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Everything posted by Xra

  1. Will: Well, there's your answer to that. Shinobi: Yeah I guess so... Will: Hey hey hey, don't be down in the dumps. If you do go through with it, then be smart. If you don't, then don't worry about it. Just hope your friend or whoever gets through it ok. Shinobi: Alright. Will: Now, abou-*Will got probed by E4 Will* hey could you excuse me? Shinobi: Sure. Will: [U]Bro, you alright?[/U] E4 Will: [U]Yeah I'm ok. I just can't do serious battles for a while. Anyway, you're traveling with Shinobi right?[/U] Will: [U]Yeah[/U] E4 Will: [U]Well, the government asked me to record another pokedex of new pokemon at Johiko, but I got an invite from Shinobi to explore it anyway. Since I was busy I couldn't join him at the time, but since I'm off again, I guess I could join you and him, so I can start recording it. So be ready, cause I know where you are. Cya soon![/U] Will: O God! Shinobi: What's up? Will: My brother's joining us. Shinobi: So, he finally took up my invite. Will: Not only that, but he's working on another pokedex. Shinobi: Oh yea, I forgot he worked with the government. So when's he comming? Will: All he told me was soon. He's probably gonna kill me for taking out his Galabomb. Shinobi: Aww don't worry about it. I bet Hope and the others will be surprised. Will: I guess*to himself* Man, I hope he doesn't pick that substitute again......
  2. Will: Ahh, something the government didn't find out during your exploration.......too bad we won't go there for a bit longer. Shinobi: Will!! Ask before you read minds! Will: So, you're really gonna help an old gang? Won't get you so far with Hope. Shinobi: .....I know, I'm still thinking about it...
  3. Will: *to himself* nowonder why you're so cranky.*out loud* Anyway, could you tell me when we are going to Johiko "and" you didn't tell me what is Johiko? Shinobi: Well....
  4. Will finally woke up. He looked around and snuck out the bed. Will: Shinobi didn't know I went to sleep, so if I sneak back to the couch, he'll never know. Will, as stealthy as a ninja, snuck out of the room, made a right, and came into the room with the couch. He ran to the couch and sat right down. He turned on the TV and acted like he was watching it and no one ever knew he slept....
  5. Will: *watches Shinobi and Seion untill they dissappear into the hall* Heh, now for some more rest. Will sneaks to one of the rooms and finds a bed. He slowly falls asleep...
  6. Will: *yawns* ok cya Hope. Well, I guess I could catch a few more Zs. Shinobi: You sleep too much, stay up a while. Will: Well can I relax at least? Shinobi: I guess. Couch over there, sound system straight in front. Will: Ok*jumps on couch* now, what to listen to...
  7. Xra


    ya think they could open more, local, stores that held tournys so i dont have to beg my parents to take me*i sound like a little kid*? Just to open a new talk on tournys... [SIZE=1][COLOR=purple]I've just been editing a few posts. Let's keep it wholly on-topic from now on, please. -Solo[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. Hope and Shinobi walk in, they see everyone at a table, drinking soda and talking. Shinobi: Hey, you guys got this place cleaned up nice. Will: You told us*notices a little girl* who's this little girl....
  9. Xra faced the many dangers of the grove. His clothes were all shredded up like when he was younger. Finally, he found the end of the grove. Right in front of him, was a tower...
  10. Will: How'd you get back on your feet, I broke them. Jake: When you're rich, it doen't matter. Shinobi: *punches jake* You're just using Hope's money, you're dead.
  11. Now's a good time as any for me to come in "HEEEERRRRRREEEEE'S XRA!!!" ~~~ Xra walked through Shoiken Grove. He was called by someone for help and this was where the the signal came from. He walked through as if everything were normal, even though he knew he wasn't alone. He walked right into quicksand. He didn't struggle, but he found a vine and got himself out. Then he was face to face with a tiger demon. He fought it with grace and eventually, it fell into the quicksand. Xra sighed and walked on...
  12. Will: This...is....big. Shinobi: Lets go in. Will: Ok. The two walk into the house. Will: SHE'S RICH!!!!!
  13. Will: Jake.....he will pay, maybe even with death. He'll be after Hope next. Shinobi, this torment will stop...
  14. They all get on their flying pokemon and get ready to fly off. Will: So, where are we gonna head to? Shinobi: City limits. They take off. A few minutes later they hit city limits...
  15. Xra


