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Everything posted by Xra

  1. Ugg, im sorry i havent gotten around to it, i Shall start one right now. It begins....now Oyeah, Jim/Jin? you're in, and you're a light warrior, look back into the thread what that does
  2. Hello people, anyway, last night on Adult Swim, they primiered(sp) 2 Animes back to back. The second one was Blue Gender, which i knew well about, but the first one was a funny,confusing,annoying, and attactive anime called FLCL. After seeing the first episode, I still couldn't figure out what it was about, except a lovesick girl, an alien, and a kid with things popping out of his head. So, does anyone know more on this anime?
  3. I am very, truly srry for not posting, i had summr reading to be done -__-;; anyway, yes Chocobos, Catuars, and Mogs will remain a constant theme. And your color coding idea sounds good too Kaede. When the RP starts tell your color at the beginning of your first post. And yes we'll name our moves, just to keep theme of an RPG. So all of ya remember, it will almost be as if it really was a final fantasy video game. Now, finally i shall post my signup: Name: Sitnam Age: 17, or thats how old his mind is.... Sex: Male Build: Medium Bio: He was actually from when Gevet was a beautiful planet. He was quite involved with Tsin and was in training to take over his spot of power when Tsin died. But around the time when Tsin cracked, he got ideas the Sitnam was going to betray him. Sowhen they were in Kyoto, checking out the frozen time capsules, Tsin pushed him into one and noone has heard of Sitnam ever since.....untill 40 yars later, when some nosey children explored the now abandoned house of the time capsules. they broke into his capsule, and ran in fear as he was still alive. Now, after seeing the horrid place of misery, he wishes revenge on Tsin. Race: Human, but with unusual wings Description: just think of a 17 year old, with blue frizzy hair, grey emotionles eyes, one frozen hand, white shirt with a green vest. Yellow shorts, an arm gauntlet, Black boots, and transparent ice blue wings. My answers, class and weapon: a,c,b; champ; Chain and Sickle so now thats done, give me a little bit and ill make the rp :)
  4. I wrote down what a champ is by dbzanimegurl's name, but ill repeat it for you. A champ is one who is good in speed, strength, and magic, but its not Great, just average. dbzag, you get to choose you weapon as you please, but try to keep it to your class. Sorry, still busy, ill make my post tommorrw and we'll start tommorrow.
  5. Whoo Hoo!! I waited till we had ten people and now we do:D So anyway, since im about to go, i cant post my stats just yet, but i can tell you all of your classes: aYokano-light warrior*a fighter with great speed,and descent(sp) attack, but poor magic* dbzanimegrl17-champ*speed, attack, and magic are all equal* Tsukasa_hack-heavy warrior*a fighter with great attack, descent magic, but poor speed* Little Serenity-light warrior Double_B_Daigo-light warrior Exodus-champ Kaede-san-heavy warrior The Bouncer-champ Xra-Champ see if you can figure it out, i gotta go......
  6. Gevet, once a beautiful world, is now a corrupted, almost destroyed planet. The skies above, and the oceans below, now bear a hideous grey color. The Sun, nor the 2 moons ever shine through to this hopeless home. The many that live here wish to die then live in a dead land. It all started 50 years ago.... Yes, 50 years ago, Gevet was a beautiful planet. The 3 continents were in perfect harmony, and there was never sadness. General Tsin, Gevet's leader, was a kind and gentle man. He kept trade up between Kyoto, Janbea, and Tokyo-ke. But then a terrible thing happened. As life went on, Tsin started to seek power. He went to live on Tokyo-ke, and diverted all trade there at once. He started to industrialize on Tokyo-ke, and it effected the enviroment. The Junanites, or bear people, tried to stop this madness, but were then banished to a far off island they now call Juniero. Life definately changed from then on in. So Gevet and all its inhabbitants lived through dark ages, but now, the planet cant take it anymore. The Crystal Core is giving out, and unless the planet can be restored, no life will be able to exist there. If the industry were to stop, then the planet may survive, but the problem is that General Tsin doesn't know, nor he even cares anymore. All he wants is money, money, money. It may seem Gevet shall be lost. With Janbea, a gambling continent, glad they'll die, and Juniero too far to help, it seems only Kyoto shall be able to put a stop to Tsin. Very few warriors live on this contient, so they look for anyone willing and worthy to go. With hope, and a lot of luck on their side, this world may stand another chance. And if they, no....when they succeed, they shall be named Gevet's legendary saviors. So, are you ready to enter Final Fantasy: Death Awaits!?! ~~~ Well there's the story, and if it doesn't appeal to you, dont change the page yet, I've got stuff you may like comming up... Well for starters there are a few cities in the planet of Gevet we may, or may not visit, but lets take a look: Kyoto: Amarosi, Kamjin, Jarel, Vieran, Retuki, Thierry, Foe'ria Janbea: Kelotia, Nikoria, Descurea, Huidanre, Morredor, Staunton Island, Haundre, Burlsfeld, Carlosia, Ronaldinho Juniero: Rio, Sylhet, Arribor, Gestahl, Kempo Tokyo-ke: Fergari, Siennax, Capusho, Ljungberg, Rawklands, Nistorliga, Diable See my attached map for a better understanding of Gevet. Next, I will include a leveling system, but you shall only gain levels for Post Quality, length, and emotion. I shall judge your posts, and I'll have someone judge mine. Finally, the signup. But at the end of the signup there are 3 questions*who cares if they suck*. Based on which answer you put you will be given a Journeyer's Class. I will not reveal what class you are untill we begin, so that means don't put weapons down. Ok here's the signup: Name: Age: *can vary greatly* Sex: Build: *light medium or muscular* Description: Race: *human, or Bear people* Bio: 1. To defeat the enemy, you preferr: a. Skill b. Power c. Wisdom 2. Love is the essence of: a. Inner strength b. Weakness c. Emotional power 3. Your Friends mean to you: a. Everything b. Sacrificing myself c. Comfort And i think thats it, I'm tired so don't expect to see my signup till tommorrow.
