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Everything posted by Nats
I'm sooooo sorry Lady M
In GT there is a masive blank, then the last episode shows Pan as a grandmother (she looks like she outlived her husband) cheering her grandson Goku jnr and then Vegeta jnr's mother showing up and then Goku jnr and Vegeta jnr have a fight. Anyway what I was thinking was that what do you think happened in the blanks? do you think that Goten married his girlfriend? do you think Bulla aka Bra married Uub? (these are just examples) I was visiting a fanfiction site and I looked at the Dragonball Z section and what surprised me most was the couples, there are like a million Trunks and Pan get together fics and nearly as much Goten and Bulla fics. That's what made me think of what might have happened.
Congrats, I'm glad everything turned out ok.
Problem sorted, I told you it wouldn't take long, she's got a new crush, oh by the way the only reason why I put this thread up because 1 of my friends said she called them in tears about it, how gullable was I? by the way I'm 13.
By 2-timming I meant dating other girls even though they agreed to an exclusive relationship.
I just need to make her feel better until she gets another crush (believe me that won't take long) I just hate to see any of my friends in tears for any kind of reason. I guess I should have put that at the begginning ^_^;
I need a bit of advice for for a friend who's slightly younger than me, she's 11, and her boyfriend has recently moved abroad to live there forever. We all said good-bye to him but as soon as he left my friend said she realized she loved and she sent him a letter telling him that straight away. But she's afraid that he will 2-time her. I'm sure he won't, he's got a big rep for being the dumpee instead of the dumper. But he is cute, (my friends' words not mine) I've all ready told her that "if you trust him then you'll nothing to worry about." Is there anything else that you can think of? Ps: I need feedback quickly becauase Friday's her last day at school and we're both moving to different schools.
Huh? now I'm confused, I thought no female saiyan could go super saiyan but they still have saiyan powers. But Saiyans ARE supposed to be a different race so if something didn't make genetic sense to one race doesn't mean it's the same for all.
Hmmm,I think I'm in the middle of (I'm not sure what it's called) The Evil Shenron saga I think it's called that, anyway there's been adverts in the UK about a new tv program on CNX comming soon and I have a bad feeling I know what it's going to replace.
When I started going out with my first crush wen I was 11 and he dumped me when I wasn't at school (I was ill obviously) to ask out my best friend!!!! So I was heart broken and the day before he said he loved me. My advice is demmand an answer if he does love you or he doesn't, he can't change his mind all the time, I think he maybe taking advantage of you. It's unfair to be stringing you allong like this.
Hmmm, I'm not sure, I've never really thought about it a lot.
A mixture's all rite. Me? although my friends call me kind and it's kinda makes me happy but if anyone called me a sweet inocent girl I would tell them off for lying
Who? a unpopular person that I didnt no the name of. How old was I? 7. How was it? it sucked, it was gross infact Im still washing my cheek now! The circumstances? my mates sat me down in the playground + they wudnt let me go then this unpopular person came along + kissed me on the cheek. Worst kiss:deffinately my 1st 1. Best kiss: I havnt had anover kiss since then that xperince put me off kissing for life.
Does anyone hav/did hav those people at skool who everyone fancied? Please tell me if you hate this post
[COLOR=orange]I was looking at the Otaku.com for the stories + i couldn't find them will sum1 PLEASE tell wot's happened her [/COLOR] Thanks ;)
:drunk: I no this sounds really silly but what are are you like drunk? I'm probebly :sleep:
I hav a question i no it sounds really stupid but I want to start a poll but wot do you do ? I'm totally confused do you rite your post then rite down the number of options you want... then wot?
Actually I went on a different site and it said Bulla so i beleved it then i went on loads ov diferent sites and it said Bra so i thought the 1st site had made a mistake so the 1st site was rite!!!!!!!!!!
[COLOR=seagreen]For those of u in the UK I just wanted to let u know that DBGT on CNX soon but does any1 know when?[/COLOR] :)
4 people who got nominated but didnt win dont be 2 upset dont worry theres always next time.I didnt even get nominated but i xpected seeming nobody here noes me
I hate 2 be critical 2 Gohon or anything but I agree vat Gohon is a geek my raesons r: 4.He still didnt want 2 date (shock, horrer) girls at 18 while his parents on v other hand were engaged at 18 3.If Gohon had knew v saiyaman outfit was geeky he wouldnt have worn it but Gohon said it was cool but even 8~year~old Trunks knew it wasnt. 2.He was blackmailed 4 his 1st date. And v number 1 reason y Gohon was a geek as a teenager 1.He wore teddybear underpants (yuck)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]The guy that does Harry is NOT going to get away with not being in Harry Potter. I can tell you one thing, that movies MADE him popular. Before, he was just some loser kid actor that no one noticed. They'll pay him a lot more money to stay in because it'd be hard to replace him. He's the main character! Maybe that's his ploy...to say he doesn't want to do it and then get more money because they're nervous..uh HUH![/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] All actors say vat 2 get more more money:)
I find her very anoying but (heitates) at least she kinda made v Buu series posible by bringing Goku back.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ_WILLIE [/i] [B]When he was restored back to a child he had a little tail that nobody could see because it was so small. Although i havent seen DBGT I fink vat what u have written is not true cos i fink vat Goku was getting so powerful vat his body sort of needed 2 go SSJ4 so in order 2 do so he needed a tail ven v kai saw wot was happening he tried 2 pull Gokus tail out quiker so Goku could turn SSJ4 quiker in order 2 turn fings (almost) back 2 normal.
I havent seen DB or v Kib Buu saga (not fair):angry2: I dont fink vere has been DB shone in v UK ever! Hopefully if DBGT ever apears in v UK i might be able 2 relate if Pilafs voice doesnt change!!!