    Hypershadow, I forgot about friendship(so much of a friend I am). That is a big part of tournys, or even regular duels. Make new friends by beating them to a pulp was one of the biggest reasons for yugioh dueling:laugh:.
  16. Will: Ok, let's hit the road! Bremma & Timeka: Ok. They all get into the eclipse and drive to the station. Will: You guys wait here. I'll go get Shinobi. Will walks in and goes straight to the officer. Will: The guys are innocent, here are the papers. The officer reads them and gave Will a smirk. Officer: Well it works for me, but this guy's got a charge for failling to cooperate with the police. Shinobi: I can pay the bail*rummages through pocket* I got the money right here. Officer: *takes the money* Alright, I'll let ya go, but if I catch you stealing any more cars, it's back to the slammer. Seion: Gotcha! Shinobi: We're outta here...
  17. Will: ...I wonder where Shinobi and Seion are? Better check on them. Will went into a transed state. After a while he came out of it. Bremma: Well? Will: They're locked up. How to get them out.... Timeka: *grabs Will by the shirt and shakes him* How can you act calm. They're in JAIL!!! Will: *dazed* It's not a problem. [U]Shinobi, can you hear me? I gonna get you two out, but I need to know how. Please think out a way...[/U]
  18. Krian: Hmm, guess it was nothing. Now where's that fish.*starts running down the river looking for the fish he let go*...
  19. [I]Minutes later...[/I] Will: Well that takes care of that, good job Kenzu. Kenzu: Maybe I should hang out with you. You seem to get into trouble a lot. Will: *scoffs Yeah whatever. *Looks at watch* Ahh! We're supposed to meet with the gang in a couple of minutes. Lets go! Will and Kenzu run to the graveyard. They don't see anyone from the part of the graveyard they're at. Will: Maybe, my watch's broken...
  20. Xra


    Tourny's eh? I've competed in 2 and lost in the first match of both. :( I really need to work on my deck and the one on the rate my deck thread is basicly all i could do with it. I've got the cards, but not the skill. Back on topic, I may lose the tournys, but they're awsom if you need some good cards. A person offered me tons of ultra, secret, and 3 blue eyes cards for my shonen jump blue eyes. I turned it down because im a nice guy and he was being retarded. 10 for 1 is crazy. Back again on topic, I don't really like the tourny packs. Yes try to understand, but you will always fail...
  21. Will: [u]Well, we all went with you to reach Johiko, we can't stop now. Shinobi, you must go get Hope back...[/u]
  22. Shinobi: So, man, what should we do? Seion: Let's go to Johiko.. Shionbi: No, Hope wouldn't be able to follow. We only got 2 subs ready to go down. We need to stay. Seion: Ok, want to drive around some more? Shinobi: Ok, but i'm driving. Want to see how the city is now. They get in the Viper, and turn down the stereo system so they can hear each other talking. Then they drive off after Will opens up the garage door for them. Shinobi: Why'd she leave anyways..... *puts it into gear and drives away from Cristina's house. Seion: I know exactly why. She's afraid she gone get caught with one of us stealing cars. Shinobi: Nobody cares, the cops don't care, the mayor don't care, honestly. This part of the town is for people who don't care. If they did, they wouldn't live here. Seion: She's afraid because she don't know the turf, don't know how the people act. Shinobi: Yea, and she's never HAD to steal anything. She was gave everything from her parents. She didn't have to steal to live, like me and you. Seion: True, so true. Shinobi: She was gave everything. We steal everything to live. Man, she couldn't live in this part of town, with the money this part of town got, without stealing. She couldn't live. Impossible.
  23. Xra

    Xra's Sideshow RPG

    A few hours later, Xra left the tent. Kray was waiting outside. Kray: You ready? Xra: *nods head* Kray: I want you to transform into your wolf form. Xra: You weren't with us in the city, how do you know about that? Kray: Who said I wasn't? Xra: OOOOH! *turns into wolf Xra* There ya happy? Kray: You're power is grand, but if you aren't fast enough to use it, then its a waste. Now you will fight me in this form, but be warned, a shinobi has many tricks. Wolf Xra: *nods head* Let's go. Xra lunged at Kray with all his might, but Kray sidesteped. Xra fell to the ground. Kray: You see, strength like that is only useful if you have speed and accuracy. Keep trying. And so they did, for three hours straight. Xra lunged at Kray. Kray sidesteped, but Xra fliped and lunged again. Kray then dissappeared and came behind him. Xra fell again. Wolf Xra: No fair. Kray: I told you about a shinobi's trick. Now keep trying. They kept going for another hour. Xra did the same thing again, but this time, when Kray went behind him, he elbowed straight back and knocked Kray back. Kray: Good. You have mastered speed and accuracy. Now you must take your wolf form to the next level...
  24. Xra


    Neo: Another knife? That's not the problem, Langal The Ner'Qual!! Langal: Right, lets go. The Ner'Qual continued at them slashing its big claws. Langal drew an arrow and let it go at high speeds. It hit the beast straight between the eyes. It was in pain, letting out a horrible screech. Neo picked up his enormous bastard sword and it lopped off one of the creature's arms. Suddenly, another knife flew right into the Ner'Qual's back. The creature continued to claw the air blindly. Neo: Langal, hit his forehead. Langal drew another arrow and aimed right above his last one. The arrow flew, and the monster slowly fell to the ground. Langal: These Ner'Qual are tough. And we're fighting an army? Neo did not answer. He was staring into the trees. Neo: Come out, whoever you are....
  25. Will: Yes, now I can try out your attacks Kenzu, ya ready? Kenzu: Sure whatever. Will: You don't sound to enthusiastic about this. Kenzu: Then how about "O my goodness, I'm ready to serve you, Will" Will: *falls down, then gets back up* whatever lets go. Will started a chant and Kenzu went straight into him. He was now possesed by Kenzu. Thug: Oh so he is a shaman, lets beat him up. The thugs channeled their spirits and got ready to fight...
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