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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. Amorphous

    Heavy Metal

    [quote name='MindGrinder'].............first....System of a Down and Disturbed aren't metal. Second.....You didn't even spell one of the band's name right.....i don't know if I'm the only one thinking this...but you are one of those people labeled as "Poser".[/quote] Obviously this person was what anyone would consider a 'Poser'. But not all 'Posers' realize that they are being one thus it's not there fault but at the same time it's quite annoying for anyone who is considerably not one. I was merely trying to be nice in respect on trying to swerve them on a different path but it does not matter as they have been banned now anyways. Probably for the best judging by the characteristics of this person.
  2. Amorphous

    Heavy Metal

    [quote name='chobitslover90']well i hate neo metal (korn slipnot e)[/quote]That is a very good start. [quote name='chobitslover90'] i like old metal bands and i forgot to mention iron maiden as one of my favorites[/quote]If you like Iron Maiden you'll probably enjoy a lot of power metal examples being Iced Earth or Helloween. [quote name='chobitslover90'] and i think that system of a down and disturbed are metal not really death metal but still metal[/quote] In all honesty I really have to tell you that they are not metal in any respect. Just heavier rock. [quote name='chobitslover90']oh and to answer your last question my other favs are avenged sevenfold, dio, gunz and roses and um well that what pops out of the top of my head[/quote] Well like I said you'd probably enjoy some power metal in most cases, once again Iced Earth and Helloween for the best examples. (I'm not a great fan of power metal, but you should check those bands out first and see if you enjoy them.)
  3. Amorphous

    Heavy Metal

    Do not be surprised when you find yourself being ridiculed by other metal heads on what true metal is. I am only here to forewarn you that Disturbed and System of a Down are respectably not metal. I cannot think of any anime that has proper metal music in it, rather though I can think of metal bands hailing from Japan. With your tastes in music I highly doubt you would enjoy them. So I cannot help you on this situation. If you give me a bit more information on other bands you listen to I can try to steer you into a direction of metal music that you may enjoy that would considerably advanced your view and knowledge on metal.
  4. Comments, constructive critiscism, anything at all would be quite accepted and appreciated. I am gold on your lips Light smolders from flying embers Saturate your face and flowing hips Like glowing ashes in the snow We all fall down Six feet deeper then before. Pass over the honey I aim to live long and treacherous Please the divinity We are steeping into the cobblestones And hedge mazes Hand for hand and eye for eye. Swelling in the formless sky In the valley of separate life And stagger out unusual Delving into the ocean floor We intend to stay Six minutes longer then before. A marble moon and powdery snow A forest embalmed in silver and gold Vines they creep up On our bodies And face lips shadowed In the blackened flower vase. Drenched in skin vacant mind Like showers of olden skies Thickets writhe and twitch In the forest of the kiss With eyes rounder then death themselves Six less minutes on the shore.
  5. I'm certainly not the moderator but I would like to point out the fact that on the very front page of this forum, or rather located [url=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50013][size=1]here[/size][/url] is the exact same topic that you have re-created. Just helping out.
  6. A quick side note, Atheism is an official religion. Anyways. I highly believe in Ásatrú THOUGH it doesn't mean I'm absolutely sure of it being real. I'm not some fanatic or anything like that. A quick breif overview here from Wikipedia. Ásatrú is an Old Norse compound derived from Ása, the genitive of Áss, which refers to the Aesir, (one of the two families of gods in Norse mythology, the other being the Vanir), and Trú, literally "troth" or "faith". Thus, Ásatrú is the "Æsir faith." The term is the Old Norse/Iselandic translation of Asetro, a neologism coined in the context of 19th century romantic nationalism, first used by Edvard Grieg in his 1870 opera Olaf Trygvason. The Icelandic form of the word is first recorded in 1945 in Heiðinn siður á Íslandi ("Heathen traditions in Iceland") by Ólafur Briem. Ásatrúar, sometimes used as a plural in English, is properly the genitive of Ásatrú. Use of Ásatrú for Germanic paganism preceding 19th century revivalist movements is therefore an anachronism. Likewise, use of Ásatrú as a synonym of Germanic Neopaganism, while widespread in the USA, can be misleading. Organizations self-describing as Ásatrú cover a wide spectrum, including left-wing or alternative New Age, tribalist or reconstructionist, folkish, or neonazi (e.g. Artgemeinschaft) movements. In the strict sense, the term refers to reconstructed medieval Norse or Icelandic paganism and in particular to the Íslenska Ásatrúarfélagið. I've found it to be quite the open religion. I am not though officially part of the religion though it is small and I'm not by all means a neonazi because of this.
  7. Amorphous

