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Everything posted by Sarasan

  1. Sarasan

    Mythic Life

    Hn. Looks fun! ( too bad I have no idea how to play RPG's :grumble: ) Can I play if someone'll teach me?
  2. I'm surprised!!:wigout: Not a SINGLE thread about VHD!!! Oh well... I just started one.. Post what you like/dislike about the Anime. ( And tell me where I might be able to purchase a TRANSLATED set of the Manga or regular books that the movies was based on ;).) Enjoy!
  3. Total pacifism is nothing but a notion brought up by people who have nothing better to do than sit around and daydream.:therock: :grumble: Not that I'm not all for it... But it's more likely that they're gonna find a cure for the common cold before they find a way to bring total pacifism to the world. :grumble: Mariemaia was right. :demon:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by phoenixflames [/i] [B]Trowa: Yeahandiwasallyeah,youtalktoomuchQuatreandhe'sallyougotintoDuo'scandyagainhuhandiwasallyeahandit'scoolnowiknowmyABC'sandgummiebearsarechasingme! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! [/B][/QUOTE] LOL LOL LOL Dat is SSOOO FUNNY!!!:laugh: Where'd you come up wit' dat?:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: *Falls off of chair*
  5. When're you gonna be dishing out info on Deathscythe Hell and Deathscythe Hell custom?
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