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  1. I don't know about that because I watched up to when Trunk and Goten fused into SSJ Gotenk and when Buu decides not to kill anymore.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlueGender [/i] [B][COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I was watching the documentary last night and I didn't see anything wrong with the man. I think the media makes him out to be worse then he is. If you watch the documentary again you will see the interviewer tries to turn everything around on Mike. Micheal simply said that his favorite thing to do is to have water balloon fights if I were to say this no one would think twice but once Mike said it the interview decided to ask Micheal if he enjoyed it more then sex which Micheal quickly refraised and said his favorite past time activity was having water ballon fights but every one is making it sound like Micheal said he enjoys water balloon fights more then sex when really he did not. I also can understand why Micheal keeps his children's faces behind masks and vales. He wants to keep them protected there are aot of sick people out there who would kidnap them. I see Micheal as a 44 year old kid he missed his childhood and is trying to live it now. Micheal went through a lot of terrible things as a child which all seem to be effecting him now maybe he has sleep overs with kid beause he didn't as a child.[/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] what about the children think about what this would do it them?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Neo_Sephiroth [/i] [B]I would only get the uncut dvd version and watch it in japaness with english subtitals on. I did this with my friends Metal Coolar movie and the japaness was a lot better. You get to hear Vegeta say "D@mn DirtY B@asterd. Big Bang Attack." When in the english uncut he just yells. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I noticed that Vegeta never says Big Bang Attack in the dubbed
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]I just think the American music sounds pretty crappy....could FUNI have made it any more cheeiser?!? They already screwed up the whole series by making it here in America in the first place!!!! I just have a really bad opinoin of them, that's all. [/B][/QUOTE] Cheesy music for a chessy show.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Whirlwind_Ren [/i] [B]Why is DBZ Bad?Because it is long?Duhhh,The more the merrier [/B][/QUOTE] LOL I cann't argue with that statment.
  6. personally I think Akira should of stopped at the end of Dragon Ball, first off it would made a pretty good finish to a decent show and lastly, DBZ was way too long.
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