    The Crow

    Along with Spawn I grew up with loving The Crow. It's been sometime since I've actually watched the first movie and I've always highly enjoyed it, the acting was great and even though it was predictable in itself as to what would happen it's still quite fun to watch the Crow kick some but. I've always loved the movie start from finish, the atmosphere was great, there is much I can say that just wouldn't praise this movie. I even actually enjoy the soundtrack, well at least two songs of it anyways.
  8. The best concert I've ever seen would be hands down Nine Inch Nails. The show they put on was simply amazing, the light show and even the whole movie screen was just excellent beyond compare. Everything was in synch and they couldn't have played a better set list, let alone the fact that they played a total of twenty two songs did help out immensely. Despite that I will be going to see Children of Bodom on the 21 of November (but I doubt that my opinion will change afterwards on which is the better concert). I'm not going for them of course; I'm really not a fan of Children of Bodom. It's for Amon Amarth (who supposedly put on a very excellent show) though Children of Bodom is an interesting side note. Of course I'm not at all looking forward to Trivium.
  9. Under the oaken hollow diseased breath Ashes fall from the insurmountable life Hailing perceptions of perceptive undertows Like the waves of an ocean stinging my skin. Lo, Lo beyond the far and wavering skin A cool blanket of wind blows fearfully, Architectures of the long winded faith, The future is holding it?s restlessness in hand. Augmenting features of un-lasting rights Down, down and down further we end Down and down bleeding to further day, Turquoise and translucent life long endurances, Doubtful. Do understand that my eyes are Creeping in from crevices and that worthy Little cup of life long deceit Is all to lead the life of painted misanthropy. Any comments, criticism anything at all, I'm pretty open as long as it's constructive and not vice versa.
  10. [center]And so Hell when last words are favored Over the last dinner at night Take me under your burning wings Understand that I have now my place with you. Your love and your hate salivate at my side Caressing my cool hair The stuffiness of the late air is cooling my nostrils And tightening my chest it hurts to breathe my breaths. Ravished beyond the Milky Way in despair Under leagues of ocean I swallow the profuse composition of hard liquor Water in my veins from the acid of my eyes. Leave now and do not turn back their eyes relish you Glimmering in the snow white Be cautious Hell wants you under its wings like a mother Take the path to your will according to the engines mouth.[/center]
  11. [quote name='Jake of Bodom']Amorphous, For All Tid and Stormblast are definately the definitive albums of Dimmu Borgir's career - and also the two that I just knew would never enter this contest (with the exception of you and maybe a few others). You know me, though - I'm not a fan of raw Black Metal, and therefore I'm not a fan of those albums. Not based on ignorance like most people, though - it's just a matter of taste. [/quote] Well actually their music from that time period was pretty symphonic but in a different way and certainly nowhere near as raw as most any other black metal band. But I find there new stuff to wear out very quickly after Stormblast.
  12. Really in the end when I try to tell someone that Nu-Metal is otherwise I give them one chance and if they don't understand that it isn't they I really can't change their mind. But I can only be so sympathetic to the person sometimes until I become a little aggrivated. Sometimes I just let it go and sometimes it just bugs me enough to argue otherwise when someone says that Nu-Metal is Metal. Anyways the 101 Rules of Power Metal or Black Metal would be a great next topic.
  13. [quote name='Jake of Bodom] [B']Cradle of Filth vs. Dimmu Borgir[/B][/quote] Dimmu Borgir for numerous reasons well actually two. For All Tid and Stormblast. Two amazing black metal albums and actually Dimmu Borgir became very gothic influenced metal with black metal influences after Stormblast which really makes them Gothic with Black Metal Influences now and gothic bands are horrible with one exception Theatres Des Vampires. Dimmu Borgir are compared to Cradle of Filth all the time because of popularity and crapiness of both bands minus the two opus albums of Dimmu Borgir's original non-mainstream career which most fans after Stormblast choose to ignore even if they knew those two albums were in existence. They contained something they didn't like, which was really amazing talent, oh well. The closest thing Cradle of Filth ever was to anything decent, genre wise that is, was Death Metal on their demo tapes. I wonder now what would have happened if they stayed with Death Metal.
