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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. As far as I am concerned and if Evil Dead has taught me anything my "boom-stick," would be the best way to take out zombies. Or I would have an automatic machine gun with a lot of ammo, or a rifle that takes a 454 round, basically a rifle round that can take out an elephant. Other then that I would find just sitting from atop a building and shooting zombies would be fun.
  2. Yes, once again Boris has many genres and for the most part Boris are excellent. Anyways the best Japanese Rock Band that I have found to exist is The Flower Travellin' Band which is a mix of King Crimson and Black Sabbath with over the top vocals. They are noted as the band who covered Black Sabbath first with their own version of Black Sabbath. An album to look for by them is Satori. If you like King Crimson or Black Sabbath check them out you will not be disappointed.
  3. [QUOTE=Kam]You guys are all so ridiculous. It's music. How can it be given a 'bad name'? Wintersun is good. But they're not really that big of a deal. My guitar player, DJ, is 18 and can play that stuff. -Justin[/QUOTE]Ridiculous? I fail to see how, anything can give something a bad name if it has been done badly enough. Opinion or not, within in opinion there is fact and people miss that. Also what does it matter if someone can play the same music Wintersun creates? I think people tend to forget that music is not just about the way the song is played alone but the atmosphere that is created in the mean time. If these two factors can compliment each other then you have something amazing. Just being able to play the music does not mean that you will be able to give the same feelings as the original. I mean this for every band that plays music and covers songs obviously, especially for the professionals who play Classical music and try to emulate what Beethoven really wanted to hear, as an example artist.
  4. [QUOTE=2006DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh, I'm sorry to have insulted you with my ignorant, Avenged Sevenfold-listening-to ness. Excuse me for intruding on your matal-ness [/sarcasm] Wait, are you trying to insult Dragonforce?![/COLOR][/QUOTE]Who said I was insulted... all I am saying is Dragonforce is one of those bands that give metal a bad name, particularly power metal. I never took offense to it, I was just warning you if you ever decided to post in a metal forum.
  5. [quote name='2006DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Dang, those guys are like Dragonforce fast![/COLOR][/quote]Most Metal-Heads that remotely understand the metal genre would take that as an incredible insult. Anyways, Wintersun while great is not incredibly, incredibly amazing. Their debut album is excellent but some of the songs just get a little to long, if they were to do more songs like their first two songs on their debut album they would have it made.
  6. Amorphous


    [quote name='RiflesAtRecess][font=arial][size=1]Just so we're clear, because Jake isn't, Opeth are a brutal metal band with a lot of pretty singing. They're pretty popular, and they deserve all the attention. They're just [i]that good.[/i][/font'][/size][/quote]This is what we call Extreme Progressive Metal. As far as I am concerned though, this band is boring and their attention is unfounded, I would rather listen to Progressive Death Metal like Disillusion and the likes over Opeth. They barely meet any standards of musical genius as far as I am concerned. Even when I was younger and just getting into metal I never ever understood what was so amazing about Opeth and I had listened to every album by them.
  7. I will have to bring the opposite side of the spectrum to this discussion. I only really enjoyed Borat a little bit. While I found the movie very amusing in many parts I never found it to be laugh out loud funny. I snickered at certain scenes and yet I was not incredibly captivated to watch the movie all the way through when I myself found the movie was really slowing down. I just have not been a big fan of Sacha Baron Cohen's work and it seems he likes to get his laughs through controversy rather then being just plain funny. The one part I enjoyed highly though was [spoiler]when he was speaking to the American audience at the rodeo saying things like ?I hope George Bush drinks the blood of every man, women and child in Iraq,? and still people were cheering.[/spoiler] Which no doubt is controversial, it is still funny.
  8. Yes quite seriously he is talking about Norse Nazis. But I agree with DeadSeraphim about getting a blog and I have no problem with NSBM bands, as supporting them wont lead to anything anyways. Plus I download their music so I only support them in listening to their music I suppose, but I do not care for the lyrics. I mean Kroda is amazing as far as musical talent goes, so is Graveland and Burzum, their beliefs do not stop me from listening to the music they create. But you will find many, many bands like that Jake so do not be surprised.
