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Everything posted by Blastmon

  1. "Horn Blade!" Roared Moosemon. "You pitiful digimon, Nightmare fist!" Roared BlackLeomon. "Ahhh" Mossemon was deleted. "BlackLeomon"Said Fuugamon"Our master requires us" "I'm coming Fuugamon" said Blackleomon. they disappeared. "Quick Rainbow digivolve!" "Chillymon Rainbow digivolve to . . . Resurimon" "Run quickly " "where to Steve?" "Over to that forest" "It's lucky no one saw us or they'd freek" "Am i Freeky?" "Yes, we need to go to the digiworld" "Oh thats easy press the blue button" "AHH" And they were back in the digiworld."Get out of this world human" said a voice "No" Out of the Darkness a BlackLeomon appeared"I don't take no for an answer my master would never allow a digidestined to be here" "Glacier stream" BlackLeomon deleted instantly."Digi egg ready to hatch"said a voice fom the digivice. "Wo" and this egg had thunderbolts over it. "Blastmon"whispered Steve. "Huh" quetioned Chillimon."Thats the egg i designed for Blastmon Chillimon like i designed one for you" explained Steve "OH" said Chillimon. the digi egg slowly started to hatch.Blastmon jumped into Steves arms as soon as he could get out"Steve" "Hi Blastmon, this is Chillimon" "RAHHHHHHHHHH" Roared a nearby Gorrilamon "OH NOOOOO" "Frozen rainbow" Roared Resurimon "Energy cannon" Roared Gorrillamon the energy cannon destroyed Resurimon's attack "Energy Cannon" He roared again. The attack badly injured Resurimon "Glacier Stream" Roared Resurimon with the last bit of his strength. "Raah" Screamed Gorrillamon it hurt him but not enough. Gorrilamon fired another Energy Cannon and it made Resurimon revert back to a knocked out Chillimon. Now it was Blastmon's turn"Lightning Arrow head" But the attack did nothing to Gorrilamon it was like he couldn't even feel it "Thunder Sphere" but again the attack did nothing and then Gorrilamon punched Blastmon off a cliff and he couldn't fly and mysteriously the digivice spoke again"Rainbow Digivolution" it said and Blastmon stopped in middair and a rainbow from the digivice hit him. "BLASTMON RAINBOW DIGIVOLVE TO . . . (He glowed he got bigger he grew a horn two large gold wings and grew three large claws on both hands and feet and got lightning shaped eyes) SHOCKMON!" "Wow" said Steve "Cool" said Chillimon amazed "Thunder Wave" Roared Shockmon green lightning spheres came out his claws and knocked Gorrilamon to the edge of the cliff "Lightning horn" Roared Shockmon Huge lightning bolts came out his horns and they deleted Gorrillamon "AHHHHH" Roared Gorrilamon" "Wow Blastmon that was cool" "Yeah" said Chillimon who had finnaly come round. And out of nowhere a white laser hit them and they went back home.
  2. Chillimon awakes A boy named Steve was sitting at home playing a digimon game on his computer. Steve was a huge fan of Digimon his 2 favourites were Terriermon and Lopmon. He had also got three that he had made up Chillimon Attacks: Chilli blast, Ice needle Blastmon Attacks: Lightning arrowhead, THunder Sphere Hydromon Attacks:Water Blitz, Hydro shooter. Suddenly his computer froze, "That's odd" he said. So not being able to play on the computer he started to play on his labtop but that froze aswell. Then a bright lightflashed and it was dark it was a powercut. Outside he culd here a noise he looked outside and there were 2 monsters standing in the road but they looked more like Apemon and the other one looked like Gottsumon then suddenly his hand glowed and in it appeared a digivice with all the colours of the rainbow on it and Apemon destroyed Gottsumon.And when he saw poor Gottsumon die a white laser from the sky struck him through the window and he vanished. He woke with a big egg by him it looked like the one he designed for Chillimon. The egg broke apart and out came an ice coloured Patamon "Hi Steve i'm Chillimon" "Cool" "am i in the digital world?" "Yes, now come with me quicklythere is rumored to be an Monmon in this jungle who destroys any Rookie in training or baby he saw. "RAHHH" "Run Steve!Thats Monmon's Cry" "Swing Swing" The attack knocked Chillimon to the floor. "Chillimon" "Digi modify! Power activate". "Thanks Steve, Chilli Blast" it made Monmon fly into a tree. Strangly some Black lightning hit Monmon and . . . "Monmon digivolve to. . . Apemon" "Ice Needle" Screamed Chillimon. Apemon dodjed it easily "Mega bone stick" "Ahh" Chillimon screamed Chillimon couldn't get up when suddenly as soon as Apemon was about to send his final blow the rainbow digivice glowed and a rainbow hit Chillimon "Chillimon Rainbow digivolve to . . .(Rainbows souround Chillimon and when he gets bigger they move to reveal) RESURIMON!" Data appeared on the digivice "Name: Resurimon Level: Champion Group: Rainbow Knight Attacks: Frozen rainbow, Glacier Stream Wow" "Metallic fur" The attack did nothing to Resurimon "Frozen Rainbow" The attack hit Apemon in the stomach and knocked him into a tree. "Finish him off" Shouted Steve "Glacier stream!" Roared Resurimon the attack destroyed Apemon. "Wow Resurimon" and then the white laser appeared again and in a fraction of a second Steve was lying in his bed and Resurimon had reverted back to Chillimon and had gone in the digivice. TO BE CONTINUED>
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