  14. [QUOTE=reaper16]:mad: :mad: :mad: how can it be better than ozzfeast when ozzfeast has to takeup all of DTE music is theater which is the size of 3 football fields at least and this will take place in harpos which is the size of 1/2 a schools gym the atmosphere is part of what makes Ozzfeast great. (iam from Michigan) nothing is, can be , will be or will ever come close to being as great as ozz feast if you or anyone disagrees they will feel the wrath of REAPER16[/QUOTE] What's up with the hostility buddy? Anyways as far as I'm concerned this is a much better line up then Ozzfest and this tour only contains three bands. The only one that I want to see out of those three though are Amon Amarth very excellent death metal and very well known for putting on an awesome show.
  15. Fermenting of my mind be gentle The ashes are squelching brightly If we do not understand the night Then surely the day will never be. And for hours on the moonlight I stretch the cold air so, so thin Like the generality of my stupor I was blinded by the mind within. The universe is the devourers salve It heals all wounds and eats you clean And midnight is not your friend alone So stay away from the diaphanous stars. Oh luscious vines revered so high Lacerate my pain in the eternal void I have the pangs and pains of eternity In the grave of a thousand heart beats. The skulls of mistrust are blind To when I take their fruitless ears They cannot hear what it is in fear Not to what isn?t in this cold year. So wind so dank and lifeless become I am forever in your debt when I drink A coil is the burden of this lifeless shell Understand that I am now truly immortal.
  16. [QUOTE=René][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] So what you're saying is, it's the metal communities fault that nu metal has stuck as a term for music that sounds somewhat similar to metal? Way back in the 90s metalheads labeled this music as nu metal as a joke, and now they can't escape it, and get ****** when people presume nu metal is a subgenre of metal? [i]They insisted on calling it nu [b]metal[/b]. It's the metal communities fault people assume it is metal music.[/i] If they'd reallywanted to get rid of the image of the emerging hip hop influenced rock being metal, they should've taken a more mature path to it. Calling it nu [b]metal[/b] only made the problem worse, and today people like you are having to defend yourself at every turn. Smooth. No really.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] So then why are you taking this in a rather almost insulted way? (At least your reponse seems to emminate with being insulted). It's not like all we 'metalheads' now had anything to do with the way this started then and turned out. You know what we are trying to rectify a mistake on which others made. It's hard when all we get is insults and flames with people telling us we are completely wrong. It is not our fault that it turned out this way. For that matter it was really just the main population of metal heads that took to this saying back when. But the main population of metal heads are just like every other stereotype, they are not very intelligence.
  17. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom] The reason it isn't metal has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they get a lot of media attention (Metallica is a metal band, and they get[I]plenty[/I] of media attention). It has to do with the music itself. Korn, for example, are the leaders of the entire genre, and guess what? The band themselves publicly [I]want[/I] to be completely dissacociated with Metal. They pretty much pioneered nü-metal, and they themselves claim it isn't Metal.[/QUOTE] To add another band to this list of who want to be completely dissacociated with metal is Slipknot. For god sakes it even says it right on their front page that they are not metal. =/ Anyways, I've seen the list about a billion times, the one "101 Rules for Black Metal" is much more hiliarious.
  18. [b]Led Zeppelin[/b] This band I think surpasses Black Sabbath just for the sheer fact that I found there musicianship and song writing much more impressive then Black Sabbath's music. I've found the tunes that Led Zeppelin produced are much more appealing to me then Black Sabbath's music (which there music is way more over played in my opinion), of course so is a lot of Led Zeppelin's but they were both incredibly popular bands, though Led Zeppelin just I think made much better music.
  19. [quote name='Jake of Bodom']Amorphous, because he's really into "true" metal like myself, and I'd need someone to talk to about the differences between this Tech-Death Metal band and that Funeral Doom Metal band! :laugh: Plus, he seems pretty opinionated which is always interesting in "Real World" type shows.[/quote] I was surprised in reading this thread that my name out of all the peoples names would be mentioned, how incredibly odd. Since I don't have much to add to this thread all I'd say is we'd probably argue over the minor differences in metal, I mean miniscule stuff that wouldn't be worth arguing over. Also genres, I tend to get like that sometimes.
  20. Devourer, Conqueror, Tyrant, Destroyer He eats the catatonic ashes of man For fuelage of the broken desires On the rip-page of laudanum I swim. Warping faults in earthquakes he sits Volcanic paroxysms pulsing plain Sipping on the holy grail of lights Cold swerving into Stygian lenience. Incessant nerve ending pulped In the essence of glimmering snow Crystalline nervous with wreckage On the horizons of purification I go. Master, Lord, King and All Sitting atop the dark throne A crest full of energy on the Ebon strip of light Desires are my worst enemy Show me the way of the light.
