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Everything posted by Xra

  1. OOC: Ok, sorry about that, it was either slap or whack, knocking him out... ~~~ Will: Well now that that embarrassing situation cleared up, Shinobi how about those pokemon you caught. Shinobi: Sure let me access my pc...
  2. Will: [U]Brother, what happened?[/U] E4 Will(also knocked out) : [U]Someone sicked a Dragonite on me after they lost at the league[/U] Will: [U]Felt like a hyperbeam. Will you survive?[/U] E4 Will: [U]Undoubtedly, hope I didn't almost get you killed.[/U] Will: [U]Do you count almost drowning killed?[/U] E4 Will: [U]Sorry about that, I'll be more careful. Now we both need our rest.[/U] Will: [U]Is someone gonna pick you up soon?[/U] E4 Will: [U]Don't worry, someone will, now rest well.[/U] Will: [U]Ok bye.[/U] Unknown to the two, Bremma was listening in...
  3. Xra


    so it stands Elves: 5 Humans: 3
  4. Will opened his eyes slowly to see Bremma there before him. Will: *coughs* my...my brother's hurt. I'm linked t..to him in a way a...a..and I can feel hisss p...pain.*faints*
  5. Will: *listening in* oh i see... Shinobi: You listened in!*dunks head underwater* Will: *comes back up* What, nothing private. Shinobi: Yeah I know... Will: *holding head* argghh, what's happening!!? Will then froze and went underwater in shock. He slowly closed his eyes....
  6. Xra


    Well its about time ya put this up MOK, but I'll join anyway ~~~ Name: Neo (ney-O) Race: Elf Description: Long golden hair, pale face, Black tunic, Red hooded cape, scars on face, stands 7 foot, carries a bastard sword on right hip, red eyes, bow with arrows on back, I think that should do it... Bio: At 252 years old, he's been a loner for many ages. Many Elven legends say he was possesed by a demon, which calls for the red eyes. He's been in the war, but never fought. He knew a more powerful force was comming and he'd be the only one ready to fight it...
  7. Will: Who was that Shinobi? *jumps into water* Shinobi: An old friend is comming to visit. Will: Oh ok. Shinobi: GO CHARIZARD!!!...
  8. Will: So Shinobi, what would you like to this pokemon. Shinobi: *still looking* uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh. Will: Maybe I should name it for you. Hmmm, it makes a Galba sound so maybe...Galabomb! Shinobi: *hypnotized* it will go great with the others i've gotten. Will: What's gotten into Shinobi. Hope turns around to see Shinobi staring at her. Hope: OOOOH PERVERT!!!*slaps Shinobi* Will: So you were saying you had more pokemon Shinobi?... OOC: Pokedex updated.
  9. Xra

    Xra's Sideshow RPG

    Xra: Sounds like a date. Nikka: Whatever "lover boy" Xra blushed a little, leaving enough time for Nikka to land a scratch. Xra: Ouch no fair!! Nikka: Nothing's fair in the art of war sugar. Xra: Well then that changes the rules*looses retina in his eyes* DON'T IT!?! Nikka: Wha? Xra the started to glow and bulk up. His face grew into a snout. His hands turned dark with fur. His blades moved down to his fingers like claws. He grew a tail. He had turned into.....his wolf form(check banner if not with me) Ixodar: What happened to Xra. Wolf Xra: Now, shall we continue?
  10. Im going beserk on rpgs, whee!! ~~~ Name: Krian Race: uh ancient bladians i guess are considered Demons Age: 20 Weapon(S): a pair of Long blades that extend on his forehand, and a pair of blades jutting out of his back. Skill: abnormal speed and walks up walls. Bio: A part of an anchient race of bladians and the ancestor of everyone's favorite...XRA!!! He trained in the art of war since he was 6. Now the world has entered a time of chaos and evil demons. Krian is a full grown bladian and now chooses to stop this evil...with a little help that is... Description: Ok imagine Xra without the hat(and the funny sashes), more scars, longers blades on forehands, taller and bigger, and blades jutting out of his back. Dresses like a Samurai. Side: Good(but looks make people think he's evil) Demon form: Picture Xra's demon form(in sig) with silver hair, more scars, no hat, more bangs, and in a ripped up samurai outfit.
  11. Will: Well look who decided to drop in. Shinobi: *putting head up above water* what is that? Will: A little something I whipped up. Have Hope have Lugia land and why don't you two join us? Shinobi: Nah I think I'll swim. Will: I'll join ya later. Shinobi: Kay...
  12. Tangela: Gela!! [U]They're comming...[/U] Will: [U]Gotcha..[/U] *to Bremma* So remember, act like normal. Bremma: Gotcha'... Seion: Hey guys, mind if we join ya?
  13. Will: Well its a meeting of good shaman and now we have another recruit. Shinobi: Hello I'm Shinobi. This is Shinobi. Shinobi Spirit: Hello. Melody: How do we tell you two apart? Leena: One looks paler than the other. Will: So would you two like to join us? Shinobi: Where too? I'm going to the shaman king tournament. Will: So are we. Shinobi: cool.
  14. Will: It don't matter if ya know a person, if you love someone, then you keep tryin'*Tangela swam up to Will* it goes the same with our pokemon. *pats Tangela*If you love one, you catch it, then you get to know it. Bremma: Wow, that made sense. Will: *sighs* Seion is still up for grabs, untill if he leaves remember. Bremma: Mmm ok...
  15. Everyone makes big bios. I feel ashamed.:bawl: ~~~ Name: Krian Age: 24 Race: ancient Bladian(otherwise unknown) Weapons: a pair of Blades on each forehand and a big pair jutting out of his back. Bio: An ancestor of Xra(I had to do this). Krian was a part of a civilized race of beings called Bladians. When 5, he trained in the art of battle. Now it's a time of chaos and destruction. Krian was a full grown man(or bladian) and was ready rid the earth of this evil. His quest began when a raven with a message found its way to him... Description: Imagine Xra, without the Tophat(and the funny sashes), a little taller and thicker, more scars, longer blades on his forehands, and two blades(or spikes) jutting out of his back. Don't wanna imagine, I'll make him a sprite later...
  16. Xra

