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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. I believe in ghosts... for I have seen many, many, many strange things, that are to unexplainable. I've always known when something bad was going to happen too... But its always been that way.
  2. *Swallowing down the beer, he left the counter in slight disgust. He always remembered beer to taste so much better. Maybe it was just an acquired taste he used to have. He slowly pushed himself off the bar stool and everybody started staring at him once again. Bazlik didn?t seem to want to know they where doing this. But with that many eyes staring at him he couldn?t take it anymore, just about to flip out on everyone one, a hand fell onto his shoulder, he swerved around ready to knock whoever it was out. But instead he stopped in mid punch and just stared at the person in front of him.* ?what do you want...?? ?I?ve heard some talk about strange people around and we don?t want you in here, you aren?t from here. Leave or I will be forced to hurt you.!?? ?Hurt me... heh... pathetic? ?WHAT DID YOU SAY!? ?I said you were pathetic, because you couldn?t hurt me even if you tried.? *the man took a swing at him but missed miserably and slammed his fist into pole. A few other people got up to stare at the site of a bar fight waiting to happen. Once the man was on the ground another man took his place with a chair in his hands, he slammed on Bazlik?s back trying to send him plummeting to the ground. Bazlik just stood and laughed. The man was stunned by that not hurting him at all and before he could move Bazlik smashed his foot into the stomach of the man sending him flying into the wall instantly killing him. He broke into a hysteria of laughing. As though he was completely out of his mind. He slowly walked out the front door and down the street laughing, as everyone was looking at him with strange faces. Suddenly screams flew through the front door of the tavern, blood flung out of the door and onto the sidewalk. Women and children accompanied the screams as they saw the blood on the ground. Bazlik heard, but choose not to see. He just walked on laughing. As the mental picture in his head of what had just happened took form.* ?I wonder why people always die around me....? He thought of that for a second and started laughing at that thought. ?I wonder.... hmmmmmm, who were those strange people at the gate, let alone the powerful being that was with them. I couldn?t penetrate his thoughts, but the rest have there own purpose, and don?t really want be with each other. Pathetic, but still who is that strange demon... that was with them. Odd. Oh well, if I have it my way they will be dead too. This demon they are hunting it sounds interesting. To bad I don?t feel like pursuing such a pathetic beast.?
  3. *Bazlik slowly walked up to a trunk of a tree and jumped up to the branches above, he slowly balanced himself on the tip of one of the smallest branches. Sensing which way he had to go next he skipped from tree to tree, until a town of some sort became visible. Not knowing of anything of a town for years he was not sure of what to expect or to find. He increased his pace as he jumped from tree to tree, until he was right at the gate. There below him stood an odd group of people,. He smirked at this site and decided to head into the town from tree top. While these people had there heads turned, he jumped as fast as he could possibly could. Rooftop to rooftop he leaped and then into an alleyway. Landing gently on his feet he preceded into the cluttered streets. Walking along the side walk, he wonder if the things called bars where still around. Sure enough there stood a bar just at the end of the block. He headed for it and slammed open the door. As he walked up to the counter everybody just stared at him. Until he reached the counter and they all went back to minding there own business. Bazlik plopped a few coin onto the counter and asked for a beer, since nothing else he knew of or even wanted for that matter. The bar keep finished fast and slid it down to him.*
  4. I have a cat, his name is paws, I think he is really smart, because knows exactly how to open doors, he just cant to do it. He has tried though. Its pretty amazing actually, very lazy cat though.
  5. Vampire Test [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/animevampire/miyu.gif[/img] Inuyahsa Villan Test [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/inuyashavillain/sess.gif[/img] heh I got Sesshoumaru. Just like me. Dragon Ball Guy. [img]http://guru.theotaku.com/dbguy/piccolo.gif[/img] I always get piccolo while taking this test at any place...
  6. well, I saw X the movie, and for some reason I never thought of it to be anything better then good. I got exactly what I excpected from it and thats a good thing. It wasn't the best anime movie I have seen but I still thought it was pretty good, I wish I had the series to watch >_<
  7. well not all animes can be good can they. I will wait and see other opinions.. but I'm still renting it, I like to broaden my anime experiences.
  8. ah but you see whenever Yugi transforms into yami yugi, he is always somewhere far away plus the dueling arena's are actually pretty high up of the ground even if it dosen't look like it. You have to realize that its an anime, it dosen't have to make sense, at leasts thats what I keep saying.
