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About BC_money

  • Birthday 09/03/1987

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    I look like a man!
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  1. i always like ed edd and eddy like there is this one episode where eddy is like ya we need to get to town and for no stupid reason ed is like My dad has a shovel lol ed is my favorite!
  2. ok age 12 when i was in 8th grade i think maybe 7th i got barney underwear from my great grandma BAH that was by far the worst gift ever my dad said i could return them though so i did
  3. Hey, well I am new to this forum, I always visited your website years or two ago and just stumbled upon this forum. Anyways I just signed up about 1 hour ago and its late so I am going to go to bed soon. I am 15 years old I live in Frenchtown, Montana kinda like a suburb of Missoula. I live out in the wild/nature. It's fun for hunting and junk like that. I have a boy/man whatever although I do get tons of crap about that because I have long hair (down to my shoulders) but I don't care. Some people say I look good with long hair, well more than say bad! So I stick with me long hair. I like to skateboard and snowskate and also play computer games, believe it or not, not much snow in Montana this year so I haven't snowskated much. So that leaves me the option of the computer I like to play Warcraft 3 and Everquest. If you enjoy any of these hobbies don't mind telling me. Some shows I watch are The Simpsons, Adult Swim Block, Trigun. I also run cross country (best 3 mile time 20:39) w00t. Anyways that's me encase you actually care. I'm tired so I will leave you with this much of me. Post What You Like And Do!!! If it shares me hobbies we can talk! :D
  4. [QUOTE] My sister has lots of Goth clothes, so when I got out with them, I wear them. I have some of my own, but yeah. ^_^[/QUOTE] Lets hope when you go out you where your clothes! ><
  5. How's this? Its is pointless from birth to death. This is a fact. God told me, by not telling me anything. Everything between death and birth is only what your divine creation will allow to happen. You could waste it all away, any drug you can find feeling something that makes you think and feel like you?re all right; it would not matter in the end. You could love everything as much as possible, you could even change the world. You could work and focus, be a company man. Then die. It would not matter in the end. You can chill and enjoy, love who will love you, show who will see, speak to who will listen, listen when someone speaks, and watch when shown. You can live an amazingly beautiful life. People and society in general will make your stay worth it all. Your ego is the gateway; you can let your doors be open or closed. Do you let work and the fact that money makes the world go around control you? Do you let people make you feel less? Do feel like you can?t make good conversation? How closed are your doors. How weak is your ego? Do think you will never die? Drugs won?t affect your mind and body? Do parents and peers affect your judgment in anyway? Acting out, or hiding out? How closed are your doors. How strong is your ego? Life is the paradox. Who is a man that lives in the past and the present? Who is a man that lives for the future? You will have nothing to offer now; this is why you?re not happy. The only question no one will answer. Can you let it all be, can you not worry or care what is here or their. Keep your track; keep your pockets fat enough for your material needs? And enjoy yourself and the other humans around you? Why? It is the judgment of your overall satisfaction in the world we live in. How willing are you to work for money to live well? Are you willing to be happy with people and enjoy the nothingness that is human interaction? Are you willing to waste your time? Are you willing to enjoy it all no matter what you think is going on? Are you ready to simply love and be loved? Are you ready to never glance over at the scales of time? Are you free, my friend? Are you willing to be? Can you give it up time and let it pass, keep your ambitions and love life for the nothingness that it is? My idea is too simply and its says just don?t care; human interaction is all God gave us the ability to give. You don?t have a chance to change someone or even control anything but yourself. And a planet as perfect as this one is only even more inspiration every day. This could go along kinda with theology or that religious talk on the main forum. BTW! I'm new...
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