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Everything posted by Xra

  1. Actually i tried that, but there's one problem: He doesn't have a mouth, nose, or cheekbones. Heh, for some reason though, he can Talk and Smell still oO;; As for the tablet, you dont know how much i want one. A lefty using a right hand mouse, and still decides to draw, isin't always the greatest:mrt:
  2. Well, since my scanner hates me, i was unable to put my drawings online, so i thought i'd draw on the computer. Let me tell you, im not the best at doing this, but i made a picture that isint half bad. Khanus, my "Fankensteined" creation, is crying, cause he's cursed, and i dont think you wanna be cursed. [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Other/DD.jpg[/img] so whadaya think?
  3. ....and then...the monkeys attacked.... [IMG]http://home.1asphost.com/ManicMan/Monkey!!.bmp[/IMG] "O no!" Xra welped, if you didnt already see the disfigured picture. For those people who didnt see it, then he never welped it. "So now we have monkeys to deal with?" Shin yellew at Xra. "Its ok Huey, he didn't mean to hurt your feelings," Xra petted the rock. The monkeys with their red and dark red eyes surrounded the party. "So this is like those random encounter thingys ive heard so much about..." Kazuko scratched his chin. It was indeed a random encounter, as corny music was playing out of nowhere. "Sooo, now what do we do?" "Fight the monkeys!!!" Xra yelled, another battle has begun, this one, was to keep the thread alive...
  4. curse: n. A source or cause of evil; a scourge [COLOR=darkblue][SIZE=1]This is the meaning of curse. To be cursed is a different meaning, lightly to have bad luck, but not this time... In a world without a name, filled with dread and chaos, Curse was an evil that ruled over the land. Curse made the black-hearted prosperous(sp) and left the good-willed suffering. Curse would soon destroy this nameless world and seek another. In a matter of time, Curse would envour the entire universe... ...It's 12:01 in the year 3280, happy new year... An elven infant was born a minute before, to a loving mother, but there was something wrong with this child. His skin was nightblack with red lightning bolts over his cheeks. His eyes were pale green and shadowy. He was a part of Curse... The elven mother, disheartened by this occurrence, had abandoned the infant, sending him afloat in a basket down the river. At 1:32 in the morning he was taken from the river and raised by the dragons. His life would begin with them... ...For thirty years, Khanus(the dragons had named him) had become skilled in Draconic language, magic, and fighting style. He grew much faster then normal elves, but was still quite young. The dragons had given him [I]Draco's Soul[/i], an enchanted dagger, and the cloak and hat of [i]Ghar[/i], the half dragon that once tried to take on Curse. At that moment, he decided to leave the dragons, to take on Curse, who made life miserable. As he made his final glance at his old home, he went off to the nearest inn, to prepare spells for his journey, thus where his story begins...[/SIZE][/COLOR] Well, I tried, hopefully its good, now what I need from you: Name: Age: Race: [basic ones are human, elven, half dragon, dwarf, or Cursed, which is a darkened version of the above races] Sex: Description: [Can be written, or a picture will do] Weapon: Cloak/Armour: [Determines your running speed pretty much] Our bio, shall be revealed as the story and sidequests unfold. Languages: [These is the languages that you know, you can choose up to 2: Common, human, elven, dwarven, draconic] Wizards and mages beware: Preperation the previous night must be taken to cast spells for that day. About 3 spells can be prepared in a night, and no rollover minutes =P. Now for my stats: Name: Greyhaired Khanus Age: 30 (young elf) Race: Cursed elven Sex: Male Description: [img]http://prodigyrewinded.250free.com/Other/DD.jpg[/img] Weapon: [i]Draco's Soul[/i], an enchanted dagger Cloak/Armour: The cloak and hat of [i]Ghar the Brave[/i] Languages: Common and Draconic If you may or may not already know, this is a bit of a D&D based RP, cause really thats where i got my idea from. Aww well, enjoy:)
  5. .....i guess that would be me......heh [SIZE=1][FONT=century gothic]Xra looks up at the last post to see what happened. "Uhhhh what are you doing?" Kazuko glanced at Xra for a moment, only to continue looking at the headless Elmo. "Ok, got it!" Xra yelled. He pulled a rock out of his pocket and aimed it at elmo. He threw it and hit DW in the back of the head, rendering him unconscious on the floor. "That was nice, but you hit the wrong puppet!" Mal told him. During the commotion, Elmo picked up the fat italian and used him for a bodyshield. "Elmo shall kill you all!!!" Out of his neck, 10 E.T....like....creatures, started running around the room screaming. Japan looked at the creatures with a ghastly look on her face. She screamed at the top of her lungs. "GET IT AWAY GET IT AWAY!!!" She jumped up and down franticly. "...shit" DeathKnight grabbed one of the creatures and bit its head off. "Tastes like antelope..." During that chaotic and short post, pandemoniuminum....thing spread loose throughout the room. Eventually, the headless Elmo started chasing everyone around with the italian guy. Mmmm, just like at home....[/size][/font]
  6. Parade me, for i have returned!! ....And since i want to join... Name: Will (Player: Xra) Sex: Male.....if aliens have genders.... Personality: Confusing and cowardly brave. Tends to have a big ego. Weapon: a rock.....with a painted smilie face on it Appearance: that lovely tophat, the ripped t-shirt, them crazy jeans, those out of place scars...and this time, for the first time ever...his blades on his hands are covered with bandages. o, and the rock name Huey. Special Abilities: -can throw a rock -be utterly stupid at one time, then the next minute genius -abillity to run away from battle, and come back when comrades have finished it Saving Sennen's soul...why?: cause ive got nothin better to do, and maybe i can feed it to Huey the rock....
  7. Wow, its a first for Xra, he posts in the Music, Movies, and TV forum:p. So anyway, are there any Gorillaz fans out there? They may not be the most popular band, but they are actually pretty good. .....its hard trying to start a thread about a band oO;
  8. Xra

