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Thanks a lot Cloud. Appreciate the advice greatly.....yeah it was pretty stupid to throw away the roses. I simply did it out of anger I suppose... thanks again
Hmm....but you dont think that would seem a little desperate?...oh well, i think I'll give her the roses anyway..thanks Lalaith Ril.
Friday, February 14th. Valentines Day. There's a girl who goes to my high school. We flirt constantly, and I think i've fallen in love with her. I've never told her anything that serious or even that I have feelings for her...besides subliminal messages of course. Anyway, yesterday is Valentine's Day. After school is out, I call her. Me and my friends are having a party at his house, so I invite her. She tells me that she made plans with her friends already to have an "Anti-Valentines Day get together". So, I even go so far as to tell her that I have a "Surprise that would change her view of Valentines Day." Yet...that effort was in vain. She decided to hang out with two of her friends to have an anti valentines day thing, AFTER I said I had a surprise for her. So....the red and white roses I bought her are now calmly resting in my friend's trash can....as is my heart. My question is....why? Why would you do something like that? I dont understand it....I want to die.
*Donovan saw the couple sleeping on the bed, and stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to Rena, who grinned at him happily, as she sat with the tv remote in her hand. Donovan raised a finger to his lips, and made the "Shhhhhh" gesture, as he slowly backpedaled. He saw Medra's credit card on the counter, and slowly picked it up stealthily. Rena mimicked him, doing the same gesture. Donovan waved to the little girl, as he exited the room, shutting the door carefully behind him. He raised his hand in front of him, and smirked as he held Medra's card in it. He would simply rent a room with it, nothing more....*
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
Jedah replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*Jedah's eyes opened suddenly, as the image impaled into his mind like a dagger. He opened a channel between him and Nepenthe, to communicate a simple message telepathically. Jedah: (Perhaps in the future, we can relay more then stand-still images to one another.....) The demon closed his eyes, shutting down the channel of communication...* -
*Donovan observed the surroundings of the lobby. Each man had a finely pressed tuxedo..besides himself of course. Soon enough, he began to catch glares from the surrounding high society folk. He could just sense them staring at his ensemble. Donovan: "Well, seems like I need to re-think my wardrobe. Be back in a moment." The young man strolled to the bathroom, following a middle-aged man with a very nice and professional tuxedo. A minute or so later, Donovan walked into the room Shalistrae Medra and Rena were in, his newly "acquired" suit fit him quite nicely....*
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
Jedah replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*Jedah didn't particularly [i]care[/i] for the sun. It didn't pain him, but the heat wasn't exactly heartwarming to him. He got up from his spot, and glided outside the cave, observing the coming day and what it would hold. Jedah: "We need to find Danormris. This dilly-dallying is only crushing our chances of defeating him. I hope you all realize this is no ordinary beast we are against.....if the slightest shed of doubt or hesitation fills your mind when engaged with the beast, you may as well prepare your coffin now, and give your souls to me." He turned and looked to Nepenthe, who was warming up the rest of the poor hapless animal they had slaughtered. Jedah: "And you...sorceress. You may seem completely in control with your mental and sensual techniques, but I assure you Danormris will see through that facade." Nepenthe's head reared up slightly, allowing Jedah to know he had caught her full attention. Jedah engaged the situation, and glided towards her, hsi voice changed to a more devilish and silent tone. Jedah: "I wonder....where are your inner demons hiding? No one's spirit goes un-tainted through life." The demonlord bent down, and whispered into the ear of Nepenthe... Jedah: "Do not toy with me sorceress. I can awaken your nightmares with a snap of my fingers....I only hope your mental fortress is as good as your emotional one...." The demon let out an eerie cackle, as he backed away, and leaned against the wall of the cave once again, to where he would ponder, his chin resting on his wrist.* -
fair enough.
