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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. your defiently having problem with the texts, keep trying and try to make the text stand out.
  2. as soon as Mztik_Gohan10 changes his structer deck to a starter deck of his choice we will start.
  3. I'm a fast enough reader to read the sentences that fly by in like a second, I watched the whole Gundam X series that way. But yeah anyways I hate dubbed, so subbed is alot better for me.
  4. I actually just had one of my many Re-Occuring dreams last night. It was me just walking along the back road that I used to go up alot, all of a sudden the side of the road becomes really thin and steep. I try to go up further and further but I can never make it, and as well cars keep coming up that road and its scaring me... I don't know why, but it seemed that I thought they would hit me because they where going at incredible speeds. Then I walk back down the road and at a small convience store where I am looking at a pile of dvds, that seemed to be completely worthless. But in that stack I find, This move called. "Dragon Ball Z, Battle of The Worlds" which was never made, and it had young goku on the front and the boxset of Buffy The Vampire Slayer season 1, I ask my mom if I can get them she says yes, then all of a sudden the store gets robbed one guy gets shot and the robbers leave. (the store changes when this happens too, but it was still the same store) This is the freaky part, I am at some odd so called highschool and I run into 3 people that I never met before that said I was there friends, we sneek around and do stuff. Then we are in the top level of the highschool and a secretary comes uo and trys to fix something and falls down like it seems 50 feet to her death. We all go down there find out she is a zombie and there are alot more, that are hard to kill. I could keep going on with this dream it is pretty long. but I will stop there, and this dream was pretty graphic. Oh and I'm going to get a dream interpratation book soon to.
  5. only a couple more people, 2 at most, then we can start. Oh and sorry guys, it has to be starters, not structers.
  6. I have been planning this out for a long time so here it is a Yu-Gi-Oh rpg. Its quite interesting actually. So lets get this thing started. You will encounter many duel battles in between the towns and within the towns them self. So lets get the towns listed first thing. (note: anything on here is not from the show except for the decks you receive and the cards contained in them and the millennium items. They are very special to get though and there is more then what the show contains[because you will be making your own up]. As well as special opportunities to make your own cards.) [B][u]Map[/u][/B] Sorry about the reading but I cant make a visual map. (if somebody can make one though it would be greatly appreciated. Though it may be difficult) [b][u]Keldingon.[/u][/b] From there you can choose to go west or east. Going west you will find yourself at a city called Ferelon. Which will take ten days. If you go west You will find yourself at a city Gasondel. Which will take you 2 days in traveling. Going south you will find yourself at a city called Hilegoed which takes 4 days to reach. Farelon From here you may travel only west to Hilegoed which takes 3 days. From Gasondel you may only travel west to Gorongun which will take one full day. [b][u]Hilegoed[/u][/b] from here you may travel west and south and east. To the east you will find yourself at Farelon which takes 3 days. To the west you will find yourself at a town called Hellios which takes 5 days. To the south you will find yourself at a town called Rolend which takes 5 days. [b][u]Gorongun[/u][/b] from here you may travel either west or south. To the west you will find yourself at an Ocean which takes 1.5 days. To the south you will find yourself at Hellios which takes 1.5 days. [b][u]The Ocean[/u][/b] From here you will travel for 5 days across the ocean. When reaching the other end you will find yourself at a vast plains. Called the Blue Plains. [b][u]The Blue Plains[/u][/b] In the plains you may travel south and north. To cross from either end of the plains it will take 5 days. Maybe you will even find out why its called the blue plains. [b][u]Hellios[/u][/b] from here you may travel either west or south or east. To the west you will find yourself at Velenin Castle which takes 13 days. Now in between those thirteen days you can chose to go to a town in the west called Hundfor. That will take you 9.5 days to reach. [b][u]Rolend[/u][/b] from here you may travel south reaching a place called Dredin Highway which takes 5 days. [b][u]Velenin Castle[/u][/b] from here you can travel east or west. To the east is Gret which takes one days worth of travel. To the west it is Dredin Highway which also takes 1 day. [b][u]Hundfor[/u][/b] from here you may travel to the ocean which takes only an hour. [b][u]Dredin Highway[/u][/b] from here you may travel east or west. To the east you will find yourself at a place called Bareon it takes 3 days to reach. To the west you will be at the castle wich takes 1 day to reach. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [b]Rules, Explenations, Things You Should Know, ect.[/b] There can also be many small villages and things on the way to each town, if you travel more then 2 days you need to rest, so every second day you have to rest. You can rest anywhere as well. As well you need to earn money to eat or you can hunt. Because you will be in the wilderness sometimes too. Each person will start out in the beginning town which will be Keldingon. Each person will receive a starter deck. But be original when receiving these cards. Which means you could receive it as a present or buy at a store from the money you had earned that day ect. Just be original. The next part is you must tell your parents that you are leaving. Or by leaving them a note after you left the town. It doesn?t matter as long as they find out somehow.(unless you live on your own in the rpg) Now you can have somebody travel with you but only up to 3 people in each group at max. Those days in between each place if you haven?t guessed it yet, they are how many days it is until you reach the next town or area. From there you must duel a battle 1 day down the road from the beginning town which will determine you skill level in duel monsters that you are. From there its up to you can travel to towns and see many different sites during your travels, duel many different opponents, and collect new cards to make better decks. Who knows maybe sometime along your travels you might even find a millennium item. Be creative in your post as well. The rules for dueling are like this we are using City Rules 1. You can summon monster in face-up defense mode 2. You may only set one trap and one magic card each turn 3. Set magic and trap can be activated at any moment. 4. there are NO counter-trap 5. Fussion monsters are not aloud to attack the turn they are summoned. As well as when crossing the ocean you should make a diary of what happens until you reach the planes. (It just so you can post something interesting) Until battles come, which I will explain how that works a little bit later. The spoiler list for the starter deck can be found here. (By the way I forgot to mention you get to pick between two starter decks.) [URL=http://www.pojo.com/yu-gi-oh/PriceGuide/LOB-Yugi-Starter-Spoiler.htm]Yugi's Deck[/URL] [URL=http://www.pojo.com/yu-gi-oh/PriceGuide/LOB-Kaiba-Starter-Spoiler.htm]Kiaba's Deck[/URL] [URL=http://sr_ygo.tripod.com/StarterDecks-PJ.shtml]Pegasus and Joey's deck[/url] [b][u]Sub Section[/u][/b] [b][size=1]For Battling[/size][/b] This is where I come in as a moderator type figure (just in this topic) You and your opponent (which does not have to be somebody else in the rpg) will stand on either end of the battle arena. You will then draw a hand of 7 cards, I will send you a pm to each of you to tell what your 7 cards are. As well as every card you draw. So it will be made fair and random. Then with the cards in your hands you make a move. Your going to want to read the rules if you don?t know how to play the duel monsters game. Which can be found here..... as soon as I find them that is. Now some of these cards you use during battles can be banned. (But usually that is during tournaments and such. It makes it even more of a neat rpg.) Now there is also weapon battling and things too, So lets see here you can use any weapon of your choice, but you can't kill anybody, obviously. You mostly carry a weapon for protection. All you have to do is knock this person out or make him stop fighting. You will encounter people like this during your journeys throughout the world. As well the speacial people who encounter millenium items will also have a chance to battle with these sacred objects. The battle system works like this. You will find a millenium item, from that time on it will not gain anymore powers unless you find something called the Shrine of Millineum. You can place the millineum object inside of it, it will charge it and it will have 5 more points of power added to it. Each Millineum item will have its own unique power status, the usual ones will start at the power of 5. Each time you place it within the shrine it will gain a power boost of 2 points which will help you along in your journey as you meet various duelist along the way. I know there is also a game calle dungeon and dice monsters, but I cant find aby possible of way of protraying this game over the internet. Now then this game is not for the beginning rpg?ers, just making sure you knew this, I hope this rpg thing takes of too. [b]Out of Character Information[/b] Do you know how the game Duel Monsters work? (any experience even the show is acceptable) [b]In Character Information for rpg.[/b] Name: Place of Birth: (any town contained on the map or make one up which will eventually be added to the map) Age: Description: (of everything pretty much, including clothing, eye color, your height and weigth, ect.) Weapon: (if I make this rpg anymore extensive I would have to have a whole forum to myself, because I've a got a really awesome idea going here) If you have questions conserning the rpg you can contact me by either PM?ing me, By aim. User name: Csardia. Or by Msn: [email]bazlikthehunter@hotmail.com[/email], or by email. Have Fun to!
