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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. Actually an iteresting fact, but they have found out that adolesences sometimes have pshycic abilities (they don't actually know if it's completely true, but they have been reasearching it though). Strange huh. But yeah I found that interesting. Oh and the relevance to this post was that sometimes that is how ghostly experiences are explained like when you see something fly across the room.
  2. I actually did this topic a long, long time ago when I first joined here. I got some pretty interesting responses. As for me I do believe in Ghosts, I've had many "hands-on experience" I go looking for ghosts. Where my friend lives is perfect to, there is some pretty freaky things at his house and everywhere near it.
  3. Amorphous


    because after GT there is no more... its the end of the line the last of the series... and it is seriously getting old.
  4. Yup I have figured that out, I'm alot better now that everything has been figured out. *goes of to watch his anime movie he just bought 2 hours ago*
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]Please tell me you realize both of these girls will be only memories to you in a few years. [/B][/QUOTE] Sadly that is what I am afraid of with the girl that I have a relationship with. But I dont care about in a few years as long as we have a good time before that doing everything. Oh and I dont get depressed easily...so this was kind of weird. If ever I don't know why I got so depressed over this, though I'm almost never happy or sad either. I really dont feel to much. Or I used to be that way, I've been changing slowly though.
  6. The last few weeks just before school until friday night this week I was depressed a lot. Though never once did I think of commiting suicide or hurting myself in anyway. No I'm not like that. Though what I was going through was horrible. Lets see here the last 3 weeks of school everything was so hectic and I was trying to deal with my finals and everything and classes that I was afraid that I would fail. (because I skipped at least half the year) Eventually I got my results back and I passed every class of mine except for 2. Which would be Social Studies and Math. Which I couldn't care less about. The week of the finals I wasn't even there mentally, because the finals were the least of my problems. The real problem was this. I've been having a huge debate with myself between two girls who really liked me one who I already have a relationship with and one that wanted to be with me. Though it got really complicated because the one I had a relationship I could only talk to over the internet and the other one was with me at school everday. So me and her became close and we did stuff but nothing g/f b/f like we just hung out and that was about all we always talked to each other though about everything. Anyways I told my girl friend about her, because she always has away of getting things out of people. It kind of slipped out and she got all mad at me, but I can't blame her. Eventually me and her began to fall apart so I started talking to the girl I see most of the time everyday. It finally came to the point were they she really liked me and I felt like I was being forced to choose between the two (because in the back of my mind I still wanted to be with my actual girl friend). The one who I have my realtionship with and the one that I know just really likes me and wants to be with me. So I kept talking to my actual girl friend trying to calm her down, sadly I regret at one point that I said I was going to leave her to be with the other girl. Then I did leave but not to the other girl... but to think by myself to think of who truly cares for me more and who has always been there for me and always knows what to say. Being so deep into drepression though it was hard and stress doesn't help. So finally I decided after days and days of thinking that I wanted to be with the girl who I held a relationship with because of all the things she did for me. I never meant to put her through that though. I finally asked if she would still accept me back and she did with open arms. Which I am so greatful for. The final thing left to do was to tell the other girl that I just wanted to stay friends, sadly she burst out into anger and said she never wanted me to talk to her or even come near her again. I couldn't help it though, I just wanted to be with the other girl for so many reasons. Sadly enough I never thought I would do such a thing. But if you were in my situation you might understand better and please don't go and tell me how wrong I was to do that to my girlfriend or that you should of never done that in the first place. It may not seem as depressing when you read it, but trust me that whole time was really really bad. So now I'm happy and I'm back with my girlfriend and we already promised that this wouldn't happen again. Which I know it wont besides that fact I'm just glad its all over, I just wanted to get that of my back. Not that I was looking for attention or anything. Oh and I got 80% on my final english test. Lol, the only reason i passed was because of that high mark.
  7. The longest car ride I ever had was 10 hours. Usually I just sit and do nothing for hours on end or I just listen to my music. The trip that takes 10 hours is from British Columbia, Canada. (where I live) to The southern end of Oregon. I just did this trip on wensday last week and I've done it a few times before as well.
  8. This writter is a amazing. He writes horror novels and I must say the books are very very excellent. The writting style I love and these books are seriously very good for freaking yourself out. Very descriptive and not for young people to read anyways. But I don't get scared almost ever in my life... and I mean almost never. I finished reading his book "The Right Hand of Evil" when I was younger and I was disturbed and somewhat scared. If you have read his books, which book do you think is his best? Mine is Black Lighting and The Right Hand of Evil.