  9. [quote name='2006DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange']Returning to Agalloch, which CD do you guys reccomend the most?[/COLOR][/quote]The Mantle, no questions about it.
  10. [QUOTE=2006DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]I listened to Odal and now I think I'm gunna buy The Mantle next time I have money. Once again, they remind me of Isis with their heavy focus on music and repetition, with a mellow, yet heavy and epic feel. And now, listening to As Embers Dress The Sky, I see that they have some kick-*** riffs in there as well, and I like the singer voice. Once again I would compare it to Isis in the way that it is striking, but very buried by the music. I'd definitelly clarify this band as worth looking into not only for fans of epic, dark metal, but for fans of sound-filled beauties. Also, you guys should check out Isis. PS: XD they got the opera lady singing[/COLOR][/QUOTE]Way ahead of you been listening to Isis for a few years myself. Their newest releases is excellent as well, have you heard it?
  11. Yes, this is completely agreeable. I love Agalloch, I have been listening to them for at least three or four years now and I absolutely love The Mantle. The Mantle has stayed on my top ten list as one of the best albums in music, let alone metal, for quite some time. Other then that I bought The Mantle while in London, England and I doubt I will ever regret it. All I need to say is if you are a lover of metal music or not, the albums this band creates are excellent so pick them up. Oh by the way Jake, what are your favorite songs of Pale Folklore, The Mantle, and Ashes Against the Grain? From Pale Folklore I really enjoyed the trilogy song She Painted Fire Across the Skyline. From The Mantle I enjoyed most In The Shadow Of Our Pale Companion and ...And The Great Cold Death Of The Earth. From Ashes Against the Grain I enjoyed most the songs Fire Above, Ice Below and Limbs.
  12. In my own personal opinion this CD is their wekeast effort, while not bad, I would rather listen to any CD before With Oden on our Sides. Especially, Sorrow Throughout the Nine Worlds and Once Sent from the Golden Hall. The CD is good, but the Gotheburg Death Metal styling is loosing its appeal.
  13. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]First of all: I have listened to this type of music. And I'm not judging the song, I'm judging the way it's mixed. Second: You brought up that the soft part is part of the genre, not me. Now you mention that the mixing is just bad because the band is just starting. Make up your mind.[/size][/QUOTE]It is part mixing is bad, but it is part genre style as well.
  14. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]Everyone uses their vocals as an instrument dammit, but he does it in a controlled way. He doesn't let the guitar overpower his voice. He sings in harmony with it. Let the instrument part rest, every good artist uses his or her voice as part of the song. But the vocals of this song are just mixed too soft to sound right. They don't sound like part of the song, but like a seperate element that's been stuffed somewhere deep within the song. If that's the point of this genre of music, the genre stinks. Singing in harmony with the music (as if you use your voice as an instrument) is not the same as just recording your vocals and make it so soft that it gets overpowered. Don't be so ignorant. *leaves the thread*[/size][/QUOTE]I am not being ignorant and you seem to be the one who is over reacting. You have not listened to this type of music, so how can you even judge what is good or bad? How can you judge something you do not know anything about? Beyond that I am not trying to insult you or anything, I mean of course Jake has a long ways to go with equalizing all parts of the music, but for a demo track, or even second track ever produced it is not half bad. There are much better examples of this out there, but of course these other bands having being doing it for a much longer time. No offence to you Jake, I know you understand what I am saying.
  15. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]The way the vocals are mixed in the song, they are just overpowered by every other instrument. They just fall away in the rest of the song. What made you think I meant 'too low'?[/size][/QUOTE]You literally said "too soft a vocal recording," and the definition that you just gave me now is exactly what I meant. They are supposed to fall away into the rest of the song, many metal bands do it and some do it amazing well especially Velvet Cacoon's Genevieve album. That is the purest definition of using your vocals as an instrument, and making it sound like an instrument. Of course David Gilmour uses his vocals as an instrument on Pink Floyd's track Wish You Were Here.
