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Everything posted by Xra

  1. Not bad, not bad at all, except you forgot something... Teh Xra and teh Sgt. Frog! We all know after all, Xra ish the uuber dj mixer, and Sgt. Frog...is just...yeah [i]You can ignore that last bit, but nice job anyway...[/i]
  2. [i][font=Garamond][size=3]You wait for me for endless days,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]you wait for me with a deadning gaze,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]you are but tired of waiting for me,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]but yours will come in the end, you'll see...[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]You wait for me as your tortured inside,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]you wait for me without cower or hide,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]you are but tired of waiting for me,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]but yours will come in the end, you'll see...[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]I shall come soon, wait only a bit longer,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]I shall take you away to places yonder,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]your pain will be gone, wait and see,[/size][/font][/i] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]I am death, here soon to be...[/size][/font][/i] [font=Garamond][size=3]Wryth had awakened, screaming in agony, like all the nights before. He couldn't go on like this, this pain in his soul would not leave. He arose from his bed, stretching his cluttered and twisted wings. He was one of the last few of pure-blood winged ones, but he hoped for that nomore.[/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3]Wryth rubbed his ripped chest and then walked out the door. Today, he was called to meet his god again. Obsiatum knew of his pain, but he was a valued follower with a sense of war. This was the only reason why Wryth wouldn't commit suicide. He sighed and continued on, leaving his surprisingly modern and normal home.[/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3][i]"Where be my ruler? Lead me to you..." [/i]Wryth closed his eyes and imagined, past his horrible broken memories. Then shined a dim light, Obsiatum had replied to his plea. He opened his eyes and opened his huge, but poor set of wings. Feathers fell and he took to the skies.[/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3]Obsiatum was conversing with a half-brother. It seems something big was happening soon. It wasn't long untill Wryth reached the boy's house. After stares and camera flashes from neighboring humans, he finally entered the house. Obsiatum was just leaving.[/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3][b]"Entering another man's home?"[/b] Obsiatum had a surprised look on his face.[/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3][i]"You called for me and I answered. I now ask why."[/i] Wryth's gloomy eyes had opened with a dreadful look in them.[/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3][b]"Wryth, an angel who fought beside the low ones to defeat us in the last war. You were captured and stripped of your angelic wings. You, now a poor winged one wish to end your life of torture." [/b]Obsiatum put an arm on Wryth's small shoulders. [b]"I ask one more thing of you. You must help the others end this war, then you get your wish..."[/b][/size][/font] [font=Garamond][size=3][i]"You do not kid...I am grateful. But I wonder who are the others?"[/i][/size][/font] [b][font=Garamond][size=3]"You shall meet them in time. Infact one is sleeping in his room right now..."[/size][/font][/b] [i][font=Garamond][size=3]"Then I will wait for his wake."[/size][/font][/i] [font=Garamond][size=3][b][i]"Very well. We shall meet again young Wryth..."[/i][/b] Obsiatum dissappeared in a cloud of darkness. Wryth went deeper into the house untill he found the boy's room. It wouldn't be long untill his pain was over...[/size][/font]
  3. [font=Fixedsys]I also took the quiz and got broken. That was how i found out what I would use. So I took broken, mixed it with an image of Dark Adonis from Disgaea, mixed that with more images of Testament and Zappa from Guilty GearX2, and added torture. Voila, a wierd piece of art :D[/font]
