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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. Haven't done one of these in a long time. 1. Burzum - Inn I Slottet Fra Drømmen 2. Pink Floyd - Time 3. Biosphere - Poa Alpina 4. Atheist - Water 5. Nokturnal Mortum - Unholy Orathania 6. Velvet Cacoon - Laudanum 7. Agalloch - ...And The Great Cold Death Of The Earth 8. Skepticism - The Raven And The Backward Funeral 9. Skinny Puppy - Assimilate 10. Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together 11. Emperor - Into The Infinity Of Thoughts 12. Sigh - Curse of Izanagi 13. Reverend Bizarre - By This Axe I Rule! 14. Lair of the Minotaur - Burning Temple 15. Marblebog - I Am The Forest Heart
  2. Amorphous


    [quote name='Tical Blue']When you scream, put your heart into it and scream like you mean it. Whether it be deep like Slipknot or lighter like Cradle of Filth, you gotta put power into it.[/quote]Do you mean Cradle of Filth has lighter screams as in higher pitched? Or lighter as in not as deep as Slipknot? Either way Danni's vocals are much more amazing then whats his name in Slipknot... though I wish Danni would have learned how to use his vocal abilites better/make a better band. Oh well. Anyways avoid Slipknot or being like Slipknot or anything Screamo as Jake has said. Also I find gurgling some pop before singing helps. That is just me though.
  3. I do about the same as Jakehammeren here when it comes to analyzing music and I feel the same way. The only difference between us is I am the more pretentious about the whole thing and more elitist, just because I feel that some of the bands you have listed Billy Shear are not metal, well two, but I hate to argue so we are not going to go there. Either way, I never did enjoy the NWOBH movement it just never thrilled me. Many bands I felt were lacking, but of course that is my opinion, I was never a fan of Power Metal either (minus a select excellent few). NWOBH is where power metal gained it's main influences from... the only reason I enjoy Blind Guardian so much for example is because they got their early influence from Speed-Metal... mmmm.
  4. It's the most annoying long acronym in metal ever. It stands for New Wave of British Heavy Metal, it was a term in the 80's refering to 80's British Heavy Metal bands.
  5. I have as of now seen Miami Vice, the Da Vinci Code, Superman, X-Men 3 and V For Vendetta. It is a toss up between Miami Vice and Superman, because the Da Vinci Code was horrible and totally unrealistic and farfetched. While I highly enjoyed V For Vendetta and X-Men, the Superman movie completely towered over V and X-men for awesomeness and Miami Vice had a very interesting plot line. I have yet to see Clerks II, which no doubt will rank in at first place, I will be seeing it Sunday, and as far as Pirates of the Carribean, I do not even want to talk about that piece of... well you get the idea. I think the Ask a Ninja review about PoC describes that movie the best.
  6. Five very important things for music to be meaningful and worth listening to me are this; 1. Atmosphere: This can be and is almost always the most defining piece of information in deciding which band falls into which category, or genre of music shall we say (of course there are other factors). That being the technical side of it, atmosphere is what gives me a multitude of emotions which flood through my brain while listening to any given piece of music. Without atmosphere music would be emotionless. This is why this is the most important reason to why music is worth listening to. 2. Remembrance: The timing of played music can correspond with a certain important life event. This will usually cause a pattern, listening to that certain song will make you think of that certain time and place that you were at and reflect on it. I know we all have songs like that. Of course that moment in this sense of a definition is not always necessarily a good one. But it is the basic reflective quality that music brings us that makes it so important. For example I will never forget listening to William Orbit's album Hello Waveforms, while driving down the south coast of Ireland on the back roads. I will never forget listening to Agalloch - The Mantle on the way back to Canada, from my trip to England. Since music corresponds with past times and places it is another reason as to why music is worth listening to. 3. Quality: The music that I strive to listen to has quality to say the least and seeks to be something out of the norm and is set against or juxtaposed towards mainstream and pop culture (of course that is not always true). What I see music as is something that is made to make oneself better in understanding something, anything, and to connect with it. This means, for the composer of a musical piece, that he needs to make it as beautiful as possible, in his mind of course. Beauty in music comes from many, many different things; beauty from complex simplicity to beauty with just pure complexity. As long as the artist makes the music in a quality standard that is befitting of the actual music, then it will usually have a place in my ever growing collection. 4. Concentration (Intensity): Intensity is a rather great emotion in all due consideration. It is a little bit of a mix between sheer anticipation and just general excitement. It is the climax of a piece that can make all the difference in how you perceive a song. Trust me on this, a climax of any given piece can be absolutely different from the previous song to where if you do not concentrate on the music at hand you will completely miss it and probably the whole point of the song in the process. Concentration of music, along with quality, remembrance and atmosphere is four the biggest reasons as to why music is worth listening to for me so far. 5. Lyrics: This is of course hardly even a reason to listen to music and thus this is why it is listed last on my list, but in all due respect lyrics bring about a very personal flavor to music and what is being said and how it is being sung, be it screaming or whispered, it causes the song to become a bit more then what it was without lyrical content. It can add a message and mean something, or just be completely worthless, lyrics are a hit and miss situation. Not everyone is an amazing song writer or poet and not every song should include lyrics as whole.
