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Everything posted by Amorphous

  1. [quote name='Fall] [font=Verdana][size=2]I can see you don't like NuMetal.[/size'][/font][/quote] No, I hate NuMetal but it doesn't mean I wasn't open to listening to the music anyways. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom] Dimmu Borgir (I don't like the really old "cvlt" albums though) As I Lay Dying (and dont you DARE say they're a hardcore band, because they're metal.)[/QUOTE] Dimmu Borgir's old "kvlt" albums are actually the only ones that are really worth listening in my opinion, true symphonic black metal at it's best. As I Lay Dying IS NOT metal. Anyways not to cause controversy or anything but seriously As I Lay Dying is not metal.
  2. Female vocals in a folk metal band is generally a bad idea unless you can get a seriously talented female singer that knows what she is doing otherwise it's not worth it. I can honestly say almost every band with a female and male singer I've ever heard come usually nowhere close to good quality. Unless it's like Haggard and whatever else that I can't remember, there are always exceptions. As far as the drunken tavern singing, Varg Vikerness did a duet with Mayhem that reminds me of exactly what you are talking about. They all are very drunk and singing "We are very happy and I hope you are too" in repeat and start screaming it at the end of the song. It's just quite funny because of the back story behind Burzum and Mayhem. As far as creating folk metal, good luck it takes major talent to make it actually pleasing to the ears there is a lot of folk metal that is mediorce out there.
  3. [QUOTE=Jake of Bodom] [B]Kataklysm[/B] (Death Metal - probably the most melodic on this list, but badass) [B]Bloodbath[/B] (Death Metal (only listen to the new album "Nightmares Made Flesh")[/QUOTE] No offesnse to you or anything Bodom, I'm not saying you have bad listening taste but these in my opinion are the only two bands that really should have been recommended in the first place and the only Kataklysm album that is decent "Shadows and Dust". As far as Bloodbath goes they are awesome check out all their material. More so their latest album as Jake of Bodom stated. Otherwise if you want to check out his list of recommendations check those first as they are really the best ones named there.
  4. [i][u]Life, Death[/i][/u] -You know what? Life is dead. -By what standards? The fact that we are even talking to each other should prove that we are alive, if not life itself. -No, no I mean, life isn?t really something that just coagulates then disintegrates into nothing, we just aren?t here. You see this life around us? These willows and pines and the fauna and flora that surround us none of this actually exist even the stars and the cold moon above us. If it wasn?t for you I would be dead right now, or alive, it?s really just a play on our beliefs we can?t decipher one thing from the next anyhow. -I?m lost. Is there a double or even triple meaning behind this all? -Your mind isn?t in the right state to fathom what I am saying; trying to explain this to you is like trying to explain it to a drunken idiot on a Saturday morning who has just been kicked out of the bar down on Main Street. -Don?t insult my intelligence just because you are the one that has to sit up every night with a razor blade to your wrist to alleviate the burdens of life doesn?t mean you are any fucking better then me. - You know consequently I should have risen above the stream of filth known as humanity. It?s your fault that I still am grounded to this horrendous place you fucking fag. -Temper, Temper, Temper. Don?t you realize by your logic emotion is a sign of humanity and anger even though it?s an Anarchist and Nihilistic emotion it is still a sign of bearing life. -I don?t think you understand what my beliefs are then. Everything I agree on is something that I have to contrast on in the near future. Nothing is actually something even though nothing can sprout from nothing so for something to exist means that something had to be here for all eternity even though people believe there was a beginning of time. This means eternity is only a human concept in which we can not find any peace in. Yet it makes no sense as eternity must exist. -So are you saying that people can?t actually find peace in death or life because it just stops? -Precisely, but no. It?s like if I took this razorblade to my wrist right now I?d stop. I?d stop being but I would still ?be? in contrast to myself not ?being? so I don?t stop being. The stream of ether that