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About Miketsmith

  • Birthday 05/31/1987

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  1. Xavier walked up to the dead dragon and placed his stave on it, closing his eyes. He could feel the massive aura of this giant beast dissipate, into his stave. He stole some of its power while seeing how dead it really was. Xavier then opened his eyes and shifted his gaze to Cap Xavier: ?Nice work, big hit? Cap smiled
  2. Sorry, not accepting new recruits right now
  3. Xavier signed everyone into the tall grass that was beside them, for the thick forests were now nothing but a few trees here and there? He found a good hiding spot and darted into it, everyone else following. Xavier silently whispered ?If they any amount of power magically, they will know we are here? Its easy to see auras?? Xavier closed his eyes and felt the energy silently go past him? the people walking on the path didn?t see them? but the dragon that decided to fly past did. The dragon roared out, it was obviously part of the ?guards? to what ever this structure was. Xavier?s immediate action was to slam his stave into the ground releasing the tornado spell he put into it. Xavier: ?Were in for it!? The group spread out, and the guards that went past ran back, Copernicus got the best of them with his Maul but the dragon would defiantly serve as a greater enemy
  4. Sorry, If a person falls out, I told a good friend of mine he could... if two do,, then you can too
  5. Xavier closed his eyes for a moment then let out a sigh Xavier: We have to think about this, they are going to be after us until we are dead? so we have only a few courses of action? We can, A: Prove our selves to them, which may aswell be impossible, because they will probably just find more reasons to resent us. We can B: Run away, Hide? live our sour lives out in solitude. Or C: the one that I am totally against? just kill them Xavier let out a small laugh after stating the third Xavier: Any action we chose, we need to find out where we are, get shelter and food? I?ll be right back? Xavier set the head of his stave to the ground and muttered a few words in Arcane. Suddenly a flash of updraft came from underneath him hand carried him into the air hundreds of feet. He stayed up there for a little while, checking the surrounding aria then came back down, hitting the ground softly, hardly making a sound. Copernicus: See anything? Xavier panted a little Xavier: Well? to the east there seems to be ocean? to the north?. Ocean?. To the south? ocean?. To the west?. ?.ocean? we are on an island? but there does seem to be some for of building to the south east of here, in the middle of the island. I suggest we stay on guard, we have no idea what kind of creatures will be here
  6. Xavier stood up and brushed off his robes, then he took a look around. Xavier: ?Gah! What a great? GREAT day this has turned out to be? he said as he picked his stave up off of the ground. He looked around to see what everyone was doing. He sighed and put his stave into the ground, supporting him, his white robes now dirty with soil. He walked over to where people seemed to be gathering. Xavier: ?What a day??
  7. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23279[/url] Alright, that is the recruitment page? Here is a list of all that made it in (pretty much everyone) Xavier Keoski(Miketsmith) - Wind Elsyan Airserke(Deedlit) - Time Raven Telecanter(The Harlequin) - Death Capernicous Lund(Arikel) - Life Alastuin Sakandre(Ravenstorture) - Water Sakura(Sakuramon) - Forest Alright? In the fairly large town of Chelsea all of you meet for one reason or another. You find yourself in the guild of mages listening to a speech. ?We must keep it to ourselves of what we are for now on. The people want magic to leave, they fear it? and we cant change there minds? The speaker, and head of the guild of mages said as there was a knocking on the door. The speaker looked to the door, as everyone else looked as well. 10 people in the guild of mages? only 6 would make it out alive? The person knocking stopped, as the burst into the door and windows. Knights flooded the building, trying to take the lives of the mages. They couldn?t defend themselves, but one managed to create a portal, and Xavier, Elsyan, Raven, Capernicous, Alastuin, and Sakura made it out, without beeing followed?
  8. Alright, thanks everyone for posting, i will start this soon
  9. Alright, You get 3 strengths, so you pick 3 catigories you want to be inclined or you can stack them... so like +1 with wepions +1 with dexterity and +1 with strength (or +2 with wepions and +1 with strength) basicaly you get 3 points... for Adidional points you can take weaknesses... every 2 points in a weekness gets you 1 point in a strength. a point is also = to 25% so -4 in a catigory makes you at 0, and i will NOT let you do that
  10. What if? Reality was just a dream, something you can shape into whatever you please? What if we are all part of a higher conscious, and we are not really here? So little time? So many questions? whatever the reason, you have decided to craft reality into your own little paradise? you are a mage? a reality crafter? Info on magic? your non-element magic is going to be 1/10th as potent as your main element. When using spells, remember to exercise some bit of.. Well? just don?t go overboard, you are not a deity. This takes place in a fantasy setting, medieval times ofcource Here is the info you need to join Name: Obviously your name? you need a real name and a celestial name, your celestial name is your name of power, the name that if someone knows? they own you, the end Element: The element of magic that you are best with, everything else is going to be very minor? there will be? Life, Death, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Time and well? if you make a good suggestion Via PM then ill let you have it Appearance: what your character looks like, what s/he wears Equipment: Artifacts, Relics, Weapons, Armor (pm me for requests for magic gear, give a suggestion ill give one out per person) Bio: Your characters look on life and past Strengths: Your character has 3 points to strengths, they are things that are naturally more powerful then other things about you, if you have a point of something in a strength it is 25% more powerful then normal so 3 points in dexterity makes you almost twice as fast as most people? yeah you get the idea you can also take negatives, negatives are just like strengths but its -25% instead of +25... For every 2 negatives you take you get an extra strength, unlimited amount of negatives? Name: Xavior (Arogyth Xavior Kioski) Element: Wind Appearance: Xavior stands at about 6?2, he has long, strait white hair and green eyes, he tends to wear white robes with a gold lining and carries with him a staff? he is 23 years old, with a slender build Equipment: His staff carries a blue magical gem on top of it, this gem can store a spell which he imbues it with, taking no thought he can throw it forward to unleash the spell. Also, under his robes he wears studded leather armor Bio: Xavior became a mage at a very young age, seeing that he had the power to bend reality to his whim, he was a natural at it? The learning came later, after he realized his power. He spent his years up to 15 in his own home before he went away with the man that taught him everything he knows, his master left him alone as his final test. He hasn?t seen him since and he ventures to find him. Strengths: 3+Magic, 1+Inteligents, Negatives: 1-Physical Strength, 1-Wepions
  11. "Damnit..." Nox said as Saria tripped over him, knocking herself out... "Maybe i should just kill her, im getting real sick of this crap" Nox got up and headed outside putting his cloak in his back pack and wearing the black shirt and pants he had on, walking in the rain toward the town
  12. Nox continued walking in the infinate wilderness untill he finialy decided to make camp on that night. He found a shallow cave and made it his resting spot... The next morning he would awake to rain... "How great" He said sarcasticly as he woke up wet... He simply sighed and backed a bit farther into the cave and tryed to wait it out... Thunder struck the sky not allowing Nox to go back into a restfull slumber... he would be here for a while
  13. Nox turned around and drew his sword pointing it at Saria "Because you are annoying, and i never did tell you my name, nor will i... keep to yourself" he then sheathed his sword and walked off
  14. Nox sheathed his sword looking at this Saria... "For all you know im an angle and im here to kill you... I wont take this lightly, and i do NOT trust you..." he said then turned away and started walking off "I am not your friend Saria"
  15. "Who are you" Nox questioned holding his sword out pointing at her neck "I already don't like you, you were spying on me" he said as his eyes started to turn red
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