  4. [font=Fixedsys]Hmmmmm...[/font] [font=System][b][u]Name[/u][/b]: Wryth[/font] [font=System][b][u]Wing Race[/u][/b]: Broken[/font] [font=System][b][u]Gender[/u][/b]: Male[/font] [font=System][b][u]Weapon[/u][/b]: A twisted spear[/font] [font=System][b][u]Signature Move[/u][/b]: [i]Pain[/i]-Touches a person's forehead and transmits all his painful thoughts. Usually the victim cannot bare the pain and collapse on the floor.[/font] [font=System][b][u]Appearance[/u][/b]: Wryth is pale grey in color. Very lanky and about 69 pounds in weight. His bones stretch from under his skin and the ends of his rib cage rip through his skin. You can see his black blood flow through his veins. His hair flows down to his shoulders in silver. His eyes burn an intense blood red. He only wears black leather pants and leather pointy shoes. His torn wings twist in many angles and glow a terrible night black.[/font] [font=System][b][u]Bio[/u][/b]: Noone remembers why he has fallen from grace, not even he himself. Wryth carries tortured broken memories that destroy him untill the end of his days. He has but one wish to his master Obsiatum: When he finishes the revolution, to set him free...[/font] [font=System][b][u]Personality[/u][/b]: Tortured, always wrything in pain. Always speaks of pain and misery. While he is very intelligent, he is plagued by sheer darkness, and twists him in a macabre way, only he could bear.[/font] [font=System][b][u]Ruling God[/u][/b]: Obsiatum[/font]
  5. [font=Fixedsys]o.O;;[/font] [font=Fixedsys][size=2]I say that the little squares are grainy...or is that shading? I may never know.[/size][/font] [font=Fixedsys][size=2]As for concept, not bad. Simplistic and yet, captivating. We have to make a game out of it![/size][/font] [font=Fixedsys][size=2]How many things can you visualize in the banner?:laugh: [/size][/font]
  6. for some reason it wont let me post my signup, so i decided to attach it. I'm tryin mah hardest. EDIT: read what you said and changed him a bit, hope that works...
  7. [font=Fixedsys]Well...animation for me doesn't effect the entire show...more like half. An anime should have both a decent storyline, and a decent quality of animation.[/font] [font=Fixedsys]A decent storyline would be something deep with twists and more enemies(i guess:/). Nothing shallow and bland. Gundam Wing is a nice example.[/font] [font=Fixedsys]Decent animation would just have to be clear and depictable. Nothing really too scribbly. What gives these new animes a plus is the fluence through the animation cells and the crisp style of the picture. Blue Seed was quite nice at that.[/font] [font=Fixedsys]Ok, so it doesn't really go for everything. That's just how I normally see things. I make exceptions though...[/font]
  8. [font=Fixedsys]Ah, Shippo, this is great(wasn't expecting something color) you certainly outdid yourself! Thank you very much ^_^[/font]
  9. [font=Fixedsys]Hello people. I'm in current need of a new banner, something quirky and unusual. So I'm asking you guys if you can make a Sgt. Keroro banner. What I ask for is quite simple:[/font] [center][font=Fixedsys]500x100[/font][/center] [center][font=Fixedsys]different pictures of Sgt. Keroro(Frog) and friends[/font][/center] [center][font=Fixedsys]A quote along the bottom "Life at its Fullest!"[/font][/center] [center][font=Fixedsys]a simple matching border[/font][/center] [center][font=Fixedsys]my name(Xra) in the bottom right[/font][/center] [left][font=Fixedsys]I give thanks to anyone who lends a hand :cool:[/font][/left]
  10. [font=Fixedsys]Ar, just happened today. No respect for otakus...[/font] [font=Fixedsys]But yes, people who don't watch or have an understanding of anime, just pass them off as cartoons. They really are, but with more depth, to say. So they aren't exactly wrong.[/font] [font=Fixedsys]What happened today was, I turned on some dragonball during dinner since I was bored. My mum's husband tells me, "Aren't you too old to be watching cartoons?"[/font] [font=Fixedsys]I was angry, but I repressed my anger and kept eating dinner. So what if I was watching cartoons, its mah choice.[/font] [font=Fixedsys]It's annoying, yeah, but anime is a type of cartoon...[/font] [font=Fixedsys]Another thing though, My mother is a computer wiz(im only a step behind) and she can find everything and spy on me at anytime. She thinks that everytime I search for anime, I'm looking for pr0n.[/font] [font=Fixedsys]I should be careful and conciderate of others...:smirk:[/font]
  11. It took about 20 mins. to a half hour to do. None of my paint pictures are so extravagant that they would take longer than that. I'm just quick to do things. And the question of all time, everyone seems to ask: WTF IS THAT HANGING FROM HIS HAT!?!?OMG!!!1!111 (not saying everyone talks like that) The gray things dangling from his hat, are just deadly sash attatchments that flow in the wind, but cut deadly marks. :P ~~~ I know he seems to be the same as his, ever advertized, older version. Lets just say that falling from the sky, being picked up off the ground by a stranger at the age of 3, and saving the universe, doesn't give you a fashion sense ;) [color=red]EDIT:[/color] O yeah, critique as if I were drawing normally. I'm trying to improve on my computer work, just in case. Never fear, I don't fall apart that easily.