I am drowning in is perfectly indecisive, there is no real answer. Technically we shouldn?t exist as much as we should. -Ok, fine. -Want a cigarette? -Sure. -So, this inescapable void you keep speaking of, I want to hear more about it. -It?s precisely that, when I close my eyes I see just, in fact I don?t know what I see. But it makes me want to tear my skin off if I try to stay there for to long. I can?t describe it for you. -Fine. Then let?s just enjoy the darkness of the morning sun set. -What do you mean? What time is it? -Five thirty am. We?ve lost all meaning of time since our last injection, I think it?s finally wearing of though. -Shit, I feel like I?m going to break down any minute you know that. -Why? There is no reason for you to feel that way. I mean technically we can train our minds to believe anything we want. So then train it not to break down don?t wear yourself out you fool. -Shut up, I want to watch this final star shinning in the abyss at least until it is swallowed by the morning light. I really don?t want it to blink out of existence in my mind yet. -You know what you should be philosopher or something. Write down all your thoughts and desires and everything you yearn for and any ideals, in fact anything that pops into your head. It wouldn?t mean anything to anyone but you but at least you?d have a partial grasp of what you are trying to understand. At least that?s what I think. -Impossible. -Why? -You just don?t listen do you? -What do you mean? -Never mind let?s just go home. [i][u]Crimson Water[/i][/u] -I do not understand. -So then why ask? -It's important to me. -You don't even know what you?re asking. -I do, it just hasn't come to mind yet. -If that's the case then just let it go. -If I do that I let go of everything, even myself. -Not so, just me. I mean what is so important about me? -Nothing I suppose but I do need you sometimes. -No you don't. That's nonsense and you know it. It's a lack of or better yet failure for you to communicate with the outside world. -Yes but if they see what I'm really like they'll stigmatize me, or I'd stigmatize myself. It's such a horrible place anyways. Why would I want to leave you? -I never said anything about leaving, just about not needing. -But... -But nothing you don't need me. -How am I supposed to find my way back to the surface? I mean it's not like I'm in that much control. -Then... -Wait, I remember my question. -I told you to let it go, but if you must ask then ask. -...How come I don't need you? -You already asked me that, there is no double meaning behind the question. Please think before you ask. -I suppose. -Stop. Just go now. -Fine I'm getting out of the tub now. I really don't feel like bleeding to death tonight anyhow. Crimson looks odd mixed with water, it always has. -Thank you. Same place, same time then? -Sure, you know the deal. -Yes, yes I do. You never know though you might actually leave me, you might decide to go somewhere else. All I ever wanted was for you to be able to live for yourself, not to disappear... -I suppose you're right... Goodnight.
  5. All I can say is I am psyched to see this movie, I don't know what else to say.
  6. [QUOTE=Fall] [font=Verdana][size=2]"NuMetal" has to have come from some genre, it can't have just started out of nothing. I mean, it can have started the whole "trend" by itself, but it [i]has[/i] to be related to some kind of music. As with [i]every [/i]genre. It would have to have started from some kind of music.[/size][/font] [/QUOTE] Yes it has to come from some genre; Nu-Metal comes from alternative rock, mostly the grunge scene out of Seattle in the early Nineties I mean it's pretty obvious. Nu-Metal seriously is not related to metal enough to say that it has any major metal influences in it. It's like Slipknot have influences from Black Sabbath... Umm someone show me a song and I'll beleive them. I mean seriously come on now, who are they trying to kid? The only difference between me and you Jake of Bodom is I hate Nu-Metal utterly (and I tried to like it seriously, I mean at one point I thought that Slipknots first album was actually sort of ok) and my taste in metal varries quite a lot from yours, I'm not saying you have bad taste either I'm just saying chances are you wouldn't even know the metal bands I listen to.
  7. [QUOTE=Fall] [font=Verdana][size=2]"NuMetal"'s music is related to Metal. As I've stated a thousand times before.[/size][/font][/quote] I'm not going to argue with you mainly because I think your straight fowardly wrong and you think I'm straight forwardly wrong, there is no point.
