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Everything posted by Jedah

  1. *Jedah couldn't say he didn't like the situation, he was however a demonlord, sent for one purpose only. He could watch stars burn out instantly, a wave of his hand and the worst nightmares of a child danced to life. Yet, the mere amusement of a woman's company still made him tingle. He found sport in it he assumed, as he followed the group, his feet gliding a inch or so above the ground. He broke the silence, his mellow deep voice had a ping of echo in it, soothing with hymn to say the least. Jedah: "You speak of Majigen as if it is a bad place. Picture a world where the purest of souls gather. Society is a pool of perfection, pain, violence, hatred.....are non-existant. I tell you, if my blood wasn't filled with the devilishness of 1,000 burning hells....I would almost find it beautiful. Denying the fact that it will be your ultimate resting place, is only denying yourself happiness." Jedah closed his eyes and smirked, his head dropped slightly. Jedah: "And Nepenthe.....will you PLEASE stop glaring at me like that, if you were butter, your body would be a puddle of sweetness in the palm of my hand darling." The female shot a look back, and Jedah simply winked with his left eye, a crystaline burst of red light emitted from his pupil during the gesture. Aidian: "Uh....I'd hate ot intervene, but where exactly are we headed?"*
  2. *Jedah became quite angered with the females words, and he turned to her. In the middle of the fighting, Jedah stood like stone, staring at Nepenthe. The female hesitantly looked at the demon, his glare sent nightmares to her mind, violent chills through her back. She turned quickly, as recognizing Jedah did not like being scolded. Jedah: "You are the last species that should scold a Makai....pitiful.....you will destroy yourselves. It must be quite embarrasing to know it's your own nature to cause the extinction of your race." Jedah thought he may have hit a nerve, or he may not have. He was simply delivering a message. All the quarreling between him and Nepenthe was the basis of mind games.......the demon's favorite. He then proceeded to face Ambika; and sorrowfully, he spoke. Jedah: "There is a dark spirit within you. Eventually, it will overrun your sub-conscious. I wish there was a way to subside the beast, but it's insatiable hunger for warm blood runs deep. I want you to understand this Ambika.....when the time comes, and you are no longer yourself, the beast you have become will meet death by my scythe...and your soul will find permanent peace in Majigen." Nepenthe: "It won't come to that demon...." Jedah: "For ALL our sakes.....I certainly hope not.....death comes in many forms."
  3. *Jedah smirkes slightly, as nepenthe stayed behind with this "Michael". Jedah glided forward, following Ambika and Aidian. As the passed the guard who had slipped embarassingly onto his buttocks, he quickly got to his feet, and grasped his spear. The three continued to walk, as Jedah slowly pulled his hand out form his left pocket. He released his hand from side to side, tossing a red orb from it. Jedah: "Sleep." The orb hit the guard in his stomach, encasing him immediately in a blinding red shell, which dissipated as quickly as it appeared. The guard fell to the ground once more, sound asleep. Jedah laughed slightly, as he tucked his hand back into his pocket and proceeded to follow Ambika and Aidian into the city....*
  4. This sounds very interesting, I think i'll give it a shot. Name: Jedah Race: Demon being, his species is known as Makai. Age: 1,477 Bio/History: The Makai had waged war in dark realm with both the Succubus kingdom, and the Vampiric kingdoms. This war continued for centuries, until, the lord of the Makai was nearing death. Feeling the dark realm slipping from his grasp, the dark lord spawned a being from the souls of the dead in darkrealm, and made him heir to the throne of Makai. This spawn was Jedah, a psychotic, blood-thristy, and amazingly clever demon. Jedah was relentless in his kingship, he waged bloody battles and wars against both the Succubus and Vampiric kingdoms, staining all of darkrealm with his obsession for blood. His reign lasted for 400 years, as the war continued to be at a stand-still. Jedah's soldiers lost morale, and questioned their leader. Thus, the Makai king was ambushed. With little or no resistance from Jedah's soldiers, the Succubus queen Morrigan, and the Vampiric general Dmitri, easily defeated Jedah and banished him to the human and living realm for eternity. Jedah wandered the living realm, avoiding execution, and sharpening his fighting abilities. He eventually became a feared asassin for hire, his lust only for blood. The call of work alerted him to the kingdom of Atkala... Description: Approximately 7 feet tall in height. Weighs no more then 167 pounds. Jedah's skin is a blueish-gray tone, while his wings are pure metallic blades. He wears a long purple colored outfit, it resembles a priests formal outfit. Jedah's power of strange spells is astounding, he can morph blood into many different shapes and forms, as he can with his own body. Equipment: Pyrimin: Jedah's long scythe. Reason for being at The Post: Jedah searches for a way to return to his original dark realm. He hopes to discover this by performing the dirty deeds of assasination. Jedah also finds enjoyment in the atmosphere of the post, and he hopes to enlist some other patrons for his new army, to which he will extract revenge on The Succubus and Vampiric kingdoms.
