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Everything posted by Xra
wtf I can't believe they did that. All 100 of those mews in Red, a waste? Now I gotta dig up my gameshark again and get them pokemon again dammnit, I thought my cheatin' days were over. This game may actually conclude the downfall of Pokemon.
Art Here's Xra..I mean me...I mean Xra..I arr!! A drawing.
Xra replied to Xra's topic in Creative Works
Actually he's supposed to be very lanky. Anyway as we speak I'm working on his Wolf beast form(similar to the one in my banner) and then after that I'm making his final form, so stay tuned(always wanted to say that:D) -
Nice RPG Rhys. I can't sign up now, but later I wonder if I could sign up as a later character? Here it is: Name: Xra(why not) Age: 27 Race: Royal Bladian(is this accepted, if not I will change) Weapon: A pair of blades jutting out on each forehand Appearance: See Avatar Bio: Long ago he was left in a grass field with no knowledge of his past. Then he embarked on a quest and found out he is from royal blood of the bladians and heir to the throne. He was always out and had experienced many adventures over the years and grew up to be a fine man(or er Bladian). Now Krynn has sent out a distress signal and Xra is ready to help them out, he just needs time to get there...(i can change that last line also)
Hey thanks for signing up Bremma. I may start this thing up a little bit later today. Enjoy! EDIT: O yeah, this is gonna have a twist. After we get to the tournament, the tournament will then take place in the battle arena, and after that, we start a part two on how we defeat the evil shamans. This is gonna require stamina so lets hope we can stick with it. Enjoy! EDIT EDIT: Yay I'm a junior member now!!!
OOC: I though fireworks would lighten the mood. IC: Will is akwakened by the comotion of others. He see Bremma run into the forest. Will: [U]Bremma what's the problem, I know you can answer me.[/U] Bremma: [U]Seion had another person that he likes as much as me. I don't know what to do.[/U] Will: [U]Well maybe you should start by waiting for her to come. Your heart would help you from there.[/U] Bremma: [U]But what if he goes off with her?[/U] Will: [U]I highly doubt it, but if he does, there are more people out there and one of them will be the right one.[/U] Bremma: [U]Thanks Will, I will be back in a few. I just need to do something.[/U] Will: Now that's better. Now I can get to sleep. Will goes into a deeper sleep.
Will finishes with the Hiratsu, it looked the same except for a small line down the middle. Will: Hey Shinobi! Give this to Hope. He throws it like a pro. Shinobi caught it and gave it to Hope. Will: It always feels good to do the right thing. Will looks around. Ryan and Xion were talking by the lake. Seion was at one tree. Bremma was at another, she looked depressed. Will: Man, I wish there was something I could do to lighten the mood. *gets an idea* Hmm I know. Will makes an image of fireworks appear above the clearing. It looked as if it were real. Will smirked and closed his eyes. He then went into a light sleep.
Will watched as Hope went over to the tree and cried. He then looked down at the Hiratsu split in 2. He went over, picked it up, went to another tree, and started welding the wood together into a strong braid....(esp 'member?) ___ Shinobi watched the fight with awe. Shinobi: Man, I knew she could fight, but still ,as dude said from Gone in 60 sec'nds, 'Girl got skills....' Shinobi sat down and watched the fight, or wather massacre, and laughed several times. Shinobi: Uhm, no offense, but you lost to a girl. That was kinda pitifull. *to Hope* No offense, you fight good. *to Jake again* But, uhm, I'd do as she said, or i'd help her beat you so bad, you won't feel anything for a week. Will(yelling from tree) : Don't forget about me! Jake put his finger about 1 centimeter away from Shinobi's nose. Jake: YOU WILL PAY FOR TAKING HER... Shinobi swats Jakes hand by frabbing it. He then held it still and elbowed it HARD. Jake: *grunts* you'll pay for that. *slowly runs off*...
This is a much better Xra drawing, whadaya think?
Will: And who's this jerk? Hope: You nailed it on the head. Will: *spits out some blood* so Shinobi, care for a little rumble? Shinobi: Gladly *cracks knuckles* Hope: No I got this. Will: Aww, well then how about a battle? Hope: Let me do it myself Will. This is my problem and I will fix it...
Actually Faris, Will is my alternate if Xra is to alien..ish. Hey a few people from Xra's Sideshow RPG are here cool. Anyway, only really need two more people to participate in this rpg. Any others "might" get excepted, but that is not certain.
