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Ultima Legacy

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Everything posted by Ultima Legacy

  1. Name: ........ DOB: ........ Age: ........ Location: California! One Word: Cows. No, Seriously describe yourself in one word: RANDOMNESS!!!!!!! Occupation: Well........er......ugh....um......yeah exactly. Color: Dark. Lots of dark. Food: TACOS! TACOS! TACOS! Drink: Well, I'd say Sobe. Alter Ego: Shadow (FF3) Dream Job: Ninja. Self-Proclaimed: King of Chaos and Ruler of All Entropy. Hobby: Computers, FF games Especially FF3, MTG, Yu-Gi-Oh, MageKnight, King of Fighters! Dessert: Mint Chocolate Chip Shakes! Musician: Nobuo Uematsu. Mac or PC: PC Won't eat: Asparagus. Words to Live By: "I'm not Mister Thou! He's Mister Thou!" -Sabin (FF3) Favorite Character: Mog, the fast-talking, human loving, SLAM-DANCING, Moogle. (Kupo!) Addicted to: FF3! Wha'd ya expect. Comic: Garfield.
  2. It may sound odd but I really like Hyozanryu. It's not the best but it's an okay card. Since there aren't many dragons out yet, I'd say it's pretty nice. My favorite magic card is black pendant. It can give a monster 500 atk and when the monster dies, the opponent gets 500 damage to their life points.
  3. This game is very fun. Although I don't own it, I've played it. This is one great game! The cutscenes can be long but the gameplay is Awesome!
  4. EVIL! EVIL STUPID DUBBED NAMES! Why the **** did they dub them? I mean, Slifer the Sky Dragon? Could they think of something better? Or use the real thing. Stupid little freaks...::Growls:: [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]This message is pointless and messy. Please try and avoid writing like this in the future. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. I'm Looking forward to it. It looks like it's a good game. I have seen real pieces for the real thing. They play it in Japan. I saw a BEUD piece and an Obelisk piece.
  6. If you're trying to get a god card, try getting the card single, you could buy the game with one but it will be more expensive.
  7. I hate all of them. Especially Sore Losers too. [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]Try and give your posts a little more substance, please. This is bordering on spam. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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