  5. *Jedah hovered above the ground some, his body slightly bobbing up and down. As the guard's brazen armor glimmered, and his spear blocked Ambika's path, the demonlord smirked. He let out a small laugh, his charismatic deep voice was built with a slight echo and vibrancy, as if every word was to be taken with consideration. The demon suddenly thrust his wings open, their metallic flaps shined amazingly in the suns blessing. The guard turned his head towards Jedah, no, it wasn't enough that he was levitating, but he had wings as well. The demonlord closed his wings, as he would allow either Ambika or Nepenthe to handle this situation...*
  6. *The demon was semi-puzzled. This female's mind trickery was matched to his. He found it oddly stimulating. Yet, he was semi deterred thay they would doubt his alliance. It was expected however, it's not everyday a demonlord from a different realm appears to help the side of good. He noticed this girl was somehow searching within him, for emotions or something else of falicy. She would find no trace of either, but it still bothered him. Jedah cracked a smirk, and closed his eyes slowly. he spoke in a steady echoed tone, as his head turned to Ambika... Jedah: "Young lady, do you really believe a demonlord such as myself would simply make a random trip to this realm out of the goodness in my heart? Or perhaps you think i'm here to assist Danormris? No no....it seems he is doing quite well without the help of any other dark specimen. Perhaps if I shed some light on my purpose, you will be quicker to believe me. Within my hollowed body, lies a void. A void where I steadily collect the souls of warriors, kings, queens, demons, the race or species makes no in-difference. This, "jar", within me directly forms to the utopian realm known as Majigen, where all souls can live in perfected harmony. The intermission of this Danormris, has dirtied the innocence of the human souls the demon has crossed paths with. This process has delayed my plans immensely, therefore, I have arrived to assist in it's demise. Whether you choose to accept my alliance or not is your own decision, I will seek out the beast either way...." Jedah laughed lightly, as his head shifted to the one who challenged his own cleverness, he exploited her plots... Jedah: "And you...staring into the depths of my being, I wish you luck in finding your way out. Eavesdropping can be a risky obsession..." The demon was suddenly hit with a wave, mentally of course, as he sensed two more life forces in the sudden vicinity. His eyes still closed, his smirk became solid once again. Suddenly, a geyser of blood burst vertically from the ground in front of him, spouting no higher then his own head. It continued to spout and sputter, like it was coming from an endless supply somewhere underground. The girls looked at him horrified in the first instant, but maintained their steady-faced awe normally. Slowly, a enormous scythe emerged from the geyser, the blood steadily flowing and dripping from it's shiny elongated blade. The geyser dissipated, the blood on the ground evaporated as the scythe steadily floated into Jedah's awaiting hand. Jedah: "Above us." The two warriors in front of him immediately shot their glances upwards, to notice a man. In heavy guard clothes, he seemed either lost, or looking for something...*