Will(in Shinobi's mind) walked through Shinobi's mind. He saw images of past ups and downs. Will: Care to shorten my search Shinobi? Shinobi: What? Will: Will you tell me what bugging you? Shinobi: Alright, I'll tell you...
Will: *coughs* uh i forgot i was sick. Erm, Shinobi, why'd ya hit me? Shniobi: You wouldn't get off! Will: I was tryin to get you to stop. uuhhh*falls back unconcious* Shinobi: Hmm, well you shouldn't have tried. Just then, a black shadow leaped from will's head and went into Shinobi's forehead. Will(in shinobi's head) : Now, let's see what's plaging your mind. Shinobi: Eerr Will get outta my head! Shinobi stumbles towards a tree and vomits. The vomit is mostly red with blood. Shinobi: *weakly* by the way thanks for the internal bleeding, Will...
I'm very bored so I will make an rpg right now. This rpg will be somewhat like a prologue to a big tornament of sorts later.... In the near future few men and women will have the power to communicate with spirits of passed on loved ones. These, "shamans" are nothing like the stereotypes of today. They are a link between worlds, living keys to the unliving. They are the only ones of their kind. They are usually peaceful people, but when they channel the spirit of deadly warriors, their power becomes that of theirs and they too become deadly warriors. This was never necessary and they rarely used this power except for sport... and then, greed struck.... Many "evil" shaman wanted to use the spirits of passed on warriors to build a force so strong, they would be unstoppable to defeat. Many of the "good" shaman opposed to this and the war between the good and evil had begun.... ...Now the ultimate spirit has been found. The fallen god, Azeiku Nua's spirit rests at Nowan Temple, the place where the Shaman King tournament is held each year. Officials there decided his spirit is prize for this comming tournament. Will it fall in the hands of good or evil.... There's the intro, here's what you need: Name: Age: (we play as kids so try to keep it at 12-17) Gender: Description: Warrior's spirit you will obtain(need name, style of fighting, and bio) : Your bio: Thats it. Here's mine: Name: Will Age: 13 Gender: Male Decription: A red haired kid, with a black t-shirt, a white long undershirt, red jeans, and a scar on his left cheeck. Warrior's spirit you will obtain(need name, style of fighting, and bio : Kenzu, Mystical samurai, the most feared and reveared samurai of the land. He killed more than 10,000 others the legends say. Your Bio: Will wasn't just a normal kid who learned the art of shaman. He was born with the knowledge. Not much of a friend maker, he usually hung out alone with nature. When he heard of other evil shamans' plan for domination, he was shocked and annoyed at the fact his people would do such a thing. He vowed somehow he would stop them at all costs that day. A few days later he found a flyer talking about the Shaman King tournament and that Azeiku Nua's spirit has been found. The tournament would start in a few months so he trained and trained, untill it was a week before it started. Now he's off on his journey. To be named the Shaman King and to put an end to the evil shaman plan. (i hope this works)
Will: *yawns* you know its still 5:00 in the morning and you guys want breakfast. Seion: Yes. Will: *rubs forehead* well I'm still tired and I couldn't cook right now, plus I may have a cold. You're on your own. Falls back to sleep. Bremma: Oi, there goes that idea. Seion: Well, I guess it doesn't hurt to be creative. Let's make it ourselves. Xion: Sure, ok. Ryan: I'm gonna go back to sleep.
okay this is off-rpg I'm gonna make the pokedex that i will update with the new pokemon. make sure you pm me with the names(and stats if you really wish to) 1. Suphtie 2. Kilune 3. Cylonic 4. Cronicle 5. Galabomb 6. Omibby 7. Fabercas 8. Enteioung 9. Magdagmar 10. Pyrogar 11. Pyroguess 12. Jugeinon 13. Takronar 14. Andialiot Still more to find... the list continues...
Attually they had the translations of marth and roy's japanese gibberish in an older issue of nintendo power, but i am too lazy to pull it out right now. From what i remember, marth's words were sorta valient and roy's were hotheaded and cocky.
[SIZE=4]WHAT THE ****!!!![/SIZE] Okay I lost a lot of respect for funimation before but this is just awful. If they were gonna make the beginning theme song rap, at least could they have someone that can sing, AND NO OPERA BACKGROUND!!! God, well the only good thing about this is FUNi bringing GT to english(even though i know the dubs will suck) very soon so I don't have to get the bootlegs with poor tracking anymore.