    Theives Guild

    [COLOR=blue]"You think I went into that hotel, yeah right?"[/COLOR] Dallas was hanging out in the car, still rummaging through the guns he got on his last heist. He only kept 4 guns. A pistol, a sniper, an automatic, and his cannon he got from a while ago. The rest of the guns, he shoved under the seat for an emergency. He opened the door and started to stare out into the vast sky. It was morning, but like at 2:00. [COLOR=blue]"I need some cigs...."[/COLOR] He closed the door and went into the driver seat. he started it up and drove off to a convience store. Luckily, it was late and noone noticed him. He got a pack of Salems and drove back by the jet. He hopped onto the hood and laid down. With a cig in his mouth, he fell into a distant slumber.
  9. Xra

    Theives Guild

    [COLOR=blue]"Not all theives are all about stealth ya know."[/COLOR] Dallas looked at Ace with a slight smile on his face. "Yeah I know, but try keeping it to a minimum amount of popularity, especially with the army." Dallas laid back and closed his eyes [COLOR=blue]"Fine, fine, as soon as we leave state, I only get weapons from small sport stores."[/COLOR] "Now I didn't say not at all, just once in a while." [COLOR=blue]"Sweet. Hey, where are we meetin them with your new ride?"[/COLOR] "A convienient store. It should only take em less then 10 minutes." [COLOR=blue]"I mind as well sort through the guns I need then."[/COLOR] And that's what Dallas did as Ace drove up to the store.
  10. Xra

    Theives Guild

    [COLOR=blue]"Ah, nice moves, but you forgot someone"[/COLOR] Dallas pointed up at the sky and they all saw an army helicopter. [COLOR=blue]"These guys have been chasin me for awhile, why don't you lemme handle it little lady."[/COLOR] He opened the door and pulled out the weakest pistol he had. [COLOR=blue]"Now see why I'm called the bigshot quickshot!"[/COLOR] He aimed the pistol at the base of the helicopter's blades. He fired and the big hunk of metal came spiraling down like a meteor. As Dallas blew the smoke from the pistol, the helicopter exploded behind them. [COLOR=blue]"One for one my dear."[/COLOR]
  11. Xra