  7. Ok, about two weeks ago, i got FFX, which I must say is totaly great. Now, im about 12 hours into the game and i remembered when my friend got to this point, he told me about [spoiler]Anima[/spoiler] and some other secret Aeons. Now here lies my quetion: Could you guys tell me all the secret Aeons and how to get them? Please use spoilers as to not ruin the game for some people:).*i don't mind, my Aeon team is kinda weak...*
  8. Just then, Kray lept out of the ground and stood in front the Shinobi. "You should know when you've met your match. Put the girl down...." The warrior stood there with a shurken(sp sorry) to Michiko's neck. "What, do you care for this girl's life?" the rouge hissed. "No, I don't care for her life....but I care for her mission." Michiko's eyes opened real wide. She couldn't tell if she was going to die, but then she heard Kray's voice in her head. [I]I have him distracted, signal the others to sneak you out of this maze....[/i] Now she was confused, but she signaled them at once. The Genin kept running in, but now quieter than before....
  9. 'What the? That a cheap trick. I all of my 200 ye- wait...' Kray looked toward the side of the wall. There was a slight opening on the side of the wall. It was too small for humanly possible, so there wasn't much he could do. He peeked through the hole to see the shinobi was makin his way further into the maze. Well he could do one thing. Kray jumped up into the air, turn towardsthe ground with his sword straight down, and spun into the ground. If he wasn't gonna catch him by chasing him, he was gonna cut him off. So he drove near the rouge close by, under the ground...
  10. Kray felt the breeze of the man that went by him into the maze. He was so shocked, that he blew his cover as he ran in after him. "This is the novice ninja's test, not mine, so i best not to trigger any traps." Kray jumped up into the air and tried to locate the assassin. He was getting through the maze, no problem. He landed back on the ground and drew his sword. He then started running through the maze in pursuit. The traps in the maze were very well tricky to a lowlevel ninja. The maze itself was very well designed along with it. Still, Kray got through it with ease, and was careful not to spring most of the traps. He was catching up to the shinobi, he was just beyond the bend......
  11. *sorry, went on a road trip:D* Kray floated in the shadows, above the crowd. This mission was to be noble, and very difficult. Michiko announced she only wished for Genin Ninja. What a foolish move to make. Kray decided he'd watch over them from afar. The test shall prove if he would be needed or not, so he got all his equipment ready and hid by the entrance. They would be leaving to start the test soon and he would be there to see the best make it out... *sorry i be tired and i got's company right now*
  12. Thank you for lettin me in, here's my signup: Name: Kray Age: Unknown Gender: Male Territory: Earth (stone village) Side: unknown Physical description: see attachment, it moves:D Bio: Basicly, the legendary warrior of the stone village, that supposedly had died in a fire, but lives in the village. Not much else is known, except at nights, he uses a levitation technique...
  13. Well, that's 3 judges. We only needed three cause it is gonna be a small contest. Now here are things to remember: -your art shall be judged on a 1 to 10 scale -a decent sized pic so we can see all details -he/she who wins will get a thank you/congradulations(sp) banner And the contest begins....now
  14. I was hopin noone would ask this, anyway Xra is a guy*but the way i draw him he looks like a girl -__-* Those things commin from the tophat are sashes and the complete hat was given to him by a wierdo in his storyline so... There's you answer...a skinny, alien, adventurous, freaky tophat wearing fella:D
  15. Ok, this is for the artists...and others that wish to try as well:) Anyway, as you know, Xra has been in the same costume, ever since he was thought up*actually it was the same, but he had suspenders and gloves on* I'm all out of ideas onwat to give him, so I'd thought I'd make a game, or contest out of it here. So here's what you do. -attempt to sketch Xra in your own fashion or clothing. -scan it and post it on this thread -for extra points give it color so I dont have to:) -Remember, one entry per person The outfit that wins*make sure is easy for me to do* shall be used sometimes in place of his current traditional one. Now, I need 3 judges to help this contest go on. Actually one since I'm one and Lan is one. If this gets closed, I shall understand, but to remind you people, its [b]Unofficial[/b] so lets have fun. ~~~ O yeah, for those of you who may not know who Xra is*which i highly doubt* I hve attached a pic of him in myfirst attempt at using photoshop.
  16. Xra