    font problem

    Yay it works, thank you. Someone can close this now.
  17. Xra

    font problem

    O yea I forgot to say I tried that already.
  18. So there I was, reloading the main index page over and over again(i have a habit of doing this don't ask) and I accidently press the f5 and f6 buttons together and now the font size of everything went down. For example in my number of posts on the side of one of my posts have shrunk down to the point where the 3's look like small halves of boxes [SIZE=1]this font: see 3[/SIZE] and I'm sorry if you can't understand me, but if you can understand this ramble, it's getting annoying...
  19. Will: GO Treecko!! Tangela you come too!! Treecko: Tree TREE!! Tangela: Tang!! Will: You two can have fun since we're, so c'mon, let's have a ball. Treecko: *makes the peace sign* Tangela: GELA!!*runs off into the water* Will walks over to Bremma. Will: How ya feelin'? Bremma: Much better. Will: So that's Timeka. Bremma: Yup, that's her. *sighs* They're quite the couple. Will: Yeah. Don't worry though, Seion loves you, and even if he goes off with her, he'll continue to love you. Bremma: You really think so? Will: Yeah, most men are like that. Bremma: *giggles* ok. Will: Now rest up a little and if you feel ok come hang out with us. Bremma: Ok. Will walks off and jumps into the water. He then swims into his structure, jumps onto the ice, lays down, and rests.
  20. Xra


    There's always a way.....GAMESHARK!!! Even though I tried to steer away from using it anymore, this is an outrage and I need to take action. e-reader.........that's just wrong to do that. In fact they may already have gameshark codes on the site so I'm gonna go check that out. CYA!!!!*runs off*
  21. Will waited for Bremma to come back up...a few minutes later he saw bubble fly up but no Bremma. Will: Uh oh*looks underwater and sees Bremma trapped, then he puts his head back up* Seion, Bremma's stuck! I'm gonna help. Will dived down. Seion's talking was drowned out by the water. He saw Bremma's leg caught in the seaweed. He tried to break the seaweed for a few seconds and bremma fainted. He then instead(and started thinking) got Bremma's leg unravelled from the seaweed and started to swim upward with Bremma over his shoulder. He finally got back on land. he placed Bremma on the ground and started pushing on her stomach, making the water come out. She finally coughed. Bremma: *coughs* That's twice you've saved my life. Will: All in a week's worth.
  22. sorry to say ya got it backwards.
  23. Will only took off his shirt. Then he stood on top of Latias. Will: Even psychics can have their fun. Will slowly floated down to the surface of the water. He then raised his hand and the water under him turned into a long thick line of ice. He then raised his other hand and water on both sides of the ice rose and made somewhat a arched roof above him. he let his hands down and put his feet on the ice. He opened his eyes real wide and colors appeared on the water roof(you're can imagine this...right). Will: Another work of art. Bremma: Wow it's beautiful. What's it for? Will: to get in the way.*he ran to the end of the ice and jumped into the water. Seion: I don't think we'll ever understand you Will. Will: I'm one of a kind. You'll never find another person like me...
  24. hmm...i think Gerard In ff5 what is the english and japanese default name for the first person you start with
  25. Seion, Bremma and Will(I'm not including Xion and Ryan untill we get word from them) finally reach a beach. Will pulls out Latias, Bremma pulls out Articuno, and Seion pulls out Zapdos. They all get on their pokemon and take to the skies. Seion: We're supposed to go to the orange islands first. that's about west. Will: Ok, Latias bank left. Latias: Lat!! Tiaa!! The three pokemon go West and slowly glide though the sky...
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