    Theives Guild

    heh, i guess I said amunation:) Dallas kept looking around for a good weapons store. He asked a few people and the answer was always the same. Ammunation on 12th williams street. After wandering around aimlessly, he eventually found what he was looking for. The place had a glass roof and had some decent weapons at half prices. So he walked in and bought the cheapest sniper riffle in there. [COLOR=blue]"All it takes is a presision shot to stun 'em and the rest is all gold."[/COLOR] Dallas went around the back and to the roof. He stationed himself out of sight, but at a point where he could shoot through the glass. He aimed and pulled the trigger, the cashier was down. The glass barely made a noise which was a relief. So he went downstairs and around to the front and took some good guns for himself and a decent pistol for 10 people. He stuffed them in his backpack, as well as some ammunition and walked outside like nothing happened. Then again, he forgot one thing, the alarm went off. [COLOR=blue]"Dammit, that's not good. I hope they get here soon."[/COLOR]
  12. Xra

    Theives Guild

    Dallas didn't know what kind of care he took, he just took it, and now the cops were after him. [COLOR=blue]"Great, more trouble, but I don't think its that bad."[/COLOR] He pulled out one of the cannons he managed to keep in tact from his backpack and aimed it outside the window. Next thing you know, the police cars were fried. So he started driving calmly again and it only lasted 3 hours untill there was a roadblock in his path. [COLOR=blue]"Now its getting annoying."[/COLOR] He broke the windshield in front of him and aimed the cannon in front of him. Just as fast as the last time, a path was cleared and he drove calmly again. This time he wouldn't have any touble untill he reached the beginning of Idaho. This time he was dealing with the army again. [COLOR=blue]"Now its time to pull a small trick of mine."[/COLOR] He pulled a small grenade from his vest and pulled out the key. He jumped out of the car and watched as it drove towards the blockade. He pulled out his cannon and fired away at the car, causing a huge explosion. As the smoke cleared, not a single trace was left of the army, so Dallas walked calmly into Idaho, looking for a nice place to get some weapons.
  13. Xra

    Theives Guild

    Dallas walked into a coffee shop for some breakfast. He got himself a seat and waited for the waitress. Its been one month since he fell into his home city and got hit by a bike. Surprisingly, he has already made a full recovery and no major bones were broken. He tapped on the table with his fingers, awaiting for someone to take his order. But then he overheard some old geezers talking in the back. "Ah, the ol' guild is commin back." "Are you serious?" "No lie. My son got an email for it, and as bad as he may be, he turns it down." Dallas got up from his seat and went to the back. [COLOR=blue]"If ya don't mind me askin, what kind of guild we talkin about?"[/COLOR] The old man pulled Dallas closer and wispered into his ear. "This guild is for the best theives and specialized crime experts of the world. The orignal was quite well known, so I wish the best of luck for this one." Dallas stood back a bit before speaking up [COLOR=blue]"Theives you say? I wonder where it said to go to join this guild?"[/COLOR] The old man looked a little baffled. "So you're a theif?" [COLOR=blue]"Only for things that matter."[/COLOR] The old man stood up and put a hand on Dallas' shoulder. "Head to Idaho and meet a guy name Ace. I don't know where he is but you'll find him. Do what you do best and you'll be sure to see his face." Dallas went towards the door, but turned around to face the man. [COLOR=blue]"Do you think there's a weapon depot around Idaho?"[/COLOR] "I'm pretty sure." [COLOR=blue]"Then I thank you for your time...."[/COLOR] So Dallas left the shop and head for where he was staying. He opened up his laptop and sent an email to ace. [I].....Ace I presume. My name is Dallas. I'm surprised you haven't sent me an email, cause I'm quite well known over here. I'll be heading for a weapon depot in Idaho, so look for me. You'll know where I am.[/I] Dallas went back outside and hijacked a close-by car and set out for idaho.
  14. Xra

    Xra's Sideshow

    I like how this is turning out, an 8 year old with a bunch of adults. Keep signing up cause this thread aint dead yet! I'd say like 3 more people should join and then we'll start. O yeah, just so ya know, he dont gots his hat yet:p
  15. Xra

