu Mr Yu: Good then we can still capure them we've created more of our specimens only these are more "obedient" not as strong but much faster.They've been Programmed to capture our fugitives dead or alive. They have incapcitors built into their hands that could stop a full grown gorilla their little outing is at an end. [i]Hayate: Man these guys had it rough[/i] Neng: Sir Why were thes things created who else knows about it dose the president know Mr Yu the president don't know didlly he's an idiot and a coward he dosen't want to look for corruption he just wants another term besides almost evryone knows a few marines who have itchy trigger fingers but enough about me how are things in noir Neng: Great they can't even catch our "freinds" much less quetion them Mr Yu Ohhh but it seems that one of my imformants has told me the detictive hayate was seen by you talking to the forman of the train yard Neng:[i]I'm dead he's going to kill me now hayate I'm sorry[/i] Hayate:[i]No I'll need her alive beside that she's kind of cute[/i] [i]Hayate looks around the oom and spots a fuse box which he moves closer to[/i] Mr Yu And it seems that he told himsome interesting info before you sniped him but it seems Mr Hayate is still alive and since it's your fault you......di [i] all of a sudden he lights go dark and several guards drop some try to shoot in the dark but hit nothing but each otherthey get the lights back on to see a small car speedoff onto the night[/i] Guard: Should we follow Sir Mr Yu: No but have our doctor program these people as secondary targets Hayate Nonajo And Neng Vue
[i]Great there are two of these guys out roaming the street if we don't hurry there'll de nothing left of this city well at least i got that tracker on him it's paper thin he won't notice[/i] Hayate gets up and limps to his car [i]I think it's time to pay Neng another visit and she's gonna tell me every thing[/i] A hayate raches the hotel he sees Neng and a few guys get into a cab rather than confront her he only follows them
Hey you gotta keep this near the top if you want anyone to post:) :) :wigout:
frankly fox is lacking they had a great lineup like three or four years ago but i think the.ve decided to cater to younger kids to sell the toys so that is how you get shows like ultra man and quite frankly power rangers should just die it's only getting worse and worse
[QUOTE][B]And damn Hayate... Use some periods or something lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Hey periods take time I don't have but I got a question do any of them ever wonder why he has to go on a tv show to get a wife?:freak: :freak:
[i]Hayate hearing the gunshots from the pay phone jumps in his car and heads in the general direction he pulls up to the battle to see an entire swat team dead and orien about to suffer the same fate[/i] Hayate:Wait stop you don't have to hurt him he dosen't want any trouble please can we talk I won't call any more police
Hayate: great he hasn't got his radio [i]As he reaches the building the place is almost completly destroyed the few people that are alive are severly wounded bur they give a clear descrption however no new leads suface[/i] hayate: great these guy are on somthing it's like they came though here in a tank I'll have to go though other means to catchup with these guys :devil: [i]Goes to a nearby pay phone[/i] hayate:Listen bass it's me you owe me one so here's the scoop send your guy's out to find the dudes terrorizing the town and i won't send that raid on your place tell them to Call the police and me i just need one there's somthing fishy going on here and i need to find out what
Basiclly the show sucks no scratch that the whole reality tv genre sucks because it's not reality real people don't fight over trivial things like (this is to all the ladies) would you and seven other girls allow yourselves to be taped making out with a guy or fighting with someone because they used all the hot water they are just stupid so I spend the time I used to use wating tv to working and getting a bigger anime collection because that's all that really matters.
[i]At the train yard hayate talks with the forman[/i] Forman: Yea I was here that night I'll show you the spot [i]they walk over to the wreckage of about three rail cars they are completly destroyed and there are burn marks everywhere[/i] Hayte : What happened here did the they use explosives to stop the train Forman: No[i]He leans in close and whispers[/i] there wasn't anything stolen something escaped Hayate: what do you mean [i]Just as the forman is about to speak he is cut down by a bullet to the head silencing him. Hayate tries to give chase but the sniper get away in blue sports car[/i] Hayate:Well I hope koji is having more luck than I am [i] As hayte reaches him car he cathes the report of two supects at the govenment building[/i] hayate: Finally a little luck [i]picks up his radio[/i]Koji meet me at the downtown government building we got work to do