  7. 1. [b]Agalloch[/b] - [i]Odal[/i] 2. [b]Sunn O)))[/b] - [i]My Wall[/i] 3. [b]Coil[/b] - [i]Tiny Golden Books[/i] 4. [b]Siouxsie and the Banshees[/b] - [i]Cities in Dust[/i] 5. [b]Unearthly Trance[/b] - [i]When Anti-Humanity Flourishes[/i] 6. [b]Velvet Cacoon[/b] - [i]P.S. Nautical[/i] 7. [b]Graveland[/b] - [i]Iron In The Fog[/i] 8. [b]Skinny Puppy[/b] - [i]Convulsion[/i] 9. [b]Katatonia[/b] - [i]Velvet Thorns (of Drynwhyl)[/i] 10. [b]Thievery Corporation[/b] - [i]Marching the Hate Machines into the Sun[/i]
  8. If ever fresh the little hounds Barking at my door continue on Like mangled dead bolts in metal That twist and swerve about Do not stop to think twice Of this very faithful endeavor May they have mercy granted Upon their ever lasting souls May the shotgun cocked and loaded Grant salvation upon their eyes May the gentle precise clench Of a trigger finger bind them And bring them peace and harmony. Just a sudden urge to write, nothing else really. Comments, anything at all? Go ahead seriously.
  9. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]I'd hope not. I'm a very, very sensitive person you know. It's all good, bro. After all, after your little rant your post turned out to be rather similar to mine, so.. I suppose that, ultimately, we all fail it.[/color][/QUOTE] I did realize the irony that came with posting my rant do not worry. So that rant was directed in every direction including towards me. Ultimately everything is over done some way anyhow.
  10. [QUOTE=DeathKnight][color=crimson]How cliche. I listen to whatever catches my ear. Lyrics are important but not as much as the overall flow of the song- the combination of what the singer is trying to say with the instrumentation behind it. Combine those well enough and you have a majestic work of art- or, I suppose, a really great song. I don't really have a favorite genre anymore. I know what genres I generally don't 'appreciate' though- Country (excluding Mr. Johnny Cash) and Pop music.[/color][/QUOTE] I'm not about to defend Jake (though with this statement I will have) but I would like to point out that your post is just as cliché as his, that being in the sense that it is like everyone else?s response. This is the same response that everyone tends to have, with minor alterations, to avoid conflict between other people that are not as open minded as we supposedly are. This type of response is for people who think they are even partially pseudo-intellectual, normally but obviously not always. Now I am not insulting you nor am I calling you a pseudo-intellectual but I would like to point out a second time that your post is just as cliché as Jake's is based on the fact that it portrays exactly what thousands of others will reply with when responding to a thread of similar direction. Now to keep on topic, I do, I do, listen to all types of music. I though have three genres ranging above all others; Metal, Rock, and Electronic. These three genres encompass a gigantic amount of sub-genres and a plethora of side genres that have a distant relation with them. These three genres account for more then half the music being made, but to stay fair there is a gigantic amount of music from these genres that I tend to hate as well so it is a very well balanced. I also enjoy Classical and Folk music as well. After that it comes down to what happens to sound decent to me. I have to say though there is a lot of music that totally fails in atmosphere and the atmosphere of music is in my opinion the most important part of all music, no atmosphere means that it really is not worth listening to. The atmosphere is as well based on the instrumental talents of the people playing thus instruments mean everything to me but that is not to say that a bad set of lyrics will not turn me away from a song or even a full album.
  11. Amorphous


    The first soundtrack that should be instantly named for any movie ever is as such; [list][*]Pink Floyd - The Wall; No, seriously what is there to say about this soundtrack? It's nothing short of amazing. We should all know the story and really it is considerably the best soundtrack alive. [*]Air - The Virgin Suicides (An Original Motion Picture Score); Very well composed, similar to a style of Pink Floyd in some context but more electronic. It has a very mellow feel to it. [/list] Other then that I've never been partial to sound tracks because most of them are horrible and I am not partial to compliation albums like that or usually anything like that because it is never worth buying. I will usually only buy an album if it is all done by the same artist because then at least I have an idea of how decent it will be. I have been meaning to check out the Fight Club one.
