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About Blastmon

  • Birthday 06/30/1992

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  1. How do you use secret codes because all i can use in the health one i cannot use the other codes. Whats the highest level you got a character to my Gandalf is level 20! I completed this game in two days.
  2. sorry i tried that but it don't work and wheres your email:wigout: :smirk: :drunk: :therock: i got a better idea give me your email address and i email you with the story, better?
  3. I've written 4 chapters of it at home so i don't wanna write it again so if you wanna read it email me at [email]Frigimonsubzero@aol.com[/email] and i will send you all of the stuff i have written and email you with new stuff please reply here or via email to tell me whAT you tink.
  4. A long time ago when earth was mearly formed, four jewels were found by four men. Keran human of the desert realms found a Diamond, Kairn of the foresters found an emerald, Argol of the wizards council found a ruby and Elunne of the borough village found a sapphire. Each of these four created a weapon with their jewels. Keran put his jewel inside a Scepter, kairn made a bow, Argol put his on his staff and Elunne put his in his sword handle. These jewels gave them almighty power and magic their kingdom never lost a war until their enemy was one of the four. keran loved the power he had but was not satisfied he wanted the other jewels he attempted an assanation attemmpt on Elunne king of men but he failed. He was sent into exile.
  5. prologue On a dark night in the kingdom of Esthalin, a hooded figure rode silenty on his black winged horse towards the Tanzanite city. This night they were celebrating the kings birthday, King Ecrino was 79 today. The crowds were Cheering for the king, but suddenly they stopped for the rider in black was moving through the crowds. Everyone was too petrified to speak. Whispers started to run threw the crowds. "He's here," "He's returned!" "He'll get the king this time!" "Hello sire, why i've remembered its your birthday! ana i got you a gift!" said the black rider. He picked up the kings crown and hit it hard on Ecrino's head. "Uh!" said the king as he died. The dark rider held out his hand, and a fireball formed in it. He threw it at the palace, then another one at other buildings, then one at the crowd. "AHH!" they all screamed. When the crowd had gone soldiers ran forward, "Archers fire!" roared the leader. Arrows flew towards the rider but he dodged them with ease. The dark rider whistled, and out of the sky came his horse the rider got on and jumped over the men and sped off. "Follow him!" The soldiers ran after him until they reached the cliff then the horse jumped and flapped its giant wings to get across. "Fire yoour arrows before he reaches the other side!" said the leader. 3 arrows fired, two hit the horse and one hit the rider. "NO!" he roared as he fell into the Giants canyon below. The dark rider's real name is Esthor, he was the kings advisor but revolted. As he fell he saw giants underneath him the leader who was named Gherworg opened his mouth and the dark rider fell in.
  6. I'm not going to reply in this section anymore, i'm trying to be nice, i think its a great poem, i'm replying because its good it deserves credit, i know what it feels like to have no one reply to your posts because thats all that happens to me no one hardly replies thats why i'm replying here if somethings good it needs credit i just wish i was good at Poetry and stories, thats my dream but no one replies so thats why i think other stuff is brilliant because i don't get credit and then i get told off for breaking rules when i'm trying to be nice! And whats the matter with one word posts!!!!!!! now i'll post my stories and just read everything else and won't reply i hope your happy Mitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. The Hunter Prologue. The hooded man ran as fast as he could, the horse and its rider were right behind him. He saw a thick branch ahead of him. He jumped to it, grabbed and swung, he went completely over it then kicked away. He landed softly, now he was behind the rider, He pulled out his bow and shot the horse with a gold arrow which was an instant kill, then he shot the rider with a Silver arrow Which would slowly and painfully kill the man. "Ahhh!" screamed the rider. The hooded man walked over to the dying rider, drew out a White sword and beheaded him. Then he took off his hood and said, "No one can kill the hunter!" Chapter 1 The Raven The sea was calm and the city was quiet as midnight approached, the hunter approached the