  8. I don't feel like causing anymore controversy within this thread since a certain person has been arguing 'what is' and 'what isn't' metal; my favorite genre of metal is black metal. I don't know who said it but just because it says metal in the name does not mean that it is anywhere near to what another type of metal is. You don't go around telling someone that Dakrthrone sounds like Blind Guardian it just doesn't work. When you tear them both down to the seams they don't sound alike at all. Though as far as genre goes I think there are to many as it is and there are lot's of fake ones running around that people tend to use for a band that thinks they've come up with something amazing in their music. It makes the band seem original to theit fans but really they are just idiotic along with their fans that believe the same thing. Making up a new genre for every new band that comes out is just ignorant and the people that are in these bands don't seem to get that. It's always been divided like this though so we can decpiher what bands fit more closely together then further apart. The only reason I even use genres is because if I want something that sounds like Axis Perdition I'm not going to want them to recommend me Sonata Arctica, but rather Anaal Nathrakh. Secondly and most importantly any band with the genre "Nu-Metal" tagged to them is not metal. In fact it's just the band trying to look "Hardcore" to their fans and to sell more cds in the process (not that there is anything wrong with selling cds it's just that these bands really have no talent for music in the first place and it's amazing that they do.) The reason they are not metal is simply because every song they make has no metal structure. Listen to them (examples are Korn, System of a Down and Slipknot) and listen to a metal band you'll notice a huge difference. Try not to become confused because the "Nu-Metal" band has screaming and rough vocals in their music; vocals don't make the music. There is another genre called "Grindcore" which is an offshoot of punk that contains rough vocals and people confuse it for metal all the time. Anyways let me elaborate on this my favorite genre of METAL is Black Metal not Thrash or Speed or Death or Power or Progressive or Doom, just Black Metal. (The main categories of metal have offshoots as well like from Black Metal there is Folk Metal and Viking Metal and from Doom Metal is Funeral Doom Metal and Sludge. I'm not making these up either these genres have been around for years and apply to plenty of bands.) Ok so now before I look like an elitist completely and make it seem that all I care about is the genre, well I have to remind you once again that I'm not one. You can argue all of this post it doesn't matter to me but I'm not going to argue unless I find the post incessently ignorant. Ok so my favorite genre of all time isn't black metal but rather progressive rock so we will just make a list here. Progressive Rock -Pink Floyd Black Metal -Burzum -Drudkh -Negura Bunget -Limbonic Art Since I'm not a complete elitist I don't know what genre these bands really fit into, but rather mostly rock is the closest thing I can think of, obviously none of them sound in anyway the same though. -The Cure -Nine Inch Nails -Air -Coil Anyways these bands top my list of what I enjoy the most.. I love putting on some classical every now and then or some folk music even and my musical tastes are very varried and range from just about every spectrum of music. Despite that I still cannot listen to Pop or Rap.
  9. [QUOTE=Heaven's Cloud][color=indigo] [b]Money in the Bag Ladder Match: winner Edge[/b] I had high hopes for this match and it delivered. The standout wrestler in this match? Shelton Benjamin. The guy was incredible and he had so many nice spots it was unbelievable: a running plancha over the top rope, a t-bone suplex on Edge off of the top of a ladder, and this incredibly sick flying clothesline while running up a ladder that was leaning at a forty five degree angle on another ladder (kinda hard to explain I guess). [/color][/QUOTE] Now that Wrestlemania is over, I have a good way to describe to everyone about Shelton Benajamin running up that ladder and clotheslining Y2J. [img]http://img16.paintedover.com/uploads/16/shelton1.gif[/img]
  10. They aren't to bad, they look pretty good, I'll use them and thanks for the banner, avatar and the work. Great stuff.
  11. Triple H vs Batista This match is actually hard to call, you'd think with all the momentum that Batista has achieved that they'd let him win the belt at least for a little while if nothing else. Honestly in truth though I'd rather see Triple H win this match just because he seems like a more suitable choice to hold the belt, I mean look at what happened when Randy Orton held it? He lost it not soon after and it ended back up in Triple H's hands. Either way it's a tough call. I foresee Triple H winning. John Cena vs JBL This is simple, I want JBL to win, I hate him, but he is a damn good wrestler, but I could easily see John Cena taking the belt from JBL, which wouldn't be bad in retrospect but I don't know. I don?t think he should win, this feud could go on for a lot longer. HBK vs Kurt Angle Obviously, best match of the night as far as I'm concerned. Who will win? I have no idea, who I want to win is HBK but I wouldn't mind either winning. Both are amazing wrestlers. Undertaker Vs Randy Orton I'm betting Undertaker will win this and he should, I don't think Randy Orton really should be the one to end the Undertaker's streak at Wrestlemania if he was going to have his streak ended. He should keep his spotless record. Money in the Bank Ladder Match I have two predictions for this one. I know it's kind of odd, but I see Y2J winning this one or Kane. Firstly, Y2J mentioned some ways back that he would soon be waiting in the side lines to take away the World Heavyweight Title from whoever was in reign at that time. It was quite sometime ago but it makes me wonder quite a bit, he might actually win this. Kane could win this as well, I wouldn't mind seeing Kane hold the title for awhile, and if Batista wins they could start a feud between those two, it would be pretty cool to watch that feud. Eddie vs Rey I don?t know who would win this and I don?t care all that much, I?ll just enjoy watching it. Christy vs Trish. Trish wins, that it?s, if she looses I?d be enraged, and that?s sad that I even care about the Womens division this much. Big Show vs Akebono Akebono should win and this is a waist of space. Stone Cold vs Roddy Piper Stone Cold Stunner, Stone Cold wins.