  7. It would appear the RP'ing skill setting for this RPG is mediocre to say the least......
  8. OC: I CANT BELIEVE YOU GUYS STARTED WITHOUT ME!!!!!...just kidding lol. IC *The burial scene had become empty, the villagers return to their solemn home. The bodies beneath the dirt, the valley smelt of death and despair. He would no longer allow this to occur... Jedah sat, his throne room musty and dark...only red-burning flames of candles could light this chamber. He slouched back, his arm resting on it's rest, with his cold cheek laying on his fist. He stared into the viewing orb levitating in front of him. Jedah had observed the acts of Danormris for some time, he was hoping the hunters could destroy it, but to no avail was this achieved. The demonlord's eyes burned....this beast thing was ruining his plans. By murdering the humans, he had wounded their souls, dirtying them. This act made them un-suitable for the world of Majigen, the utopia where all could live in peace. No, Jedah had seen enough. The horrendous acts would stop. The measures needed did not affect him, no matter the cost, Jedah would spare the remaining human souls...until they were ripe, perfect for selection...selection to become part of Majigen. His eye's burst open....the energy within him swelled. His anger rose, as his mentality sharpened. He pulled his cheek up off of his arm, and waved his hand from left to right, causing the visual orb to dissolve. Jedah rose from his chair, he began to levitate forward, the demons feet a millimeter or so above the marble checkered floor below. As Jedah crossed the great hallway, a portal of blood slowly opened at the far end. It grew, large enough so a man could easily walk through it.... As the demonlord approached it, a pool of blood formed behind him on the ceiling, droplets splashing to the marble tile, which instantly melted into the floor itself. A winged scaley dragon slowly dripped from the pool, and soared forwards, catching up to it's master Jedah. Jedah: "Do not be alarmed Gorgon. I will only be gone a short while...stay back and guard the palace." Gorgon: "Yes my lord...as you command." The dragon roared loudly, and dissolved into blood, which splattered against a nearby wall, then evaporated. Jedah's body floated into the spiraling portal, and vanished from the world of Maki... Above the graves of the ill-fated young boys, a orb of blood slowly appeared, and grew outwards in a spiraling motion. As it continued to grow, Jedah's frame slowly melted through it, the blood of the portal caressing off of his body, and vacuuming back into the center of the transport. It slowly dissipated to nothingness, as Jedah levitated steadily above the graves of the boys. The dirt was very fresh, as were the corpses. Jedah slowly and silently closed his eyelids...and raised up both his hands symmetrically at his sides, his palms facing the sky. As they arose to chest level, the dirt covering the bodies below, soared into the sky at blinding speed, and suddenly stopped, hovering above Jedah's head by no more then a foot or so. It was quite an amazing site, the dirt stretched about 10 or 12 feet through the air, above the demon. It was as if gravity was un-affecting, as Jedah had his magical power quite well used on this realm before. The corpses of the boys were now visible, their horrible wounds a signature from their murderer. Jedah's closed eyes winced suddenly, as the boys bodie's were somehow split open in their backside, like a egg. The sight was sickening yet necessary...as three black orbs arose from their innards. Jedah opened his eyes, and observed the orbs color.....black.....they were stained, dirtied, un-suitable. The demon released his arms, allowing them to collapse freely. As he did, gravity came crashing down, and the dirt careened back to the ground, covering the bodies and souls once again. Jedah flew forward, as he noticed a forest up ahead. He lowered himself to the ground, as his eyes peered into the forest. He sensed lifeforms. Human's seemingly, but on this realm, nothing was certain to him. They were recognized in his mind as hunters, searching the same objective as himself perhaps. He hoped this were the case. Jedah knew his abilities, but he knew his limitations in this realm....and he knew the abilities of Danormris. Suddenly, his body glimmered to a crimson red color, the details of his body dissapeared, and he became a silhouette of pure warm blood. Jedah's frame then collapsed in aqueous fashion, a tidal wave of blood.....it crashed and flowed along the ground, breaking through the tree-line of the forest. The ocean of red liquid burst through the woodery, loud clashing between blood and trees could be heard througout it's denseness. As he en-trenched deeper and deeper into the area, Jedah felt the beings grow closer and closer... Ambika was glad to see Nepenthe...that feeling was mutual, as portrayed on their faces. As Ambika looked behind Nepenthe, she noticed a strange site. A rushing ocean of blood was crashing through the forest, coming closer and closer to their location. Her eyes grew, as her mouth vaulted slightly. As Nepenthe turned around, the