OOC: pm me each time you find a new pokemon so I can record it in the pokedex. All I need is the names of what we find. IC: Will: Kes, I'm riding out on Rapidash to go explore. Are you and Hope comming? Kes and Hope: Yes. Will: Then lets go, but first lets try and find Rei and Shinobi. [I]The three continue along and find a duck of sort.[/I] Galabomb: Galafaba! Will: :therock: Galabomb: GALA!! *pulls out a bomb* Will Hope and Kes: !!!!! [SIZE=4]BOOM!![/SIZE] Will: *blinks* thats a new one, um since its already weakened itself, anyone want..it? (I'll get a pic later)
Xra: *yawns* What time is it, Bob? Plushie soldier: Why do you call me Bob, I'm plushie soldier!!! Xra: Whatever Bob, please tell me what time is it? Plushie soldier: *sighs* 3:00pm, a- Xra: AAAAAHHH!! Can't talk now Bob, I got an appointment to catch cya!! Plushie soldier: I'M NOT BOB!!! Xra started running towards the castle gate. All the guards let him in. He ran straight towards the queen. Xra: Miss Queen!! Xra ran right into the queen and fell on his back. Xra: Sorry I'm late Miss Queen, I'm not used to being a plushie. You called for me? Miss Queen: ...yes I called you because some of our plushies are being held captive. I need you to go and save them. Xra: ...um..with a bag? Miss Queen: *slaps his head* Get going! Xra: Alright Alright Miss Queen*runs out door*
Will: Yeah c'mon Shinobi, come down and rest, we'll eat soon. Shinobi: O alright Shinobi slowly hovers down to the ground and sits down. Will: Now, I forgot I had teabags in my pocket. Does anyone wanna go down to the riverbank and fetch some extra water for tea while, i finish making the rice. Ryan: I'll go.*runs off* All seemed normal, untill a ghastly appears in the shadows... OOC: Ghastly good, don't kill or catch.
As Will prepares the pot for rice, he starts thinking... [I]Will: Hmm, back when I was young, being abnormally gifted was rare like this, now everyone seems to be evolving. Wow it's just weird. Hmm, oh it seems Shinobi's power has been unleashed. (thinks like a little kid) Ahh everyone's getting better than me. I show them another trick very soon...[/I] Ryan: Hey, is the rice ready yet? Will: Give art 20 minutes. Ryan: Um, its just rice. Will: Cooking is an art, not just rice... OOC: Things seem to be a little confusing, so I'll set the scene for ya guys: The swamp, everyone's tired, it's night, and the gang ran away. People are weak from walking though the swamp, with holes and big branches. Hope that helps...
Xra: Well here we are Ironus city. Neon lights and gambling galore. Sunny: E so pweety!! Gabriel: I've never been in the city before. Ixodar: Hmm, wow neither have i. Xra: i was at one the other day and got ambushed. They continue walking untill a person stops them. ???: You Xra? Xra: That's me, who you? ???: I'm Nikka a high trained assasin here to kill you. Xra: Why hello, shall we dance? Nikka: Gladly...
Will: So, now you fight me. Trainer: Let's go! Will(to tangela in ball): [U]Think you can take this battle?[/U] Tangela: [U]Sorry, I'm a little weak, I gotta sit this one out.[/U] Will: [U]Very well, rest and I will get Hope to help.[/U] (To trainer) I choose you, LATIAS!! Latias: TTTTTIIIAAAAAHH!! Trainer: Whoah! We'll beat it. Magmar, GO!!! Magmar: Mag!! The two pokemon looked at eachother with ferocity... Will: Latias, GROWL!! Latias: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Magmar: Marr!! Trainer: That wont stop you, FIRE PUNCH!! Magmar: Magga MAR!! The punch hit Latias, but it barely flinched. Will: Figures, LATIAS, BLIZZARD!!! Latias: LAAAAA!!!! Magmar was frozen, it couldn't move. Trainer: *sighs* Magmar return. Will: That's one down. Latias return. GROUDON GO!!! Trainer: GROUDON!?! Er, I've got nothing against that, fine you win. Will: WHAT!!?!! That ain't fun! Jeeze... Groudon return.. Leader: Ya did good. Wanna be a part of our gang. Will: We'll pass. Now I suggest you go or who knows what this gang will do to you:demon: [U]IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR YOU!!![/U] Leader: EEE RUN!! The group scattered...
Yeeesh don't want that to happen. Anywhoo they're off now and I'm wearing glasses again. I'm only allowed to wear them 2 hours today, 4 tomm., 6, 8, 10, then I'm with 'em forever. :smirk:Boy what a gameplan...
Ahh too many people, plz start today and others follow tommorow. PLEEEZE!!!!!!