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About pk88

  • Birthday 03/17/1988

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  • Biography
    skater, manga artist, and...ummm...thats it
  • Occupation
    Expert Duelist

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  1. High Level monsters: Blue-eyes Wingweaver Dark Magician Summoned Skull x2 Sanga of the Thunder Low Level monsters: Neo the Magic Swordsman x2 7 Colored Fish x2 Harpie's Brother x2 Battle Ox La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp Girochin Kuwagata Darkfire Soldier #2 Effect Monsters: Trap Master Hayabusa Knight Princess of Tsurugi Amazon Archer Wall of Illusion 4-starred Ladybug of Doom Man-Eater Bug Magic Cards: Black Pendant Eternal Rest Mystical Space Typhoon x2 Change of Heart Fissure x2 Nobleman of Crossout Soul Exchange Tribute to the Doomed Nobleman of Extermination Dark Hole Raigeki Malevolent Nuzzler x2 Monster Reborn Scapegoat Share the Pain Trap Cards: Michizure Magic Jammer Fairy Box Light of Intervention Skull Lair Trap Hole x2 Magic Drain Please don't post messages saying i should replace weaker monsters with stronger monsters.
  2. actually, they're in premium pack 4. i bought one, and in every pack there are 6 ultra rare cards: black magician girl, pandora's black magician(the red one), magic cylinder, mystic boxes, thousand knives, and black magic curtains.
  3. actually, it's a monster/magic/trap destruction deck
  4. magician of faith dark magician disk magician black paladin is a fusion of what two monsters?
  5. My deck had a huge modification last wed. here it is: high lv. monsters: blu-eyes sanga of the thunder wingweaver dark magician summoned skull x2 low lv. monsters: 7 colored fish x2 battle ox harpie's brother x2 la jinn darkfire soldier #2 neo the magic swordsman x2 effect monsters: wall of illusion x2 amazon archer trap master man-eater bug big eye 4-starred ladybug of doom hayabusa knight magic cards: share the pain malevolent nuzzler x2 black pendant eternal rest soul exchange monster reborn fissure x2 nobleman of crossout nobleman of extermination change of heart scapegoat mystical space typhoon x2 dark hole trap cards mirror wall skull lair dust tornado gift of the mystical elf waboku trap hole x2 fairy box mirror force michizure magic jammer
  6. it was 2600 atk. in battle tower, what was the name of the card that kaiba gave to yugi before he challenged marik?
  7. i guess you're rite sry...
  8. u just don't get it huh? i dont have to pay 2000 lp each turn. most people use it for only one turn!
  9. ok first of all, white tiger is a throw-away monster. but, if an opponent uses gravity bind, i would use it for attacking my opponents. And I already have a Mirror Force. Besides, why should I remove my Mirror Wall?
  10. my improved Dark Fate Deck: High Level Monsters: Blur-Eyes White Dragon Summoned Skull x2 Twin-Headed Fire Dragon Flame Cerebrus Low Level Monsters: La Jinn Neo the Magic Swordsman x2 The All-Seeing White Tiger Battle Ox x2 Harpie's Brother Girochin Kuwagata x3 Ryu-Kishin Powered Effect Monsters: Gearfried the Iron Knight Hayabusa Knight Wall of Illusion x2 Man-Eater Bug Magic Cards: Dark Hole Black Pendant Change of Heart Rush Recklessly Monster Reborn Malevolent Nuzzler Ground Collapse Fissure Burning Land Mystical Space Typhoon Graceful Charity Trap Cards: Waboku Just Desserts Reverse Trap Enchanted Javelin Mirror Force Mirror Wall Trap Hole x2 Magic Jammer Plz don't give me advice on getting more High Level Monsters. 5 High Level monsters are enough.
  11. from where did simon(one of yami's servants) come from?
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gaia717 [/i] [B]is it pegasus what is the name of the strongest god card [/B][/QUOTE] the answer to my question was mahaado.
  13. seiku, the dark sorcerer lv.6 atk:2400 def1500 dark spellcaster/effect if yami is on the field, this monster is unaffected by magic cards. mirror shield trap when an opponent's monster attacks, negate it and destroy the monster phalanx army trap increase a selected monster's atk points by 1000 during the turn this card is activated
  14. i mean the ones that qualitycollectibles.com are selling are fake. the real ones will comeout in a later date.
  15. those cards are totally fake! the reason they dont show u the bottom part of the cards is because they dont have that holo thing on the bottom right side of the card.. sry.....
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