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Everything posted by ducky_feet

  1. Ah, I see. That's excellent! If you're able to get Tidus's legendary weapon, you'll be able to pound the crud out of him with some leveling up on your part. ;)
  2. Excellent advice there SephirothNIN! It took me about an hour, and a lot of profanities towards the TV on my part to get 0:00, but it was WELL worth the effort! Just keep trying! :D
  3. No problem. Just ask if you need anymore help. The game is still [I]somewhat[/I] fresh in my memory. :)
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by clowmet [/i] [B]2: if you beat the game 100%..... you get a clip of a group of heartless surrounding riku, and you see him calling for sora, hint hint...... [/B][/QUOTE] Please put a spoiler warning up next time. I haven't played the game yet and I would like things like that to remain a surprise.
  5. The final battles really aren't that hard, especially if you've spent time developing your character's abilities. I didn't have to use any aeons or overdrives for any of the final boss battles. I just had Tidus and Auron doing regular attacks and had Yuna casting Holy, with all three of them equipped with their legendary weapons. None of the final bosses took more than 3 hits before they died. If you can make it through the Omega Ruins, just make another round through the ruins and you should be leveled up enough to get through the final battles without too much trouble.
  6. If you really want to take a crack at the Master Tonberries, have someone in your party who hasn't made a lot of kills. Make sure that character has some sort of attack, skill, etc. that can kill the tonberry within the four waddles that he takes before attacking and you're all set. Having someone that has a low kill count, attack Master Tonberry, will greatly reduce the amount of damage he does with his counterattack, Karma.
  7. The official site can be found at [URL=http://www.gundamofficial.com]http://www.gundamofficial.com[/URL] Go into the section of the Gundam series you like and try clicking on the "Products" link. You should find some information about the model kits there.
  8. I've got the entire 1/144 HG EW series and the first 5 for the regular 1/144 Wing models. I'm saving up and hoping to buy the PG Wing Zero someday. It's true that the "What's Your Level of Commitment" commercial is bull. It takes nowhere near that amount of time to put them together. But it would probably take longer for some of them if you paint them as well. I've painted about half of mine and the time spent waiting for them to dry was WELL worth it!
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