  12. Well, ever since my scanner stopped working, I was unable to show my hand drawings online. Since I still haven't went out and gotten one yet, I've been practicing in paint on my computer drawing skills. What I am about to show you, is a very recent picture of Xra as a child. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/sonic2/Xra.png[/IMG] Like I said, I am still practicing to make up for my loss, so pardon me if quality isin't my strong point on the computer. But still, Comments & Critizism is always welcome.
  13. Meanwhile, Gerret was dreaming... [i]He was in a huge pearly white castle, large support beams on both sides of him. A long icy blue carpet rolled on in front of him. It was a beautiful celestial palace. He looked down at his usually draped arms, and then glanced at his shoulders. He had no shirt and his wings were exposed. He looked up at his bangs and saw they were tinted blue. What was happening? "Archangel Gale, turn around." Gale? Who was Gale? Gerret scratched his chin untill the voice boomed again. "Archangel Gale!" Gerret decided to turn around, only to find his nose rubbing against the tip of a sword. The weilder was another person with wings. This person looked much like himself, but older. Against his will, he ended up calling him. "Brother Tsu" "Archangel Gale, the Seraph needs to see you." Why was he calling him Gale? And what was a Seraph? Again, he called out without notice. "Yes, I know." But he didn't know. He started to follow, who he had called Tsu, down the massive hallway. Untill they were face to face with a woman with eight wings. She began to speak to Gerret. "Gale, you have killed three other Angel guards, whilst defending from the invasion of rouges. An archangel would never make such a foolish move under any circumstances. Do I make myself clear?" Rouges? What was this lady talking about? He hadn't fought any Rouges. Words slipped from his mouth yet again. "Yes, Seraph." "Since you are an angel of a high rank, you will not be removed of your wings. You will serve down on earth untill peace is restored." Tsu opened his eyes wide with fear. "But Seraph!" "That is the final word, now Gale, BEGONE!" Gerret, or Gale, started to sink through the floor, down to his punishment. Tsu dropped his sword and ran to Gerret. The Seraph called out once more "Only when peace is restored, will you be able to return..." Before Gerret fell all the way through, Tsu yelled to him "A human finds an oppertunity and takes it, but an angel always has an oppertunity." Gerret had spoke those words before! Then he had realized what this was all about. This was what happened before he woke down on earth. He fell all the way through, it seemed endless. Down and down, faster and faster...[/i] Gerret woke, gasping for breath...
  14. Ahem. I have a scar still quite visable from the age of two. The strange thing is, I've been told three different stories as to what happened. 1. I was running around(i learned how to walk quite quickly) in circles untill i got inside the kitchen and crashed into a chair. My head split open. 2. My father left the door open to the basement(3 concrete steps to the bottom) I loomed over and tripped. My head split open. 3. I was playing with mega blocks when my 16 year older brother decides to mess with me. he thwapped me with a Curtain rod meaning to hit my stomach. He hit my head, and it split open. The end to each of these stories were the same. I was rushed to the hospital, blood gushing, and I got about 10 stitches(a small gash apparently) Now it looks like someone stapled my head horizontally. Please pardon me whilst I try to remember what I had for breakfast...
