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Everything posted by Nats

  1. I no vis is a dimwit's question but when DBGT (im not sure if vis quetion has already been asked)v DB seris will just end?
  2. I feel that way 2! Im also shy + Im not sure about u but when Im always trying 2 be nice I feel like Im being walked over
  3. I think that v DVD makers didnt think v rest of v cell saga was important even though it was just 2 save some doe
  4. Ive red that + it means that Ubuu was born v sec evil buu died (related 2 buu) But v good buu got seperated from v evil buu twice so I think ver were 3 buus but not all around at v same time
  5. I think vey r waiting 4 v 1pm show 2 catch up cos in v Autmn i taped it at 1pm thinking it was v same saga and it was v saiyan saga Looked at v im4mation on DBZ on sky and v new eposodes r on v 7th February [SIZE=1]Edit by J-17: Try not to double post okay. And try not to speak in full haxxors, code, or whatever either. I really didnt understand anything you said. Thank you. :D[/SIZE]
  6. Although I haven't seen DBGT v sumeries look orginal+ vey might have decided 2 turn Goku in2 a kid 2 make Goku live longer cos he is v main charactor and what better way 2 do that van 2 make him v same age as he was at v beg of DB?
  7. Has any1 noticed that a couple of saiyan (pardon spelling it's rong) names sound like vegetables? Like Kakkorte sounds like carrot Vegeta:vegetable Raditz:radish I think it's 4 :laugh:s What do u think?
  8. Hiya I just wanted 2 ask when is DBGT going 2 be out in England? Thanks
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