    Theives Guild

    Dallas ran out of the army's weaponry depot, screaming his head off as the army chased him. He had finally gotten a hold of some cannons. He almost got outside, when some Guards blocked his way. [COLOR=blue]"Uh oh....wait, I got a magic trick for you guys!"[/COLOR] He pulled out one of his cannons and aimed it towards the ground. [COLOR=blue]"Now you see me....."[/COLOR] he shot the cannon andhe went flying up into the air. Then he started screaming as he started to land far away from the base. [COLOR=blue]"NOW YOU DON'T!!!!!"[/COLOR] _______ He awoke now on the sidewalk in a gloomy city. His arm had broken on impact, so he couldn't carry all of his cannons. Luckily a few of them broke his fall. He managed to his feet and looked at his surroundings. [COLOR=blue]"I haven't been around here since I was a kid. Much has changed since then. Maybe someone can help me find a place to stay..."[/COLOR] There wasn't anyone around. He walked out into the street and tried to find someone but noone came by. Then he heard the sound of a bike riding down the street. [COLOR=blue]"Excuse m-"[/COLOR] BAMM!!! He goes flying back to the sidewalk where he landed. That bike hit him straight on. The person riding it stopped immediately and rushed to the reinjured victim.....
  16. Xra

    Xra's Sideshow

    wow, i really thought this went dead. thanks guys. now, are there any more takers? o yeah the three people from the orignal one are welcomed to jon aain if ya want, it'll jut go a little differently this time around.
  17. Aye, some excitment sounds good for a change. Name: Drunk*everyone forgot his name* Age: Not known, but he seems to be in his late 20's Race: Human Gender: Male Occupation: Town drunk House type: He doesn't have a house, he justs passes out wherever he does. Looks: Pudgy, with short black hair. Faded blue eyes and tanned skin. he wears brown pants and a brown hat, with no shirt. He's always got a big grin on his face and an empty beer mug. Small Bio: He's a happy-go-lucky guy who loves to drink. They don't make him pay, because he's a regular visitor. He never cared for money and always finds soemthing to eat each day, like an apple outside he walls. The once say he was a great warrior.... Meh, you always need a town drunk, so live with it!
  18. Xra

    Theives Guild

    hmmm, theivery......... Name: Dallas 'quickshot' Elvy Age: 18 Gender: Male Reputation: 'The big shot quick shot' Specialty: Arms and specialized robberies Weapons: Every gun he wants, he steals, a switchblade, some rope and duck tape and something under his vest.... Appearance: *see attachment* Almost Exactly like this, but the eyes are red, his vest is closed, has a backpack filled with supplies and guns,and a cigarette in his mouth. Bio: Not much of a sneak around thief, but more of a scar leaving bigshot. He's mostly stealin from the army, all the weapons and stuff, but he'll always leave something that they wont soon forget. Noone ever wants to shoot him, because he hides something very suspicious under his vest. He steals guns, because he's prolly the best around with guns. Hence why they call him the bigshot quickshot. He also a wiz to namein and maintaining his guns. He also has intelligence with special robberies. He's usually prepared to tackle any obstacle, and only got caught and shot in the ribs once on his first attempt. He heard from a close friend about an old guild comming back together, so after he goes and steals some food from a quickstop for the others, he'll be right there.
  19. Yup, I plan to do this again, this time though, we go a little indepth. [COLOR=darkred][I].....not too long ago, a little boy and his friends saved all of us, here on earth.....and the rest of the universe.... Now I know you're wondering how a boy and a few friends could save an entire universe. Well, I'll tell ya, he ain't no ordinary boy and neither are his friends. Lemme tell ya 'bout this boy named Xra. Xra was only a child when i first saw him by a tree. In ripped pants and a ripped shirt, I thought he had escaped death from some beast. I believed the kid was some lucky feller To tell ya the truth, that wasn't even the wierd part in this 3 year old. He had a big scar on his forehead that resembled a wolf's head, and these "blades" on each hand. He didn't seem to have anyone around, so I offered him to stay at my house. Boy, things were never the same. Every morning at the crack of dawn he went back to that tree and practiced hitting it. He had the urge to fight, to be a warrior. I myself am not much of a fighter. I was a simple old man, who was a 5 time gold medalist back in his day. The only thing i could do was teach him to stretch. After a month, he surpassed my skills. I felt bad, not being able to do anything for him. So, I chose to raise him as if he were my own child. 5 Years later, he seemed different, maybe even homesick. A kid who didn't even know his true origns, feeling depressed over a home he never knew. I did the only thing I thought i could do. I gave him a t-shirt and a pair of old jeans, and sent him off into the world. I hoped maybe someday he'd find his way home. So what happened after that? Well give me a second to sit down. and I'll tell ya the rest of the story of Xra's Sideshow.[/I][/COLOR] So there's the intro, now here's the signup: Name: Age: (can be anywhere from Xra's age*8* to numbers unknown) Description Bio: Reason for comming with Xra: And that's it. Hopefully this incarnation of my old RP with be much beter:whoops:
  20. you forgot that i already did make it into a shirt, hehe.... O and another thing, its much better to color pictures in Adobe image ready drawn with a marker, than drawn with a pencil. Thats just for some people drawing their t-shirts and using that program....
  21. Hello people, today was a boring day for me, so I decided to draw Xra again. After I finished him*i drew it all in permenant marker* I was still bored, so I scanned and colored him. After that was done, I was still bored, so I went online to check my mail and check up on OB. Then it struck me, what if i were to make my pic advertize OB? So i took the pic into PSP7 and added text to it. Then i decided to make it into a shirt, so i turned all the text backwards, printed it on Iron-On transfer paper, and ironed it onto a shirt. So now everywhere i go, I show off Otakuboards to everyone.*remember I was bored, so you cant kill me for te idea* Anyway, I felt like showing off the decal i made for the shirt. O yeah, if anyone else decides to make a shirt advertizing OB, you can post your decal here. So, whadaya think?
  22. After complaining so much about no conventions in new jersey, this slaps me right accross the face. Here I am getting a MTG deck, when i see a flyer at the front desk of the store. It seem interesting so i took one with me. UberCon is a big convention with games cards rpgs movies and tournaments*movies are scifi of course*. Its comming to Secaucus, New Jersey at the crown Plaza meadowlands. Its still 2 months away*October 17-19* But i just cant wait. Anyone gonna go?
  23. Xra