  15. And when the game finally comes out, you guys don't bump the thread up? Sheesh... I just got Sonic Heroes for the PS2 and I would like to make a few points. This game can be extremely easy, or impossibly hard. You can be cruisin around the nice easy loops at one minute, then when you land, you're surrounded by gold armor bots(they're hard to beat...)!!! Other than that, lots of challenging puzzles and secret levels to get the chaos emeralds and the horrible camera angle returns, so gameplay gets a nice 7/10. Voicing and sounds is where the game tried to improve a bit. I noticed they changed Tails' annoying girly voice, to an annoying nasily voice. A nice plus :P. The sound effect are basicly ones from the past games so its been traditional. I say the music is a bit lacking in this game, but definatly a nice try. 7/10 Ah, the story is average, but they changed up EGGman so much, that he actually invites Sonic to come foil his plans, with an invitation!! This was part 1 of the story. Rouge finds Shadow stuck in suspended animation, and E-123 omega comes out of nowhere, trying to destroy all of eggman's creations. So they want eggman for revenge. That was part 2. Amy, Cream, and Big are looking for Cheese the chao's twin Chocola and Froggy! So they want eggman, because he's their number 1 suspect. That was part 3. The chaotix group is now a detective agency! and they get a call from a mysterious client, stating that he wanted them to destroy eggman. The problem with this is, back in the chaotix game when they were all little, they faced eggman on a numerous occasion, and now they're all "WTF!?!". Since i havent beaten the game, I dont know much about Robo Sonic, so I'll have to get back to you on that. So far 8/10 The teams, (Sonic, Dark, Rose, and Chaotix) basicly have the same moves, what makes them different is their team blast. when team blast is full you press the according button and you do an attack. Team sonic is a powerful blast, team Dark freezes time, team Rose is a decent attack, followed by a sheild and invincibility, and team Chaotix is a clash of music that does decent damage and gives you coin boxes that are sometimes enough to do another team blast. Other than that, you have your basic homing technique, gliding, and flying. 6/10 Overall, its a nice step to trying to reclaim the glory from the 2-d era, but it still doesn't match up. Still a must-buy for diehard sonic fans. 7/10
  16. The King read the next name on the list. "Uhh...Lou Shin." Wide eyed, he had forgotten it was Lou who was supposed to go deliver. He bit his lip trying to think of what to do. This would be the first time he had to lie. But, he made a promise to Lou, he had to accept. "Right here!" The little man scurried over to grab his pouch of gold, but the king kept it to himself. "Hey, what gives?" "You are the great Lou Shin? I highly doubt a young child as yourself could be him." "Sma...SMALL CHILD!?! Listen buddy," Joog took another sip of his sake. "I am Lou Shin, and have the power to take out half your army! [SIZE=1]when im sober and i have half an army of help...[/SIZE]" "Well then, I guess you are him. Here you go." The king gave 'Lou Shin' the pouch of money and Joog went on his way. [center]~~~[/center] Back in Nobuto town, Joog decided to make another check in with Ms. Shin before he went out on his delivery. "Ah, sweet Joog, did you deliver my rice?" "Yep, when I got to Lou though, he had a little trouble. He'll be ok." "Well alright." Joog was about to dash off. "Say Joog, what are you up to?" "Gotta make a delivery, I should be back by nighttime." "Ok then, see you later Joog." Joog took off for the local store. He needed to buy supplies for his trek ahead. Through the still crowded streets filled with people, he made it to the counter. The clerk greeted him. "Hello Joog, what can I get for ya?" Joog scratch his huge forehead, then made his decision. "Ive got my Sake, so...I'll have the Dumplin' Cake." "Sure thing. 250 yen." Joog paid the man, and got his dumpling cake. He took a sip of his Sake and made his way foward again. He saw another gate... "Whats with all these gates appearing out of nowhere all of a sudden, jeeze..." He pushed through the gate to see 3 others waiting there, including that blued haired kid. "You guys also waiting for the others?" The boy stood up. "Hello, my name is Yi-" "Nahuhuh, dont worry about introductions, save em for the road."