  16. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]No, it really doesn't sound like something that plays an equal role as the instruments. It just sounds like a too soft vocal recording. Really, almost every sang vocal recording is as equal as an instrument if you want to put it that way. But if you record them too soft, they just aren't good.[/size][/QUOTE]Do you mean to low in the mix by saying 'too soft'? Honestly that is how some vocals are supposed to be mixed and yes it makes it that much better. I know you cannot stand this type of music, but I can say that you are just not use to it and probably never will be. It is music, it is not the worst type of music out there and some of the people playing this style tend to have much more talent then any mainstream band or some band just under the mainstream ever thought of having. Just in composing the music alone most bands outside of the metal genre cannot compete. I am not being biased on this either, it is truly a fact, I mean just look at Symphony X or some Progressive Metal Band.
  17. The Berserker is actually kind of annoying. I can handle them no problem at all, but as far as Death Metal goes these guys need to get some better techniques down other then hyper fast drumming as far as I am concerned. Though that is not to say I do not listen to them every once in awhile.
  18. No AFI is not even close. Malice Mizer is in fact really pushing it, the band is not Goth in their own right either. I mean even F.O.Y.'s idea of Goth bands are somewhat pushing the boundaries away from Gothic Music as well. Not to say that I am an expert but I have been involved with Goth Rock for quite a long time. Oh I guess for sake of conversation there ARE band that as well, that many people associate with the Goth Rock Scene or whichever Goth Genre, tend to be confused with what the band's actual genre is. Not to say that all of these bands are bad, I enjoy quite a few of them they are just not goth music, but here is a list. A Perfect Circle AFI The Birthday Massacre Cradle of Filth DImmu Borgir Evanescence funkerVOGT Good Charlotte Hatebreed HIM Insane Clown Posse Interpol Jack Off Jill KoRn Lacuna Coil Linkin Park Marilyn Manson Megadeth Mudvayne My Chemical Romance Nightwish Nine Inch Nails Nocturne Ramstein Rasputina Razed In Black Scarling Skinny Puppy Slipknot Tool VNV Nation :wumpscut: Within Temptation Edit: I seem to remember another thread like this in the not to distant past in where I constantly kept telling everyone that what their idea of Gothic Music really was not Gothic Music. >_< Hopefully this does not turn out the same way.
  19. My favorite Goth Rock bands include, Siouxsie and the Banshees, The Cure, Clan of Xymox, ...And Also the Trees, Christian Death, Fields of the Nephilim, The Legendary Pink Dots, London After Midnight, Lycia, The Sisters of Mercy, and Switchblade Symphony. Most of those are Goth Rock but some are in their own seperate genres of Gothic music, mostly just London After Midnight and Christian Death though. And for Gothic Metal... I enjoy Theatre of Tragedy, Theatres des Vampires, Type O Negative and... a little bit of Moonspell, for the most part Gothic Metal does interest me it seems to be lack luster.
  20. Indeed and I am not insulting your taste or attacking you on this, that is just my opinion on Deathcore. I just never understood the appeal of core music myself is all, I came into metal through Black Metal and Thrash Metal myself. Other then that there are some decent bands on that list to say the least, just not the Deathcore bands.. minus Glass Casket.
  21. [QUOTE=Kam]I also thought yesterday of a much better title for the movement I'm trying to nail down: Simply "New Wave Death Metal". My reason for not elaborating on that moniker anymore than I do is simple. There's no real way for me to hit the whole wave by tagging 'metalcore' or 'core' in general in there. There's so much more to it, which is why I left 'deathcore' out of my original post. But neither of you even came close to the question I posed. So I'll rephrase it: What do you think of the recent emergence of this whole gang of bands influenced heavily by death metal, but drawing heavily on other influences as well(ie: hardcore). Basically, though clearly I failed in communicating this, this is a question of purist v. nonpurist. PS: Go listen to With Blood Comes Cleansing. You're mistaken. -Justin[/QUOTE]No we just had not bothered to answer it at that time, I should have answered it but I got carried away. What I personally think of the scene is that it is tainting Death Metal, giving it a bad name and other bands similar to what they play a bad name. I have no problem with hybrid styles but so far most of these bands do it... well in my own opinion obviously, wrong and mediocre. Also I find it mostly cliché and boring polished music that comes a little bit short of showing signs of originality. I also despise most Metalcore, so for them to add Death Metal influences I would have thought that it would have been an improvement but for the most part it is not even close. I am not though in your question as you state it a ?purist?. I listen to many different forms of Death Metal and sub-genres of it or just other music that incorporates Death metal into the music. I am though with answering this question being very biased, despite my very open views towards music, which I cannot help but this is what I believe this new scene is doing. Oh yes, With Blood Comes Cleansing, what do you mean I am wrong? I am wrong in saying that they are just clear cut Death Metal?
