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Everything posted by Xra
Will: Never leave a speed demon in a room of cars. Shinobi: Ok, seems like we have a driver on our hands. Here are some keys. Will: You said this place is run by gangsters? Shinobi: Yes... Will: Well hold on to those keys. Will walks up to one of the garage doors. He raises his hands and the garge door opened. Inside was a Viper all red and black. He jumped in and opened his eyes real wide. The car started and Will drove the car out of the garage. Will: Did it all the time with my brother's car. Shinobi: Alright, nice choice...
Will: Man, I wonder how my brother's doing. Shinobi: You mean he got hurt when you did? Will: Yes. He should be ok. I am at least. Shinobi: Don't worry about it. Will: Ok...
Shinobi: Uhm, i need to head to Goldenrod, to go to my house. Anyone want to come with?I need to get something from my house and to check on some stuff Will: I'll come. Hope: Me too. Seion: We'll all come. The group got on their flying pokemon and headed to Goldenrod. They stoped at Shinobi's house and he went in. A few minutes later he came out with his headphones on his head listening to Ja Rule...
Will: I don't think I can trust you, Shinobi. Shinobi: I don't use them on friends. Will: Good. Shinobi: Unless we're fighting... Will: What!?!? Shinobi: Like I should have on you. Watch yo back Will. Will: *Eyes wide open frozen solid* uhhhh... Shinobi: Heh, just kiddin'...
Neo and Langal traveled deeper into the forest. Langal: Where are you going? Neo: The sacred clearing. Langal: Humans are not allowed!! Neo: SHH!! I know that, but I'm an elf. Langal: Quit your lies, human. Neo: Do you wanna get caught by the humans, keep quiet. Langal: Well I'm gonna follow you to see what you're up to, human. Neo: For the last time I'm an elf from the legends. They continued to quarrel untill they reached the clearing....
Langal: I be Langal. Neo: The youth that stumbled behind enemy lines? Langal: How would you know? Neo: I watched your battle that day. All of you that fight are pitiful. Langal: Why do you say?!? Neo: Because you don't take the time to realize there's something else comming. Langal: Wha? Neo: Close your eyes and keep your mind empty. You'll see. Langal did this a felt a power so evil and strong comming...
Just then Krian heard something. Krian: *looks at fish* dinner can wait. *pushes fish off his blades* Hello? Whoever you are, are you ok?!?
OOC: Faris, you guys are being captured and when he finally stops at a base, you guys gotta find out how to get out. I'm explaining what happens to Xra right now... IC: Xra finally woke up in a bed with bandages all over him. A man with grey hair was the only other one in the room. Xra: Where am I? ???: You're at a ninja school. Xra: A what?!? What happened to my friends? ???: They were dragged off in a bag by that man you called Xion. Xra: Oh Xion..wait a minute he called me a bladian. Do you know what that is? ???: Bladians were an ancient race still thriving, they're given the name bladian, because the had anywhere from 1 to 10 blades anywhere on their body. Xra: A clue to my past, thank you, uh who are you anyway? Kray: I am Kray, an advanced Shinobi here(hey Faris he's baaaack). You are very agile and have power you don't even know about. Give me a day and I can train you to find and control that power. Rest for an hour and meet me outside. Xra: Ok. The grey haired man walked out...
OOC: Yes I am, but from now on everyone, pm me if you have questions...
Leena: So, is this the place where the Shaman King tournament is held? Will: No, its a few cities down. That should only take 2 days to get there if we rest. So, we can go to a hotel like Sho and meet up at the graveyard by noon tommorrow. Shinobi: Sounds good. G'night everybody!! Everyone: Good night! The group split up to find hotels....