  9. sure, I have yu-gi-oh cards, but really they have been stashed away for a long time now, I am begging to see how much a waist of a money it is to buy cards. So instead I just keep them put away and don't think about them much because I've been concentraiting on other animes at this point. But yes people at my school always call them pokemon or magic. I don't see whats so bad about magic. The amazing thing is alot of people actually say insults like this "Is that Yu-Gi-Oh your playing?" then they start laughing like the show is pathetic and walk away, I swear nothing urks me more. At least they get the name right, but getting the name right and saying it like that is even more worse then calling it pokemon. But I've dealt with it. Because I got into a fight once with one of the popular kids in school, and I did abosultely nothing, he punched me in the the head like 5 times and I felt nothing. I was tempted to take him and throw him in to a locker. Probally break his arm. But I never did. Since then not one person has bothered me, but I;m not suggestion other people do this, I almost lost my temper on him and a few other people. Once I did try to punch a kid in the face out of blind fury but I missed for that very simple reason. I just walked away laughing. Most people think I crazy at my school, I don't mind. and magic the gathering, I will always be a loyal fan to that, I have over 2000 cards and I still love the game, but I don't buy cards much anymore because of the money thing I mentioned earlier. My mom actually calls everything I watch Dragon Ball Z, because I always used to watch that and I still do. But I don't mind, she really dosen't know or bothers to care much of what I watch anyways. Oh by the way my deck is stashed away along with my pogs and hockey cards, make good money of them someday.
  10. well the whole series is at the place where I rent movies, so I plan on renting it soon.
  11. well if you have listened to there new cd, what was your opinion on it? I didn't get over it to well, because of how much more different it sounded. It just wasn't to terribly good at any rate. But I still bought it because I'm a huge fan, I just hope there next Cd is way better.
  12. OOC- I didn't realize we started the rpg already. lol. *The stillness of the lake was a hypnotic trance, that hadn?t been desecrated by humans hands and was more pure then any heart within this pathetic world of emotions. A small child of the age of nine ran by the bank with glee and joy. The child slowly closed in on the forest as he ran with joy and he was happy. A small rustling in the bushes sent a few animals scurrying away in a state of fear. The boy became curious on what would scare the animals away like that. He slowly tiptoed to the bushes a quietly as he could, he slowly bent down and put his hands onto the grass the was firmly pressed down from his force. He moved closer and closer leaving prints in the grass for a few obscure seconds. A piece of sweat trickled down his face, he was anxious to find out what it was, but a the same time afraid of what it could be and wanted to finish this a quickly as possible. Slowly he moved his hands in front of him and placed them into the bushes. Spreading the shrubbery apart he peered into the unknown. Nothing was there... nothing, he slowly took his arm and slid his hand across his face and wiped away his sweat. He smiled and turned around and said. ?Well I guess nothing was there...? And there in front of him stood a demon. With long silver claws attached to his hands, huge muscles bulged throughout the demons body. He towered over the boy to a height of 9?10. His skin color was brown and red mixed with in the brown. Small black spots littered his body. The boy tried to yell but was completely silent, he could not move his mouth to make a word. Nothing would come out no matter how much effort was applied. ?die.....? the demon said without thought or meaning. Small holes started appearing on his body from out of nowhere, just like a black hole in the middle of space. From each one those holes emerged a small silvery white blade, the size of a small blade. Slowly they wriggled out of the body. Then attached to these vines were small red veins that wrapped around them as the became inch by inch longer and outstretched to where the boy lay in fear. The demon smiled and the vines snatched the small boy, then slowly the vines wrapped around the boys arms and legs and neck. He tried to struggle but every time he did they tightened, the tightened so much that the boy finally yelled out in immense pain. The demon without a flinch moved his arm out in the middle of the air. He slowly grasped and invisible presence in his hand, and the second that it closed the sounds of the boys yells became silent beyond them but where heard within the boundaries that the demon had seemed to set. Slowly the small blades rose high up into the air letting the sun beams reflect the light of them. Without a second wasted, the blades plunged deep into the major arteries of its victim. The blood within the body was not in contact with oxygen that was outside of the body. Letting the blood stay its original color that it should always be. The most purest way to obtain it. This blue blood slowly slid up into the huge veins slowly it drained his blood and the demon just stood emotionless and almost oblivious to what he was doing. Suddenly a jerk ripped through the demons body and he released the boy from his grips. The demon picked up the lifeless body and smirked, he through it into the woods and it made big thud. Without another look the demon started to run the other way. *an hour later* Waking up from a long slumber propped against a huge tree trunk he reached up to his face and rubbed his forehead and groaned out loud. ?what a headache....? He jumped up suddenly on full alert, almost in a cat like readiness. But it wasn?t for any real apparent reason except for the part of being ready to maim anything that could of been near to hurt him. ?So you say that you have seen a demon unlike any others have you?? Bazlik said out loud, but nobody was anywhere for miles to listen to what he had say. He seemed schizophrenic and maybe the insanity of being alone and away from humans had finally caught up to him. The dark cage within the deep reaches of his mind was unlocked. But it wasn?t just insanity it unlocked, it unlocked his counterpart as well. But he still wasn?t sure of what was real and what was just a figment of his imagination. ?I guess they were right to exterminate me from the O.S.H. (organization of shadow hunters). I?m glad they did this because now I am non-existence to the world and not a shred of prove, is around to prove I am alive.? Bazlik smiled at his agony and swerved his head staring deeper into the darkened woods. ?There?s something in this woods that smells good, it smells like a demon....?
