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About Kittcat

  • Birthday 07/20/1986

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  1. [color=red]I wouldn't call it a bad gift persay, but I got a pair of carved wooden donkeys for my 14th birthday. I didn't expect that.[/color]
  2. [color=red]I had Mono a week ago. O.o I just got over it. I also had an ear infection at that time, too! I'm all better now, though.[/color]
  3. [color=red]The creepiest anime soundtrack I've come across is X/1999 the movie soundtrack.[/color]
  4. [color=red]Has anyone said Yotoden yet?[/color]
  5. [color=red]I've had a couple of cavities, and a root canal before. I think I'd rather have a root canal than a cavity. When that happened, my friends told me all these horror stories about how they stick metal wires in your gums and rip stuff out... It wasn't like that at all. It was such a breeze! Hmm... I've got 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth in my mouth right now. I'm a firm believer in getting them out as soon as possible. A friends' wisdom teeth got infected, and flaired up the day of her wedding. O.< Granted, I'll have to have surgery to get them out, but I don't think that will be such a big deal. If everything goes well, and the dentist knows what he's doing, it'll be no big deal for you.[/color] ;)
  6. [color=red]I've been treated well so far. I got 2 welcomes. Heh. No one told me, "That dosn't belong here" or whatever. O.o Its really akward when they do, though. (Experience from other places.)[/color]
  7. [color=red]If I had a girl, I'd name her Julia. If I had a boy, then I'd name him Sean.[/color]
  8. [color=crimson]I prefer television, normaly. Even though the stimulation of the imagination is good, I just like a good movie about the book over a good book. Its a shame, though. I think more than half the movies I've seen that were based on movies weren't anything like the book. They were actually kinda bad, compared to the book. I never learn, though. :rolleyes: I still see them, anyway. Once in a great while, I pick up a book, and read it... (I can't stand LOTR in book or movie form, though.)[/color]
  9. [color=crimson]Its not that bad. Just big. Kinda funny, too. I like the second one and the last one.[/color]:rolleyes:
  10. [color=crimson]I've been to a lot of other boards, and the rules here aren't strict at all. O.o; Its a welcome change, in my opinion, to have a little flexibility within the laws of a board. At the other boards, well... on 2 no one knows me. On the other one, a lot of people know me. I'd give you guys this, though... Otaku Board is the biggest message board I've seen. Although, I am rather new, so I can't say anything about the friendships you get at this point.[/color]
  11. [color=crimson]1. Name: Kittcat 2. Favorite character of Trigun: Kuroneko-Sama 3. Favorite episode of Trigun: Rem Saverem 4. Favorite song of Trigun: Sound Life 5. Favorite scene of Trigun: Where Vash is standing there giving the "Thumbs Up" Sign in the 1st Ep. 6. Something to say about Trigun: Borders anime DVD section. Heh. 7. Your America Online Instant Messenger (AIM) screen name: kodeneko79[/color]
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