  12. I would love it if someone could create a Nine Inch Nails banner. I can't really tell you much, but that all it has to say on it is "Nine Inch Nails" You can go wild from their, make it look cool and neat and with good quality though is all I'm asking, like my last banner. If your a big fan of the band I'm sure you'll be able to find pictures easily and know what ones you want to use, but if pictures are needed I can go and find some myself. Anyways, yeah, if someone could make a banner for me that would be great.
  13. [color=red][size=1]Actually I want to quickly mention there is a genre in Black Metal, that is called NSBM, National Socialist Black Metal and it supports such ideas in it's lyrics and the memebers are basically convicited to the idea. There are quite a bit of underground black metal bands that do this in places like Russia, Germany, Poland, Ukraine and all over the Scandinavian countries. It's obviously not common to general public, but I see it all the time in bands from those regions, it's common for me. Despite the fact that I do not support the ideas in any one way, it always seems to show up around me. Just wanted to clear that up, it is there in metal even if you don't see it. But don't let that misguide you, most metal obviously does not center around this idea, it makes up a small part of metal and of course it shows up in other music as well.[/color][/size]
  14. [QUOTE=Grammar Panzer][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] [B]Symphony X[/B]-The schizophrenic [B]Dream Theater[/B]. Dear God, they are awesome, not as top of the charts as [B]Dream Theater[/B] for me, but still in the "Gods" section. Hell, their drumset even slightly resembles [B]Portnoy's[/B]. It reminds me of [B]Dream Theater[/B] so much, with the odd time signatures and [I]mind-blowing[/I] riffs... But!! The greatest exception! The [B][I][U]singing[/U][/I][/B]. It... is horrible. I'm sorry, he does have his moments, but he overdoes the [I]vibrato[/I] and sounds like he came out of [B]Nepalm Death[/B] or [B]Metallica[/B]. Other than that, I love these guys. Definately one of my favourites.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]I realize this is your opinion on Symphony X. but I never personally found his voice to be all that annoying, in fact I thought he had a great voice. Maybe I'm just used to the whole high falsettos (such as Blind Guardian, Rhapsody and Helloween) in power metal singing because I've been listening to it so much. (Though Symphony X is really more so Progressive Metal then Power.) I prefer the new singer (Russell Allen) to the old one (Rod Tyler) though. His voice just seems to fit better into the music they are trying to create. Also this band is basically gods in their genre, I mean I idolize Michael Romeo?s guitar playing. It blows every other band that I?ve listened to away. He is on my top five list of best guitar players in music.[/size]
  15. There is a few that really caught my attention this year that I'd like to talk about. [img]http://www.blazing.ws/main/legions/velvetcacoon/Genevieve.jpg[/img] [b]Album[/b] - Genevieve [b]Artist[/b] - Velvet Cacoon [b]Reason[/b]: This album as a whole is inspired by the waves of the oceans; it has washes of ambience turning into minimalist black metal. The whole CD contains a single idea, to create the feelings of many types of waves, from a white crushing wave to a slow lulling wave just washing up against the beach. It starts of as a storm with six tracks and slowly seems to dull into a drowning ambience track of epic proportions, that of seventeen minutes. It contains calm and odd sound effects that slide over your body and that seep into your mind creating a very deep lethargic feeling. I can?t stress enough this album, even if you don?t like heavy music this is still an amazing piece of work worth checking out for its qualities if nothing else. This band has released many previous works, but sadly none are available to the public and it?s is doubted that none ever will be again. This is the only album they plan on releasing and even though it is, it is masterpiece and can?t stress enough of how much it?s worth getting. But it?s really only available through the Internet, like on Amazon. That?s if you are interested in it. [b]Tracks[/b] - Bete Noir, Avalon Polo, Genevieve [img]http://www.tooheyworld.com/images/uploads/thecurealbumcover.jpg[/img] [b]Album[/b] - The Cure [b]Artist[/b] - The Cure [b]Reason[/b]: The Cure, after almost seven years, from 1996 they have released a new album. Even after Robert Smith swore that The Cure