    otaku prom

    Xra woke up on the floor. The closet was open and his shirt, pants andshoes were all ripped up. "O don't tell me i had another nightmare. Jeeze, i think i should lay off the adventures, its startin to turn m-*looks at himself*...pink?" Xra was in shreds and pink, what a way for royalty to go. "Um...where's the bathroom, i may need to change:bluesweat:"
  17. Xra

    otaku prom

    Suddenly, Xra's ear started to twitch and the sashes on his tophat began to shrink. He started to grow brown hair all around and his blades kept sliding to his fingers. Ruby and Mirai strated to noticed the changes. [Ruby]"Um, Mirai, is that good?" [Mirai]"I don't think so..." Xra's ears melded with the sashes and got all furry. His face started to form out into a muzzle. A tail sneaked out of the back of his pants. His arms started to bulk up. [Ruby]"He looks kinda like a...were..wolf?" Xra got up with his eyes closed, he was having a nightmare. [Wolf Xra]"Who's the wiseguy, he'll pay for hurtin' Gina!!!" [Mirai]"Maybe we should run." The 2 ran off while Xra kept ranting in his sleep...
  18. Xra

    otaku prom

    As soon as the song ended, Xra fell petrified on the floor. [Jesus Chicken] "Dude what happend?" "I...never....got to....move.....away......from the speaker!!" So Xra stayed on the floor for a while and ended up going to sleep. Someone took a broom and sweeped him off the dance floor. Now he's sleepin like a baby in a closet.
  19. oh whoops i guess i forgot that. there is: Thunder, Fire, Ice, Darkness, and Blue fire: a new resouce they found which is like a living blade.....fire thats blue and feels like a sword blade.
  20. [i]"There has been legends all throughout the past, Hercules, Gryffins, and so many others. But now, come with me to embark on a journey, to see a legend very much true, and way past this time. For in the year 5072, 5 warriors from all over the universe shall come and strive to protect our descendants and everyone's future from an evil, only known as Koro." "Life in this time is all but hovercars, and stereotypical dreams of the past. In fact, its all ruins and destruction and not just on earth. Several galaxies in our universe also, reek of havoc and chaos. All this because of Koro. Their only goal is to wipe everyone out, so that their twisted race may rule surpreme." "The remaining forces of earth have called a meeting of the 5 strongest plantets remaining. Earth, Xenth(planet of humanoid jackals), Reon(planet of evolved humans), Jocl(Planet of androids), and Senru(planet of shadows) are the only ones to reply. They are to find their best mercenary of their galaxy and have them join forces to take on Koro. These 5 will make a group named the Yarkago, and if they succeed the universe shall be a better place to live again." "What's to happen next? You must keep looking to find out. Its about to begin so don't look to me for answers. And who am I you ask? I'm a hemrit from the planet Senru, who may play a big role later on..."