wave of blood was in front of her, at it's continuous speed. At this rate, it would engulf them in mere seconds, but....alas, it froze in place. The waves were suspended in animation directly in front of the two warriors. The waves suddenly shrank backwards, and blended together, to from a man. The red silhouette of Jedah returned, as the details of his body were seemingly "drawn in." His color returned, as the wave of liquid was subsided long ago. Jedah outstretched his fingers, as his form was finally returned. He outstretched his wings, and opened his eyes to the two. Jedah: "I am Jedah. Ruler of the realm Makai. I understand this world is plagued by a beast....by the name of Danormris. This beast is interfering with some of my very delicate ermm...plans. My purpose in your world is to assist in it's utter destruction..." The demonlord showed a sign of courtesy and alliance, as he bent before the two females, his hand tucked into his stomach, as he bowed before them for a moment before returning to his levitated stance...*
  9. I'm applying for a apprenticement, as my character does not fit the last available element....I will post my bio first and then a sparring try-out. Name: Jedah Background: Jedah is the embodiment of a universe. He resides in the demon capital of Makai. His sole purpose is to attempt to join all souls in tranquility within his own body, to create the perfect universe known as "Majigen". He is nor living, nor dead...he is demon. Attitude: Jedah is a calm demon. his cunning and wit make up for aggresion and rage 2 fold. His charm is un-resistable, and his motives are left un-clear. Physical Appearance: Age - 1,477 Eye Color - Red, Transform to black when in any other dimension then Makai, his homeworld. Hair Color - vague yellow Skin Color - ashy gray/purplish tone Height - 6'8 Weigh - 150 lbs. Clothing - Jedah wears a full body suit, made from the flesh of underworld Gods. it resembles somewhat of a priests outfit, the front button down.(picture below) Special Abilities/Strengths: Jedah has the ability to warp in and out of multiple dimensions with his orbs of pure energy. He can create massive portals with them. He also has the ability to call upon his demonic minions, which raise through the ground and are loyal only to Jedah. They are idiotic, bloodthirsty, and aggressive. Jedah can morph his own body into twisted shapes, his magical abilities are un-daunting, as he can use his own body as a weapon. He also has the ability to manipulate a weak mind... Weaknesses: Jedah's body is fragile, and weak towards any physical attacks. His magic power also decreases the farther the dimension he is in from his homeworld of Makai. Transformations: AkumaDa: Jedah becomes encased in a orb of blood, which is directly transmitted from his inner body, a small sample of the power of Majigen, the perfect universe. It creates a crimson shell around his body, then shatters....falling to the floor in a dripping bloodfest. Jedah is now available to use his full power as the ruler and god of Majigen in any dimension, and is able to not only absorb the souls from dead bodies...but from living ones. Weapons: Pyrimin: Jedah's Scythe. This sickle is made of the same material as Jedah's wings, an unknown demon metal. The blade is a living thing, un-breakable and can be easily transported through dimensions with Jedah. It is tied to Jedah's body....if the demon dies, Pyrimin is destroyed as well....and vica-versa. Special Attacks: Summon Suffering: Jedah releases two black orbs from his palms, allowing them to fall from the floor. They melt into the ground, and suddenly, two enormous red pillars of blood erupt into the air. A semi-clear pane of red glass forms between the pillars. Blood begins to ooze from the glass as small winged imps and somewhat larger snarling demons emit from the glass, aggressively pursuing Jedah's opponent. Chigora Pyrimin: Jedah crosses his arms in front of his face, his two hands pointing towards the sky in a prayer position. Suddenly, a symbol appears behind the opponent on the floor, it begins to burn through, glowing. A enormous orb of blood rises from the symbol. It hovers behind the opponent, until suddenly, The orb shatters and Pyrimin is revealed. Jedah controls the blade with his mind, using un-predictable attacks on the opponent. Sidori Shell: Jedah's arm suddenly begins to bleed from it's underside, as a glistening small steel dagger drips out from it's skin. Jedah levitates the blade with his mind in front of him. Suddenly, the blade bursts forward at unthinkable speed, and cuts the opponent, freezing them momentarily. A casing of blood emits from the base of the dagger, enclosing the opponent and the knife inside. Jedah slowly closes his eyes and does various hand movements, as inside the orb, the knife performs deadly slashes to the opponent. Finally, the knife bursts through the blood bubble, exploding it. The dagger soars into Jedah's chest, dissapearing until it is summoned again, while the wounded opponent collapses to the floor. Pic: [img]http://www.gamegen.com/fightgen/characters/jedah-coopic.jpg[/img]*Note: The symbol beneath his feet