I must be sending the wrong messages here..... *Donovan slowly got to his knees, and spit out a small stream of blood and saliva onto the concrete. He wiped his mouth and stood finally, his eyes burned again.... Medra was unable to find Donovan after the blow, and proceeded to think he ran off again. As he reached for the door handle, his spine instantly caved forward, as if he had been hit with the grill of a mack truck. Donovan stood behind him, his foot firmly planted into the small of Medra's back. The young blind man slowly lifted his foot into the air, and thrust it sideways, hurling Medra down back the hall of the store...Donovan lowered his leg, and cocked his neck from side to side, cracking the joints. Donovan: "When will you realize I am in no way trying to hurt these two woman. I only wish to accompany you for a short while. You know Medra, violence isn't always the correct solution to a problem." He proceeded to turn to Shalistrae, un-able to actually "see" her, he could still sense her magnificently intoxicating presence. he bowed his head to her and Rena, as he walked past them, and held the door open as a gentlemen, allowing the females to pass through...*
"Well now....you certainly are good at making a mess." Donovan suddenly dropped from the ceiling in front of the three "shoppers", and began to walk with them towards the exit. "You know....I really could use a new Beanie cap Medra. Of course, there's no need to bring down the whole shelf this time.."*
OOC: hmm....I dont thorougly appreciate the fact that my character was suddenly made an *******, and is now kicked out of the motel. Medra...it's cool if you want to create dialogue for my character, but please don't perform actions. And Donovan is not the type who would have simply said..."uh...yes" to the question of his wants of Shalistrae. Also, there was no specific reason enough for me to attack your character. IC: *Donovan crept to the back of the motel, his neck hurt somewhat, but it was the bizarre ambush that angered him more. He had wanted nothing more then to see Shalistrae and to seek shelter. Obviously, his message was portrayed as violent. The young man sat on the steps to the back entrance of the motel, and slowly took off his beanie cap. His eyes burned terribly as he opened them. His pupils were gone...his eyes resembled eggs, pure white...no veins, pupils, or abstract colors. Just pearl white. Donovan was blind. He had accepted that factor long ago...it enabled him to heighten his other senses, and focus on the movement of things around him. The change of flow in the air, he could pick it up instantly. He recognized people from their smell, and the mass they took up in the room. He mastered many styles of Kung Fu, enhancing his sense of surroundings and focus tremendously. Alas, he would never TRULY see a persons face..not even his own. The sun burned his eyes terribly, since the glands to form tears were non-existant, they dried easily, the pain excruciating. He needed to escape it. Donovan hated un-necessary violence, so forcing his way into the motel wasn't an option yet. He hoped Shalistrae may of noticed his terrible condition in the sun, and would open the door for him momentarily...*
*As the entrance to the town became clear, Donovan leaped into the air. Landing silently on the roof of one of the near buildings, he warily sat in a crouching stance, surveying the scene. The town was small, it wouldn't be very difficult to find any Altered in this area. The cold air was null against him, but his fatigue began to set in slightly, he was becoming tired. For some reason still unknown to Donovan, he became stronger, faster, and more agile at night. The sun damaged him mentally and physically after a period of time. As he leapt from building to building, he was struck with something. He heard a voice in the back of his mind. A female...not Shalistrae, but the younger girl he had seen at the facility. The one named Rena. Somehow, she was calling to him mentally. Donovan was un-sure of how to answer the girl, but he could sense the location of the voice's source... He leapt to the street below, landing in front of a small motel. He walked up to the door, and calmly reached for the knob.*
*A buzzing noise echoed through his room...the signal of his door unlocking awoke the young man asleep inside. Was this a godsend? Donovan Bison did eventually plan on attempting to break out...yet now it seemed someone did the work for him. He sat up in his bed, and pulled his beanie over his eyes. Loud footsteps came crashing down the hallway, and to his door. Three guards held there firearms tightly against their chest, as they neared Donovan's room. Sure enough, the electronic lock on the door was dis-engaged. The head guard looked into the small viewing window on the door into the room, with the subject inside nowhere to be located. As he slowly reached for the handle, a burst of gale force crashed into the door from inside the room, ripping it from the hinges. The steel door burst forward, slamming into the guard and carrying him across the hall into a cement wall. The other guards looked on as their mouths vaulted. Donovan was standing in the doorway, fists clenched at his sides... The guard's opened fire immediately, as Donovan leaped forward. He grabbed one of the paniced guard's by the sides of his head, wrapping his fingers underneath his chin. He pulled himself upward, performing a handstand on the guard's skull. Donovan suddenly twisted, spinning the guard's head completely 360 degrees, breaking every bone in his neck. The young altered boy then let himself go, falling behind the dead guard, his feet linear with the guard's back. Donovan thurst his legs forward, propelling them into the spine of the dead man, thrusting him forward with tremendous force into the other guard knocking him unconscious. Donovan was on the 8th floor of the complex. He had no time to waste, and needed to escape as soon as possible, before more guard's arrived. He suddenly burst off in a sprint down the hallway, a single window at the end. Leaping through the air, he burst through the glass, swan diving down 8 floors. As he neared the ground, Donovan performed a finesse forward ninja flip, landing softly on his feet. It was Shalistrae....it had to be. Ever since Donovan had seen her, he wanted her. Now that the facility was being over-run, he knew she had to have escaped. He hoped, and wondered about Shalistrae. Donovan once again burst in sprinting fashion toward's a small town he had heard some guards talking about. It was the closest form of real food and rest....*
Birth Name: Donovan Bison Subject Name: Bis-36-W Age: 19 Bio: Donovan always knew there was something "special" about him. He had lived in this specialized facility for his entire life. His father, Michael Bison took him from birth and relayed his son to the doctors for unknown reasons. They began experimentation on the young boy immediately. Donovan has never seen the outside world, and for some unknown reason...it pains him physically to look at or be in the glaze of the sunlight. His speed and agility is beyond anything human, as is his wit and cunning. Donovan knows nothing of social interactment, and becomes nervous and shy around others. The young man knows there are answers out in the world. Both about his father, and why he is so different. He decides to break out of the stranglehold of the facility... Appearance: Donovan wears nothing but a white wifebeater Tank top, a pair of black sweatpants, and a black beanie cap which covers his eyes constantly...
RPG The Chosen RPG (Yeah yeah...sucky title, eh?)
Jedah replied to ~Mystical Pan~'s topic in Theater
*Jedah's face calmly released a smirk, as his mind danced with excitement. Jedah: "A fine queen of darkness you would make. However, I could have guessed this was your true form without your seductive aroma. Although it wouldn't be as pleasureful....." Jedahs eyes suddenly burst with glowing crimson flames, as he stared at Nepenthe. In eye lock, they transferred images and patterns undescribable....their connection was made....for the time being.*