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Everything posted by nezzyjean
I once won a Duke talent Identification medal for scoring high on the SATs in 7th grade. Aside from that, I've never won anything in my life. keeping my fingers crossed for that lottery though :animesmil
[quote name='sakurasuka'][font="arial"][size="1"] There was a Disney movie, I currently can't remember which, where the evil villianess pulls off her false eyelashes. I always thought that if I tugged on the ends of my realy eyelashes that they would come off in one continuous line. [/size][/font][/QUOTE] Medusa, from The Rescuers. I thought that there was a crocodile living under my bed when I was little. I propped a long wooden board against my bed and used it as a ramp to climb into it every night to avoid being eaten.
Man, less than 3 dollars? Where I live you can't get anything for less than $5.50. (and that's for the cheapest ciggarettes you can find...) I don't think the actual original price that has gone up, but the fact that the government raised the sin tax on it a buttload to make more money. I don't know about where you're from, but here in Atlanta, the price for a pack of cancers is predicted to be up to atleast ten bucks by July! Being only a weekend smoker, I plan to cut it out by then, if not sooner. Its a nasty habit anyway..
[quote name='Botar15']Alright, for one, I think if you send a picture of yourself naked to others of the same age, it should be alright. But if a 14 year old sends a picture of herself to a 27 year, and he opens it, thats wrong, and it's the same in reverse. I believe people should be charged for that shinanigens at the age of 18. If it's before that, and it's to others of the same age, there phone servise should be shut off and internet should be shut off, but thats what I believe.[/QUOTE] That's completely different than an 18 year old viewing pictures of his 16 year old girlfriend. That's the equivalent of a senior & a sophomore in highschool exchanging racy pictures, while you're talking about a 14 & 27 year old, which is the equivalent of an 8th grader and a full grown adult...which is much more perverse than the former. If that girl was stupid enough to send out a promiscuous picture of herself and not even consider the fact that it might get sent around to others it was not intended for, she had a lesson to learn any way. I think that her boyfriend still proved himself to be a complete pig by sending it around & should recieve some consequences, however being listed as a sex offender at age 18 for what he did? Thats just a little bit ridiculous.
I just played a hillarious prank on my boyfriend to retaliate for his april fool's joke. I put up a classified ad for a free hot tub on craigslist.com and put his number down to call for more info, so random people are going to be blowing out his phone trying to be the first one to offer to come pick it up. I wonder how long it'll take him to figure out it was me.
I've worked in fast food before, so generally, I am pretty understanding of minor slip ups and the occasional rude dispositions of employees. However, the other night I ordered some tomato slices, scrambled eggs, and toast from waffle house to-go. It wasn't quite ready yet by the time I went to pick it up, so I stood patiently by the counter watching this raspy talking, dirty looking old lady prepare my food. When she started slicing up my tomatos I noticed, to my horror, that she wasn't wearing gloves. Then she grips them completely with her bare hands to pick them up and toss them on my plate, then proceeds to butter up my toast with her bare, grubby old fingers. I probably should have said something, but I couldn't bring myself to make a fuss, so I just paid for my food and threw it out when I got home. It was under 5 dollars anyway so I figured it wasn't worth it..but still pretty disgusting, huh?
My first job was/is at chickfila. (for those of you not inhabiting the South Eastern United States, this is a fairly popular fast food restaurant that serves food of the chicken equation.) After working there for approximately 4 years (since I was 15..woohoo.) I have still failed to formally quit, even though I am at school trying to become a history teacher, & will probably return to work there over my summer vacation, because the much better job I had aquired at an insurance auditing company as a "top secret file specialist" this previous summer has been filled by the big man's son :animecry:... ANYWAY, if it is not possible to return to this much more dignified line of work, I will sincerely miss out on seeing my old cubicle mates after this long year, even though I would definitely consider my coworkers at Chickfila close friends whom with I still hang out regularly. Until May, I am adamantly searching for a better job, because a job in fast food is what I consider one of the most degrading paths in life that one can take.
