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Yami no Magnus

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About Yami no Magnus

  • Birthday 11/08/1983

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  • Biography
    I like soup.
  • Occupation
    Soup eater.

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  1. Bleah, I don't know what half of those cards are. ;_; My only suggestion is to lose Time Wizard, it's a piece of crud.
  2. I should like the new opening.... I mean, compared to the old, it is pretty cool... but... Compared to the Japanese Battle City opening, it sucks :( I'd like it a lot better if I didn't know how badly they slaughtered it.
  3. Yes, I like this episode muchly, and Rex seems to have shaped up quite a bit. Though, I can see how he lost, relying on a gimpy monster like Serpent Night Dragon... Mokuba doing more than clinging to his brother's leg is cool. But the best line has to be Serenity's... "We can watch your brother duel!" "... I can't, Tristan." "... oh." hehehehe
  4. If those lists are accurate, this is going to be good... mm-mm good... Relinquished... I've wanted to stick the evil albino walnut of death in my deck for months...
  5. My deck: For Geat Violence! (Variable Beatdown) Cards: (45) Monsters: (24) 2-star Effect- 1x Man-Eater Bug 3-star Effect- 1x Trap Master 4-star 1x Harpie's Brother 1x Rogue Doll 1x Ryu-Kishin Powered 1x Neo the Magic Swordsman 2x High Tide Gyojin 1x Fire Kraken 1x La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp 1x Man-Eating Treasure Chest 1x Skull Mariner 1x Battle Ox 1x Great White 1x Girochin Kuwagata 1x Darkfire Soldier #1 Effect- 1x Lord of D. 1x Wall of Illusion 5-star 1x Curse of Dragon 6-star 1x Summoned Skull 1x Judge Man 8-star 1x Blue Eyes White Dragon Ritual- 2x Crab Turtle Magic: (12) 2x Fissure 1x Dark Hole 2x Turtle Oath 1x Change of Heart 1x Monster Reborn 1x De-Spell 1x Flute of Dragon Summoning 1x Rush Recklessly 1x Card Destruction 1x Sword of Deep-Seated Traps: (9) 3x Attack and Recieve 1x Reinforcements 1x Enchanted Javelin 2x Trap Hole 1x Waboku 1x Reverse Trap I have my first tournament in a few weeks and I need advice! I'm considering dropping the Crab Turtles for an extra Lord of D. and Flute of Summoning Dragon, and adding two more Blue Eyes. I'm also looking very critically at Sword of the Deep-Seated... but I still want some equip magic along for a tight spot. Also, I need ideas on side decks. Can anyone help?
  6. But you can't really compare cards when one of them hasn't been released yet, and is likely to be a super rare or something to compensate for its power. I like the card game, but I'm not gonna spend fifty bucks on ebay for a trading card, so CT is probably about as good as my deck is gonna get. Besides, why couldn't you make a deck to support it? There are enough good aqua/fish/water cards out there to make a viable theme deck, methinks. Besides, I see CT as sort of like a Blue Eyes, you don't count on it for the win, since the chances of getting it out are slim. It's an "if you get the chancem, then great" card, and if you're lucky having that kind of power in your deck can really help you out. And why on earth wouldn't someone use a DCJ? Some of the best monsters in the game are dragons, it only makes sense to be able to counter that.
  7. Giant Germ only summons other Giant Germs. A guy on the Yu-Gi-Oh dungeon was talking about someone who tried to use Giant Germ to summon three BEWDs... heheheh, idiot. I have a question. Is Crab Turtle a good ritual monster? It seems pricey since you need 8 star levels to tribute on top of getting the monster card and the ritual card in your hand, but dang 2550 beats Summon Skull, and a BEWD if you have Dragon Capture Jar. Almost makes me want to make a water deck.
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