was finally ended with their final releases Bloodflowers (which had many mixed emotions.) Well here we are, back again with a new album and amazing material. Well of course for some it?s considered their worst and for others one of their best, because of the dark undertone that many of the songs contain. It?s a nod to one of their infamous albums ?Pornography? which once again we had Robert Smith swear he?d never do anything as dark as that album again. Seems like he?s been breaking a lot of promises lately. But they aren?t in vain and this new album is nothing short of amazing. The tracks really have an odd emotion that we?d never really seen in Robert Smith?s music and that?s anger. I?ve seen everything else, but never something quite like anger and for a metal head such as me that can be very appealing even though it isn?t metal. [b]Tracks[/b] ? The End of the World, Us or Them, Before Three, The Promise [img]http://www.redstream.org/images/coverArt2/Ildjarn_NocturnalVisions.jpg[/img] [b]Album[/b] - Nocturnal Visions [b]Artist[/b] - Ildjarn [b]Reason[/b]: Warning, this music is absolutely not for everybody, in fact it's very hard to find people who like this music as it's so raw and so grim and minamalistic that it makes you want to tear your ears off. Most people wouldn't be able to understand this music and take it's punishment at all; as it can sound like pure noise, but it's not noise at all. This man does know what he is doing when it comes to music it's just very hard to comprehend and most wouldn't be able to accept it as being music. Anyways this man is very underrated in this genre of music. I don't actually suggest this to anyone on this board because I highly doubt that anyone would be able to enjoy it on any one level. [b]Track[/b] - Tracks 1 through 7 are all very good. [img]http://mclub.te.net.ua/images/alb/cover1171_24893.jpg[/img] [b]Album[/b] - Dawn of Iron Blades [b]Artist[/b] - Graveland [b]Reason[/b] - Graveland is amazing and epic, from the orchestral passages to the pure black metal riffs that enter your mind. From the bursting pride to the raging war it's all there in this music. It wants you to create war, destruction and destroy anything that gets in your way, this is epitome of black metal and it can't get any better. I don't even think I can name more then two other bands on par with this one-man project. It has beautiful aesthetics and amazing use of instruments, there just doesn?t get much better then this. Every song here is an epic as well, ranging from 6 minutes to 11 minute songs. [b]Tracks[/b] ? Immortal Bloodline, While I Ride With The Valkyries, Iron in the Fog Anyways I don?t have enough time to list any other albums in detail so I will just go through a quick list of other ones that caught my attention this year. [b]Twilightning[/b] ? Plague-House Puppet Show [b]Enslaved[/b] ? Isa [b]My Dying Bride[/b] ? Songs of Darkness, Words of Light That?s all I can think of off the top of my head.
  16. As far as I can remember I don't recall ever getting any referred bands from a friend, I have though asked random people, though usually in the end I end up having to look up new stuff on my own. So in essence it's always been me doing the referring. I guess I just have a very decent taste in music, though I'm still trying to expand it. But the main type of music I like isn?t the type of music most people listen to so it?s hard to find people sometimes to ask in the first place let alone friends. I make due though.
  17. Sorry to bursts most of your bubbles here guys, but the fact is, is that most of you are getting proper rock mixed up with bands that ie. Suck, are metal, or just a hybrid of rock music that was already explained wasn't proper rock in the first palce, or pop. Anyways, a I doubt I'm qualified enough to give a proper definition of rock nor is anyone else in the world. (It can obviously be argued that nothing is absolute in a genre and that's basically the truth.) It just a matter of opinion, but sometimes opinions can be absolutely wrong in many senses, because there are obviously lines between one genre and another, until you decide to morph and splice them. But the fact remains there is still a high bit of difference between the music that you are stating and what most proper rock is. Sadly most of the rock that was proper in my opinion and decent at all, came from the late 60's to the 80's with exceptions obviously. My favorite proper rock band of all time though is undoubtly Pink Floyd, with a close second to Led Zeppelin and then The Doors as well deserves a spot in this list.