Xra: I wonder if that assassin was tellin the truth? Sunny: She wuz tew funnie to beweeve. ???: You never know, she could be right... Ixodar: ?!? A figure jumps from the tree and stands up straight. Gabriel: He looks like you Xra. Xra: It's you...Xion. Xion: Well nice to meet you again Xra. Xra: Why do you torment me and my friends? Xion: That doesn't matter right now, what matters is if you can keep your life. Xra: Wha- BAM!!! Xion had punched Xra before he could finish. Ixodar flew up and tried to throw a fireball, but Xion defected it right back at him. Ixodar: I guess I don't know my own strength. *faints* Xra: Ixodar! Er.. Xion: What. Can't take the heat? the get out of the fire. Xion slashed his blade on his forearm across Xra's face. Xra: You have blades to- BAM!! Xra got hit again. Gabriel had enough time to fire an arrow into Xion's side. Xion just yanked it out and dashed toward Gabriel. He punched him in the stomach, causing him to faint. Xra: Cut it out!!! Xra dashed toward Xion and landed a punch. Xion: Oww!! You little runt!! Xion grabbed Xra by the neck and took him towards a canyon. Xion: See ya, bladian. Xra: Bladian?!? Xion let go of Xra and he fell down the canyon. Sunny: Xra!! oof*Xion flicked Sunny in the Head, knocking her out* Xion put everyone in a net and ran off with them, while Xra fell down the canyon. He fainted due to the fall, so he couldn't see the person that leaped and saved him...
YAY!!!! A light goes out in the kitchen. How many men will it take to fix that light? [spoiler]None, get the ***** to do it.(sorry if this offends anyone)[/spoiler]
Neo still stood there, motionless. Suddenly he saw somehting slip out the base. Neo, jumped down the cliff to see if it was a human spy. Neo: Who are you? ???: Ahh, someone found me. The person ran faster, but Neo was on his tail. He then noticed his pointy ears. Neo: Another elf, stop! ???: Keep away from me human or I will be forced to kill you. Neo: Seems like you're just running, look I'm an elf too. ???: Your too tall!! Neo: Remember the legends... ???: The legends? The elf stopped running. ???: You are the possesed Neo?!? Neo: Yes*turns his head* who are you?...
Will: *hops back on Rapidash* But this quest is for new pokemon, you should save your balls. Shinobi: But, they're cool. Will: Whatever, lets go. The group start making tracks for the ice reigon. Again, not known to them, a creature watches them...
Will: You lie- Shinobi: *hold his mouth* Hold on she still taking off. Will: *removes hand* alright alright. Anyway how about another movie? Shinobi: Pick what you want, I got them in that bag over there. Will walks over to the bag, and rumages through it. Will: *picking up a mature movie* Awe, your in trouble........ Shinobi: Hold it, that's not mine. Hope can prove it. She was with me whenever I got a movie, and she got me the old ones again. Will: Then why would it be in your bag? Shinobi: Hold on, let me see it *grabs it and looks at the sides of the DvD case* Hold it...*takes it and throws it into the ocean* Damn that Jake... Will: Huh? What do you mean, Jake? Shinobi: Jake, come on out so i can give you the money for the new movie... Will: What do you mean? Shinobi: Be quiet, you'll hear him laughing..... Jake: HeHeHeHeHeHeHe Shinobi: Ok, this has gone on long enough... Will: Huh? Explain.... Shinobi: Hold on..... *walks into the area the laughing is coming from. Comes out, carrying Jake by the shirt collar*:flaming: Will: Oh...... Shinobi: Yes, oh... Everything is so quiet at this point that you could hear a pin fal on the sand. Shinobi was lookngi at Jake with a mean and MAD expresion on his face when he heard a click. Shinobi(thinking) : Huh? Did i just hear wha i think i did? Yes, i did...a switchblade.....:therock: The movement came quick. Jake lashes his arm out, and Shinobi moved his face with the motion. When e brought his face back, there was a cut on it. Blood trickled down his face, and some landed on the sand, turning the water in it blood red. Then, you hear another click. Shinobi: He has another thing coming for him... Shinobi moves his hand and brings his and about 5 inches between his hand and Jake's nose. In his hand, he'a holding a switchblade, too. Shinobi: Now, you will do as I say, or I'll cut your nose off. Jake: Uhm, ok.... Shinobi: You will leave in 3 minutes. We shall do something, come here. Will, you can take it from here.... Will: :demon: Now for fun. Will makes Jake float in the air. Then his legs break, then his arms. Jake, with no life in his arms and legs, was in pain. Shinobi: Oooohh, that must hurt. Will: Almost done. Will then has Jake spinning in circles and finall fly off. Will: Don't worry, he's still alive. (special thanks to the trainer for the idea)
The movie finally ended. Will: Why I bothered to watch that movie when it almost ended. Will walked over to Shinobi who was still catching up with Katrina. Will: Shinobi, got anymore movies? Shinobi: Yeah sure...
