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Everything posted by Xra
While we're asking Shy, uh what exactly does the title have to do with this rp? It a war between old and new games, and yet Shooting Goombas? I think im missing something.
Yeah, that'll be great, and JJ, you can be 2 people. I guess i'll be 2 people then..even though who im gonna be is not really important. Bean!
Must...Sign...Up! [b]Character Name:[/b] Sonic the Hedgehog [b]Reason for choosing Character:[/b] I am a hardcore fan of Sonic. I've known about this blue wonder since I was 4. He would be a great addition to the war on the classics side, that is, if he can get along with his rival, Mario. [b]Knowledge of the Character:[/b] I know almost everything about Sonic, here's a sample: The 15 year old blue fast hedgehog has been in games since 1990. Was orignally gonna be a Squirrel, but they changed the idea to hedgehog. His goal, to save all of his little critter friends from the hands of Eggman, who was using them as cores for his robot army to take over the world. Eventually, the race to save the world grew to a new height, when Eggman started after the Chaos emeralds and turned their protector Knuckles against Sonic. Soon enough, the 14 year old Echidna joined Sonic to defeat Eggman. The fight continued like that, but then marked the end of their 8 bit days, and went to 3d, but he'll still always consider himself a classic.[IMG]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=405456[/IMG]
...yeah i guess you're right. ill start this tommorrow. Next person that posts will get in then.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Also, I'm kind of wondering if they'll have a multiplayer mode where two or three players could each control one of the characters. Kind of like how one person would play as Sonic and the other as Tails in the old Genesis games. If done right, I think that could be really fun.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Hehe, or maybe they'll just make it a 2 player game, you choose the teams, and the first one to the end of the level wins. It would seem decent enough to say the least. I'm already planning to get this game, but one thing annoyed me. Those robots in the movie, looked kinda pitiful and I know Eggman can do better. Is there any hope of better looking baddies and robots?
Well i must say im sorry DJ and Vilearch but Kiara Starr was the last person to sign up and Geist was held a spot. Better luck next time. All the others: I will try to start this thing very shortly so sit tight. Recruitment is closed!
hey JJ you dont hafta be 2, im just saying those are the ones we need. Heh, but I guess if you want to go right on ahead.*looks at visser 3* looks like there can be one more custom as well.
due to his banning, Visser asked me to take over for him...if you have any questions, relay them to me and ill ask him. apparently, i play as his character as well
Heeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee's [SIZE=1]digital[/SIZE] XRA!! Name: Will Age: 15 Appearance: White frizzy hair, red headband, Deep black eyes, black leather overcoat, red t-shirt, Black baggy pants with red stitching, designer sneakers, a black finger cut glove on one hand Bio: An unknown past and a vengeful future, Will is always searching for his past. He has no trace or lead to guide him, except one. One day, as he walked down the street, he saw someone go into a electronic store that triggered a split-second flashback. The person walked out with a disk and some sort of gadget. Will rushed into the store immediately to get them same things in hope of communication. That was a year ago, now he's become quite skilled with his net navi, but he still hasn't found that guy that could possibly reveal his past. As Will was watching TV, he saw a commercial for some upgraded Net Navies. It wouldn't help his search, but it would help him become much stronger. He picked up the phone and ordered a navi in honour of a legend. Personality: Pretty much silent and dark. Always questioning. Battle chips: Zero sword, Void cannon, Deplete gravity, Cybermatrix rip(only used to escape the cyber matrix and survive in the real world)*used once in this rp* Name: Xra Appearance: See attachment Style: Dark Hole Signature move: Endless fall of Darkness
We still need a sonic, amy, cream & cheese, girun, and a mod to move this thread. lets go people
Will stared at the newcomer. Not the one who caused him pain, but someone about to get in the way. He jumped down before she went into the gym. They met face to face. Starr: Who are you? Will made no reply. Starr: Hello, who are you! Will made a slight frown. He turned around and jumped back on top of the building. Starr: Why are you and Absol destroying other towns? This time, Absol jumped down and snarled at Starr. Pichu jumped up and started to spark. Absol was ready to fight the 2. It jumped towards Starr, but was suspended in midair by Starr's psychic capabilities. Will turned around and gave a look of surprise, but it soon turned to a smirk. Just then, some helicopters and policemen came to arrest him, but with a blink of an eye him and all his pokemon were gone. Starr looked around a bit surpised, but then on the ground she saw an old picture of him and some other girl...
I hope you know that Mauville was destroyed...hehe _________________ Will continued waiting. Everyone stared at him just sitting up there without moving. Then a little girl exclaimed. "That's the bad man and his white doggy on TB(TV)!!" "Oh no..." One man let out horrifed. "We're all gonna DIE!!!" Everyone started to run in circles, completely freaked out. Will finally broke his stillness with a smirk on his face. The his eyes started to turn red. Everyone completely froze on Dewford town. Then, he raised his arms and everyone started to levitate. Then, he calmed down, but everyone was still floating. It would shut them up for a while...