  17. "You're...not getting away!" Gerret slowly got up and grabbed his knife, and with a blink of an eye, he turned it around and stabbed himself! Gasping for beath, he put his lantern down and started to glow white. "JUDGEMENT HAND!" It was then that time froze, for only a second. Spirits of the departed were visible, and started flying into the souls of the people in the area. The moogle and the aeons weren't affected and continued their fight. Time started back up again. Everyone felt a shock of pain. They all felt Gerret's trouble. Gerret pulled the knife out of his stomach and lifted the lantern. He stumbled towards Rhox, who was now kneeling on the ground. "A human finds an oppertunity and takes it. An angel always has an oppertunity." The two struggling aeons had no power, and therefore dissmissed themselves. The little moogle held his mouth in awe, and started healing the civilians. Everyone was on the ground in pain... "I am sorry i had to do this, but we will all be ok." Gerret went over to Maikyu and dragged him towards Kairi and Sare. He did the same thing to Duke. It was then he stumbled towards the exit to town, but fell down into a blanket of pure white feathers. He was unconscious.
  18. Gerret made his way for the local pub, to get a nice drink. Inside, it was full of chatter, and gleefull drunk men. They held mugs that resembled moogles and held a little over a pint. "This place is also moogle happy..." Gerret held his head and sighed. As he sat down, he was immeadiately greeted by another man, in a moogle suit. "What can I get you for, Tunbarry Boy!" Embarrased, Gerret looked at his lantern and knife, and then looked around to see annoyed moogle crazy people. "Eheh, its not what you think..." Another man in a moogle suit jumped up. "Of course its not what [i]you[/i] think. We [i]know[/i] you love tonberries and HATE MOOGLES!!" Gerret stood up with his lantern and knife in hand. "I wish not to hurt you." "WELL WE WANT TO HURT YOU! GET HIM!!!" Gerret had no choice but to flee from the tavern, with an angry moogle mob behind him. It was at that point, he realized, the sooner they saw the fayth, the better...
  19. A half an hour after everyone was buzzing about, a little bald man was waking up, among the many jugs of sake and other liquor. He scratched his backside and made his way towards the tub, manuvering past the jugs. After a nice clean wash, he got his white t-shirt and blue pants on. Joog was ready to start his day. With some sake in hand, he made his way towards the busy people. He was greeted with many ''hello Joog''s and "outa my way shrimp"s like every day. Eventually he found himself talking to Ms. Shin. "Ahh, Joog. Always helping me out with my errands every day." The old woman gave him a smile. "Think nothing of it. Its exciting to help out others. It keeps me alive." Joog gave her a wink and she flushed. "Well then, you wouldn't mind bringing this bag of rice to my son?" "I'd be happy to Ms. Shin." Joog took a large drink of sake and picked up the moderately heavy bag of rice. Her son was Lou Shin, a very dedicated warrior who lived north of Nabuto. It was a twenty minute trip he could easily make. He walked through the constant stream of busy people untill he got out of Nabuto. As he got closer to Lou's house, Joog heard violent noises becoming louder and louder. When he got to his sliding door. He heard many crashes and shatters. Joog immeadiately place the rice on the ground and drank most of his sake. He ran inside to see Lou under attack by a mysterious robber. "Shin!" he called out. "Help me!" he called back. Joog went into his drunken position and dashed for the robber. It was drunken arts against ninjitsu. The robber jumped back and came in with his dagger. As flowing as water, Joog avoided the attack and countered with a swift jab, as strong as a cannonball, straight into his stomach. The robber fell. "I'll be right back." Joog told Lou as he dragged the fallen antagonist outside. The little man pulled the theif into the forest and tied him upside-down from a tree. He made his way back toward Lou's house and picked up the bag of rice. Lou had now positioned himself against the wall and was tieing his leg up. "Joog, he destroyed my house and broke my leg. I should have been able to defeat him, I guess I need more practice." "Nahh, he just caught you off guard, but you're going to have to take it easy for a while." Joog took a look a the now destroyed house. "I'll get this place back in order. You better hed to bed, boy!" "Nono, you don't have to. But there's something else you can do for me." Shin pointed his finger towards a wierd letter on the wall. "You must take my place in helping the king. Take that letter to the palace. You have amazing skills." Joog, who was still a little drunk, made a hearty chuckle. "Ten years in Nabuto made me so bored I trained in my custom drunken style. I will help the king in your place." Joog took the letter off the wall and was halfway out the door. " Oh yeah, Shin, the bag on the ground is rice from your mother." "Thank you." Joog made it to the large gate. It was there where he was confronted by two very official looking guards. "What buisness do you have here?" The