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Everything posted by Xra
Will: Wait!....*Will runs outside* He sees 2 white figures in the sky comin closer. Shinobi cmes out. Shinobi: Hey Dergon and Arko made it out. Dergon landed on the ground with Arko right next to him. Dergon: Your Arko is very well trained. I would be honoured if I could join you Will... Will: Really? OK!!! POKEBALL GO!!! The ball hit Dergon and captures him without resistance. Will: You 2 did great Arko. Lets get you inside and rested. Will calls Arko into his ball and he and Shinobi walk back into the center....
Kray: WAIT! Kray ran to meet the young 2. Kray: You 2 are quite talented, I could train your skills and you'll be the best in the land. Miyuki: You're probably all talk old man. Kray: :sweatdrop:Uh, I'll only 30!! Miyuki: Yeah right, I think I'll pass...
Arko: *also hit* Y...y...you forget....who..e.else is ou..t heeeeeerre! Will: Whoah, you learnd to talk?!? OOC: I actually got tired of underlining. Arko: Cool. *uses a recover like move* don't worry, I'll get t..them bacck. Arko flew at amazing speeds towards Notrian, but then stopped suddenly and clapped his hands real loud that sounded like chruch bells. Notrian got stunned for a bit, loosening his grip....
Will loks at Shinobi help Hope out in he dome. Seion was on the outside, helping with the fight. Will: Shinobi, get a pokeball ready. I will too. We'll get these dragons. Shinobi: I hve a feelin your catch will be easier, he may be eager to go with you. Will: Hey, I'm supposed to make all the foresights*get's pokeball ready*. Shnobi: Get over it*get's pokeball ready*....
Kray walked down a narrow path. His last warrior he gurued died to a swordsman. He was ashamed. Even with his great skills, he couldn't help that young warrior. He contiued down the path untill he found a village. He then saw a crowd, surrounding 2 warriors. Then he overheard something about a fight. This was his chance. If he could convince a warrior to train under him and succeeds, then maybe he would be closer to resting in peace. He ran down the hill to meet up to the crowd...
This has definately started already, and you can act like Sanza is a theif and try to get the eeralds ack untill you see Sonic and so on. If you played SA 1, we're in the mystic ruins. one more thing, right now sonic isint dead and he wont die in this thread(I hope). So go knock yourself out and have a good time...
Dergon: [u]Use a move called celestial beam. Have the Nido both use Hyper beam.[/u] Arko: [u]Nidoking, Nidoqueen, use HYPER BEAM![/U] The Nido were faster with their attack and it connected before the other 2. It barely did anytng untill Dergon and Arko used Celestial beam. It hit Notrian with massive force, but caused the dome to break. Dergon: [u]Will, Shinobi, Hope, tell the others to go ashore. All of you, get close. I will protect you.[/u] Will and Shinobi go tell E4 Will, Seion, Timeka, and Zach to go ahead. Shinobi lands towards Will, with Hope in hand. The water was up to their chins, trying to stay afloat. Dergon released out of his mouth a dome of some sort and threw it over the 3. All water in the dome, immeadiately went out and there was air inside. Dergon: [u]Your pokeballs can go out and you can recall your pokemon, but you cannot leave.[/u]....
Well well well. A tru blu Sonic fan. Well you just edit your last post and put in Roket stats(my format) we'll get you in there.
Dergon and Arko land where the beast presides. Will: Is that...Grovyle. He evolved wierdly. E4 Will: Don't wory about that. Have him do something. Will: Um....Arko! This is your battle, wing your attacks. Arko: [i]Well...at least it's a name.[/i] [u]Very well...[/u] Dergon and Arko Lunged at Notrian....
Grovyle ran as ast as he could. He made his way to the dragon's lair. Grovyle: [u]Dergon[/u] A white version of Notrian came out. Dergon: [u]What is the matter?[/u] Grovyle: [u]Notrian is destroying this precious place.[/u] Dergon: [u]So, the legends will be fullfilled.[/u] Grovyle: [u]We have no time the place is flooding.[/u] Dergon: [u]very well.[/u] Dergon's eyes glow white and all the wild pokemon were transported somewhere else. Dergon: [u]Hop on[/u] Grovyle jumped on Dergon's back. He started to glow white and evolve. Grovyle evolved into Arko(new made up). Arko: [u]I, evolved? Wait, aren't I supposed to become sceptile?[/u] Dergon: [u]I guess you never heard of Light stone. Treecko and other starting pokemon evolve into a new form in their second form. Now, you are much stronger and faster than sceptile.[/u] Arko: [u]ALLL RIGHT!!! NOW LET'S GO BEAT NOTRIAN!!!![/U] Dergon and Arko on his back fly to the disaster....
Suddenly, it was silent. Grovyle: [u]We are in big, big trouble....Nogard is fulfilling the legends. He's about to become....Notrian..[/u] E4 Will: Y-y-you mean....he's evolving?!? Grovyle: [u]I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. Out of the 2 dragons, he can evolve, 'cause the other's as strong as his evolution. The only way we can stop him is if I go find the other.[/u] Will: Alright then listen up. Shinobi, when Notrian comes up make a distraction so Grovyle can go get the other dragon. Anyone else help Shnobi. Everyone: Right!