  12. [url=http://www.angolapress-angop.ao/noticia-e.asp?ID=409853]The Artificial Sun[/url] I think this is quite the amazing accomplishment, especially once it is complete. This could solve so many fuel problem and destroy so much pollution if implemented everywhere. At the moment I am all for this. Opinions?
  13. Since I live in the Northern Rain Forests of Canada, as in British Columbia it rains almost all year round minus the two months of summer which it still rains in. Those months of summer though become very grueling hot. Otherwise it rains almost all year round.
  14. [QUOTE=ForgottenRaider]Haha you American's amuse me... You are worried about some primitive 'cloaking' technology when you can buy (off the shelf) weapons that make swis cheese out of other people and the like. Why can't you just see it from the point of view of 'hey rad, that's some nice tech, wouldn't mind having a play with it!'[/QUOTE] First of I am not American. Second of all this technology is and can be used as a very dangerous tool. If I cannot see my attacker then I have no chance of actually getting away and if that attacker has a gun with the cloaking techonology then you are just that much more screwed. This tecnhology is like a piece of equipment to aid you and it makes everyone who has it that much more dangerous. Sure a gun can make you look like swiss cheese but cloaking technology will only make everything just a little bit more worse. And as Retribution said it will only take time before it becomes more sophisticated.
  15. Firstly, I know Dani's voice is quite amazing in respect to its [b]vocal range[/b]. Vocal range can be a very important aspect to singing and shows a considerable amount of talent. But you need to consider the fact that, that the talent he may have is being squandered and wasted. He can sing and their is no doubt of this but his vocals as far as Cradle of Filth go lack inspiration or talent, sure he can produce an amazing range but it does nothing for the music when it does not have proper [b]tone[/b] and the range of his voice is destroying the song as it is. A perfect example of a metal band with an amazingly high vocalist who keeps tone and power in his voice, this is and considerably takes amazing talent to do I am sure, is King Diamond. This man can do some of the highest vocals I have quite literally seen from a male in almost any Metal Music. It is amazing that he does not ruin the music he sings over, but it is definitely an acquired taste and certainly worth the wait. I admit I cannot sing like Dani Filth but I can tell you from my own personal experience I chose to sing Her Ghost in the Fog for Karaoke in my Chamber Choir class and actually succeeded at it so that tells me something. Now it was a bit of a stretch to actually bring such a song into the class and sing it but I was willing to take my chances and succeeded with a decent amount of marks as well. Secondly, Cradle of Filth to a mind that is educated about Death and Black Metal would ultimately never come of as either of these two genres to their ears. There is much to much an element of just pure heavy metal that incorporates keyboard into most of their composition. This expands to make them an outfit that is heavy metal band with quite harsh vocals with gothic like keyboards that really do nothing for their music as it makes them seem quite hollow, nothing seems to be beyond what is played right there and then. While talented Death and Black Metal bands will leave you wanting something more and let you read between the lines of their music to find things that you may have not noticed before. Cradle of Filth does not do this and adheres to the mainstream category of metal and only produces to make money not music. Thirdly, many Death Metal bands [b]do not[/b] use choirs or orchestras in their respective music as it does not apply to their style of playing at all. In fact I cannot recall a Death Metal band of the top of my head right now that uses a Choir or Orchestra. As for Black Metal bands this is still not exactly an everyday occurrence and it usually will only be seen taking place in Symphonic Black Metal. You have to remember is not Dimmu Borgir. Dimmu Borgir was Symphonic Black Metal with their very first two albums which have do not a choir nor an orchestra playing with them. Dimm Borgir after Stormblast was never a black metal band again. A very good example of bands that incorporate Choirs and Orchestras would be Therion or Haggard. Most of the vocalists in Black and Death metal [b]do not[/b] sing in Opera. Vocalists in Progressive and Power metal are the ones who sing true Opera to improve their voice, Hansi Kürsch of Blind Guardian for example or Russell Allen of Symphony X. These two vocalists both have truly amazing talent. Fourthly, Hit Parader is not exactly a magazine that has any real knowledge on Black and Death Metal, I just did some investigation on that. If this is the magazine that you gather your information from on these two genres then you need to look for a better magazine. Especially if they have articles on bands that are not even close to metal let alone metal bands that are not close to the Black Metal or Death Metal genre. With articles about Slipknot and Nirvana it does not bode well for this magazine to be explaining Death and Black Metal. Fifthly, the only thing I do agree with you on is the work load that is involved with making this music. It takes a lot of effort to make Black and Death metal sound quite decent.
