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Everything posted by Hayate
[i]Hayate and koji reach the airport hayate immediatly spots Neng and gets out to meet her[/i] Hayate: hi Neng: hi Hayate: It's been a long time hey Neng:Yea.... so you seeing anyone Hayate:no I I've been to busy..... Well we should Radio:[i]this is an all points bulletin be on the lookout for a male suspect carrying a large sword he is armed and exrtemly dangerous[/i] Koji:Shoul we go check on that Hayate:No.. let the blue collars handle it Neng might those be the guys who robbed the train maybe Neng:[i]Ahhh.....so thay don't know what were looking for Hmmm this will work to our advantage[/i]Possibly you should bring them in Hayte: alright we set you up in a hotel we'll drop you there and call you when we have something [i]Back in Neng's room[/i] Neng it worked sir they think were looking for theives they'll never figure out we lost human cargo Man on phone:Good find them and return them to me [i]At npd hq[/i] Hayate: hey koji why don't you go talk to the cop that was attaked I'll try to find out what was stolen
Name:Heero law Age:17 Description: Dark hair,dark skin,dark eyes bacically very dark Bio:Born into a rich family he was deprived of nothing exept his fathers identity since he was killed when he was only a baby until one day he find his fathers jornal and in the last entry is states the location of the halo armor which he is now searcing for Personality: Very quiet to people he dosen't know and isn't angered easily but when he is it's very controlled and almost isn't there Armor:halo armor Weapons: A nodachi and a light bow Have armor:No
In chief hazaki's office inside npd HQ Hayate:Aww CC'mon chief I didn't even blow the car up it was booby trapped Koji:hehehehehe Chief:And that is why you wait FOR THE BOMB SQUAD!!!! Now you know I should supend you for this but you and koji are two of our best detectives so I'm reassigning you to a case where you can't destroy any thing Koji:[i] Yea right he always finds a way to destroy things [/i] Hayate: what is it chief Chief : missing merchendise Hayate:What aww man thats work for the boys in blue Chief:shut up I wasn't finished the cargo is highly sensitive it has somthing to do with our central government because their sending and agent to assist you here's the file on the missing things [i]Hayate takes the file[/i] Hayate:Hmmm lots of guns and swords thinkin is our local mafia at work again Chief Maybe ask your contact she'll meet you at the airportbe on time and please don't blow anything up C'mon koji let's go
as hayate reaches frace he finds out he has missed the tornament but he dose get a fight in with the mermaid gundam who he defeates easily desrtoying the head of his opponent with his rose bit screamer Hayate: Kaumi rei prepare the the rose for another fight I going to find neo japans fighter he can't have gone far. and I'll have at it with an equal
Rei: hayate a report cas come from the neo france colony it appears that moet of the gundams on earth are headed for japan Hayate:Is that so....then we shall go there and engage them in honarable combat prep the core lander we leave immeadiatly [FONT=arial=italics]finally I have the chance to duel a worthy opponent in fair combat.[/FONT]
Name: Hayate solace Age:20 Country Neo-Greece Gundam: Rose Gaolen hued hyper mode:yes finishing move:Roses screamer Roses Hurricane Bio born in Neo-France He and his parent left earth for space when he was 18 leaving behind his girl friend he signed up to be a pilot to find her wherebout skills hayate is an exellent fencer on of the best also a capable mechanic and computer hacker crew: Rei and kasumi
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]Ja rule is a fake punk a** rapper i hate his music yo!!I cant stand the way he tries to sing and he thinks he is the best thats all b/s!!Thats why so much people hate him!All his songs sound alike and always about love and stuff and tha name of his label is murda inc.Now what tha fuc* is up with that!!And dmx does really talk like that its not a act!And rap is not dumb and pointless if it was i dont think it would be the #1 in music genre!Just because you cant realate to the music dont mean its dumb!! [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you your the only who dosen't think rap sucks now don't get me wrong dmx and ja rule sond like their voices have been put though blenders but nas he dose have songs where he is no cursing every three seconds and he worries more about his lyrics than the beats I don't hate rap because there are some artist out there worth listenig to like jay-z the dynasty that one of my favortie cd's becus everyone on the lable put somthing seriouse and close the their heart on the album so don't knock it till oyu tried everything.
well I'll write a shrot story for about 15 years of my seventen year life I love rap thats all I would listen to but my good friend digifan gave me a couple of rock cd's and I was hooked the reason I got to like them so much was becaues they meant ome thing they had a meaning to them (well most of them) thuings that are missing from rap in my opinon but now to the question at hand I don't buy many cd's I burn stuff from my friends(I have very nice friends ) but anyway my newset cd is linkin park reanimation my favorite song is is gotta get away by offspring I cant stand polka music and I don't like rap all that much my favorite genres are rock,punk rock, some counrty, and christian,thats it fav bands linkin park blink 182 offsping papa roach\ p.s don't laugh at my song choice I don't lisen to much radio so I have no idea what cd's to buy
[COLOR=royalblue]This Rpg is set in the near in a time when humans have colonized new planets ouside our solar system our story takes placeon the plnet of noir in the city with the same guns of all kinds are banned their use is limited to police oficers and government agents. But all is not well the government is corrupt and has been secretly preforming biological experiments on the people for years giving them exrodinay powers but their is a problem they escaped and now in order to preserve their government they are killing off their guinia pigs now there are only three left Here is your choice you get to be the mutant an npd (noir police department) officer(I only need one) or a government agent if you chose npd your my partner there will be four government agents they be on one team and take orders from the leader (I'll choose) there job is to you guessed it to kill or capure the mutants as for you mutants you escaped to noir city in a government rail car your first job is to escape you get to choose your powers but please don't go wild when nine people sign up we'll start but more people can join that makes it more fun also leave this to join up[/COLOR] Name: Age: occupation: weapons: powers: mutants only Bio Here's mine Name: hayate nonako Age:23 Occupation: npd detective weapons:9mm berretta, pump action shotgun,and a katana