  13. there newest release, as in the cd right? its called Gravity.
  14. lol, actually, I've liked them since there second cd... which was made in 1994 I think... clumsy(from 2nd cd), and naveed (from 1rst cd) are my two favorite songs. I don't like there newest cd much because of the way the new songs are sung and played, but I'm a big fan so I still have there newest cd, I hope there next one is better though. Oo
  15. Has anybody else seen or heard of Our Lady Peace? They are my favorite band and guess what. Oo Only one week until I get to go and see Our Lady Peace in concert!!!!! This going to be so cool.
  16. hey sorry man I'm going to have withdraw my post >_< I don't have the time right now, with spars and such and things in reality not on the boards. Sorry...
  17. Just like ginyu means milk. Lol, yeah I'm pretty sure some of the names are in japanese for english words.
  18. snow is always good, I get snow up in canada all the time, hmmmm don't you this topic should of had some sort of question at the end of it?
  19. man, schools in the u.s. aren't looking to good. But up in canada, we've had a few bomb threats actually, very suprising, don't think I really know if there has been any actual arrests, well there probally was, I just wasn't in the high school at the time. I was probally alot younger.
  20. I never really minded the talking, and as well I think shagia and olba frost were pretty cool badguys. I aslo saw the show unedited and in subtitle, subtitles are anoyying to read when you get to like the 10 hour of the series.
  21. Has anybody seen this series, I just finished the 5 disc box set, and I swear this is an amazing gundam series. I couldn't believe the ending. There where some pretty sad parts in episodes along the way too. It was one heck of a ride I tell ya. Who else has seen this series, and what did you think of it? Do you think they should of made a movie? As well there should of been a little more explanations on some of the pilots pasts. Like Roby, Witts, and Enil El.
  22. I'm guessing since he is a human and he is incredibly fit he dosen't change much. I mean in real life look at Jackie Chan he dosen't to much different now then he did a few years ago did he. But still that is alot of years that have passed, its just they way they made him, its really not that big of deal in the end.
  23. ummm right, are you actually asking, why wouldn't Gohan make buu weaker? Well though it may not seem like it gohan still has anger in his heart, and he is a sayin so obviously he will. So it would still make buu enormously stronger when he absorbs him. Now that I think about it though, didn't old kai say "Enemys make an even stronger fusion, because the fusion is balanced." well I know he said it differently but you get the point. So my theroy is that gohan is and enemy of buu because of him killing Chi-Chi and Videl. Opposed to when buu asorbed the kai's, they were probally just afraid of him even if they where really his enemy. But you have to remember that fusions don't always work out right and its not just with the fusion dance either. Just keep that in mind. Because asorbing them pretty much are like a fusion, because they both have the same effects in the end.
  24. yes and with crime there is always a savior and I will be the one to rise up and be that savoir! but more to the point, if someone did achieve this power for crime and if he/she was evil enough, this person would probally just enslave us all. Actually he would probally just go on a killing rampage like androids. I mean whats the point of destroying things when the people have no where to run. Seriously if someone with the wrong intentions got such a power, then we would all be screwed. So yeah lets hope that never happens.
  25. wow good question. Lets see here. [b]Who am I in my own mind?[/b] Well this is something I find interesting, I find myself to be two different people at times. I am sometimes a person of silence... I have absolutely no reason to speak, Its like I don't need to speak and I don't see why other people are speaking at all. As soon as I hear somebody say something I find it funny, and I find it pathetic because the person is asking. Its weird its like when I'm in this state, I'm mean and very anoyyed by everything that goes on around me. It makes me want to smash the peoples faces in. So its suprising that I act this way because my other side is the exact oppisite. My other side though is I act crazy or just plain stupid just to get a laugh out of other peoples mouth. Who knows, maybe I'm trying to hide my real feelings. Its like I'm acting like a fool just to get people to laugh. I listen to what people have to say and think to myself of why there asking this question and then I realize its because they don't know. I do anoyy people on purpose though. But that is beside the point. I guess actually I'm neglecting to mention one other side of me. This other side is I am really emotional, which nobody and I mean nobody has ever seen this side of me. This is when I do my best writting as well. Because well I'm emotional and then all my ideas just flow on to the paper like water rushing down a stream. [b]How do others see you?[/b] I think others see me as a very weird person. I wouldn't think I have met one person who hasn't thought I was. But I'm cheerful alot and make my friends laugh so I think they see me as a really nice guy. But then they have never seen my silent side. But still I don't care how others see me, its not there opinion that truly counts in the end is it? No, its your own opinion that counts in the end. [b]How would I rather people saw me?[/b] well in all honesty it dosen't matter how other people see me, but I would like other people to see me as some person who is actually somewhat more cooler then what I am. It would be nice to be somewhat popular for a change. Who knows I might be one day. detailed enough for you? Lol anyways yeah thats about it.
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