  22. [QUOTE=Jakehammaren]I'm doing a bit of shameless promotion here, but hey - how else are you supposed to get this kind of stuff out there? The band I'm in (doing vocals), called Edda (named after the Poetic Eddas - it's a Norse thing, not the girl's name), has a new song out called "As Rivers Freeze", and it blows the last song we did completely and totally out of the water. I was hoping maybe a few of you 'Boardheads out there might mosey on over to our Myspace and give it a listen... we're pretty proud of this one. Its going in a good direction. There are growly vocals at the beginning, but for those of you who can't stand "extreme" vocals, give it a chance, because there's plenty of actual singing in the tune as well. Oh, and be sure to check out the 50 seconds or so... it's the coolest part of the song :animesmil You can find us at [url]www.myspace.com/vikingedda[/url]. Hope you enjoy![/QUOTE]If you made a full album with songs like "The Rivers Freeze", I would be inclined to actually go out and buy it, very, very promising sound you have going. It makes me wish that I would start getting a band of my own together. Just no one wants to play Doom Metal in this area.
  23. [quote name='Jakehammaren']^^^:laugh: Nope, I think you pretty much covered everything (although I don't think I'd consider Psyopus death metal, but I don't really care).[/quote]Psyopus is techincally Technical Death/Grind and.. technically as far as bands like that go.. pretty bad at what they do.
  24. [QUOTE=Kam][strike]All Shall Perish[/strike] [strike]Animosity[/strike] Arsis [strike]As Blood Runs Black[/strike] Beneath the Massacre [strike]Between the Buried and Me[/strike] [strike]the Black Dahlia Murder[/strike] [strike]Despised Icon[/strike] [strike]Glass Casket[/strike] [strike]Job For A Cowboy[/strike] Psyopus [strike]The Red Chord[/strike] [strike]Through the Eyes of the Dead[/strike] [strike]Waking the Cadaver[/strike] With Blood Comes Cleansing [/QUOTE]I do not like to point out harsh mistakes in this thread and make you look like a fool or anything of the sort but this thread is quite mistaken on what Death Metal actually is and I just wanted to clear up for whomever else is going to read this some minor and major flaws of this list. This is not to say you are as a whole mistaken on what Death Metal is but rather just what you have listed is not quite a good example of Death Metal or a new wave of it for that matter. As well the Metalcore elements heavily outweigh the Death Metal elements in almost every band listed. Ok let me start by mentioning, the crossed out names are all either Deathcore (meaning that there is more Death Metal and less Metalcore influences) or Metalcore with small Death Metal elements making them less Death Metal then you really would want them to be. So the only Progressive Death Metal band in that group would be Arsis... who are bloody amazing for what they do. Psyopus, With Blood Comes Cleansing and Cattle Decapitation are just clear cut Death Metal. Now yes, I know, it is all technicalities and the like but honestly in my own personal opinion I would rather call it the "New Wave of Death Metal combined with Metalcore" rather then than the ?New Wave of Progressive Death Metal? because actually there is a whole movement of Progressive Death Metal that is completely on its own and sounds very different from these bands. For example bands like Atheist (the very first Progressive Death Metal band), Augury, Disillusion, Cynic and Continuo Renacer or even to some extent the band Sleep Terror are all highly known for their Progressive styling Death Metal that do not resemble the aforementioned bands in the slightest. Also I would like to point out I am not bashing the bands on that list, for example I actually enjoy the band Glass Casket, despite that they are almost purely Metalcore even though I really do not enjoy the genre they just are not really Death Metal is all. Anyways, I got to this before Jake... hmm wonder if he will have anything to say after what I have said.
  25. Amorphous


    Even though I do not post here all that often, I do have an account as well on [URL=http://www.last.fm/user/Valick/?chartstyle=Winter-Forest]Last.fm[/URL] check it out I suppose. I have a metal suited taste, but I've of course only joined a little over a week ago, so I have not listened to all that much yet for last.fm to record.
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