Krian: Wheeeeeeee!!!! Krian fell into the water both feet down. Krian: Now for some fish. He looked into the water frozen solid. He spotted one, a big fat one. Krian: Yes, and dessert. He took his blades on his forehand and stabbed them into the fish. Krian: Now, Barbeque, or sushi.......
Wolf Xra: Now, where were we? Nikka: UUhb baaahh uhh... Wolf Xra: *falls down and then gets back up* Its over. Xra dashes toward Nikka and landed a punch, sending her flying into a brick wall. Wolf Xra: Now, who sent you to kill me? Nikka: Master Xion. Wolf Xra transformed back to regular. Xra: Xion? Nikka: And he kinda looks like you too. Xra: like me....where'd he go? Nikka: down that way. Sunny: Aww we cants stay en the ceetee anymore? Ixodar: Nope we have to keep moving. You too Gab. Gabriel: I don't know. Xra: If you turn back now, they'll come after you and noone will be able too help you. Gabriel: I guess. Ok. The 4 head through the city untill they meet another dirt path...
Krian walked out of the forest. Krian: Hmmm, fish will be good for dinner today. He jumped off the cliff and fell to the river... (sorry i couldn't think of an intro for him)
Hmm a made up card....I GOT ONE!!!: Mamoken the mighty earth 5 stars Beast-Warrior/Effect This monster may attack twice. If Mamoken the mighty attacks a defence postion monster, choose one of your opponent's magic or trap(face up or down). That magic or trap is nullified and sent to the graveyard. 2700/1000 ....AND A MAGIC!!!: Mamoken's Axe magic equip magic This can only be equipped on Mamoken the mighty. Increase (im tired of writing that name) MtM's defence points by 1000. Also if MtM is sent to the graveyard with this magic equipped, it is special summoned back onto the field(note: this effect can only be used once).
[I]"They say he was taken by a demon at one time, now he lives his life in eternal darkness..."[/I] The legends were spinning through Neo's head. He couldn't take the fact someting possesed him. Him! A tall and strong elf, now taken over by a lesser?!? He stood up and stared at the human base from the cliff above. Neo: And these people, do they and the elves so ironic enough to sit down and sense the danger ahead? I may not survive the the evil that is comming, but at least I'll last longer in battle.....
Will: *blinks* one thing lead into another. Maybe i shoulda had galabomb wake me up a little later... He goes over to the water and washes his face. He comes back. Will: So you're that person Shinobi talked about? Meh, I'm gonna watch that movie now, nice meetin' ya....
Will: Now you have two...Pyrogress. Shinobi: Hey you're right. Will: Now that I've seen all of your pokemon, lets explore the Ice region....
Will: [U]Tangela, I need a favor..[/U] Tangela suddenly became alert. Tangela: [U]What do you need I see you got hurt.[/U] Will: [U]Press the red button on my arm gauntlet and say "B-Will's Galabomb"[/U] Tangela: [U]But, thats you brother's...[/U] Will: [U]I know, but it may help me wake up.[/U] Tangela: [U]Ok..[/U] Tangela walked up to Will and pressed on the button. Then in his language he said B-Will's Galabomb. Soon enough a pokeball appeared out of nowhere. Will: [U]Good now release Galabomb and tell him to use Fuse on me.[/U] Tangela: [U]If you say so..[/U] Tangela released Galabomb and again in his language told him to use Fuse. Hope: A galabomb? Galabomb: Bomby BOMB!!! All of a sudden Galabomb's bomb went off. Will woke up with a back face. Will: Well that worked, Galabomb, go back to the pc, return. Galabomb: *nods weakened head and goes back into ball. The ball suddenly dissappears.*...
Will: Well when it sees and hears a name of a new pokemon it can automatcily track down its traits and tells you. Shinobi: Ohh! Will: Now may we see those ppokemon you caught!?! Shinobi: Oops sorry...