But you can't really compare cards when one of them hasn't been released yet, and is likely to be a super rare or something to compensate for its power. I like the card game, but I'm not gonna spend fifty bucks on ebay for a trading card, so CT is probably about as good as my deck is gonna get. Besides, why couldn't you make a deck to support it? There are enough good aqua/fish/water cards out there to make a viable theme deck, methinks. Besides, I see CT as sort of like a Blue Eyes, you don't count on it for the win, since the chances of getting it out are slim. It's an "if you get the chancem, then great" card, and if you're lucky having that kind of power in your deck can really help you out.
And why on earth wouldn't someone use a DCJ? Some of the best monsters in the game are dragons, it only makes sense to be able to counter that.