one guard was very suspicious. Joog tried his hardest to sound authentic, but was still drunk. "I'm here for the kingjob. Here's me letter." Joog showed him the scroll and the two guards whispered to each other. "Well, it checks out, be sure not to do anything that Violates Kinoho law or-" "Yeah yeah, don't worry bout it. I'll be good." "Alright, enjoy your stay..." A beautiful place the palace was. With its vast gardens and intimidating guards walking along the path. Joog took one stumbly step towards the palace and bright red smoke appeared, revealing a mysterious man. "Come, the king awaits..." He told the little bald man. "Fine with meh." Joog waved the smoke out of his face. They walked though the large cortyard and upon reaching the palace, Joog almost fell over from its towering size. "Inside this way, sir." The old-fashioned palace felt a lot more homely than its huge exterior. They walked up the apparent path untill they were greeted by a butler of sort. "Now then, you must wait here untill all the guests have arrived." The butler gave him a suspicious look. "Aren't you a bit young to be helping the king?" "I'm very much older than you. Im in my 30's you 20 year old." The man was shocked by this statement but then retained his straight face, taking back what he had said. As he walked away, and the mysterious man dissappeared, Joog wobbled his way towards a seat next to a familiar blue haired boy...
  20. I too am committed. Er...not much to say with that. [insert witty comment]
  21. Gerret wasn't punched extremley hard, but a punch was a punch and he was holding his stomach. He went into the hall to see Makiyu standing beside Kairi. "Well, he's up..." Gerret said under his breath. "Yep, lets go." Kairi smiled and replied. The 5 made their way to the Elder's home so they could begin their quest. Elder Cheng greeted them at the door. "Awake finally, lets get you started." He showed them in, and they were greeted by the other 4 Elders. "Now then, we feel you should start in Gardania. We sense a fayth has awakened there. This will be the best place for you to start." Sun explained. "Sounds good, and not too far!" Sare shouted. "The quest begins..." Duke scratched his chin and mentioned whimsicly. "Thank you." Kairi bowed her head. Elder Sun put a hand on her shoulder and she look up. "Good luck Kairi." As they walked out of the home, Gerret tapped Makiyu on the shoulder. As he turned around he got punched in the gut. "Your welcome." Gerret gleefully said as he walked onward.
  22. Mystical Ninja...a game i played so long ago, but keep in my heart XD [B]Name:[/B] Joog [B]Age:[/B] 31 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Hometown:[/B] (born in Koi Village) Now: Nabuto Town [B]Hobbies:[/B] Drinking, drinking, and drinking :) [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/z0/Joog.png[/IMG] A small man. Has very little hair, and three spots on his head. Almost like bruises that never go away...(ignore the wepon in pic.) [B]Personality:[/B] A jolly guy, always prancin' around with a jug of sake. Many people tend to stay away from him, usually because he's drunk half the time. Very helpful to others wether he's drunk or sober. Get him mad though, and you might as well be sleepin in your coffin. Usually stubborn, and he has a smile on his face all the time. [B]Biography:[/B] Joog was a mysterious person from day one. Born with 3 purplish spots on his head, he resembled that of a shaolin monk(minus 3 spots that is). As a young child, he was very active and loud. Climbing trees and falling off for the heck of it, was his main interest. People thought this was not normal, so his parents told him to stop. Being a good boy he stopped his habit, but not without a few concussions. About the age of 14, he realized he had to control his active nature and put it to good use. He decided to go into the martial arts, to focus on self control. He wasn't the best student, nor the worst student, and he went through the ranks up to second degree black belt. He kept with it untill the age of 18. His parents both died this year, and he accepted it without a tear. He buried them in the back yard with his prayers, and then moved out of the house. He was finally able to fulfill his dream, to travel the world and discover the mysteries of life. He took a final look back at Koi Village and went off on his way. This small bald man traveled for three years, seeing many towns in Japan. He was now at Tanto Town. Upon entering a tavern, he was give a free drink on the house. As the sweet liquor touched his lips, he fell into what would be a lifetime addiction. He cant go anywhere now without a jug of sake. This slowed down, but didn't stop his lifelong dream. A year later he had seen much more of Japan and made what would be his final stop at Nobuto Town. He was tired of traveling for 4 years and wanted to settle down for now. The other townsfolk weren't exactly thrilled he came to stay, but after he got to know everyone and helped them in any way he could, they began to enjoy the small drunk. Still, they don't know much about his interesting past, and they still wouldn't untill ten years later... I think i covered it all. I'm really tryin.