[/i] [center]~~~[/center] I hope this'll be successful, I know my past pieces have been fun, but were cut short. So anyways this's what you'll need: First off, there are 5 attributes and 5 races, so 1 to each person and only 5 shall be allowed. But there is also the roles of the ship driver, that hermit, and the rouge of the Yarkago to fulfill, so 7 more players shall be allowed. now this is the sign up for the 5 warriors: Name: Race: *1 to a person there's Earth, Xenth, Reon, Jocl, and Senru* Attribute: *much like race, one to a person, there's Speed, Power, Intellect, Attack, and Guard* Age: Sex: Description: Bio: Special: *based on your race and attribute can you make a special move* The rouge can follow the same signup as the warriors except, no attribute is required. The ship driver needs: Name: Age: Sex: Description: Bio: Weapon of Defence: *yes you will be on the battle field* The hemit needs: Name: Magic abillities: Type of staff: *the type of staff you have will give the elemental effects to your abilities* Thats it, all i have to do now is write my signup: Name: Ekisp Race: Jocl Attribute: Attack Age: 500 Sex: Neutral*but a male build* Dscription: An older model Android, with sleek metal skin. Very muscular build with a thick green metal vest. o yeah green metal pants, blue metal boots, and a black artificial hair mohawk. His hand has the ability to form into a weapon of his desire. Bio: Nothing much to know about this android except, the strongest of its race, and very few of his models were made. It was the only one who was made with emotion to fight at his own descretion. Special: Hand form-his hand can form into the weapon of his desire to take down a foe. So, lets have fun^_^
  21. Wow..............almost better than squaresoft themselves...... To tell you the truth, this is the best quality fanart work I've ever seen. I'm not even gonna give a rating, cause no number can amount to the greatness to your work. Heh, yeah im exxagerating, but i do really like it 10/10 If you dont mind me asking Ginny, could you give me advanced drawing lessons?:D
  22. Xra

    otaku prom

    Xra picked he head up from eating, he noticed the music stopped and a wierd fella in the place of the dj. Then he looked down and saw the dj knocked out. "Aww man, he pulled the perfect scam, then again he looked drunk so that didn't cou-.." Before he said anything else, he realised he said drunk. So he chuckled and went up to the guy.[Jesus Chicken] "Hey man, you seem like a wise-guy, where'd you get the beer eh?" ~~~ Hehe, Xra like beer:freak:
  23. Wait a minute, who gives a damn about sexuality. The topic is crushes, a bit personal i might add, bt we don't need to go too deep here. Ok to start back on topic: I'm thinkin the reason why I don't have crushes or secret admirers(sp) is prolly because I don't open up to others too much. I do have some close friends on OB of the opposite sex though, but i wont list them till tommorrow, I'm gettin sleepy:sleep:
  24. Xra

    otaku prom

    Xra finally snapped out of his daze, he couldn't think of anything to pull. "Aww well," He went as he got out of the couch. "Maybe I'll think of something after a little food." So he went over to the snack bar and started to chow down. While he snacked he started to think, [i]i'd wish they playedbetter music and maybe i'd dance a bit...[/i]
  25. Xra

    otaku prom

    Xra stopped thinking. "Well, noone to call, i guess ill go alone, maybe even cause some michief:demon:" So Xra got into the prom. He saw people all dressed up while he was in his rags. he walked into the room with fewest people and found a couch. he sat himself down and wondered what he was gonna do to end the prom with a biiig riot.
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