  16. [QUOTE=Raya] [SIZE=1] The optic camouflage was completed some 12 years after Ghost in the Shell popularized the theory behind it; compare that with the time it took for man to build rocket ships Cyrano de Bergerac once wrote about. Question: Are thermal sensors still able to pick up anyone wearing these things?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] The whole thing is, is this has actually been in the works from the late 1970's so this isn't something being invented because of Ghost in the Shell. And thermal sensors should be able to pick them up without a problem, the things can't deflect thermal sensor scanners that's pretty much impossible for the moment, they'd need a special material for that and that would probably cost them way to much to incoporate into the scenario. Besides the military will figure out a way anyways.
  17. They are working on a much more advanced version as we speak, one that creates total invisibility, you cannot see any part of the body that it is covering while it is moving or otherwise.
  18. [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/3791795.stm[/url] Well, how much more misery will this cause. And if that isn't convincing enough here are actual videos. [url]http://projects.star.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/projects/MEDIA/xv/oc.html[/url] What is your view on this? Truly, I see it causing more damage then any good at all. But I would love to own one myself this is an astounding leap.
  19. I'm going to try an odd artist for this. 1. Pick a Band or Artist: Burzum 2.Are you male or female: Han Som Reiste (He Who Travelled) 3.Describe yourself: A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit 4. How do some people feel about you: Tomhet (Emptiness) 5.Describe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Die Liebe Nerþus? (The Love of Nerthus) 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Erblicket Die Töchter Des Firmaments (Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament) As in being beautiful. 7.Describe where you want to be: Inn I Slottet Fra Drømmen (Into the Castle from the Dream) 8.Describe how you love: Einfühlungsvermögen (The power of Empathy) 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: Hvis Lyset Tar Oss (If the Light Takes Us) 10. Share a few words of wisdom: Rundgang Um Die Transzendentale Säule Der Singularität, (Tour Around The Transcendental Pillars Of Singularity) 11.Now say goodbye: My Journey To The Stars
  20. Shiny musical instruments, like drums, help me remember that I am still alive. Sometimes it's hard to think that my musical career is over. *sniffs* Just one more time for the road. Security: "Hey you get out of here" *they run and tackle him down handcuffing him* *sniffs* This is my final defeat. Alas goodbye great drums of Zeus!
  21. To tell you the truth holding this sword really hurts. If only I could get workmans comp for this crap.
  22. I am not very good for remembering solos because most solos just do not stick out all that much to me. The only solo that I can think of at the moment is on Bathory's - A Fine Day to Die. The solo is by all standards the speediest and most well done solo I've really heard in a very long time. In all honesty this one sticks out in my head and is by far an excellent piece of compostion. Seriously though I am sure there are other good Solo's out their I just cannot remember them.
  23. Actually everything they've ever released is horrible. If you want to invest your money get the one CD that is worth buying that these people keep failing to mention. Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein, (which only has two real decent songs on it) this is not even a full length CD it is an EP. Other then that their new CD is their worst effort next to Damnation and a Day. Oh yeah Iced Earth isn't, considerably, all that great either.
  24. A quick reply. Check out Liquid Tension Experiment purely instrumental progressive metal.
  25. Achilles Pyre Shoot westbound into the setting sun We see a flame burning far greater Then the intentions of the god Apollo A desecrator of understanding in an age Where all is ruled by the ruler himself A falling star rips through the deep skies Of a night where the ashes are left below A warlord honored by gods alone He was led by no leader and saw envy Envy in a gods eye on the moment of death A glory that was born for life and All for the sake of taking the lives of other men A cold running sun rises in the east Far more dead then others before its time Like a new child born of cold dreary intent For another day of momentary peace But nothing lasts if the God?s do not allow No hero will rise and not soon after fall A wrenching acreage of fire lightly flickers And breathes its final breath in twilight I wish sometimes that I had lived as Achilles A bringer of death but an enlightened man And always seeking an eternal glory Was I said to have been begat by a goddess? Did my skills of bringing death come easy? Or was it a false pretense of thought in dying Bluntly though it had not mattered. We came And we saw and lasted impressions On every single face that we would touch One in the same were we forever We both in the end bringers of tranquil death In the same that we had peace on our last day. I used to sit on the pyre before he died And day after day passed as we fell I could not think though about it as fact Sever the last emulation of what you know Now naming the straight of smoke each time It passed my head, another part of Achilles flesh Another arrow to pierce another heel If it comes down to the final question Are we not in fact of the same entity? I lived not in Achilles time nor did he live in mine We are transcendence, devoured by smoke Annulled by the final breath with both a heart I died on Achilles pyre that night Funerals are to behold dying men Respect, this is the ending of our moments That one name will now live on forever. Comments, criticism? Anything? It would be nice. This actually a rough draft still but I'm working on it.
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