[quote name='Haku877']Now I have a bed from Ikea, Its like a bunk bed, with no bottom bunk. and I'm like, a good 1 foot from the ceiling[/QUOTE] I have that bed too! I had to leave it at my parents house when i moved into my dorm though :animedepr Under my current bed I have: 1. all my food that needs no refridgeration (so nobody steals it..) 2. a deflated blow up air mattress 3. a bunch of old magazines & sunday comics pages 4. a computer printer 5. a foot spa 7. a feather blanket 8. a stuffed domokun & 2 ugly dolls
I don't really drink too often anymore, but my favorite drinks are patron shots with salt & lime, rasberry smirnoff with cranberry juice, margaritas, buttery nipples, bacardi green apple with sprite, and any wine or beer. I generally can't drink whiskey without feeling barfy, but will have it anyway sometimes. Some of the silliest things I've done while drinking/ drunk are: 1. Tried to drown myself in a swimming pool 2. Upon being told I couldn't re-enter a club barefoot, I borrowed some strange man's shoes instead and walked in. (I have no recollection of this event...) 3. Dumped a box of froot loops into a river to feed the geese. 4. Pretended to be drugged Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday 5. Gave away $80 for a person to take a cab home :animeangr 6. Played technotronics on the jukebox at a packed bar. There's probably more where that came from, but I can't think of it right now. None of this has been recently, as I don't really drink that much or that often nowadays. I'm not sure what the most is I've ever drank in one sitting, but in one night I drank 12 jello shots, 8 shots of jager, & 3 beers because my friend told me I had to match every drink he drank. (he is 6'2, 210 lbs, I'm 5'9, 130 lbs...bad idea.) The only way I remembered what I had was by keeping track on a post-it note with tally marks.
What baffles me most about this situation is the fact that both the Christians and the Atheists both seem to have spent a small fortune on these ads, which will bring them no profit in return except possibly (but unlikely, because like Nathan said: very few people will actually notice the ads) bring more people over to their side of beliefs. I also fail to understand how some people get so upset when others publicly express their beliefs. Reading the first article, it seemed the Atheist organization started their campaign to correct Christian ads that were already on buses, then when the Christians saw the Atheist ads, they flipped out and tried to out do them with more ads. This whole thing is pretty rediculous in my eyes. Why bother fighting a continual battle over who's right & who's wrong when you can't even prove you're right in the first place. Its strange what some crazy people will do at times, but atleast they give us all something to laugh at.
I live smack dab in the middle of Atlanta, Georgia. Which is known as the Hip Hop capital of the world. (Young Jeezy closed down 4 square blocks en route to my school one time to film a rap video.) Its also the home of the World of Coke, Turner Broadcasting, and the headquarters of Delta Airlines (for which my dad is a pilot). Other than Atlanta, I've lived in Tomah, Wisconsin, which pretty much has nothing in it except for a military fort called Fort McCoy, named after my great grandfather who was a general in WWII, and a butt load of dairy farms. I've also lived in alot of other places, including New Jersey and Texas, but unfortunately not long enough to be able to tell you anything about them.
I am a 19 year old female from Atlanta. I only have one sibling, a sister...she's only a year older than me. We don't really have much in common, I'm definitely the weirder, more eccentric one, but somehow we are very close and hang out with alot of the same people. :confused: I've been a member of the boards since I was 13, but I've been bad at signing on regularly, so when I do get back on, I can never seem to recognize any more than just a handful of people from the last time I logged on...this thread was such a good idea!
Drinks for people who hate the taste of alcohol.
nezzyjean replied to eleanor's topic in General Discussion
Uch. I couldn't agree with you more. Most liquor tastes nasty. Vodka doesn't taste so bad mixed with fruit juices. If you haven't tried Jager, it tastes more like liquorish than liquor, but beware that stuff: one bad night with Jager will make you wanna vomit just by the smell. But before that happens, its less harsh I think atleast...didn't quite give me the gag reflex like others. Kahlua doesn't taste too liquory either...but that's probably just because it has a low proof. & When drinking tequila it always helps to lick your hand, pour salt on it, have a lime slice on hand, then lick the salt, take the shot, and bite and suck the lime. It nearly banishes the pukey feeling before it even emerges. Other than that, I woud just make mixed drinks with less alchohol in them, but then drink more, so you get the same amount of alchohol, but the lower concentration of it per drink makes it alot easier on your stomache. -
I have my nose pierced..but that's about it. A ton of my friends have some pretty cool tattoos. One of them has the mario one-up on her ankle. But the one I think is coolest is my friend's tattoo of a moustasche on the side of his finger so he can hold it up under his nose when he wants to amuse himself. I don't really know anyone who has just one tattoo though...the whole process seems pretty addicting. I think the same may go for other forms of body mod as well, but I wouldn't really know since I haven't had too much of it done myself.
I definitely believe in aliens. The universe is simply way too elephantine for us to even have the gall to assume that we're the only life forms occupying it. I think they are also aware of us being here, but are significantly more advanced and look down on our race as if it were a joke. As for those stories about abductions, I think it's just alien teenagers who get bored so they jet across the galaxy to screw with some stupid, lowly earthlings...kind of the equivalent to us humans going cowtipping or something. Because I have been watching too many alien movies lately, the idea that they might invade scares the living daylights out of me...but i'm sure if they come in peace, like gavin said, I would welcome them with open arms.