After destroying Mauville city, Will had returned Absol and took off on Xatu. He was heading towards Dewford town. He would find his pain even if he destroyed the whole reigon. Although one thing didn't seem right to him. He felt...followed. The continued to Dewford and landed atop the gym. He returned Xatu and let out Treecko and Absol. Then he just sat down and waited without moving. The pokemon were just as still. They all waited for their stalker.
crap i messed up, maybe a mod could move this plz. im not on the ball today
Life has been at ease in Station Square. Sonic runs from Amy, Knuckles dumped Rouge and met Julie-Su, Tails works in his lab continualy at the mystic ruins, and Eggman just stays secluded, still searching for the perfect way to defeat Sonic. Everything is how it should be. Although with Shadow's burning up in the atmosphere, not anyone has known about the danger within him. 7 dark objects have scattered across the earth 2 days after the Final Hazard was destroyed. Some people just regarded them as fallen stars and ignored them entirely, although one shadowy figure has been sighted around the world looking for these "Shadow Shards". Oh and them Chaos Emeralds, don't need to worry about them, 'cause they won't be the least of our problems. Be ready, for here's episode 4 "Wishes may be Eternal, but Dreams are Not"! I really gotta learn how to make big intros:o Anyway that's the story here's the scoop. Only 3(not including me) original characters will be accepted. If you are one of the 3 you need: Name: Race: Age: Sex: Description: Bio: Otherwise you choose from these characters: Sonic[NEED] Tails[NEED] Knuckles[NEED] Amy[NEED] Hologram of Shadow/Shadow(comes later in story)[NEED] Cream & Cheese[NEED] Julie-Su Vector Charmy Espio Mighty Tikal Bean Bark Big Girun the Mole: My character's evil brother. More told would give the story away[NEED!!!] Here's my character: Mia Mole Female(who cares, I need to move the story along) Age: TBFO Description: A brown mole, no pupils, blind, has long gloves, sharp claw-like nails, a sand ancient top and jean-like bottom, sandals, a few quils. Bio: The whole story would go to waste if I told you, but she was secretly following Shadow for a very long time. *raises glass*Here's to a good RP!
Will and Absol continued foward into an abandoned town. Not a single person was there, but surprisingly everything was left on as if they had just left. He walked into one of the houses and watched TV. The News was reporting the earthquake and Lillycove's destruction. They even showed his face along with Absol. Now he was on the run from the law. He ran out the house and contiunued to the exit, but it was blocked by some cops and officer Jenny. He turned to go the other was, but it was also blocked in. "We have you surrounded, you are under arrest. Give up!" The Officer yelled at Will. Will made another smirk. He returned Absol and took a few steps back. He closed his eyes. "What's he do-....uh oh EVERYONE RETREAT!!!! HE'S A PSYCHIC!!!" Everyone started to run. Will had reopened his eyes, but they were all red. All of a sudden, giant chunks of rock came up from the ground and sped towards the cops. [I]A few minutes later...[/I] Will and Absolleft the departed town and continued foward, leaving all the carcasses behind. He next stop: Mauville city.
Ok, I currently now have a action replay for the GBA and i cant find any decent codes to get certain wild pokemon. There were some i found that said they were for both gameshark and action replay, but that didn't work. And codejunkies only had the preloaded codes and the 2 unobtainable pokemon codes. Now back to the question, are there any wild pokemon modifier codes that actually work with the action replay?
Xatu let Will down in Lillycove city as everyone surrounded the area. He returned Xatu and started walk towards a city exit, but before he left, he let out Absol. "AHH!!! THE DISASTER POKEMON!!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" The people shouted and ran. Will gave a smirk and signaled Absol to follow him. As he was about a mile away from Lillycove city, an earthquake started to tremble within it. Everything on the island began to shake and almost fall down. Will watched as Lillycove fell and the island return to normal. He was gonna find the one who caused him pain, the one who took her away from him. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist as he and Absol ran off towards their prey.
[URL=http://otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=398305#post398305]My Signup[/URL] I hope I'm in. Will walked across the top of sky pillar. Rayquazaa didn't pay him any mind, cause it knew he wasn't there to imprison it. No, he was there for more vengeful reasons. So, the dragon fell asleep, but Will kept lookout, not blinking, ever awake, ever vigilant, looking for that which caused him so much pain. At one moment, he stopped. He found something out there. He ran to the edge of the pillar and jumped off, only to fall on the ground on his feet. Then he let out Xatu and took off on its back, in pursuit of his next victim.
Trainer Sign-Up Name: Will Age: 17 Hometown: Unknown, otherwise destroyed Appearance: Red Hair, blue eyes, black and red cape, shirt, and pants, silver boots. Bio: Unknown, never speaks, is very strong in battle. Pokémon: Absol Xatu- It simply came to him, through sympathy [spoiler]of his past love and loss[/spoiler] Treecko Hope its good, more of his past will be revealed with time, so sit tight.
A board you say? Hmm, that should work, but then I wonder what size shall it be. Should it be that large that it needs more counters, or just a small handheld one that fits the amount ive set. and should it be points on the board or boxes. all this must be taken accounted for if this were to be successful.
heh, but what happened to the dark chao walker, I heard you can get him for the same requirements in the same game. I musta got wierd info. (I wonder what would drive a simple fat wildcat to get into a giant walker...hmm)
I'm hoping it doesn't get closed and can strike up some conversation. Ok, I'm gonna call this game edge. all you need are those pokemon counter things*even though i got it from a mtg set* 17 dark blue 16 green 10 light blue now, each player gets 8 blue, 8 green, and 5 light blue. how the game starts is the extra dark blue is placed out on a surface. the first player will then choose a direction and place a green counter ajacent to the first one. Now, dark blue counters are the only things that change the direction of the line, but never goes backwards. As both players continue in their line, one player may place a light blue counter next to the last one. this means you cannot go further in that direction. a plyer must then take a green counter and continue a new line from one of the dark blue counters already placed in the old one. and gameplay continues like that. you can't: place 2 counters of the same color together have 2 lines ajacent to eachother game ends when one player cant place a valid counter anywhere. ~~~ sorta messy right now, but what do you think? should it be a commercialized game? or should it just be a secret between you guys and me?
here I am, surfin on the web, and I stumble over some Sonic Adventure 2 pics and I find Big in the Eggwalker!!! It seemed too good to be made by someone, and yet there are no facts of Big being played in both SA2 and SA2B. Are my contacts on too tight?:worried: