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Everything posted by Xra

  1. I sense a lot of heart went into this work. This sample is pretty much solid. Everything is easy to understand, and its around our time. I say let things flow out slowly. to lenthen it a bit. It kinda gives it even more of a romantic feel. All in all its good. 9.5/10 Let it open up a bit slower and its perfect. Please show more.
  2. Tonberry owns you. Anyway, here's a sample from one of my older FF RP's called Final Fantasy, Death Awaits: [color=green] I woke up on the floor. I was covered in green liquid, on the dark floor. This wasn't the place I was before, or, at least I thought it wasn't the same place. It seemed, rundown, now. When I got up from the floor, I saw three little boys standing in front of me, gawking for some reason. Before i could say anything, the kids scream and run. "AHH THE WINGED DEMON OF DEATH, RUN!!!!" Winged demon? Wait a minute.. I reach toward my back and feel some wierd buldge. Then I realized my hand was frozen. What the hell is going on? I go over to a broken mirror and I see myself. Bright lightblue wings stretched out and emotionless eyes. Something happened, that I didn't know about. Then I turned around and everything came back to me. I saw the pod i broke out of, the Time Capsules. It was that General Tsin that locked me in there, but if that was the case, then what year was this? I found my chain and dual sickles(one sickle on each end) still in my side pouch. So then, I went outside, and almost fainted at the sight of this world....[/color] Now for me signup: Name: Gerret Age: 20(assumed) Birthplace: N/A, found near the Tonberry cave Side: Good Gender: Male Class: Summoner Weapon: a tonberry knife Summon: Giant Tonberry Description: a...Giant...Tonberry oo; Character Description: Gerret has silver hair down to his shoulders. He wears a brown hooded tunic, much like a tonberry. He carries around a lantern, and his knife. He basicly the human version of a tonberry, although, there's something wierd inside his tunic on his back... Abilities: stealth: His entire person changes to the background like a chameleon. Can last up to 15 mins. Judgement hand: everyones stats turn exactly the same as the weakest person fighting. Bio: There's nothing available about his parents or his childhood. Everyone just saw a 20 year old man, living near the tonberries. Unknown to everyone his that he lived with the tonberries. They showed him the spirit of their old leader Konberry. They taught him how to use his spirit in the form of a summon. It was soon that he left the Tonberries and headed to the nearest tavern with only his tunic, a lamp, and a knife... The bio's small but I think you get the idea. Tonberry owns you.
  3. And with this, thus ends the constant making of threads for your movies. Boba Fett's a genious, and Mr. T is ugly. XD Anyway... ::Hits the concession stand for some sprite and sour patch kids:: ::Heds inside the theatre:: ::Watches the flashing ads and trivia in awaitment:: Get finshed soon:) :mrt:
  4. Its up people, signups are closed and you can post. Alastor you made it in, so dont get worried. Lets make this work people!
  5. Xra

    The 2-D Comback!

    [QUOTE][i]Poof, a man made the first video game. It was the simple, hearty, and addictive Pong! Soon, other basic, but sweet games came out. More rememerable ones like duck hunt and tetris. And then came the first mascot, pac-man... It would be him, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Sonic, to rule over this era, and children of all ages loved them. Comic violence and funny techno music was the main thing about these games that made them great...but I believe the trouble started when everyone hit 3-d... With the end of a loving era, the mascots continued into the 3-d stage, where they were given more and more detail in every game. It was like a big "1-up" for them, but what jumps up, falls down into an endless pit... ...30-35 years since the infamous pong was created, and games have reached the pinacle of their time. But now things were different...No more comic violence or funny music, but now full blood and gore, sexual themes, and extremley short and incopetent games, with no sense of joy. Parents of children realize this, and soon, video games will be gome forever... The four mascots, depressed with this generation, work out their rivalries, and try to come up with an idea. There had to be some way of making games like old times. With no clue whatsoever, they called on their rivals to try and help them, namely Bowser, the ghosts, Dr. Robotnik, and King K. Rool. With their combined brainpower they came up with an idea. They could attempt to make their own video games the old fashioned way. It would be a big journey to the real world, but if they tried, they might be able to do it. I think they'll need some help though...[/i][/QUOTE] [COLOR=red]Mario just stood there, puzzled as of what to do next. He was not alone. Pac-man, Sonic, and Donkey Kong were puzzled as well. The four's greatest enemies awaited their next move. The idea was set...but how would they pull it off? "Wait-ta, the players live in one world...and we live in thisa one," Mario looked up and saw all the tiny game worlds sewn into one. "We musta figure out how to get-ta in their world."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"So a portal is what we need...heh, sounds easy in our world" Sonic crossed his arms and tapped his foot.[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]"but its not that easy to send portals into the human world. Their either to the next level or the other side of the screen." Pacman looked at his old enemies the ghosts. They knew it too.[/COLOR] [COLOR=sienna]"We nee more help than thees." DK was still working on his english.[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Mario looked at everyone and gave a great sigh. "Lets head to the Mushroon Kingdom and advertize. We musta do everything we can!" Everyone raised up their fists in agreement and started marching off towards Mushroom Kingdom...if anyone was gonna stop this generation of games, it would be them...[/color]
  6. Alright, we have 8 characters and we're almost ready to go. I will be either posting the adventure thread later today or tommorrow so be ready people:smirk:
  7. Well now all we need is a pacman and we're set. after the pacman users posts, SIGN-UPS ARE CLOSED and ill work on the main thread.
  8. Well this is looking good, but i still need a pacman and donkey kong. Yes, it may be embarrassing but someones gotta do it. So that means ill look for 3 more people. 2 being the char's mentioned above and another retro favorite. Otherwise, this will start soon:) oh and *Updates first post with list of chars.*:cool:
  9. :haha: Name: Mr......................................... Age: 20 Weapon: A fork of high pitch-ness Appearance: He has a Skeletor-like outfit, except his face is covered in black face paint, to make him look cool. his cape is yellow with red stripes. Once was mistaken for a picnic cloth when he left it on the ground. Bio: Mr...etc.'s birth was not known, or really cared about. They just said he was twenty and walked away to chase chickens...or whatever they did. Mr was treated*or ignored* like a commonsfolk, therefore, he acted and eventually became a commonsfolk, for all his days. There was a distress call from the Unholy Nerd Kingdom, and taking it upon himself, Mr went to the scene. Their princess was captured to a castle on the horizon. He trekked for weeks untill he made it to the castle. Unfortunately, with his arrival, a miget greeted him with them dirty words... "Sorry, but the princess is in another castle." Mr didn't like the miget, so he kicked him and made slow trek home. Along the way he was captured into a huge bag, and was brought to the Holy Otaku Kingdom. Then, he was let out...with a small fee. Since he had no clue where to go, he decided to help out the urgentcy among the kingdom, but not untill he was done chasing chickens...
  10. bleh, me bored, this might be good... [I]Poof, a man made the first video game. It was the simple, hearty, and addictive Pong! Soon, other basic, but sweet games came out. More rememerable ones like duck hunt and tetris. And then came the first mascot, pac-man... It would be him, Mario, Donkey Kong, and Sonic, to rule over this era, and children of all ages loved them. Comic violence and funny techno music was the main thing about these games that made them great...but I believe the trouble started when everyone hit 3-d... With the end of a loving era, the mascots continued into the 3-d stage, where they were given more and more detail in every game. It was like a big "1-up" for them, but what jumps up, falls down into an endless pit... ...30-35 years since the infamous pong was created, and games have reached the pinacle of their time. But now things were different...No more comic violence or funny music, but now full blood and gore, sexual themes, and extremley short and incopetent games, with no sense of joy. Parents of children realize this, and soon, video games will be gome forever... The four mascots, depressed with this generation, work out their rivalries, and try to come up with an idea. There had to be some way of making games like old times. With no clue whatsoever, they called on their rivals to try and help them, namely Bowser, the ghosts, Dr. Robotnik, and King K. Rool. With their combined brainpower they came up with an idea. They could attempt to make their own video games the old fashioned way. It would be a big journey to the real world, but if they tried, they might be able to do it. I think they'll need some help though...[/I] Well it was worth a shot:o Now the four main characters are: [COLOR=red]Mario[/COLOR]= Xra(me) [COLOR=orange]Pac-man[/COLOR]= Farto the Magic [COLOR=blue]Sonic[/COLOR]= Nate [COLOR=sienna]Donkey Kong[/COLOR]= Shippo New recruits are: [color=teal]Bill Rizer[/color]= SilpheedPilot [color=indigo]Talking Block[/color]= Milo [color=green]Link[/color]= Dragon Warrior [color=pink]Tron Bonne[/color]= Arika [color=yellow]Tails[/color]= Alastor Here is the signup: Name: Initial Game: Description: Bio: Please note: You may use any character from the old systems, but if you decide to use one from the newer systems, no people from the group i mentioned before: [quote]blood and gore, sexual themes, and extremley short and incopetent games, with no sense of joy.[/quote] And thats basicly it. And for my signup: Name: Mario Initial Game: Mario Bros. Description: The famous pudgy italian, with his red cap and shirt, blue overalls, brown boots, and white gloves. Bio: This plumber has been goin wayyyy back, runnin from castle to castle, lookin for the princess and kickin Bowser's spiny ass. But in this age though, he doesnt like what he sees. He hopes to help out his fellow mascots, and maybe learn some programming too. well, enjoy :)
  11. I sensed a bit of family guy went into the bert and ernie scene:smirk: But anyway, that was genious work. Believe it or not, though, i like How the James Stole Christmas a bit better. I dunno why but i do. And meh, teh Goomba. I dun understand how i was floating, but i was...a dream come true:laugh:
  12. [B][COLOR=teal]Zephir:[/COLOR][/B] It seems someone got frightened by a small fry. [B][COLOR=darkred]Ruben:[/COLOR][/B] Yeah, whatever, and you didn't frighten me...[SIZE=1]much...[/SIZE] I'm just a little cold from last night. [B][COLOR=teal]Zephir:[/COLOR][/B] Alright, alright, but i wonder why you were sleeping outside? Ruben looked to the window, then look to the ground where he made tracks. [B][COLOR=darkred]Ruben:[/COLOR][/B] Heh, couldn't get back to sleep. Where are you off to? [B][COLOR=teal]Zephir:[/COLOR][/B] Out to the river for a Saturday morning bath. Be seeing ya. [B][COLOR=darkred]Ruben:[/COLOR][/B] Alright... Zephir made his way around the still sleeping people and went out the door. Soon, he was out of the inn and dashing for the forest...
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I've decided I'm going to get a GCN broadband adapter with some of the money I get for Christmas so I'll be able to play Double Dash online with people.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] About that...does it cost anything to play MK: DD online? i havent kept up with gamecube news very much --; Anyway, yes, DD is a fricken sweet game. Ive gotten gold on the mushroom, flower, star, and special cup in both 50 and 100cc. Im actually having trouble with the 150cc on all the tracks. O yeah, just like the specials thing: Do some racers get certain items more than others? I was playing as toad a while ago, and every item i got in the Baby Park was a mushroom. Wierder yet, i was playing with both koopas in Bowser's Castle, and all i got were green and red shells, and once in a while, their specials. And the Kongs! I seem to get their banana's and their specials more than anyone(and i still seem to get 3rd place with them XD). Besides that, i say that both MK 64 and DD are equally great. I say the best stages are the Wario and waluigi...places. But the scenery in all the stages are beautiful. And then there's the battle mode. Although it wasnt as good as the 64 version. It bonded my nephew and I(Who are the bitterest of enemies might i add) for we both love chaos. Even though I haven't gotten the other to battle arenas the four i have are just fine :) And yep, everything i said was prolly mentioned before, but a reminder is always good.
  14. Zephir arose from his meditation. He didn't need to sleep after laying out in the dirt for maybe six hours. He took a glance over at the spells he prepared the night before. The tarantula, and the smoke bomb. Of course he also prepared his missle. He got up and stretched his arms. It was time again like he always did, find a river and bathe. This time, though, he knew there was one close to the village. He noticed he was not the only one up at the crack of dawn. Kamikasai and Melon were standing near the window. He made a quiet chuckle to himself seeing them together, and made his way to the door. Apparently, more was involved besides taking down an empire...
  15. I warn you now, current Disgaea players who have not seen the normal ending, there will be spoilers included. For those who have not played this game, i should include enough information to help you through...now lets begin. ~~~ [I]Red moon, red moon... Cleanses the sinful and makes them anew... Shining brightly in the night sky, waiting for the souls... Who will be born again tonight? Who will be born again tonight? Be born again tonight? [/I] This, is the song of the red moon. Cleanses the sinful and makes them anew. He who was sinful in their lifetime, have their souls trapped in the form of a pengwin and are forced to work, so they can repent for their sins. These, "prinnies", can then wait for the red moon, and be reborn again... [I]"The Netherworld, Celestia, and the human world... Legend has it that these worlds are connected..."[/I] The legends, are infact, true. Celestia, a world where beings known as angels live. The Netherworld, a world of demons, greed, and violence. And, the human world, a decaying world, where humans betray one another. These worlds may never cease to fight with one another. Maybe...one day... [I]"King Krichevskoy, the mighty ruler of the Netherworld. His long reign came to an abrupt end as the news of his death spread throughout the dark land..."[/I] It was two years later, that his only son had finally awoken to the news. Laharl, was then determined, to take his father's throne. Along with his vassal, Etna, and the curious Angel trainee, Flonne, this would be accomplished with relevant ease... [I]"That means...I'm the Overlord!!"[/I] The prince was now king, but something troubled Flonne. She had just helped him reach the throne. She couldn't imagine what the Seraph of angels, Master Lamington, would do about this... [I]"Captain Gordon, Defender of Earth, is afraid of nothing..."[/I] Captain Gordon, along with his crew Jennifer, the wiz girl, and Thursday, the super robot, set out to the netherworld, to defeat the overlord, who was supposedly about to invade earth. Unfortunately, their mission was a lie. Their commander wanted them to open the gates to the netherworld, so they could wipe out all demons in exsistence, and call their world for his own. When Gordon met up with Laharl, they took out the invading humans, only to find out there were angels working with the commander. [I]"I must speak with the Seraph and find out what has been happening in Celestia..."[/I] Flonne had made her final decision, to meet the Seraph in Celestia. She was treated like a traitor in Celestia, and the group had to take angel lives... [I]"...the fact remains that you have harmed other angels. You are to be punished for your sin..."[/I] The Seraph raised his hand, and with an instant, Flonne was changed into a glassy blue flower. Laharl couldn't take it, he ran up and killed the Seraph for what he had done. A figure, known as the Dark Adonis, that Laharl had faced before, ran up to tell him. [I]"I was too late...if you hadn't killed the Seraph, then Flonne might have lived...now there is no hope for her..."[/I] When Laharl heard of this, he was shocked. He walked up to the flower and raised his sword up... [I]"If there is a god...please...I beg of you! Take my life in exchange for Flonne's!"[/I] [I]A little while later...[/I] Etna was the overlord of the netherworld now, with Flonne as her vassal. The new prinnies had arrived... "Hey Etna, doesn't this prinny remind you of someone?" "Flonne, the prinnes look the same..." "But look at this one's eyes!" "...Hey..." Laharl was now a prinny... ~~~ [COLOR=red]"Hey Etna, what will we do with him?" "Oh, I dunno, lets make him clean the toilets..." "He does deserve some respect you know." "Fine, maybe he can work untill the red moon comes for the prinnies." "I guess so...but maybe there's a different way..." "What in the world are you talking about, Flonne?" "I barely remember the Seraph telling me that prinnies can repent for their sins through a Disgaea..." "Disgaea?" "I don't know much either, but maybe we could ask?" "The Seraph's dead remember?" "Yeah...but I wonder if an elder in the Netherworld may know of the process..." "You mean to go out on another adventure?" (Laughs)"Sounds good to me!" (groans)"Here we go again..."[/COLOR] ~~~ More of the true plot shall be revealed later on(like in the first game). Anyway so they're off to find the oldest being in the netherworld. So far their Party is: Etna: NPC (controlled by me) Flonne: NPC (controlled by me) Prinny Laharl: NPC (controlled by me) [IMG]http://www.atlus.com/dis/images/chars_etna.jpg[/IMG] Name: Etna Age: 1470 Sex: Female Race: Demon Class: Hero [img]http://www.atlus.com/dis/images/chars_flon.jpg[/IMG] Name: Flonne Age: 1509 Sex: Female Race: Angel Class: hero (Will get prinny picture up later) (Prinny Laharl is just a prinny, but with a certain glimmer in his eye...) ~~~ Your Characters will be given a class, as I see fit*if you should have any discretion with my choice, please pm me* I will basicly decide it on how you write up your signup, what weapon you choose and your description of your character. Here's the signup: Name: Age: *gotta be reasonable with what race you choose* demons and angels should be from about 1000, to 3000 if anything. Sex: Race: *demon, angel, or human* Description: Bio: Weapon of choice: *keep it basic, we will be buying more* The class i may choose for you will be: Hero, warrior, brawler, cleric, archer, ninja, scout, human soldier, angel warrior, Majin*of course with some of these classes, you can automaticly get it, depending on your race and bio HINT HINT* And thats it. I tried real hard so hopefully its a good one ^^
  16. Zephir walked into the bathroom and dampened a cloth to wash his bite. He's been stung, torn, and hypnotized by many creatures in the forest, and this was no different. He got to work, rubbing the wound with the washcloth. Eventually, the swelling went down and the itching would soon stop as well. He put down the cloth and walked into the crowded room. He sat down on his blanket and took out the tarantula. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Well then, if lights go off soon, i better start preparing tomorrow's spells. He took the tarantula out of the jar and let it crawl around on his arm, making sure it didn't go into his sleeve. He started to glow in a tealish aura as he started chanting a cantation in a low voice. [I][COLOR=teal]"Tarain chronos supar vertice, crowlar dinar satain..."[/COLOR][/I] Over and over, he continued the chant for 10 minutes. He picked up the now glowing tarantula and put him back into the jar. He felt a bit drained, but he continued on to his next spell. He did not notice the few people staring at him in the room...
  17. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Its late already, i should hurry, but my damned leg feels icthy. He kept going at his slow pace. It took him 20 minutes to get back to the inn. He spotted Kamikasai watching him narrowly from the window. He walked inside the inn and took a look at his leg. The itchy spot was pink and purple and had a needle mark in the center. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Them damned poison plants. It shouldn't be too much trouble. Kamikasai came down the stairs to see the itching Zephir. [COLOR=red][B]Kamikasai:[/B][/COLOR] So you got a bite? Over what? [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] A tarantula... Zephir got embarrassed over his own words. Kamikasai started to chuckle. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Kinda need it for my spells though, and i gotta prepare it tonight. [COLOR=red][B]Kamikasai:[/B][/COLOR] Well first, you should tend to your sting and get your stuff in the room. Kamikasai ran back upstairs to their crowded room. Zephir pulled out his jar with the tarantula and took a look at it. Then he realized something. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] What stuff?
  18. Zephir played Raso's words over and over again in his mind. [I]To take down the ThirstQuencher Empire...[/I] He had to return to the place that he ran away from four years ago. He took another look at the people he would be going with, then he held his head in agony. His cold glacier eyes slowly melted into tears. He wiped them away though, and continued to converse with the others. And then he remembered: He had to prepare his spells for tommorrow! He quickly looked into the pockets inside his tunic. He pulled out the jar with the now dead spider, upsidedown inside. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] This aint good. Uhhh guys? I'll be right back. And he rushed outside hearing the now distant questions from the people. He made it towards the outskirts of the forest and began searching for another spider. His climbing spell wont work unless the spider is alive for the enchantment. He looked along the trees, untill he found a fuzzy small figure climbing on a farther ahead tree. A tarantula! He remembered his father telling him about the spell using tarantulas. [I]"The time this spell lasts for doubles when you use a larger spider or tarantula..."[/I] He quickly made for the furry spider and put him in the jar*he had taken out the other spider*. On his way back, his leg started to get itchy. He scratched it and continued foward. He ended up scratching his leg all the way back to the inn...
  19. Zephir slowly awakened. He was on the ground, where he fell earlier on. Taking his time, he got up on his feet and kept a foward pace, looking for the inn. It was cold out, but he continued on. He managed to find a building with the inn sign, waving in the wind. He took his small steps inside and went to the desk. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Excuse me miss, how much does it cost for a room? He had felt a need to ask, even though he didnt have any money. "80 dran." the woman replied. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Damn. Alright, I'll leave then. It was another night for him to relax out under the stars...or so he thought... [COLOR=darkred][B]Raso:[/B][/COLOR] Excuse me, do you have a place to go? [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] Yup, back to the forest for another uneasy night. [COLOR=darkred][B]Raso:[/B][/COLOR] Another?! I'll tell you what. You can spend a night in our room. Won't cost you a thing. Zephir's eye's widened at the man's generosity. [COLOR=teal][B]Zephir:[/B][/COLOR] T...thank you...