  21. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] To Jake: How many people who actually follow metal know that crazy list of subgenres? How many people do you talk to daily about the stuff that responds in turn with 'They're kind of Avant-Garde Metal, but some might say Brutal Death Metal.' Unless you're hanging around forums filled with hardcore folk like yourself, I'm betting most of those genres go unused. It all seems so useless, I'm sorry.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] Actually most if not all are used. Also I would be one person that knows all of those genres but at the same time disagree with some of them as they are not 'real' genres in the first place. Examples being Scandinavian Style Death Metal, Oriental Metal, Tolkien Metal, Winter Metal and Vedic Metal. I also think that some genre labels are not needed especially Technical Death Metal that honestly should just be labeled Death Metal with the rest. Also Unblack metal is really actually only "Gothic Metal" bands in disguise most are like Dimmu Borgir's new music style so we really shouldn't consider that a true genre either. Despite that he did forget one sub-genre of doom metal. Sludge Metal and In The Woods... is avante-grade black metal. Dark ambient metal would be along the lines of stuff that Velvet Cacoon would almost do. Dark Ambient also seems to prevail in the black metal legions of France if nowhere else, most black metal bands seem to at least dabble in the art of making at least one dark ambient track on their album usually though.
  22. Sounds interesting. Let's see if we can get more people interested. Pillage, moan, anger Freelances in distant surroundings eat at my heart for desires I have not I want Rip eyes out Gash innards Slit out. Desires are formless that they never will be so like an epiphany. Hate, maim, life Natures genevieve Anger relentless fills in my soul. Eat at these freelances so I can go home.
  23. [QUOTE=Aiyisha][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1] Semantics.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I seriously wish that was the truth otherwise I REALLY wouldn't give a damn at all. As for Ilium here is your answer since it's really not something best described anyway else as this. This is the most widespread definition you can get without implying sub-genres to the mix. You have to remember though that "Metal" can be and is synonymous with "Heavy Metal" thus it makes no difference which you call metal music by though. "Heavy Metal" itself is also a genre all on it's own. [quote name='Wikipedia'] Heavy metal is a form of music characterized by aggressive, driving rhythms and highly amplified distorted guitars, generally with grandiose lyrics and virtuosic instrumentation. Heavy metal is a development of blues, blues rock, rock and prog rock. Its origins lie in the hard rock bands who between 1967 and 1974 took blues and rock and created a hybrid with a heavy, guitar-and-drums-centered sound. Heavy metal had its peak popularity in the 1980s, during which many of the now existing subgenres first evolved. Although not as commercially successful as it was then, heavy metal still has a large world-wide following.[/quote]Also it would be much easier on everyone if it was all just called music. I wouldn?t have a problem with that either. This is just my elitist self-consciousness taking a stroll in the park after about a year of not caring what people think is metal or not. So I?m done arguing honestly. I never did get my original point across anyhow. Oh right my original point was that I didn't care really one way or another I just felt like having a discussion on music I suppose, doesn't happen often you know.
  24. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom]I'm talking about the ones that didn't have any symphonic element at all. There were like two before they started using keyboards. I like Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, and Death Cult Armageddon. They have one album called Godless Savage Garden, but I've never heard it. ... Well, maybe you haven't taken the time to listen to them then. All the metal elements are there.[/QUOTE] First of all I'm talking about the albums For All Tid and Stormblast and yes they have symphonic elements to them. They are both neo-classical black metal albums though. Everything afterwards is pretty much horrible in my opinion. Yes I have taken the time to listen to As I Lay Dying I still say they are not metal.
  25. [quote name='Jake of Bodom]Actually, accorting to Varg Vikernes, there never really was tension between Mayhem and Burzum (read the interview [URL=http://www.metalcrypt.com]here[/URL']. Click the link and click on Varg Vikernes' name under Latest Interviews). [/quote] Yes I already know this, it was only between him and Euronymous really.
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