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Everything posted by Xra
Xra hung out in the internet, bored. He really didn't talk to too many OBers(if you do wanna talk cause i really am bored, my AIM screename is in the sig) so he drifted off into the otakuboards. He hadn't been there in over a month so he thought he could surprise a few people he knew. Unfortunately, then greeted him as if he never left(im basicly tellin how my day went today:o). So he wandered around untill he got a pm. Xra was tired so he didn't realise who it was from, but before he deleted it, he noticed soemthing about an Otaku Prom. Up till now, he had no luck with the ladies, but the prom sounded like fun. He continued wandering around, tryin to figure out who to call.... (If i play it right, i may end up makin a surprise at the prom hehe.
............................ After leaving here for a little over a month(Warcraft 3 baby!) I finally come back to what I like to call my online "family" and I see this thread here. Now, that the "family" feeling went away after seeing this thread I guess I can finally post. Hahaha!! I'm not mentioned once in any of those replies, I'm forgotten, Yay:D!!! But seriously, ive been friendly, i got married, but [spoiler]never had a crush, don't think I have been crushed.[/spoiler] so there you have it, the forgotten one has spoken!!! ps: if anyone didn't know what i meant, in other words, I'm back :)
Art A nifty little banner I made for LAN, whadaya think?
Xra replied to Xra's topic in Creative Works
Hehe, yes I did! Chack down another point for the Blademaster! -
Ya in, just get your new netnavi and hurry to the dome:)
Art A nifty little banner I made for LAN, whadaya think?
Xra replied to Xra's topic in Creative Works
Heh no problem, here's the avatar:) -
This is a welcome back banner(and avi) for LAN. Its not too fancy but it gets the idea out. What do you think*hopes for critics, I love getting critized(sp)*
[COLOR=sandybrown]"Uh Oh, I forgot the landing gear!"[/COLOR] Tails said with a horrified look on his face. Right then, Sonic heard something comming from a distance.[COLOR=blue]"Tails, we may not have to. I suggest you turn this thing around and try to hover a bit."[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]"Something tells me you're getting ready for something big."[/COLOR] Knuckles looked at Sonic a little serious. [COLOR=blue]"Trust me Knuckles this will be big. Back when I was trapped, I overheard something that had to do with the 16-bit festival. This may mean the end, or a turning point in the war. Whatever it is, we must be ready to take action."[/COLOR] Then Sonic jumped out the plane. [COLOR=blue]"Go get the chaos emeralds, I have to have a talk with an old friend."[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Actually, I see a couple quotes right there that could work. :p And what if I just sent him the pictures over AIM? Then he wouldn't be getting them off my site, he'd be getting them directly from me. :toothy:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Wow that's evil:devil: Even though i may have said something funny, but never anything good for a quote. Heh im free.
[COLOR=blue]"What happened to you guys?"[/COLOR] Sonic asked his 2 partners. [COLOR=orangered]"When you were caught in the bonus stge trap they sprang for you, they easily broke through our defenses, so we were forced to get out of there."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"But how did you find me?[/COLOR] [COLOR=sandybrown]"There's nothing I can't do, or trck down in your case. So, where should we go Sonic?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Everyone's meeting at the 16-bit festival we'll go there."[/COLOR] And so, they flew through the skies untill they reached the mushroom kingdom.....
David's Side~ All the way home, David kept jumping and whooping and disturbing the neighbors. He finally got home and ran up to his bedroom. He slipped the cd into his PET and played video games untill his new Navi would arrive. Will's Side~ "So, how are you in fighting skill?" Will asked his new partner. "Hahah, high in speed power and special attack, but defense is kinda low, but we can work on that," Replied the digital legend. "Speaking of fighting, half of my old chips won't work for your type, uh Void right?" "I think so, but why dont we earn some money to get more?" "I know just the place." Will took his PET out of the house and they both went down the street towards a big dome. (Hey, big dome=tournament, we'll most likely all meet there)
Fwufwufwufwu, I'm likin' this. Otakirama maybe:bluesweat? Well anyway, finally I wouldn't be concidered the blacksheep of my school. Hehe and I'd be the neighborhood hero. And to keep the crappy government out of our hair, we'd need to form a super army. *thinks about creating an RP(HANDS OFF!:D)*
David's Side~ They both got to the post office at the same time. They went in and spoke to the dude at the desk. "Uh hello, are our Net Navis here?" David asked. "Well usually you get them in the mail, but you must be one of the special orders are you not?" The clerk told them. "Yup that's us!" Lan spoke Eagerly. "Then follow me." And the 3 walked into the back... Will's Side~ Will woke to wierd noises inside his house. "What is that?" He said. It started to get louder as he walked foward. It sounded like a circus fanfare. He got up to the desk where his PET was laying. The music came from his PET! "What the hell?" Will wondered as he picked up his PET. He looked at the screen and saw Someone flipping around having the time of their life. 4 wierd black strips came out from its back. "That's my new Netnavi? Oh I forgot that at one point the legends say "he" ran a circus for a while." The person in the screen stopped to see Will looking straight at him. "'Bout time you woke up. How ya doin'...Will" The person replied. He had blades on the back of his hands and red gloves. "Why, hello...Xra, the legendary blademaster." Will spoke a little disturbed. "Yup that's me, or what I'm supposed to be. Hehe, if you check your little package, you'll see ya got a special chip in there." Will went to the package that he got the cd in, and a big look of surprise went accross his face...
At the same time I like where this is going and yet I don't like where this is going. The fun of experimenting with a newfound tool is awesome, but now I'm scared half to death:laugh: Real coo, Ajeh, reallllll cool 9.8/10
Well to answer your question, southern island does exsist, its just none of the codes ive used really work. And CS, those codes for wild pokemon modifying dont work. I dont get it, I think my AR meets the requirements.:wigout:
[COLOR=blue]"When will these halls end?"[/COLOR] Sonic was still running through the endless halls. He soon came up to one that was quite narrow, so he continued through. There were guards in front of him, so tried to rush back. It was just his luck though that he saw guards behind him as well. [COLOR=blue]"I'm in deep now, uhoh."[/COLOR] [COLOR=orange]"We have you now hedgehog."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Aak this is i-"[/COLOR] Before he could finish, a part of the wall fell down, and who of all people was behind it? [COLOR=orangered]"Hey Sonic, thought you could use a hand."[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]"Ahh, Knuckles. Perfect timing!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=orangered]"Enough chitchat, lets go!"[/COLOR] Sonic and knuckles both went out the hole with everyone behind them. Tails was waiting outside with the Tornado. [COLOR=sandybrown]"Sonic, hurry!"[/COLOR] All three got into the plane and left into the sky, leaving all the guards behind.
Will was supremly annoyed. The pitiful fools actually thought they had him locked up behind bars. His eyes started to glow and got ready to bust the bars down, but then he got electrocuted by this appliance on his head. "That should keep you put, ya little runt." Bragged the guard. Will was now totally pissed off. He tried to rip the thing off his head, but got shocked again in the process. The blow knocked Will out on the floor. He would have to get out of there soon, or he'll never be able to spring his revenge.
Well its up and quite small, so try to make due and have a good time RPing
Now we finally start this:D David's Side~ David rushed down the sidewalk with his PET in hand. He was about to get his new Netnavi he ordered on the phone. Unfortunately, he was too eager that he forgot to describe what he wanted it to look like. He went around the corner and into the store. He couldn't wait to finally upgrade his new partner... Will's Side~ Will went to his mailbox. His Netnavi would be comming and along with it, a possible and strong way, to find his true self. He opened up his mailbox to find a small CD that had the insignia of the legend his navi was gonna look like. He went inside the house and put the CD into his PET. Then, he went to his bed and fell asleep. He would soon find role in this world...
As the gaurd left the room, Sonic crunched up into a little ball and started his famous spin dash. He charged it to maximum and laid a full assault against the bars of the cage. They didn't break, but they bent enough to just squeeze out. Now Sonic was on the move. He didn't know where to go, but he managed to slip by all the guards untill he heard someone say in the background: [COLOR=orange]"Hey the prisoner got out!"[/color] [COLOR=blue]"Uh Oh, I gotta get outta here!"[/color] Sonic blew his cover. He started running through all the halls, avoiding all the guards. Alarms started blaring. [COLOR=blue]"This doesn't look too good. I may get caught again and it could be wor-Wait a minute. That won't happen. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"[/color] He started into his spin and continued though the halls.
Sonic woke up in a cage, garded by a soldier. [COLOR=blue]"Wha....Tails? Where are you!?"[/COLOR] He looked around and saw that he was alone in a big room, and in the room next door he heard people talking. [COLOR=blue]"Hmm...[SIZE=1]maybe I can get out of here[/Size] O Service men?[/color] [COLOR=orange]"What do you want ya runt?"[/color] [color=blue]"I'm hungry, get me a chili dog, pronto!"[/color] [Color=orange]"Yeah whatever."[/color] (now that he's gone, its time to get to work.)
Will then started to hold his head. Something wasn't right. Rayquazaa was disturbed in some way. He pointed East and Xatu started off towards the sky pillar. After an hour, they finally reached the ruin with Rayquazaa nowhere to be found. This had troubled him very easily, not knowing it was at Mirage Island. It was the only one who survived his childhood, besides his pokemon. He started to levitate away from Xatu and head high up into the sky. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist untill it started to bleed. Then, for the first time in so long he let out a large yell that shook the entire continent again. It seemed to have maybe even shook the entire world. He soon fell slowly to the ground unconcious. The next thing he would wake up to, was behind bars, without his pokemon at Pacificlog Town. Thank god im back!
Thank god im back! Anywho, once i get all the needed people, then this starts. Sorry it took so long to come back.
Yay!! You're back! Your signup shall be the last. I'll start this then.*wishes you'd go on aim soon*
Before i try this i thought i could ask. So if a male Swampert with Surf breeds with a Feamale Sceptile, then the Treecko could get surf, right? If not, is there any way a Treecko could learn Surf? O yeah i checked, Mudkip and Treecko are in the same egg group.
well posting saying you wanna join, would you like to?