city with a black wolf at his side. as he neared the city, he lit a match and put the match on a metre long stick. He set fire to 2 more sticks then threw them all at buildings. and then the last one, he threw at the palace. the whole city was ablaze, a warrior nearby came and duelled with the hunter. the fight took them to the cliff over the sea the warrior with a stroke of luck knocked the hunter off the cliff. But the Hunter could not be defeated that easily, he grabbed onto a branch and started to climb back up. The warrior very pleased turned around to walk away when he saw the hunters black wolf. The wolf ran to him and hit him off the cliff, "AHHH!" the warrior cried. the fire had know destroyed the whole city, A raven landed on the wolf making him vanish and then another raven landed on the hunters shoulder, he jumped and flew into the darkness of the sky. The Hunter knew why the raven was taking him and his wolf, the bird belonged to an old enemy of his, the moon Prince. the moon prince [Prince Kezroar] was the man who had sent the rider to kill the hunter. The Hunter used to work for the Moon kingdom until they told him to executehis own father, he did not obey and instead murdered the King and Queen. So, from that day forward the Moon prince and the Hunter were arch enemies. When the raven had flown up to the highest clouds it teleported itself and the hunter to the moon. They appeared in a room full of Crystals and Diamonds. This was the prince kezroars throne room. "Well, well, it is nice to see you and your wolf again Inza!" Inza immeadiatley pulled out a silver arrow and his bow and shot the prince. Kazroar fell to the floor and started to die, then Inza killed him with his white sword. but then the prince walked through the door. "What!" shouted Inza. But he had no time to do anything the throne fell through the floor and into a pit of fire! "AhHHHHHHH!" "NOOO!" Kazroar looked over the pit and saw the hunter die and burn in the flames, but he forgot about the wolf. He ran and hit Kazroar making him fall down the pit! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Kazroar as he fell to his death. The wolf yellped then faded away. the raven also faded away. then the palace burned down to the ground, so all that remained of Kazroar and Inza were ashes.
  8. Has anyone got James bond 007 Nightfire? If so how far have you got i put all levels cheat in and i can do Paris Prelude, The Exchange, Alpine escape, Enemies Vanquished and Island infultration. I can't do Double cross, Nightshift, Chain reaction, Phoenix fire and so on until Equinox apart from Island Infrultration.
  9. I've got it and i think its brilliant and how do you know if theres hardly any shooting have you completed it? Well u never know there could be loads on the last mission so don't judge it till you've completed it.:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :mad: :mad: :flaming: :flaming: :butthead:
  10. 10/10 fabulous brilliant wicked can i use it in a story?
  11. Astro Agents Chapter 1 Emergency landing Captain Ewbank readied the ship for take off. Dr Mattinson The Scientist strapped down and drank his Precious Coffee. "strap down, get ready for blast off!" said the captain. "Oh no!" said the Dr "I've left my Robot Andrix behind!" Without time for the captain to take off the glass on the front windows The Dr jumped through the glass without a rope or anything. He went into dive position. He was heading straight for his home, he could see the living room window where the robot was. He pulled his coffee out of his pocket took a sip and then crashed through his window, he did a forward roll as soon as he hit the floor then stood up by his robot, brushed the glass off his sleeves and said, "Best landing yet!" he switched on his robot and pressesd a button on it turning into a small pod which he flew back to the ship. "How was your landing?" asked the captain. "Best yet!" replied the Dr.:) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: :ball: :wigout: :love: :tasty: :flaming: :devil: :laugh: :smirk: :babble: :cross: :sleep: :blush: :angel: :butthead: :blackeye: :bawl: :smooch: :excited: :drunk: :demon: :freak: :naughty: :mrt: :toothy: :nervous: :therock: :box: :worried: :whoops:
  12. To see the whole R/S pokedex go on:[URL removed] You'll luv it!:) :( :o :D ;) :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :ball: :wigout: :love: :tasty: :flaming: :babble: :smirk: :cross: :sleep: :blush: :angel: :smooch: :bawl: :blackeye: :butthead: :excited: :drunk: :demon: :freak: :box: :toothy: :mrt: :naughty: :nervous: :therock: :worried: :whoops:
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