    Otakon 2003!

    :twitch: I hate new Jersey, nothing ever happens here. Anyway, i reaaly wish i could goto one of those contventions, meeting wierdos with interests like mine. Perhaps i should move to california or sumfthin, then i wont have to be bored with everyday life:)
  24. I was waiting for exodus, but i guess he bailed. Aw well. [COLOR=green]I was horrified by the sight of the town, the sight of the world! I fell down to my knee and punched my frozen fist into the ground. My wings fully expanded as tears rolled down my cheeks. I knew Tsin was behind all this. I got up slowly and started walking foward. I saw the stares of everyone, they were somewhat afraid. I hoped I could get help from someone, but boy was I wrong. I walked up to a woman with a child in her hands. Next thing you knew, she ran way out of sight, almost dropping the infant. It was then I realized asking personally would be a bit of a problem. So I called out. [B]"When did all this chaos happened?"[/b] I yelled out. There was murmurs within the crowd. Finally an old woman, in her 60's stepped foward. "Its been forty years, young man. After you were frozen, the decay started a week later." [b]"But how do you know I was frozen?"[/b] "Don't you remember?, I was there that day...."[/COLOR] O yeah, we shall not level up till we meet, but whoever yuo defeat on the way will contribute to your beginning level.
  25. O yeah, people this will be in first person... I will be in green font [COLOR=green]I woke up on the floor. I was covered in green liquid, on the dark floor. This wasn't the place I was before, or, at least I thought it wasn't the same place. It seemed, rundown, now. When I got up from the floor, I saw three little boys standing in front of me, gawking for some reason. Before i could say anything, the kids scream and run. "AHH THE WINGED DEMON OF DEATH, RUN!!!!" Winged demon? Wait a minute.. I reach toward my back and feel some wierd buldge. Then I realized my hand was frozen. What the hell is going on? I go over to a broken mirror and I see myself. Bright lightblue wings stretched out and emotionless eyes. Something happened, that I didn't know about. Then I turned around and everything came back to me. I saw the pod i broke out of, the Time Capsules. It was that General Tsin that locked me in there, but if that was the case, then what year was this? I found my chain and dual sickles(one sickle on each end) still in my side pouch. So then, I went outside, and almost fainted at the sight of this world....[/COLOR]
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