  23. Gerret laid on the wooden floor. This was definatley much different then the caves or the forest. He felt sorry for attempting to destroy the once beserked girl. He took his knife and dimly lit his lantern. As quiet as death he snuck out of the room. As he passed by Sare's door, he reached for his back in his tunic and pulled out a pure white feather. He left it by her door and went out into the rain. With his hood over his head, Gerret shuffled his way towards the house of the elders. He knocked on the door. There was no answer. He knocked again, and then he heard light footsteps getting closer. The door opened and it was Elder Sun. "Why Gerret, you should get rest it is quite late." He was surprised to see the paleface stranger. "I know, I am sorry for disturbing you." "Now now, come in out of the rain." The two walked to the table and had a seat. Gerret place his lantern on the side of the table. "Now Gerret, what's on your mind?" "I wish to join Kari on her quest." Sun took a look at his rusty dagger. Then he gave Gerret a surprised look. "I'm hoping not as her Guardian.." "No. I am a summoner myself." "A summoner!?" "She will need help. I will assist her untill we must fight ourselves." "I see, well do as you please. But I ask you not to harm her or her sister in any way." "I understand." "Very good then. Now hurry up before the others wake." Gerret bowed his head and went out the door, knife and lantern in hand. He was very wide awake. Trying not to track mud in the house. Gerret scaled the wall into his room. He stood against the wall for the rest of the night...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyriel [/i] [B]Rain started to fall. [/B][/QUOTE] Thank you:) Rain began to trickle down Gerret's pale long face. He muttered a little bit then arose from his now soaked hammock. A beautiful day like this full of rain. Gerret just sighed and put his hood up. After lighting his lantern and grabbing his rusty knife, he went searching for a cave he could rest in for the night. The tonberry cave was too far away to shuffle to, so he had to rely on luck to find one. And then he heard something, a bloodcurdling scream of terror. Gerret lifted his head from his hood and followed the direction of this horrible noise. He rushed(unusual for him) out of the forest and into a new town. A young officer was being torn to shreds by a enraged female. Her eyes glowed of a bright red as she continued to kill the seldom officer. Gerret couldn't let him die. He made a dash for the man, getting sliced along the cheek. The young women now directed her attention towards Gerret. He pull the man to the side and ripped parts of his tunic to cover his wounds. Then, Gerret turned to face her. He put down his lanturn and readied his knife. As fast as the rain was falling was how fast this battle started...
  25. Gerret sat at a table in this random tavern. He was in a light sleep and had just finished his ale. He was at the town near his old home, the tonberry cave. Everyone just ignored him, and he was happy with that. Today seemed different. "H-Hay yaose! Walts az stuupi guy likes yuuse doin heir. Git owwwt!!" A drunken man continued to babble at Gerret. Gerret opened one eye to get a good look of this guy's character. A dirty huge fellow with a long and stained beard. He had been drinking too much. "AAAHHMMM TOOKIN TER YOOOS!!" The huge man made a grab for Gerret's cloak. All of a sudden there was a flash of light! The man was on the floor and he was walking out the door. Near the dropped giant were pure white feathers scattered about the scene. A stunned drunk picked up one of the feathers and further examined it. "Toonbarry boy be murr then he shows us..." The man look at the door to see Gerret out of sight. [align=center]~~~[/align] Gerret wandered into a nearby forest. He gathered leaves and vines and made himself a hammock in 20 minutes. He jumped in and went into another light snooze...
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