  18. [size=1]Evil Jinnie, I can see you like black metal, and actually a few others here as well do that have posted in this thread and I just like to say it's great to see other people into a genre like that, despite the huge amount of people aligned against it because of the messages that some of the bands put it across. Anyways, yeah, Bathory is absolutely an amazing band in all retrospect, and Mayhem, is mediocre even though it's "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas" Album had a huge cult image (and still does), it isn't as great as everyone says. Burzum though however is sheer brilliance from one man, Varg. The Aske/Burzum cd, was absolutely amazing, the epitome of what black metal should be. Even though Hvis Lyset Tar Oss was just as remarkable, along with his other releases and his famous ambient releases, Aske/Burzum rules over them all. Dimmu Borgir, I absolutely hate this band, despite that I'm not close minded to them though. There is one album hiding away in their discography that is a black metal opus, it's what melodic black metal should be, with a huge depressive touch to it. Everything else besides their demos are horrible, cliche'd and cheesy. I really don't want to comment on Cradle of Filth, my opinnion on them anymore is just bad and for anyone wondering, they ARE not black metal no matter what anyone has said. Ok, now that, that is out of the way, it has been a long time since I've posted at Otakuboards and my favorite bands have really changed since last time I posted. I've learned alot and my musical taste have seriously expanded, I regret even mentioning I liked Cradle of Filth on my last list. So here is a new list. 1.The Cure; (Goth Rock) Robert Smith, the brains behind this brilliant band, some of the most amazing work has eminated from this mans mind. The soundscape of this band is amazingly diverse from suicidal darkness to absolutely silly happy songs that make you want to jump around. The use of different instruments over the years just adds to every thing he has done. The lyrics despite almost always being depressing are not cliched in any one way and are so unique it's one of the reasons why I started listening to them more. As well the fact that he had no manager to tell him what to do, everything that has come from this band is and always has been from Robert Smith. 2. Burzum; (Black/Ambient Metal) Depending on the album you listen to you'll sometimes get a mix of ambient music and black metal, or full ambience or just full black metal. It doesn't matter though, even when the two are mixed the harshness of the instruments, the vocals and the lyrics all work together to create amazing aesthetics. The way this man played black metal was legendary and he was a depressive mastermind creating heavy winter feelings. This is why he takes a 2nd place spot on my list. 3. Graveland (Black/Pagan Epic Metal) Another one man band with over a dozen releases behind his belt, all with the same outlook, war on the human race, desctructionand desecration of everything. Despite all of this, there is a huge sense of pride to this mans work, since a giant amount of this music is epic and long with lyrics about Barbarins from the North. Though the man behind the music is sadly very racist, he does create some of the best black metal ever and is deserving of my number 3 spot. 4. Velvet Cacoon (Ambeint/Folk/Black Metal) Misanthrope; One who hates or mistrusts humankind. This is what this band is and they usually have no human contact besides with the other band members, which is now only two. (The drummer died in 1996) They are so deeply connected to nature that even their music seems to recreate the sounds of nature without using them at all, it's like something beyond imagination. It's like an opiate drugged haze when listening to them, their music is so trance like in some albums that you can't seem to wake from it. They just recently completed a trilogy of cds, the first being about Fog the second about Waves, and I can never remember what the third cd, but it doesn't matter. They are very hard to come by, and even though they relased 8 cds before the one "Genevieve" the album Genevieve is the only one released to the public. As far as the way the make their music it's very odd, and a whole other story. Also, Cacoon is an Acronym, it is not a mispelling of Cocoon. And Last But Not Least. 5. Falkenbach (Folk/Viking Metal) Just I can't say much about this band besides the fact that they use some very interesting instruments, from their homeland, Iceland. They sing about the viking tradtions and other things about Iceland and Norway in general, with a Black Metal touch in many spots, usually with the vocals. But once again is very epic and very good addition to my music collection. Even if you don't like metal they are worth checking out. And One Honorable Mention; Bathory (Black/Viking Metal), Quothorn (R.I.P) he would have been on my top five, if it wasn't for at one period of time that he had released many mainstream and crappy albums, from his original black/viking metal albums that shimmer with brilliance. Before his death he released two Folk Metal albums about his Homeland Norway and it proved that he still knew how to make amazing music, he came back from the mainstream and ended his legacy with two cds. If it wasn't for those other 3 albums he released he would have been on my top 5 list. [/size]
  19. Wow now their is a band name I haven't heard of in awhile, for Power Metal they are really just ok, there is much better being offered at this point in time, but I wont get into that. As far as they go on their own though; they are pretty decent. I don't usually find myself listening to them or power metal very often. But this band is some of the few that make me like the genre as whole. My prefered album by them is [i]Silence[/i]. It's a good sophmore album release.