  7. for the oddity of the pick, I find it amussing. Original, I like it, though it is very strange.
  8. 1. [b]Who do you think had the best charcter design? Why?[/b] I think the person with the best character design would have to be Ashitaka, main reason for this is because they developed him the most through out the movie. Then it would have to be Swan, though I liked Lady Eboshi as well. 2. [b]What do you think was so good about the plot?Why?[/b] To tell you the truth I haven't seen this movie for a long time now, so I might get something wrong while typing this. The best part of the plot is that at the end [spoiler]you think that the people are all going to die, but instead they head of the Forest Sprit is giving back just in time and Ashitaka is healed. I originaly had a thought tugging in th eback of my head that kept saying they would die, though I believed otherwise. I was right though, they didn't die. Plus the gods were not immortal, as I had thought they where when the metioned this.[/spoiler] So that was kind of cool. 3.[b]What was unique about the weapons?[/b] Well this is certanily an odd question indeed, I had never really took much thought to this subject. But to tell you the truth I liked the designs of the guns, both decrative and constructive designs. Nice touch there. Otherwise the other weapons are pretty much normal, I still found them to be cool, because I have always liked those type of weapons.
  9. I just finished watching the movie on dvd, it was ok, I know they could of made this movie waaay better in the end. But the problem with it is that it is way to short and the charcters barely devolp over the 60 minutes of the movie. (see I told you it was a short movie) It should of been longer and the charcters needed to be developed way more. So has anybody else seen this movie... I haven't found anybody at my school that has even heard of it. Maybe some people here have and seen it, and if so what did you think of the movie?
  10. I collect swords and kifes and anything sharp. I have a big knife collection, throwing knifes are the ones I prefer. My Swords are pretty cool, though I never use them much. I need to learn how to use them better. But yeah I've always like the feel of them on my hand, just like paper money. Need to get a Scyth one of these days to.
  11. the main reason I find anime worth watching is it has stuff that cartoons in the U.S. just cant have. It has the plots that cartoons here can't have. The drawing looks way better. Thats pretty much why, I like them. I don't even know why I'm posting, everybody has already said the pretty much same thing.
  12. When I'm in a mood of where I just like to sit and think about things I listen to; Our Lady Peace- Somewhere Out There...Clumsy, or 4a.m. When I'm depressed I listen to; Gary Allen- Smoke Rings in the Dark. The song that really gets to me for now anyways is; Mathew Good- Weapon.
  13. mid-terms... I don't get mid-terms at all in canada... up here we get them at the end of the year and we have more then 80%, I think it is. We don't have to do them, unless it science. Well this year anyways.
  14. I know how you feel, well ok I don't. Instead of crying though, I think I'm slightly insane. Strange, I can tell you that... otherwise don't be afraid to let it out. I guess...
  15. If I died I would probally want to be Akhkharu a but more then likely I would end up to be a Lalartu...
  16. thank you, I'm out of here... by the way my character isnt dead. he thrives on death. Death keeps him alive. Anyways, bye.