is the same symbol that appears behind the opponent in the special attack "Chigora Pyrimin". Here's my sparring try-out. *Blood hit the floor like cinderblocks, it splattered across the marbel tiling like a leech. The man's sword hit the floor, the steel of the enormous blade clanging loudly on the marble of the hall. The human's bloody and beaten body collapsed to it's knees....his hands were then used for extra support. As his head rose, the man's eyes grew in horror and amazement, he stared directly down and upon the main hall of the demon palace in Makai. The white and black checkered marble floor was un-scratched, even as the dirty and sweat-mixed blood smashed onto it, it stayed un-affected. The room was sparingly lit, only 2 or 3 wall mounted candles supported the hall. Many horrifying artifacts lined the sidewalls. One, was seemingly a clock of somesort, a sculpture of a building being mounted by a large snarling gremlin. The gong inside ticked back and forth, growing seemingly louder with each draining second. The man's eyes flinched, as he gasped for air. he watched horrified, as a pool of blood formed onto the marble tile no more then a foot or so in front of him. It grew larger, until the size of a mid-sized carpet. Slowly, and with a cryptic oozing sound and display, a enormous bubble erupted from the pool, and began to levitate a foot or so off of the ground. The man screamed, but his vocal chords stay closed, his heart was beating so intensely, his adrenaline flowed through his body like water through a cavern. The bubble of blood then began to from itself, and morph into the shape of something. Something that resembled...well, a man. But it most definitely was not a man, it had large wings sprouting from it's backside that elongated past it's sides quite noticeably. His head also had miniature copies of the wings sprouting from it. The man quickly recognized this figure.....he took a slow skid back, and reached for the handle of his be-fallen blade. The blood orb had now taken decisive shape, and it began to peel backwards from the front, like a wrapping of sort. it revealed a demon. The most diabolical, his clothes were eloquentelly suited for him, as the blood finally drained off of the demon. The man got to his feet quickly, but he stumbled, from perhaps fear or fatigue, perhaps a combination. Human Warrior: "Jedah, you will pay with your demonic soul for taking the lives of my family and our entire village!!!!" The demon closed his eyes, as his feet gently levitated descendingly, until they caressed the marble beneath. A smirk cracked across his face evily, as if he knew any other way. Jedah: "Marlinius.....I thought a high calibur warrior such as yourself would have realized by now that you have no chance of defeating me on Makai. You will pay for your error..." The human filled with rage and loathing for the demonlord burst forward, his heavy boots leaving stamps of mud and blood on the marble floor, which was quickly evaporated....as if no boots had ever touched the floor before. Marlinius swung his sword down at Jedah from above, hoping that the gods would help him to guide it into the heart of this being. Jedahs frame vanished before Marlinius, as his sword swung through his demonic shadow and clanged on the marble beneath. Marlinius frantically scanned the room, the lighting was dim, it had taken effect on his pupils. He finally spotted Jedah, who was calmly leaning against the horriffically designed grandfather clock of the hall, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes closed. Marlinius screamed with anger as he burst towards the demon once more. Jedah slowly lifted a hand from his chest, and pointed it, semi-opened at Marlinius. A small, nearly miniscule bolt of crimson electricity shot forward, striking the vulnerable Marlinius in his breast. The human fighter was somehow frozen in his tracks completely, as jedah began to walk slowly towards him. Marlinius's eyes began to fade to a grayish color, as a pool of blood melted to form beneath him. He began to sink, like it was quicksand. Yet, something was pulling him, and as his waist began to dissapear into the blood, hands could be seen reaching up and grasping at him, pulling with fury to bring their prey down to the hells of Makai. Jedah's eyes winced subtlely, causing the demon hands to cease their groping and pulling, but to grasp and hold in place. jedah smirked, as he unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, revealing a void of pure blackness within it, where his chest should have been. Suddenly, Marlinius screamed to life, as his chest burst open in front of him. His death was no instant, but this was not jedah's intent. Slowly, a light blue orb erupted from Marlinius' chest cavity, and steadily floated into Jedah's chest cavity. The demonlord rebuttoned his jacket, as he had collected yet another soul. jedah turned, and looked down the hallway of Makai's demon palace. he floated down the marbel floor towards the throne room where he would rest for now.....as Marlinius' body descended into the pits of nightmares.*
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