  20. [QUOTE=wrist cutter]Get "Disintegration" by The Cure. It's excellent for all occasions. Or if you're feeling a little more... suicidal, try "Pornography".[/QUOTE] I was going to suggest The Cure.. you got to it before me. Also "Wish" would be a good choice as well.
  21. Amorphous


    [color=crimson][size=1]Oh now that was funny, that made my day. I think you missed the whole point of what he was trying to say MysticKnight. Anyways, no TaTu does it for the publicity that's all it is. But yeah, I don't care bash bands it's a waste of time as to where I could be listening to bands that I actually enjoy. I also actually respect bands more that actually state they are in it for the money and don't really care about the music because at least they are telling the truth, doesn't make their music any better of course...[/color][/size]
  22. [color=crimson][size=1]MysticKnight, those bands aren't gothic, nor is the site you gave listings for to put it blantly. Though that site has a lot of really good black and death metal bands listed. (I Would Know, I used it for a long time until I came across a better one. Though I love the History of Metal Essay they have on it. It was really informative.) Anyways the bands you listed there are black and death metal except for a few like Kitty. I seriously do know what I'm talking about when it comes to this music. I really think if anyone want's a good list check mine out on the first page of this topic.[/color][/size]
  23. [QUOTE=lava lamp]My favorite gothic band is Avril Lavigne. I love how much of an elegant gothic chick she is in her latest video, [i]Nobody's Home[/i]. Ashlee Simpson is also another good dark gothic band. In [i]Shadow[/i](very gothic name), she throws her Fruit Loops because she's possessed by Satan. They're both the best gothic bands around.[/QUOTE] [color=crimson][size=1]I don't know if I should laugh at that, though it's pretty funny.. Or just shake my head in utter disgust, despite it being sarcasm. Oh, and I think I want to state for the record, I don't enjoy labels, genres, at all. But I use them to categorize my music, because it does help to explain what a certain type of music sounds like. It's just much easier to catagorzie it and find more bands that are offering the same type of sound. As long as you don't get the mainstream ideas mixed up with what the music actually is then it usually works out pretty well. [/color][/size]
  24. [quote name='Shugo54']there is a diference between gothic music,black metal and death metal. I personally like black metal better but death metal has some really good bands:lamb of god and deicide are death metal black metal has behemoth,old man's child,dimmu borgir,cradle of filth and satyricon lots of more good black metal bands out there but gothic music has nothing to do with metal it is just made for the image of goths i dont like gothic music because its a mix of lots of music together. they may look cool but looks can be deceiving.[/quote] [color=crimson][size=1]Actually I have to disagree with you, Gothic Metal, isn't called gothic to appeal to what your definition of "Goths" are. (I know plenty of people who listen to this music, and aren't "Goth". As most would know them) it just has a different structure and set up then other genres. (As does every other metal genre. It has a different structure and setup then the one beforehand.) But it has the sound that any other metal band around would produce. Listen to Moonspell, and tell me that, that isn't metal let alone gothic metal. Gothic Music, or more so "Gothic Rock" though is something completely different and bands that would fit that category, would be the likes of "The Cure", "Sisters of Mercy", ?Bauhuas? and "Souixsee and the Banshees" to name a few.[/color][/size]
  25. [color=crimson][size=1]As far as good old days go, I remember when I first joined for sparring, that was like 2 and a half years ago now, since I joined in 2002. I remember it all quite well, but then I drifted away for a very long time. But I remember some very amazing writers in my time that aren't here anymore. This was all of course when I still used to spar anyways. Anyways my post count is so low that you wouldn't expect someone like me to have actually been posting here for more then six months. Not only that I don't post enough to get recognized.. I just come and go usually. But I still do keep an eye on this place. Anyways, yeah, my two cents worth, just more or less rambling on about myself, with some relevance to this topic [/color][/size]
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