  17. dosen't any body see the point, my charcter is supposed to be killed. Is that to hard to comprehend... I mean just because I'm an rpg and i haven't interacted with other players dosen't mean I can still do what I'm doing. Or is it you people just think the way I rpg is bad?
  18. er that was the point, I wasnt ment to interact with any of the players. My charcter is crazy... he does stuff like this. It was the whole point, you where suppose to attack me. Sheesh.
  19. OOC- does anybody pay attention to my posts at all...
  20. "I would think you would be happy with all the ruckus about to happen." Once again Bazlik stood talking to himself "Oh well then I guess I bloody well might as kill them while they are in the hotel. Nothing better to do, you know you never let me have fun. I think I ought to rip your god damn bloody heart out" He laughed and walked down the street. Bazlik went on talking to himself as he headed down the street towards the old run down hotel. "But you kill me, you kill yourself." "Yes, yes. I wonder if the old chap still works at this establishment." he thought to himself. "I doubt it, I've heard witches run it now." "Oh really, well then. Thats a bargain for me. Here we are, should we go through the front or the back" "Up to you" "Oh goody, I love when you say that" Slowly bazlik rose his foot of the ground, standing sideways to the door. He bent his leg and then snapped it out in an instant extended through the broken down old door. It made tremendous slam that echoed throughout the building as it hit the floor. Bazlik laughed. "Come out, come out wherever you are. Because I'm going to rip your bloody heads off."
  21. Bazlik stood on the corner watching the group in the alleyway with a thoughtful gaze. He seemed to be a spectator like all the others just another person that blended in with the crowd. He smiled once again without reason. Slowly he stepped onto the street and of the curb. A women screamed and yelled. "Its him he is the one that killed all those people" at the top of her lungs. Bazlik swerved to look at this women. "Oh come on now, we were only playing nice" He suddenly had his hands around her neck. "You know what, now that I think about it, playing nice was really never my thing." Bazlik took his hand and slammed it into her stomach. She flew into a brick wall killing her instantly. "That was fun anybody else up for a bit of fun?" "But they?re coming for you Bazlik" "Oh right, damn that girl. Ruined everything didn't she now." Bazlik was talking to absolutely nobody. He was standing in the street alone. "Best we go then before they come. Damn Bastards, oh well they will get what is coming to them?
  22. "Well then I guess we are going to have to reck more havock on this city, its taking forever for them to find me." *He ran down the street at an incredible speed. But not faster then what the human eye could catch. Everybody feared Bazlik and turned to hide in the shadows. Bazlik thought about it many times to kill some of the people on the way there. But it wasn't the time nor the place. He headed down many blocks tiwsting and turning like it was through a maze. He finally slowed himself to a hault and peered down the street, there they where, the group of people at the gate. Slipping into the alleyway to a what seemed to be a hotel.*
  23. ?spewing blood, spewing blood. May I have some? Bazlik danced around the man and kept repeating the sentence over and over. The man was on the floor terrified. Bazlik just kept dancing in a graceful manner as though he was mocking the person on the floor. ?its funny, you know I don?t even remember how I got here.? Bazlik stopped his dance and stared into the distance and stared back down at the man, he kneeled down and looked at the man. ?You smell of blood, may I have some? Laughing once again as he stood up. ?You know the light always burn when you stay in it to long... I wonder how it feels to be like a vampire when that happens. Do you know old man?? Bazlik started dancing again ?Of course not, your just a mortal fool? A sword flew past Bazlik?s face. In an instant he grabbed the hilt and flung it back, it slammed into the man?s chest and blood splattered all around the ground. ?I wonder why you people have to be so persistence in trying to kill someone you can not? He took the man from the ground and holding him up by his collar, slowly he lifted him into the air and laughed. ?don?t worry you?ll only feel a slight discomfort around the neck? He put his hands on the mans head and twisted his whole neck snapping it like a twig. ?I wonder if it is a wise idea to stay and have fun here... that weird group of people are still coming. Oh well, if they cross my path I will kill them?
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