Will: Woah, what's happening?!? The dragon was recovering and melting the ice. Seion: Throw a masterball!! Shinobi grabbed a master ball and threw it at the dragon. It broke out before it shook. Everyone: :eek: E4 Will: Is this creature....invincible!??!?!?
Will: Grovyle, FURY CUTTER! Grovyle jumped up and hit Nogard sufficiently. Shinobi: Isin't hat a bug move? Will: It is, but Dark is weakened by Bug. Won't do much, but its better than our previous attempts...
Will ran over to Grovyle to see he was holding something. Will: What's this? Grovyle: [u]I found it while walking in the forest. It could help Shinobi. I'll try as well[/u] Will: Don't get too hurt now. *looks inside pokeball using esp* [i]Regi-Ice? He's a legendary from Hoenn. Well no time for wondering.[/i] Shinobi, it's not over yet, take this!*throws the pokeball straight at Shinobi...
Treecko continued through the forest untill he found the home of the two dragons. Treecko: [i]Hmm, uh oh Nogard's out![/i] Suddenly, the black sleek dragon swooped down behind him. Treecko: Treeeeeeeeee!! Treecko started to run back to the camp. Nogard: Rwwwwwawwwwwwwwwww!(Humans should not be allowed in this place. Treecko: [u]Not all humans are baaaaaad![/u] Treecko had tripped over a rock and fell close to a rare candy. He jumped up, popped the candy in his mouth and he suddenly evovled in Grovyle. Grovyle: [u]Awsome!*notices Nogard closing in* let's see how fast I got[/u] Grovyle ran like lightning back to the camp. Nogard slowly closed in from te top of the clearing....
Both Wills watch them go over and over again, do the same thing. E4 Will: Well I'm bored im goin' to sleep. Will: Yeah me too. They walk back to camp...
Will: Now for the dangerous part. Will's eyes went pure white. Rock and debris started to fly up and enter the spout.... Shinobi: Now that's what I'm talkin about!!!
Xra: You don't stand a chance. Xra got out of the clash and slashed Xion in the eye. Xra: [i]Gab, you've got to hurry. I may be stronger, but I need some help...[/i]
Will: I think we'll pass. Shinobi: Your loss!! Will: I wonder how Treecko's doing?...
Name: Kray(yay!) Age: Ghost...so he's dead...but noone knows that cause he looks alive. Description: See moving pic. Bio: An ancient warrior(as seen in the Xra series) who's skills were noted. His sudden death had caused a mistake. He was dead, but he looked and felt alive. He goes guruing(or haunting) young warriors throughout the ages and his soul never rests. Weapon: Shinobi-Zue w/ To(Ninja Cane with a sword inside), and anything a shinobi would have. Remember, we don't know he's dead.....
Will kept sneaking around. If he was caught, he would get thrown off. He had to get to Kaiba to get his Blue Eyes back. He was almost in the main office. Will: Now I guess I have to snatch it if-Uuh...*looks behind him* Kaiba? Kaiba: What are you doing you pathetic waste of time? Will: I've quit the tornament, but I haven't stopped going after my Blue Eyes. I wont let you kick me off untill I get it back. Either you hand it over or duel me, NOW! Kaiba: Well, it's very unlikely you'l get off this ship, with "my" Blue Eyes, but even weaklings deserve a chance. Kaiba opens his suitcase and pulls out red locator cards with code on it. Kaiba: This is a passcard. It contains a part of a code to open that entrance to the finals arena. Will: But I told you, I'm not in the tornament anymore. Kaiba: Keep listening, I know what you said. If you truly want a duel with me, we shall have our own duel in the finals arena, but only if you obtain 4 passcards to open that door. Will: Where will I get these passcards? Kaiba: Four holders: Jenni, Mork, Yugi, and Sefer. Lose to one and you're kicked off. Will: I'm gonna get kicked off anyway. Kaiba: then you'll need this. Kaiba takes a special ID card an gives it to Will. Kaiba: Look, if anyone tries to kick you off, show them this and you won't. There, now go away, you're wasting my time. Will: We will meet again. Will walk off...
E4 Will's eyes, glowed red. The funnel moved rightside up and widened. Shinobi: A bowl, that's it? E4 Will: There's more. The funnel went high up into the air, leaving like a large, almos hitting the water below. The water spout rushed twice as fast and the water below thrashed about. The water spout went higher into the air. Shinobi: ...wow...
E4 Will: I know my brother's know for childish work, hmm I got soemthing, but It'll get you in troble with Hope... Shinobi: hmm...
Will: Heh, well then, watch this. He pulls back his sleeves and spins his arms counter-clockwise. the whirlpool lifts up out of the water and goes on it side like anoter funnel except you could ride around and around. E4 Will: Aww, they were about to rip eachother's throats out. Leon Seion Timeka and Shinobi continually spin in the funnal..
Treecko walks up to the unconcious Shinobi and stares at him. Treecko: [u]When you wake up, you should rest and I'll meat you in the morning. Don't think back![/u] Treecko walks back to the forest...