My advice would be to invest in a helmet and some knee & elbow pads...sure you might look kind of lame, but atleast you won't be hurting yourself. You could also try improving your balance and coordination by balancing books on your head and trying to walk around? meh..maybe not. you know what they say: practice, practice, practice!
You could probably make a couple hundred bucks by having a garage sale. (plus de-clutter your room!) Or get a part time job and save every penny. If you work more hours you can get more money, plus you will be too busy to spend any of it, so it'll be easier to save.
[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26037[/IMG] camping in the blue ridge mountains...my friends like taking candid pictures. [B]If you could combine two animals, what would they be, and why?[/B] [I]I would probably combine the Zebra, because I like the pattern of its skin, and the Giraffe, because I like its shape and height.[/I] [B]If you had to film an action movie, what location in the world would you think would suit the most exciting action scene ever? (In other words, where would you film it?)[/B] [I]Probably in New York City, because there are alot of buildings there, and I think it would be pretty cool to have people running up the walls all matrix style, or there could be a big suspenseful scene on the top of the empire state building or something crazy like that.[/I] [B]Let's say you ruled a country. Whether your economy prospers or not is up to you. In otherwords, you can be a harsh ruler to your people or a kind one. But what of food? Do you vary in vegetation and agriculture? Do you have a large marketing system? Perhaps some world wide food industries were founded in your nation. The question is, how do you run your country's food situation following those guidelines? This takes more thought, folks. You can choose to make your food of plenty or not. What's it going to be?[/B] [I]I am a firm believer in popular sovereignty, therefore, if I ruled a country, I would try to make it as close to a utopia as possible. Instead of ruling my people by their fear of me, I would govern them with their respect for me that I will painstakingly earn. It would have a booming economy and a surplus of food. Education will be free so that anyone could do what they wanted to with their life as long as they put forth the effort. We'll have state of the art scientists who will invent healthy cheetos that still taste just like the original, and that is what we will eat. mm mm good.[/I]
Alot of people, like myself, did join a long time ago, posted at that time, and then didn't get on the boards for a long time and now have recently found it again.
[QUOTE=Engel][color=darkslategray][size=1] The question you have to ask yourself is this: What happened, deep in the hidden eras before history began, that could effect the entire human race so evenly as to give the entire species a deep, instinctual, and lasting fear of pale beings with dark, sunken eyes, razor sharp teeth, and elongated faces?[/size][/color][/QUOTE] God i lost sleep last night because I randomly thought of this thread and was convinced some dark, sunken eyed, razor sharp toothed beast with an elongated face was gonna pop out of my closet and eat me. :animeshy: I don't think this fear is one of the cases where it comes from ingrained fear. I just think it is part of everyone's fear of things that are different from themselves. Although this doesn't really explain the razor sharp teeth aspect, but maybe we're just afraid of anything sharp because it could hurt us? Man, but wouldn't it be totally crazy if something like this once roamed the earth?
Sure Sadam was a sick psychopath, but I don't think they should have killed him. All they did by killing him was reflect his ways (although much more humanely). I'm not saying that he shouldn't have paid for his crimes or anything, its just kindof hypocritical to kill someone for killing people. And since when does man have the right to take life? I know he was a monster and he was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands and possibly millions, but all they did by putting him to death was condone his actions by stooping to his level.
One of my favorite quotes is one by Friedrich Nietzsche. "In heaven all the interesting people are missing." I like it because it kindof makes you think about things, and almost gives you a whole new idea of what hell is...atleast it did to me.
[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26011&stc=1[/IMG] [B]What's your favourite hobby?[/B] I like playing lacrosse, drawing, and collaging alot, but I would have to say that my most favorite hobby of all is creating akward moments. On a daily basis, I say the most akward things possible to make my teachers and peers feel tense. However, [U]I[/U] think that it is hillarious and get quite the kick out of it. [B]What do you think your best personality trait would be?[/B] My best personality trait is probably my easy going attitude. Not very many things bother me, and I'm usually down for anything, which gives me a friendly and approachable vibe to others. Therefore, I associate with a wide variety of people, which I hold to be the greatest opportunity I have.
I personally think that it is kindof sick and cruel that they have a video of it that just anyone can go on the internet and watch. But whats even crueler is that my friend's dad thought that they should've waited until new years eve to do it, and then behead him, and watch it like the big ball dropping at midnight, except instead of watching a ball drop, you watch the guiottine fall. (he was just kidding thank god). I'm surprised that bombs haven't been dropped over here yet. I know we didn't hold the trials or make the sentence, but those "terrorists" will probably blame us anyway.
The OtaKuties- Contestants Thread [E]
nezzyjean replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
I am on the right. [IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=25999[/IMG] name: Jean