  20. I may not be up to notch with your posting skills, but here goes... [SIZE=1]A boy walked out of the forest. He was a mess! His cloak was torn and dirty and he could barely stand up on his feet. He entered a new surrounding, one like his old village. [COLOR=teal]Zephir:[/color] I've...finally found civilization He took small steps, lifting his cloak not to trip. He wished to find an inn to rest and prepare his spells. *he was taught a different and older type of spellcasting, that also needed preperation before use. Still uses Bincho power though, so its a hassle...* It wasn't long though, as he was overwhemed with exhaustion, that he fell to his knees. Everyone, bustling about, just stared at him and walked off. In this village very new to him, and the people very busy, he could not find hope. He tried to move foward more, but he fell over into a deep sleep...[/SIZE] very small, i know, but like Zephir, im tired...G'night everybody!
  21. I'm actually quite surprised noone has even mentioned Stratego*orignal*, a game of great strategy and luck! My favorite game, next to Go as of now. I also like the occasional monopoly, battleship, chess and checkers, and playing card games:p Its hard to go into detail on classical games everyone already knows...
  22. I gotta give it a try... [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][b]Name:[/b] Zephir [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Class:[/b] ....eheh Wizard... [b]Description:[/b] A shrimp, a small boy about 4'5. Has short black frizzy hair, with a red stripe going down the center. His eyes are icy blue, as cold as the biggest glacier itself. He wears a hat of his old master: a straw witches' hat, very battered and torn. He wears a dark red tunic, that is overly large for him to wear, tied together with a lether rope. On his non visible feet, he wears sandals, nothing too stylish, just a pair of wooden sandals. His hands are bare, but on his left, is a mysterious blue jewel, engraved deeply. [b]Bio:[/b] Zephir is an orphan, that was born with a mysterious jewel engraved in his hand. 'Was' a wizard in training four years ago. His old master, Do'Yevurk the Mystical, told him he had great power deep within him, waiting to be unleashed. His master was like his friend. He lived with him and trained every day. They shared a great bond. But then, the unthinkable happened... Do'Yevurk was called to help out Emperor R. Senic, who was supposedly ill with a great disease. It was an ambush. Do'Yevurk was outmatched by the Guards and was killed. Surely enough, the word hit the streets and soon got to Zephir. He couldn't take it. Why did they kill his master? He began to cry, without a mother, or father to return to, what was he to do? As he cried, the jewel started to glow brightly, and then stopped when he calmed down. It was then he decided to run away from the Empire. He took spell preps and provisions and ran off into Somnolent Forest. He would wander for four years, not knowing his way around, untill he would reach Grillin Village, and thus, where his adventure starts... [b]Starting Point:[/b] Grillin Village entrance [b]Secondary Item:[/b] The jewel on his hand. It has activated, but he does not know that yet... [b]Items:[/b] Leftover stale provisions*he didn't finish them, instead learned how to hunt in the forest*, Encased spider, Dirt from the earth, smoke bomb x3 [b]Spells:[/b] [b]P[/b] Image Illusion-costs: 1 smoke bomb, creates a smoke figure of himself, lasts 30 seconds, image cannot move. [b]S[/b] Spider crawl-costs: one spider, after enchantment, the user must eat the spider, they have the ability to crawl up vertical objects, lasts 1 minute. Mini Missile-costs: a steady heartbeat, when one is relaxed, he can cast a small magic missle, with the speed of the hearts tempo, does very little damage, can cast x3 a day.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Well thats it, hope its good...
  23. Im gonna kill myself for this... Anyway, my real name is Will, but for most of my nicknames, that wont matter... lets start with the ones that relate... Bill, Billy::shudders::, Wihihilllber*my bro truly deserves to get hit*, Willy, Willyum, U2JA*basicly my full name* Alright, now for the strange part... Xra-Since I created the dude, my friends call me him... Macabee-Again, my creation, my name Homestar Runner-...this was because i could do the meanest Homestar impression Master W-they mock my training in the martial arts... And recently, for the holiday season, I've been called....................................................................................[spoiler][b]Ralf the Christmas Ninja[/spoiler][/b] O THE INHUMANITY!!
  24. Alright, alright, at long last, I have finally beaten FFX(right before christmas too). But I have one query: In FFX international version, there was an extended ending/trailer on FFX-2. Being that i only have the regular english version, and i dont wish to wait untill the 25th to get the sequel, 'Can someone tell me what happened in that ending?' ...o and spoiler tags plz! [size=1][color=CC0000]Who's the mod here? -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  25. This is nice, a small amount of people, but I shall wait for 2 more. I hope this wil be good...
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