  9. Seriously I dont have anything little that makes me happy... well actually ice cream sometimes does the trick. Not that I eat it often, if ever it seems. But yeah, for me I'm not easily amussed, let alone trying to impress me is impossible. Not that I would go around saying I could do whatever it is better.
  10. Isn't it strange everyone loved the series, but can't remember anything about it... huh. Well I loved the series as well to, it was great.
  11. Me personally I would love to fence, but I want to do more swordsmanship stuff. Get into the heavy sword fighting. That would be great, that and doing archery.
  12. ah I saw this movie in japanese sub titles before the movie in enlgish version even came out, its a great movie at that, and I will defiently be buying the DVD as soon as possible. Great movie, I love Vincent he is pretty cool, spike is right up there with him to, I just think the movie is great.
  13. This could of been able to turn in a serious topic actually if you would of put some thought into it and hadn't put that stuff at the bottom I would of bothered to type a really long post. But oh well. Yeah I believe in Chi/Ki, life force, whatever you want to call it. And no I haven't done anything like what you said, well the laying in the bed part.
  14. My absoloute favorite music comes from a video game, well many video games, well all the same titles at the beggining. Castlevania, it has everything I love the style of music it has and I have a lot of music downloaded from it. I just cant get over the music really. That was one of the reasons why it got me hooked.
  15. I dont zone out from bordem or anything... I dont zone out almost ever... the one time I zoned out the worst was because, I was so depressed and so confused that I just completely lost myself. I sat in the same postion for an hour supposedly, I dont remember anything. I'm almost never depressed though, I'm happy more then half the time, Just was going through a hard week. But yeah I dont zone out, if I do its just really weird.
  16. that movie was great I saw it on the opening night. I dont believe I have seen a funnier movie then that in forever. I laughed pretty hard during that movie.
  17. I saw the film dubbed by some group on the internet, its wasn't bad and the series isnt much like the live action movie. Its to bad it wasn't more popular. I havent seen the live action movies since I was 5 though. I just remembered there was one.
  18. has anybody seen this series...? I have both dvds which is 6 episodes each. So there is only 2 dvds, but the series is pretty damn good, considering how old it is. The plot line was pretty good, I took a chance when I bought because I never heard of it or even knew what it was for that matter, I'm glad I did it was defiently a series worth the watch. Has anybody else seen this series and if so what did they think of it?
  19. I love flame of Recca and Hunter X Hunter Both great series, I've been reading the managa I'm almost done flame of recca. Defiently worth the time to read both manga's. Great stories, still just getting into hunter X hunter though, but I think its great.
  20. Ok I haven't seen one movie that has scared me ever, the only one that came close was pretty freaky but I dont remember the name. But a good scary movie is "The Ends of Days" good horror movie there. The only thing that ever scared me was a book, which is very strange. The book was The Right Hand of Evil by John Saul. I dont know why but the ending was freaky.
  21. well I live in canada, so school is harder up here then down there I know that for a fact for like a month I was down in the U.S. I was in almost all ap classes. They were supposed to skip me up a grade never got around to it though.
  22. Well for that matter I never felt out of place really, well not from what I remember. What really happens is I may feel uncomfortable at some times but even then it is rare. I mostly just dont care, half the time I just stick with my friends and thats it. Otherwise I dont much really care about what other people think so thats pretty much why I dont feel out of place. Though I can feel like I shouldn't be somewhere for real, thats a somewhat different feeling I guess.
  23. Stuck In The Air Vents On the brink of the air vent My mouth is moist yet dry The wind rushes through me like I have been down the wrong path and cant fly. The darkness reanimates me I watch through the tainted window slipping through the shadows In the gray path of metal that follows me. I?m the Closter phobic man you never knew clawing against the wild flesh that wont let me flee from my cage Heed my warning and never be consumed I sleep in the beast feeling deep my restoration may not come but I still like to believe The four letter word engraved in the walls make me mad by each passing day why can?t the hope come back and why cant I pay. so anybody like the poem?
  24. ah great poem, I like it alot, expect for that very last line. Maybe something like down the sharpened peice of glass or something like that. Otherwise good poem
  25. I think some good books that I've read lately are Interveiw With The Vampire, Lestat The Vampire, and as well Queen of the Damned. I have the whole anne rice series just haven't finished it yet. As well any Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books are excellent.
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