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About teengohan

  • Birthday 07/04/1990

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  • Biography
    i need to see a shrink
  • Occupation
    i skateboard

teengohan's Achievements

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  1. thank you. it looks very good. now all i need is a matching avatar. if anyone would like to take a stab at it, be my guest
  2. since my last attempt for a one failed i thought id try something different, and a little easier. i would like one that has megaman, and protoman, and master chief. i would like it to say "teengohan...master of the kamehameha" megaman [URL]http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/screen_e3/919000_20040510_screen011.jpg[/URL] protoman [URL]http://www.fated-circle.com/sprites/GBA/megamanbattlenetwork45/protoman/001.gif[/URL] master chief [URL]http://www.toydirectory.com/monthly/jan2004/images/RC2_halo_master_chief_blue.jpg[/URL] thanx!!
  3. thank you. everything has changed since last year. but i'm trying to get back into the groove of otaku. so sry. :wigout:
  4. hi, i just came back. i've actually been here bout three years on and off, but that's besides the point. i need a new avatar and banner. i would like my avatar to be something either halo or megaman. but if someone would i would like a banner that has the new megaman,and protoman, masterchief, and link. i know that's alot to ask but if someone could do it i would greatly appreciate it. :cool:
  5. im going to have to go with ghostofsalvtore's answer but still yet its just a guess
  6. I just got A Link to the past for gba and was wondering if anyone has or knows any codes for it??
  7. i was there today and thought about buying it. My brother convinced me not to which sucked.
  8. ive never done that either. But as Na'dou said aol pretty much types it for me.
  9. I was wonderring if anybody had it , and if they do maybe they could help me out. Im stuck on the part whith all ice on the net.I cant find the undernet .Does anybody think thaey could help???
  10. me and my broyher were searching for some forums and ended up here @ about 4:00 in the morning anb ive been here ever since.
  11. I noticed that,too. I was wondering about that,also. thanx
  12. [color=red]I posted something like this once only it was all DBz. I am going to have to go with all the Sailor moon characters and Rei from ummmmmm. Darn I cant think of it right now.[/color]
  13. ooooooooooooooooops!!!!!!!!!!! I put this in the wrong place will someone move it.
  14. [color=silver][size=3][b][u]I was just wandering If anyone is from West Virgnia.The eastern U.S. If any mods want to close this they can with no hard feelings.[/color][/size][/b][/u]
  15. I can dream of things and them happen also.alot of people do it. Bit not to many.
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